Originally posted by Dakeru Just because you want to to whiteknight your beloved company again doesn't make it true when you call consoles mediocre.
When talking about consoles, mediocre is being generous. A year or two after a new console is released, you can beat it's specs with a low end PC & video card.
And don't think for a second I'm supporting Star Citizen; not my genre. Console games and their limitations are just that bad.
Good thing then that you completely ignored my following posts where I said console players want fun games and not the newest tech.
Console gamers have this really weird view - they buy finished games for about 50$ and enjoy them.
Of course SC hates this - they are selling virtual goods for several hundred dollars and that years before any game is available.
Wow this is a harsh Commercial, but with a community where you get told: "Let's talk when you invested more than 1000$" this perfectly fits in.
Anyway, if CR does not want to put a dime in Marketing (SC worshipper always state this), where do these commercials came from?
Roberts Space Industries Constellation Commercial
And there are many more SC commercials.
And for the Space Sim thing, SC is not simulating a space game with ignoring half of the physics they are simulating a guy who walks in a space game at best. (Playing whack a mole if the player is controlling his ship with k/m)
And to the guys who are saying "Hey it's an alpha" - No AC(SC) is NOT an alpha you have access to a modular Beta, they just call it Alpha - in an Alpha you would see things like programmers art, missing textures, placeholders ...etc
On top of this they are selling pledge packages with superior ship as bonus (no CIG is not selling ships or concept art) for 100s of $$$ just to nerv the Ships afterwards.
my 2 dime.
/rant over
Who said they wouldn't put any money in marketing ? They said they didn't want a publisher to breath down their neck telling em what to do, that's not stopping em from doing in house videos for marketing purpose...
Originally posted by Bascola wake me up when they are done stroking their egos and counting the "backers" money...
The money from backers is helping them to develop a game that a giant Like EA or many others would never develop, SC is a 200 M Proyect, that was the development cost of a game like SWTOR, and if you play AC or get more info about what the game will be, you'll easily know where all the money are.
Who said they wouldn't put any money in marketing ? They said they didn't want a publisher to breath down their neck telling em what to do, that's not stopping em from doing in house videos for marketing purpose...
CIG did - "Every cent from the Crowdfunding goes into development" they said - just the money from the subscriptions is used for the videos.
Well this rule does not seem to count for the Commercials. The techniques they are using are way more expensive (CGI, Extra MoCap, voice actors, digital rights)
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it. The cake is a lie.
Who said they wouldn't put any money in marketing ? They said they didn't want a publisher to breath down their neck telling em what to do, that's not stopping em from doing in house videos for marketing purpose...
CIG did - "Every cent from the Crowdfunding goes into development" they said - just the money from the subscriptions is used for the videos.
Well this rule does not seem to count for the Commercials. The techniques they are using are way more expensive (CGI, Extra MoCap, voice actors, digital rights)
Do you have numbers ? How much are they making on subscriptions and how much those videos cost ?
Also to note, those ships commercial could be reused in-game, when you are planet side and go shop for ships maybe, so technically they could argue that the money for those video is still development of the game.
Do you have numbers ? How much are they making on subscriptions and how much those videos cost ?
Also to note, those ships commercial could be reused in-game, when you are planet side and go shop for ships maybe, so technically they could argue that the money for those video is still development of the game.
Those Videos cost from 100k$ and up (I was a Sound Engineer in the '90s) so they need about 50.000 Subscribers to pay for the Videos that have been released up to date.
Sure you can count this as development and I can imagine the hundreds of players staring at this 100k$ AAA Commercial as soon as it pops within the game, but if CR buys himself a Mansion in Cuba for 6Mil$ this would be development invest too - cause he can work better with good cigarettes, served Cuban rum and relaxing weather.
The obvious is that they are investing pledge money for fancy commercials to be able to pledge more money.
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it. The cake is a lie.
Do you have numbers ? How much are they making on subscriptions and how much those videos cost ?
Also to note, those ships commercial could be reused in-game, when you are planet side and go shop for ships maybe, so technically they could argue that the money for those video is still development of the game.
Those Videos cost from 100k$ and up (I was a Sound Engineer in the '90s) so they need about 50.000 Subscribers to pay for the Videos that have been released up to date.
Sure you can count this as development and I can imagine the hundreds of players staring at this 100k$ AAA Commercial as soon as it pops within the game, but if CR buys himself a Mansion in Cuba for 6Mil$ this would be development invest too - cause he can work better with good cigarettes, served Cuban rum and relaxing weather.
The obvious is that they are investing pledge money for fancy commercials to be able to pledge more money.
Your price is still speculation. Before calling someone a liar you need more than that.
But anyway I don't see any problem there, if it bring more money in than what it cost, how would it be bad. I say milk away! There seems to be bottomless wallets out there.
I am not trying to flame anyone, but I am sincerely willing to know the opinion of the MMORPG community about some of the recent Cloud Imperium statements shared through an animation that opened the most recent Around the Verse show, shared with the entire world through their official website and youtube.
The message was pretty simple and clear, even that stated by cartoon methods.
CIG claimed that console gamers are primitive human beigns, that Wing Commander was the best Space Sim ever (ignoring all others of its time and relased later) and following simple logic of their statememts, both Wing Commander and any other Space Sim, was suplanted already by their Arena Commander module in its current status.
I think that they were too harsh with games like Elite: Dangerous, EvE, X series, X-Wing, space sim in general, even with the own Chris Roberts legacy, Wing Commander, when stating through that animation that Arena Commander is already "the best space sim ever".
The worst part is that their community shared through their feedback about the show in their forums, that the animation "was the best of the show", "glorious" and other similar feedbacks:
Curious enough, those fans and even Roberts got used to justify all the problems or lack of advance of that module, or the lack of participation of their own public playing that module, because "it's alpha", but now, contradicting all that, we see this animation stating that they already consider Arena Commander "the best space sim ever" now!
Besides, I think that is far from normal or acceptable what they said about console fans, stating that they are like "primitive human beings".
One thing is to try to hype people, to motivate more ship sales, since they are currently selling ships in a limited form by absolutely expensive prices... but other thing is to try to bad mouth others to make it appear better. Probably are hurting themselves with that attittude. Getting money from a few, but ignoring how their message can sound to all the rest. Closing doors in the medium/long term in my point of view.
Hate or not EA, publishers and other companies, we don't see they bad mouthing PC Gamers through their interviews/shows, or even bad mouthing crowd-funding parties like the made by CIG, while they keep bad mouthing publishers as "greedy".
I think that their attitude was truly pathetic and offensive to the game industry as a whole, to games like Elite Dangerous, to the own legacy Wing Commander and even worst, the high level of offensive attack to the console fans, that deserves much more respect, just because prefer consoles, of been called "primitive".
I think that they do not see any limit anymore to motivate ship sales/cash grabbing (to the point of ridicularizing the own legacy of Roberts: Wing Commander), because I think that they are doing that when stating that AC is the best space sim ever.
I would like to know the opinion of the other usual MMORPG posters about that.
It's a serious mistake. For much less people get fired in any half-serious company.
Well now. Thin skinned much? What you mention was a very "tongue-in-cheek" montage in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy style...whick is also tongue-in-cheek. The vid pokes FUN at console games AND PC gamers.....but mostly console gamers. It pokes fun at the human race in general while tauting the obvious superiority of alien races. Do you know any alien races? It pokes fun at Chris Roberts other major gaming accomplishment while also tauting it. So, what is your real problem here?
Well now. Thin skinned much? What you mention was a very "tongue-in-cheek" montage in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy style...whick is also tongue-in-cheek. The vid pokes FUN at console games AND PC gamers.....but mostly console gamers. It pokes fun at the human race in general while tauting the obvious superiority of alien races. Do you know any alien races? It pokes fun at Chris Roberts other major gaming accomplishment while also tauting it. So, what is your real problem here?
Some people have little to NO sense of humor.
Not sure we watched the same video since it was just insulting console gamers but trying to convince the fans on this forum is probably about as difficult as teaching a dog to speak fluent Mandarin.
Originally posted by Bascola wake me up when they are done stroking their egos and counting the "backers" money...
The money from backers is helping them to develop a game that a giant Like EA or many others would never develop, SC is a 200 M Proyect, that was the development cost of a game like SWTOR,
And in order to raise that money they've descended to schemes the worse marketing head of EA would never dare to do. CIG is literally selling every asset they make for real money and it's probably going to continue when they get the FPS portion working.
and if you play AC or get more info about what the game will be, you'll easily know where all the money are.
I'm sorry for asking but... are you kidding? They took a ready FPS engine and made an FPS in space and called it a space sim.
It's so far from being impressive it's not even funny. They still need at least a few more years of development to even claim they have a proper space sim yet they're still calling it the BDSSE.
Well now. Thin skinned much? What you mention was a very "tongue-in-cheek" montage in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy style...whick is also tongue-in-cheek. The vid pokes FUN at console games AND PC gamers.....but mostly console gamers. It pokes fun at the human race in general while tauting the obvious superiority of alien races. Do you know any alien races? It pokes fun at Chris Roberts other major gaming accomplishment while also tauting it. So, what is your real problem here?
Some people have little to NO sense of humor.
It has nothing to do with a lack of sense of humor. It has to do with people like this looking for any possible reason they can be offended (especially if its on someone else's behalf) because it makes them feel righteous. Ignore them, they're not worth your time or efforts.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
I thought the video was quite humorous and I did notice the Hitchhiker-like theme. If this offended you, you might want to stay off internet forums. Personally I like when developers add humor into their ads and marketing activities.
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
Originally posted by Dakeru Just because you want to to whiteknight your beloved company again doesn't make it true when you call consoles mediocre.
Here's an excellent read with regards to why consoles in general are bad for the gaming industry. I've read through it several times and followed up on many of the sources they supplied.
Don't judge a book by its cover with regards to the fact its a PC reddit, but rather view the read and look at sources.
More specifically:
"Why do you care what others buy and play games on?"
That's a great question. We (the PC gamers) love gaming and the game industry with a burning passion. Unfortunately for the industry, modern consoles are sucking it dry. No, that's not to say every console manufacturer is responsible for this, and it's also not to say the ones that are responsible are doing it all the time, but it's still harmful.
Nowadays, the console business is no longer about satisfying gamers and developers; it's about building a monopoly so they can forcefully attract and monetarily drain developers to the point where they can't afford to develop a quality game on a competing platform (hence, bad ports). It's about bribing them if they can't attract them through marketshare (paid exclusivity). It's about doing whatever it takes to lock up as many franchises as possible to your own platform so the competition has none left, which leaves you with more market share (and consequently, power). They've focused so much on killing competing platforms that they have no money left to make the consumers a product that makes them happy. You, as a gamer, should be pissed at what they're doing to you and your favorite games. If you understand this and continue to defend what they're doing simply because of brand loyalty, you really need to reconsider your reasoning. Consoles take away WAY more than they give, and that's all the justification anyone should ever need when they try showing someone better alternatives.
Consoles hurt all of the following: PC gamers, console gamers, and game creators.
Consoles help all of the following: The manufacturers that created and fiercely market them, developers that were purchased by a console manufacturer, and "journalists" that side with them. That's it.
Software companies (Unity Technologies, Adobe, Mozilla, CD Projekt Red, Google, Dropbox)
Game creators (Blizzard, Gearbox Software, Crytek, Valve, CD Projekt Red, id Software, Rockstar, Devolver Digital)
PC gamers
Console gamers (by giving console manufacturers a standard to aspire for, unfortunately they just use marketing to justify shooting for the bottom of the bin)
and finally, PC hurts all of the following:
Profit margins of console manufacturers
Developers that signed away their rights or entire existence over to console manufacturers
"Journalists" that rely on pro-console and anti-PC FUD to pay their bills [1]
It's a well thought-out systematic scam that's hurting everyone, including you. Consoles are no longer a 'cool and innovative' thing that developers intentionally choose based on compatibility with their artistic vision (as was the case in the 1980s-1990s before the 'new age' of PC graphics). They're something developers have to work with and water their games down to be compatible with (because they're either a subsidiary of Sony or Microsoft, or they have no other choice), something that many gamers have to buy (because of marketing lies and forced/bribed exclusivity), and that PC gamers have to deal with (because so many people got tricked into buying them and developers prioritize that large and weak-hardwared demographic over the PC). Sony and Microsoft entered the turf of the PC gamer when they attacked our games, our developers, and our industry. Console manufacturers aren't your friends. They're made by conglomerates that know nothing of the game industry and see nothing more than a cash cow when they look at gamers. They don't care about giving you good hardware, good games, or good experiences. They care about making the industry THEIRS and locking everyone in to their deadly cycle and they'll put out any marketing lies they need to to get people to fight for them (they know the psychology, and they know they have the power to trick people into defending them). So, if you care about the game industry and innovation, understand this: They're draining the industry dry and putting their "dirty money" in absolutely no places that benefit you or the industry. A world of gaming without consoles holding it back would be an amazing one. The next time you see someone arguing against consoles, just remember this before you confront them: Sony and Microsoft picked the fight, not us.
Due to frequent travel in my youth, English isn't something I consider my primary language (and thus I obtained quirky ways of writing). German and French were always easier for me despite my family being U.S. citizens for over a century. Spanish I learned as a requirement in school, Japanese and Korean I acquired for my youthful desire of anime and gaming (and also work now). I only debate in English to help me work with it (and limit things). In addition, I'm not smart enough to remain fluent in everything and typically need exposure to get in the groove of things again if I haven't heard it in a while. If you understand Mandarin, I know a little, but it has actually been a challenge and could use some help.
Also, I thoroughly enjoy debates and have accounts on over a dozen sites for this. If you wish to engage in such, please put effort in a post and provide sources -- I will then do the same with what I already wrote (if I didn't) as well as with my responses to your own. Expanding my information on a subject makes my stance either change or strengthen the next time I speak of it or write a thesis. Allow me to thank you sincerely for your time.
Consoles kinda lost their console feel. It used to be that you put in a cartridge and could play without delay. Nowadays they act like a shitty pc, update console, install game, update game and optionally also register to play.
Originally posted by Aison2 Consoles kinda lost their console feel. It used to be that you put in a cartridge and could play without delay. Nowadays they act like a shitty pc, update console, install game, update game and optionally also register to play.
ITT: Numerous opinions on what the best space sim ever is..and stating it like it's a fact.
Actually, Asteroids is the best space sim ever hands done. And please, bring back all those arcade shops so that I can lose another fortune in quarters playing games.
Originally posted by Samriel The entire animated intro was simply a parody of the beginning of the book, "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy". I highly doubt that it was meant to be offensive in any way. Although, I suppose I can see how people who haven't read it might get offended, then again people tend to get offended and ticked off by the stupidest things these days.
OP, if reading "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is not up your alley then watch the start of the movie and you will understand that this is a non-issue.
I've read the Hitchiher's Guide to the Galaxy and I think that video is offensive and bad taste.
It's almost word for word, if you find it in offensive and in bad taste you must have hated the book. Heck, I like consoles, won't be playing SC and still thought it was clever.
"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the west ern spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.
Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.
This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy. And so the problem remained; lots of the people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with digital watches.
In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitch Hiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Galactic a as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects.
First, it is slightly cheaper; and secondly it has the words Don't Panic inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover."
Originally posted by Samriel The entire animated intro was simply a parody of the beginning of the book, "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy". I highly doubt that it was meant to be offensive in any way. Although, I suppose I can see how people who haven't read it might get offended, then again people tend to get offended and ticked off by the stupidest things these days.
OP, if reading "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is not up your alley then watch the start of the movie and you will understand that this is a non-issue.
I've read the Hitchiher's Guide to the Galaxy and I think that video is offensive and bad taste.
It's almost word for word, if you find it in offensive and in bad taste you must have hated the book. Heck, I like consoles, won't be playing SC and still thought it was clever.
"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the west ern spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.....
I loved the book, but that doesn't matter. Their way of telling how console games from big publishers are a problem was offensive. They don't even give any reasons, they're just being disrespectful to their competitors.
Originally posted by Dakeru Just because you want to to whiteknight your beloved company again doesn't make it true when you call consoles mediocre.
Here's an excellent read with regards to why consoles in general are bad for the gaming industry.
Oh stupid me!
And I thought the thing hurting the industry was people tossing several hundred dollars at ideas instead of waiting and buying a finished game for 50$.
I've spent over $800 on my game of choice; I'd be a hypocrite for criticizing someone else for spending a similar amount on his or her dreams. That doesn't mean that I would recommend supporting this project right now, and there is a big difference between paying that amount over the course of a decade for a product that has been brought to market and paying that amount right now for a promise to deliver a product at some point in the future. For my money, wait until it comes out, wait a month or so after things have been running, and then see.
What bothers me about the "there hasn't been a good space sim since..." line I keep seeing parroted around the web is that to me it appears to be a myth perpetuated by Chris' marketing team, targeted mainly at people who are already supporting him; it's the only narrative that makes sense. It couldn't be that people are irrational creatures, particularly when it comes to money, right?
They are also relying too heavily on established pop tropes to see this thing through, from my perspective. It speaks to my comment a while ago about there being little to inspire confidence that Star Citizen will have soul. Of course I understand: give them time, world building isn't an overnight process, et cetera. But there is also something else there; a little bit of 'ha, ha, look at us, we're so funny' Mary Poppins helping the medicine go down. To me, it has an effect similar to the uncanny valley.
Then there are other foibles such as this ridiculous Hornet commercial (aerobraking in a vacuum, leaving one's six exposed for ~30 seconds although one is free to turn around at any time) which tells me Mr. Roberts had no clue at the time how a zero-g dogfight would go down. It leads me to believe that they are designing-in; feeling their way through this thing. It's a scary thought, because there is nothing funny about ~80M USD.
Take this with a grain of salt: YMMV
Closing comment: I believe in seeing the best in people whenever possible, and I'm not sure what I would do differently if I were in Roberts' shoes. Stay the course, I guess. Just tread cautiously around this. To me, there is something inherently wrong about selling a picture of a ship for 2 grand+ with a promise to deliver it in an actual game at some undefined point in the future (I've seen analogies stretched to the point of absurdity). It is playing on some of the worst (and best) parts of the human psyche. The entire crowdfunding campaign up to this point could be a study in evoking limbic responses; as Chris Baker put it, "more BBDO than C++"[1].
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Authored 139 missions in VendettaOnline and 6 tracks in Distance
Good thing then that you completely ignored my following posts where I said console players want fun games and not the newest tech.
Console gamers have this really weird view - they buy finished games for about 50$ and enjoy them.
Of course SC hates this - they are selling virtual goods for several hundred dollars and that years before any game is available.
Who said they wouldn't put any money in marketing ? They said they didn't want a publisher to breath down their neck telling em what to do, that's not stopping em from doing in house videos for marketing purpose...
The money from backers is helping them to develop a game that a giant Like EA or many others would never develop, SC is a 200 M Proyect, that was the development cost of a game like SWTOR, and if you play AC or get more info about what the game will be, you'll easily know where all the money are.
CIG did - "Every cent from the Crowdfunding goes into development" they said - just the money from the subscriptions is used for the videos.
Well this rule does not seem to count for the Commercials. The techniques they are using are way more expensive (CGI, Extra MoCap, voice actors, digital rights)
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it.
The cake is a lie.
Do you have numbers ? How much are they making on subscriptions and how much those videos cost ?
Also to note, those ships commercial could be reused in-game, when you are planet side and go shop for ships maybe, so technically they could argue that the money for those video is still development of the game.
Those Videos cost from 100k$ and up (I was a Sound Engineer in the '90s) so they need about 50.000 Subscribers to pay for the Videos that have been released up to date.
Sure you can count this as development and I can imagine the hundreds of players staring at this 100k$ AAA Commercial as soon as it pops within the game, but if CR buys himself a Mansion in Cuba for 6Mil$ this would be development invest too - cause he can work better with good cigarettes, served Cuban rum and relaxing weather.
The obvious is that they are investing pledge money for fancy commercials to be able to pledge more money.
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it.
The cake is a lie.
Your price is still speculation. Before calling someone a liar you need more than that.
But anyway I don't see any problem there, if it bring more money in than what it cost, how would it be bad.
I say milk away! There seems to be bottomless wallets out there.
Well now. Thin skinned much? What you mention was a very "tongue-in-cheek" montage in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy style...whick is also tongue-in-cheek. The vid pokes FUN at console games AND PC gamers.....but mostly console gamers. It pokes fun at the human race in general while tauting the obvious superiority of alien races. Do you know any alien races? It pokes fun at Chris Roberts other major gaming accomplishment while also tauting it. So, what is your real problem here?
Some people have little to NO sense of humor.
Let's party like it is 1863!
Not sure we watched the same video since it was just insulting console gamers but trying to convince the fans on this forum is probably about as difficult as teaching a dog to speak fluent Mandarin.
And in order to raise that money they've descended to schemes the worse marketing head of EA would never dare to do. CIG is literally selling every asset they make for real money and it's probably going to continue when they get the FPS portion working.
I'm sorry for asking but... are you kidding? They took a ready FPS engine and made an FPS in space and called it a space sim.
It's so far from being impressive it's not even funny. They still need at least a few more years of development to even claim they have a proper space sim yet they're still calling it the BDSSE.
ITT: Numerous opinions on what the best space sim ever is..and stating it like it's a fact.
It has nothing to do with a lack of sense of humor. It has to do with people like this looking for any possible reason they can be offended (especially if its on someone else's behalf) because it makes them feel righteous. Ignore them, they're not worth your time or efforts.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
I thought the video was quite humorous and I did notice the Hitchhiker-like theme. If this offended you, you might want to stay off internet forums. Personally I like when developers add humor into their ads and marketing activities.
Here's an excellent read with regards to why consoles in general are bad for the gaming industry. I've read through it several times and followed up on many of the sources they supplied.
Don't judge a book by its cover with regards to the fact its a PC reddit, but rather view the read and look at sources.
More specifically:
"Why do you care what others buy and play games on?"
That's a great question. We (the PC gamers) love gaming and the game industry with a burning passion. Unfortunately for the industry, modern consoles are sucking it dry. No, that's not to say every console manufacturer is responsible for this, and it's also not to say the ones that are responsible are doing it all the time, but it's still harmful.
Nowadays, the console business is no longer about satisfying gamers and developers; it's about building a monopoly so they can forcefully attract and monetarily drain developers to the point where they can't afford to develop a quality game on a competing platform (hence, bad ports). It's about bribing them if they can't attract them through marketshare (paid exclusivity). It's about doing whatever it takes to lock up as many franchises as possible to your own platform so the competition has none left, which leaves you with more market share (and consequently, power). They've focused so much on killing competing platforms that they have no money left to make the consumers a product that makes them happy. You, as a gamer, should be pissed at what they're doing to you and your favorite games. If you understand this and continue to defend what they're doing simply because of brand loyalty, you really need to reconsider your reasoning. Consoles take away WAY more than they give, and that's all the justification anyone should ever need when they try showing someone better alternatives.
Consoles hurt all of the following: PC gamers, console gamers, and game creators.
Consoles help all of the following: The manufacturers that created and fiercely market them, developers that were purchased by a console manufacturer, and "journalists" that side with them. That's it.
In comparison: PC helps all of the following:
and finally, PC hurts all of the following:
It's a well thought-out systematic scam that's hurting everyone, including you. Consoles are no longer a 'cool and innovative' thing that developers intentionally choose based on compatibility with their artistic vision (as was the case in the 1980s-1990s before the 'new age' of PC graphics). They're something developers have to work with and water their games down to be compatible with (because they're either a subsidiary of Sony or Microsoft, or they have no other choice), something that many gamers have to buy (because of marketing lies and forced/bribed exclusivity), and that PC gamers have to deal with (because so many people got tricked into buying them and developers prioritize that large and weak-hardwared demographic over the PC). Sony and Microsoft entered the turf of the PC gamer when they attacked our games, our developers, and our industry. Console manufacturers aren't your friends. They're made by conglomerates that know nothing of the game industry and see nothing more than a cash cow when they look at gamers. They don't care about giving you good hardware, good games, or good experiences. They care about making the industry THEIRS and locking everyone in to their deadly cycle and they'll put out any marketing lies they need to to get people to fight for them (they know the psychology, and they know they have the power to trick people into defending them). So, if you care about the game industry and innovation, understand this: They're draining the industry dry and putting their "dirty money" in absolutely no places that benefit you or the industry. A world of gaming without consoles holding it back would be an amazing one. The next time you see someone arguing against consoles, just remember this before you confront them: Sony and Microsoft picked the fight, not us.
Pi*1337/100 = 42
Kinda like PCs :P
Actually, Asteroids is the best space sim ever hands done. And please, bring back all those arcade shops so that I can lose another fortune in quarters playing games.
Let's party like it is 1863!
It's almost word for word, if you find it in offensive and in bad taste you must have hated the book. Heck, I like consoles, won't be playing SC and still thought it was clever.
"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the west ern spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun.
Orbiting this at a distance of roughly ninety-two million miles is an utterly insignificant little blue green planet whose ape-descended life forms are so amazingly primitive that they still think digital watches are a pretty neat idea.
This planet has - or rather had - a problem, which was this: most of the people on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy. And so the problem remained; lots of the people were mean, and most of them were miserable, even the ones with digital watches.
In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitch Hiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Galactic a as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects.
First, it is slightly cheaper; and secondly it has the words Don't Panic inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover."
>>> it has the words Don't Panic inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover >>>
Don't Panic !!
about a SC cartoon ;-)
*** grabs his Pangalactic Gargleblaster ***
Have fun
I loved the book, but that doesn't matter. Their way of telling how console games from big publishers are a problem was offensive. They don't even give any reasons, they're just being disrespectful to their competitors.
Oh stupid me!
And I thought the thing hurting the industry was people tossing several hundred dollars at ideas instead of waiting and buying a finished game for 50$.
I've spent over $800 on my game of choice; I'd be a hypocrite for criticizing someone else for spending a similar amount on his or her dreams. That doesn't mean that I would recommend supporting this project right now, and there is a big difference between paying that amount over the course of a decade for a product that has been brought to market and paying that amount right now for a promise to deliver a product at some point in the future. For my money, wait until it comes out, wait a month or so after things have been running, and then see.
What bothers me about the "there hasn't been a good space sim since..." line I keep seeing parroted around the web is that to me it appears to be a myth perpetuated by Chris' marketing team, targeted mainly at people who are already supporting him; it's the only narrative that makes sense. It couldn't be that people are irrational creatures, particularly when it comes to money, right?
They are also relying too heavily on established pop tropes to see this thing through, from my perspective. It speaks to my comment a while ago about there being little to inspire confidence that Star Citizen will have soul. Of course I understand: give them time, world building isn't an overnight process, et cetera. But there is also something else there; a little bit of 'ha, ha, look at us, we're so funny' Mary Poppins helping the medicine go down. To me, it has an effect similar to the uncanny valley.
Then there are other foibles such as this ridiculous Hornet commercial (aerobraking in a vacuum, leaving one's six exposed for ~30 seconds although one is free to turn around at any time) which tells me Mr. Roberts had no clue at the time how a zero-g dogfight would go down. It leads me to believe that they are designing-in; feeling their way through this thing. It's a scary thought, because there is nothing funny about ~80M USD.
Take this with a grain of salt: YMMV
Closing comment: I believe in seeing the best in people whenever possible, and I'm not sure what I would do differently if I were in Roberts' shoes. Stay the course, I guess. Just tread cautiously around this. To me, there is something inherently wrong about selling a picture of a ship for 2 grand+ with a promise to deliver it in an actual game at some undefined point in the future (I've seen analogies stretched to the point of absurdity). It is playing on some of the worst (and best) parts of the human psyche. The entire crowdfunding campaign up to this point could be a study in evoking limbic responses; as Chris Baker put it, "more BBDO than C++"[1].
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance