I'm glad he is taking this so serious, Escapist deserves to be destroyed and I hope it happens. Games journalism is a complete joke and at the very least the lady that wrote that article should be shown for the hack she is.
SO I see people are still latching onto the release of financial information. People who have no stake at that.
ANd I see people have an issue with a poll of actual people with something at stake saying no. No matter how you slice it their words are more important than ours.
Actually people looking in from the ouside are probably more likely to have an unbias view.
Unlike other people who keep quoting Chris Roberts
People have enough information to make their own minds up.
Our minds mean nothing on this issue lol. Why should anyone be concerned about where your mind rests on this? If this is ever taken to court even then your mind means squat.
Well if that is where it goes to court then at least people can stop being suspicious and they can rest with ease that their money is in good hands and hasn't been wasted but that is of course if everything is fine at Star Citizen.
Funny fact from the Alganon/QuestOnline disaster, the Take2 incident and overall DS treatment of people and even life:
Act like a virus and you can infiltrate and poison systems, infect people and (regarding Alganon) seize control. Then you can suck out money or what else you strife for.
I know some people think DS is the one and only the SC supporters point their fingers on when the mud is slung around. They do it because they experienced first handed what he tried in the RSI forums when he was a backer and how he reacted when people found out about him by adding one and one together when his blogs came up.
Yes SC has become a hype (oh wonder...) and yes there are supporters who close their eyes for everything that critizeses the project but there are enough supporters who are open minded. Do not generalize.
But when someone tries to sabotage something you support, believe in or even worship, don't you think that they try to defend it? Of course people do.
Yes for some SC and CR has become a cult but it's not ok to paint it in black and white. People tend to fight/defend for what they believe in. That's normal human behavior and no one is perfect in his actions and beliefs. It's how you treat people and their opinions.
I tend not to listen to moralists and people who act and talk from above as I experienced that a lot in my life and was even infected by it for some time.
Better talk and act on eye level. Something DS never does. I also never believe someone who brags about his work but has never delivered. Even worse when you claim to have a PhD and blatantly lie to gather negative and/or uninformed people around you.
The whole disaster around SC is DS work. For some of you this seems far fetched but you could start by reading this:
And then search/google your way through DS history. That would be fair because people do this with CR's past (and not everything was good).
And once again to give you no fuel to attack CR. He has narcissistic tendencies and his managing skills are not the best but I can tell you that the work is full of bosses and managers who are no better or even worse (depending how good or bad your skill and ego/heart ratio is).
But CR's heart is in the right place contrary to DS. If you are empathic you can see it directly by comparing their public behavior and by looking into their eyes. DS blinks so much when he talks or gives interviews... a clear indicator that there is a lot of shit going on in his brain. He also has that intimidating aura.
And the GG thing... I saw that coming months back. DS said and I believe he would say it today again, that he stays neutral to it but in fact he uses his virus tactics on GG. But do people really believe that GG is only about ethics? No for some it's a platform to get their 15 minutes of fame. Funny thing that his first Twitter post you see is about GG.
stay open minded
You can tell a rabid SC/Chris Roberts supporter by their obsession with Derek Smart. Focusing on Smart, thereby taking advantage of his poor reputation among many gamers, was a tactic that was advanced by Chris Roberts since the very beginning of this in an effort to draw attention away from their own malfeasance. Even after it being repeated over and over again that this has nothing to do with Derek Smart by those simply agreeing with the message, SC fanboys continue to drag his name into the conversation. Again, you can hate Derek Smart all you want for bringing this issue into the media limelight but that does not negate the fact that many of us were raising the same questions but simply did not have the platform and bullhorn to have our voices heard.
The only reason that this matter has garnered so much attention is because there is substance to it. If this had just been about Derek Smart, this issue would have fizzled a long time ago. SC supporters are obsessed with Derek Smart and they do not realize that their obsession with the man has elevated him to far loftier heights than any of his supporters could have ever done. Little do you realize that your hatred for this man, and your constant obsession and mention of his name has had the opposite effect of making him far more relevant in the world of gaming than he could have ever hoped.
Keep bringing up his name. I am sure he is loving it.
I cannot deny that DS has become an obsession for me but that is because I know him since the late 90's and have seen what damage he has done. But he definitely is not the center of my life. But you can see what DS center of life is... and that is not building his own game (Line of Defense). It's only about the others... For DS it's always and has always been someone else's fault.
You could also say that it has become an obsession for some people to tell everyone that SC is scam and will crash and burn.
Reflecting is an effective psychological method to handle people. That's what I'm using at all those obsessed critics like DS. I started it in the topic "DS and his new list of demands" where he felt like the big guy. I came in, put up the mirrors and he went silent (because here he cannot delete or ban you). That says a lot in my opinion.
I for myself have my worries about Star Citizen, especially when it comes to deliver promises on time or how they handle some criticism. But when I let my worries be fueled by the naysayers I will be infected by unnecessary negativity. Therefore I stay patient and do my research when I have the feeling something is not right.
Most or my worries are washed away when I dive into the material CIG provides on their website, Reddit, YouTube and what else place I can find with tons of informations. Also there is progress all the time... and be it just a little clip of the ladder climbing animations in the sadly late Star Marine. The amount of work, passion, details astonish me and give me back some faith.
But you are completely right... we give him the attention he wants and not the one he deserves. Thank you for reminding me of this fact.
As I said before, DS had some valid points and people liked that there was someone who could voice them. But it is always about how you say or criticize something. Going full retard and being aggressive and also lying is not the way of doing that.
Side note: I have no problems admitting errors or false views. That is, I hope, a good human behavior not many people on the Internet follow. I let myself blind by things that tick me off but I only raise my voice when I feel that people are unfair and unjust. And DS is more than unfair. Sorry... enough of DS
And Martin Galway, who worked on SC up until about a year ago, shared this article on his FB page saying "Great article concerning the company I left over a year ago - "
Our minds mean nothing on this issue lol. Why should anyone be concerned about where your mind rests on this? If this is ever taken to court even then your mind means squat.
Well if that is where it goes to court then at least people can stop being suspicious and they can rest with ease that their money is in good hands and hasn't been wasted.
Even a court ruling doesn't change perception, look at M.J. O.J., or just about any other high profile case. All a court case says is there was enough X or not enough Y to declare Z.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”
― Umberto Eco
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” ― CD PROJEKT RED
They need those whales (horrible term) to keep donating, and they will.
Lemme see - the "whale" issue:
Since 7th August 2015 (about 2 months ago) approx. 3 M$ have been added. It was a slow summer season for CIG.
21235 new backers joined the project (or roughly 360 per day ... i am only counting UEE captains with a pledge package here ... those that added money).
If every new backer ONLY bought the minimal (54 $) pledge package (unlikely) that accounts for 1.15 M$.
Give the numbers above ...on average new backers have spent 141 $. As the long time average per new backer over the last years is around 100 bucks, there IS some influence to be seen from existing players buying more ships ... but not a dominating influence.
Have fun
You've tried this in the past and have been called out on it before. Using an average is a piss poor indicator especially when we see ship sales for hundreds up to the thousand dollar range.
Both articles mention that CR and CIG will probably be considered public figures in the case, meaning they have to prove actual malice in their case against Escapist.
This fact leads me to believe the Escapist isn't too worried about the lawsuit.
EDIT- And considering the author of Iselin's linked article is a former federal prosecutor turned private practice lawyer.. I'd say, out of any article linked in the thread, his is the most applicable when discussing the threatened lawsuit.
And in case you guys are wondering who Ken White, the author of the Popehat piece is, he is a Los Angeles defense attorney and former federal prosecutor form the Harvard law school:
"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”
― Umberto Eco
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” ― CD PROJEKT RED
You can tell a rabid SC/Chris Roberts supporter by their obsession with Derek Smart. Focusing on Smart, thereby taking advantage of his poor reputation among many gamers, was a tactic that was advanced by Chris Roberts since the very beginning of this in an effort to draw attention away from their own malfeasance. Even after it being repeated over and over again that this has nothing to do with Derek Smart by those simply agreeing with the message, SC fanboys continue to drag his name into the conversation. Again, you can hate Derek Smart all you want for bringing this issue into the media limelight but that does not negate the fact that many of us were raising the same questions but simply did not have the platform and bullhorn to have our voices heard.
The only reason that this matter has garnered so much attention is because there is substance to it. If this had just been about Derek Smart, this issue would have fizzled a long time ago. SC supporters are obsessed with Derek Smart and they do not realize that their obsession with the man has elevated him to far loftier heights than any of his supporters could have ever done. Little do you realize that your hatred for this man, and your constant obsession and mention of his name has had the opposite effect of making him far more relevant in the world of gaming than he could have ever hoped.
Keep bringing up his name. I am sure he is loving it.
I cannot deny that DS has become an obsession for me but that is because I know him since the late 90's and have seen what damage he has done. But he definitely is not the center of my life. But you can see what DS center of life is... and that is not building his own game (Line of Defense). It's only about the others... For DS it's always and has always been someone else's fault.
You could also say that it has become an obsession for some people to tell everyone that SC is scam and will crash and burn.
Reflecting is an effective psychological method to handle people. That's what I'm using at all those obsessed critics like DS. I started it in the topic "DS and his new list of demands" where he felt like the big guy. I came in, put up the mirrors and he went silent (because here he cannot delete or ban you). That says a lot in my opinion.
I for myself have my worries about Star Citizen, especially when it comes to deliver promises on time or how they handle some criticism. But when I let my worries be fueled by the naysayers I will be infected by unnecessary negativity. Therefore I stay patient and do my research when I have the feeling something is not right.
Most or my worries are washed away when I dive into the material CIG provides on their website, Reddit, YouTube and what else place I can find with tons of informations. Also there is progress all the time... and be it just a little clip of the ladder climbing animations in the sadly late Star Marine. The amount of work, passion, details astonish me and give me back some faith.
But you are completely right... we give him the attention he wants and not the one he deserves. Thank you for reminding me of this fact.
As I said before, DS had some valid points and people liked that there was someone who could voice them. But it is always about how you say or criticize something. Going full retard and being aggressive and also lying is not the way of doing that.
Side note: I have no problems admitting errors or false views. That is, I hope, a good human behavior not many people on the Internet follow. I let myself blind by things that tick me off but I only raise my voice when I feel that people are unfair and unjust. And DS is more than unfair. Sorry... enough of DS
What I am getting from your posts is that you are a concerned backer and fear that your contribution will be wasted by smear tactics from an individual. I do understand you fear and empathize with you, Smarty. Understand that the intention of many of us that are critical of what is going on are doing so with the intention of having SC/CIG held accountable before this continues two-three years down the line with the number of losses doubled or tripled in the process. Even SC supporters need to understand that simply sinking our heads into the sand for fear that if anything negative is said the project will go down in flames is not the proper way to handle this at this point. Throwing good money after bad money has never been the right way to right a wrong in any financial venture no matter what the scope.
Little do you realize that those of us rallying for transparency and accountability are actually doing you a greater favor than those blind with loyalty SC backers and supporter wishing to censor us and wishing that we would just shut up and go away. You are your own worst enemy in not demanding transparency and accountability for the money you have contributed. There is no harm in that. Ultimately, your refusal to do hold SC/CIG/Chris Robers held accountable for the tens of millions of dollars that you have "given" him, stand a greater chance of this game not being released than had you held him accountable during every phase of the games development.
Everything really rides on if CIG is just posturing in the same manner Smart has been, IE trying to get something, or some form of discovery. Who says they will ever file a lawsuit? I know everyone likes to assume the guy they're up against is a moron, but who's to say this guy doesn't know everything that was just said in that article?
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Everything really rides on if CIG is just posturing in the same manner Smart has been, IE trying to get something, or some form of discovery. Who says they will ever file a lawsuit? I know everyone likes to assume the guy they're up against is a moron, but who's to say this guy doesn't know everything that was just said in that article?
If Freyermuth does know everything said in that article, which is likely, then he's just posturing for the citizens and/or hoping that The Escapist's lawyers don't know all of this as well, which is equally unlikely.
"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”
― Umberto Eco
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” ― CD PROJEKT RED
Everything really rides on if CIG is just posturing in the same manner Smart has been, IE trying to get something, or some form of discovery. Who says they will ever file a lawsuit? I know everyone likes to assume the guy they're up against is a moron, but who's to say this guy doesn't know everything that was just said in that article?
I don't disagree but never forget discovery proceedings work both ways. The nature, quality, and tone from CIG lends doubt to how much thought went into this series of events.
Everything really rides on if CIG is just posturing in the same manner Smart has been, IE trying to get something, or some form of discovery. Who says they will ever file a lawsuit? I know everyone likes to assume the guy they're up against is a moron, but who's to say this guy doesn't know everything that was just said in that article?
If Freyermuth does know everything said in that article, which is likely, then he's just posturing for the citizens and/or hoping that The Escapist's lawyers don't know all of this as well, which is equally unlikely.
That would be my bet TBH, few really want to get wrapped up in litigation under such circumstance. That just hurts the ebb and flow of development/business. I think they're just looking for signs of weakness in regard to the Escapist at present. The article is still up last I checked.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
And in case you guys are wondering who Ken White, the author of the Popehat piece is, he is a Los Angeles defense attorney and former federal prosecutor form the Harvard law school:
Everything really rides on if CIG is just posturing in the same manner Smart has been, IE trying to get something, or some form of discovery. Who says they will ever file a lawsuit? I know everyone likes to assume the guy they're up against is a moron, but who's to say this guy doesn't know everything that was just said in that article?
I don't disagree but never forget discovery proceedings work both ways. The nature, quality, and tone from CIG lends doubt to how much thought went into this series of events.
I'd agree it's all very reactionary.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Well that has been posted mutliple times in different threads on this forum can't remember which ones i have read so many about all this.
500k and yes year late to answer the core question you keep asking with nothing about DS
Well if that is true then that makes me feel even more sure that there might be a problem then.
A more complete answer is the original KS goal was 500k for a relatively small(and achievable) feature list. Not to long into the campaign the $ windfall incentivized them to decide to massively expand on the original feature set( wisely or un wisely other people can argue about) beyond the scope of the original goal and modified from what the original backers supported(again wise or unwise I won't get into).
And for the sake of completeness, their original Terms of Service stipulated that if the game was not released by December 2014, the backers could get a refund after November 2015.
They then changed the TOS in February 2015 to make the completion date at the end of 2016 and refunds available 18 months after that in June of 2018.
Details... details.
Doesn't that only apply if you agree to the new terms of service? If you agreed to an older TOS and didn't agree to a newer one, isn't it the older one that would apply?
And in case you guys are wondering who Ken White, the author of the Popehat piece is, he is a Los Angeles defense attorney and former federal prosecutor form the Harvard law school:
Doesn't that only apply if you agree to the new terms of service? If you agreed to an older TOS and didn't agree to a newer one, isn't it the older one that would apply?
Leaving aside any concerns about statute's trumping a TOS (which they do) the first paragraph of the TOS says that:
They're saying that you implicitly agree to the TOS by just having an account and visiting their website or by using any of the released modules (where presumably, you go through a TOS accept screen.)
"Social media gives legions of idiots the right to speak when they once only spoke at a bar after a glass of wine, without harming the community ... but now they have the same right to speak as a Nobel Prize winner. It's the invasion of the idiots”
― Umberto Eco
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?” ― CD PROJEKT RED
I posted about this immediately after that letter was delivered and bragged about in this forum like CIG had dropped a bomb on The Escapist. I am sure The Escapist's got a good laugh after reading that letter. Again, all that is necessary from a professional entity under these circumstances is a short and concise legal letter stating "cease, desist, detract or a lawsuit will be forthcoming." The fact that this "attorney" drafted a letter, writing in minute detail, every accusation that they intend to bring to question in their lawsuit is something not even an amateur attorney would resort to doing. Almost everything this team does is incompetent. Their behavior during this incident alone should bring concern to the backers and supporters of this game. Its mind boggling.
Doesn't that only apply if you agree to the new terms of service? If you agreed to an older TOS and didn't agree to a newer one, isn't it the older one that would apply?
Leaving aside any concerns about statute's trumping a TOS (which they do) the first paragraph of the TOS says that:
They're saying that you implicitly agree to the TOS by just having an account and visiting their website or by using any of the released modules (where presumably, you go through a TOS accept screen.)
Oh... so a TOS actually means shit.
Thank the gods for that
p.s. guess you didn't read the disclaimer.... that if you replied to my post, you would owe me not one.... but two million dollars.
You can tell a rabid SC/Chris Roberts supporter by their obsession with Derek Smart. Focusing on Smart, thereby taking advantage of his poor reputation among many gamers, was a tactic that was advanced by Chris Roberts since the very beginning of this in an effort to draw attention away from their own malfeasance. Even after it being repeated over and over again that this has nothing to do with Derek Smart by those simply agreeing with the message, SC fanboys continue to drag his name into the conversation. Again, you can hate Derek Smart all you want for bringing this issue into the media limelight but that does not negate the fact that many of us were raising the same questions but simply did not have the platform and bullhorn to have our voices heard.
The only reason that this matter has garnered so much attention is because there is substance to it. If this had just been about Derek Smart, this issue would have fizzled a long time ago. SC supporters are obsessed with Derek Smart and they do not realize that their obsession with the man has elevated him to far loftier heights than any of his supporters could have ever done. Little do you realize that your hatred for this man, and your constant obsession and mention of his name has had the opposite effect of making him far more relevant in the world of gaming than he could have ever hoped.
Keep bringing up his name. I am sure he is loving it.
I cannot deny that DS has become an obsession for me but that is because I know him since the late 90's and have seen what damage he has done. But he definitely is not the center of my life. But you can see what DS center of life is... and that is not building his own game (Line of Defense). It's only about the others... For DS it's always and has always been someone else's fault.
You could also say that it has become an obsession for some people to tell everyone that SC is scam and will crash and burn.
Reflecting is an effective psychological method to handle people. That's what I'm using at all those obsessed critics like DS. I started it in the topic "DS and his new list of demands" where he felt like the big guy. I came in, put up the mirrors and he went silent (because here he cannot delete or ban you). That says a lot in my opinion.
I for myself have my worries about Star Citizen, especially when it comes to deliver promises on time or how they handle some criticism. But when I let my worries be fueled by the naysayers I will be infected by unnecessary negativity. Therefore I stay patient and do my research when I have the feeling something is not right.
Most or my worries are washed away when I dive into the material CIG provides on their website, Reddit, YouTube and what else place I can find with tons of informations. Also there is progress all the time... and be it just a little clip of the ladder climbing animations in the sadly late Star Marine. The amount of work, passion, details astonish me and give me back some faith.
But you are completely right... we give him the attention he wants and not the one he deserves. Thank you for reminding me of this fact.
As I said before, DS had some valid points and people liked that there was someone who could voice them. But it is always about how you say or criticize something. Going full retard and being aggressive and also lying is not the way of doing that.
Side note: I have no problems admitting errors or false views. That is, I hope, a good human behavior not many people on the Internet follow. I let myself blind by things that tick me off but I only raise my voice when I feel that people are unfair and unjust. And DS is more than unfair. Sorry... enough of DS
What I am getting from your posts is that you are a concerned backer and fear that your contribution will be wasted by smear tactics from an individual. I do understand you fear and empathize with you, Smarty. Understand that the intention of many of us that are critical of what is going on are doing so with the intention of having SC/CIG held accountable before this continues two-three years down the line with the number of losses doubled or tripled in the process. Even SC supporters need to understand that simply sinking our heads into the sand for fear that if anything negative is said the project will go down in flames is not the proper way to handle this at this point. Throwing good money after bad money has never been the right way to right a wrong in any financial venture no matter what the scope.
Little do you realize that those of us rallying for transparency and accountability are actually doing you a greater favor than those blind with loyalty SC backers and supporter wishing to censor us and wishing that we would just shut up and go away. You are your own worst enemy in not demanding transparency and accountability for the money you have contributed. There is no harm in that. Ultimately, your refusal to do hold SC/CIG/Chris Robers held accountable for the tens of millions of dollars that you have "given" him, stand a greater chance of this game not being released than had you held him accountable during every phase of the games development.
*yawn* Same bullshit tripe as always. Please, do us all a favour and don't save us. Really. You say that you're in this for the people, you walk around waving a banner of solidarity against CIG and CR and how we can't let this happen to people. We can't let this happen!!! Yet, you're over on the Pantheon giving away free blows because someone comes and posts on a forum? Why? Because Pantheon didn't COMPLETELY mismanage backers funds?
Not to say that I'm completely surprised, but you are entirely NOT in this for the backers. If you were, you would have the same attitude over in the Pantheon forum. Period.
I posted about this immediately after that letter was delivered and bragged about in this forum like CIG had dropped a bomb on The Escapist. I am sure The Escapist's got a good laugh after reading that letter. Again, all that is necessary from a professional entity under these circumstances is a short and concise legal letter stating "cease, desist, detract or a lawsuit will be forthcoming." The fact that this "attorney" drafted a letter, writing in minute detail, every accusation that they intend to bring to question in their lawsuit is something not even an amateur attorney would resort to doing. Almost everything this team does is incompetent. Their behavior during this incident alone should bring concern to the backers and supporters of this game. Its mind boggling.
Did you throw this up earlier? Damn, I'm sorry I missed it then. I LOVED this. I'm definitely going to follow this site now that I know about it. That is one witty fellow.
Your sarcasm reeks of butt hurt. SC/CIG/Chris Roberts would benefit greatly from your transparency.
No, I didn't mean it sarcastically. Yeah, it's hard to tell sometimes in a forum like this, but I'm just giving credit to what I thought was a very funny article!
You have a odd sense of humor. Nothing wrong with that though. An odd sense of humor is better than having no humor at all lol
I'm glad he is taking this so serious, Escapist deserves to be destroyed and I hope it happens. Games journalism is a complete joke and at the very least the lady that wrote that article should be shown for the hack she is.
You could also say that it has become an obsession for some people to tell everyone that SC is scam and will crash and burn.
Reflecting is an effective psychological method to handle people. That's what I'm using at all those obsessed critics like DS. I started it in the topic "DS and his new list of demands" where he felt like the big guy. I came in, put up the mirrors and he went silent (because here he cannot delete or ban you). That says a lot in my opinion.
I for myself have my worries about Star Citizen, especially when it comes to deliver promises on time or how they handle some criticism. But when I let my worries be fueled by the naysayers I will be infected by unnecessary negativity. Therefore I stay patient and do my research when I have the feeling something is not right.
Most or my worries are washed away when I dive into the material CIG provides on their website, Reddit, YouTube and what else place I can find with tons of informations. Also there is progress all the time... and be it just a little clip of the ladder climbing animations in the sadly late Star Marine. The amount of work, passion, details astonish me and give me back some faith.
But you are completely right... we give him the attention he wants and not the one he deserves. Thank you for reminding me of this fact.
As I said before, DS had some valid points and people liked that there was someone who could voice them. But it is always about how you say or criticize something. Going full retard and being aggressive and also lying is not the way of doing that.
Side note: I have no problems admitting errors or false views. That is, I hope, a good human behavior not many people on the Internet follow. I let myself blind by things that tick me off but I only raise my voice when I feel that people are unfair and unjust. And DS is more than unfair. Sorry... enough of DS
And Martin Galway, who worked on SC up until about a year ago, shared this article on his FB page saying "Great article concerning the company I left over a year ago - "
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
This fact leads me to believe the Escapist isn't too worried about the lawsuit.
EDIT- And considering the author of Iselin's linked article is a former federal prosecutor turned private practice lawyer.. I'd say, out of any article linked in the thread, his is the most applicable when discussing the threatened lawsuit.
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
What I am getting from your posts is that you are a concerned backer and fear that your contribution will be wasted by smear tactics from an individual. I do understand you fear and empathize with you, Smarty. Understand that the intention of many of us that are critical of what is going on are doing so with the intention of having SC/CIG held accountable before this continues two-three years down the line with the number of losses doubled or tripled in the process. Even SC supporters need to understand that simply sinking our heads into the sand for fear that if anything negative is said the project will go down in flames is not the proper way to handle this at this point. Throwing good money after bad money has never been the right way to right a wrong in any financial venture no matter what the scope.
Little do you realize that those of us rallying for transparency and accountability are actually doing you a greater favor than those blind with loyalty SC backers and supporter wishing to censor us and wishing that we would just shut up and go away. You are your own worst enemy in not demanding transparency and accountability for the money you have contributed. There is no harm in that. Ultimately, your refusal to do hold SC/CIG/Chris Robers held accountable for the tens of millions of dollars that you have "given" him, stand a greater chance of this game not being released than had you held him accountable during every phase of the games development.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
I don't disagree but never forget discovery proceedings work both ways. The nature, quality, and tone from CIG lends doubt to how much thought went into this series of events.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
They're saying that you implicitly agree to the TOS by just having an account and visiting their website or by using any of the released modules (where presumably, you go through a TOS accept screen.)
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
I posted about this immediately after that letter was delivered and bragged about in this forum like CIG had dropped a bomb on The Escapist. I am sure The Escapist's got a good laugh after reading that letter. Again, all that is necessary from a professional entity under these circumstances is a short and concise legal letter stating "cease, desist, detract or a lawsuit will be forthcoming." The fact that this "attorney" drafted a letter, writing in minute detail, every accusation that they intend to bring to question in their lawsuit is something not even an amateur attorney would resort to doing. Almost everything this team does is incompetent. Their behavior during this incident alone should bring concern to the backers and supporters of this game. Its mind boggling.
Thank the gods for that
p.s. guess you didn't read the disclaimer.... that if you replied to my post, you would owe me not one.... but two million dollars.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
That people forked in over $90 mil for.
Thank you.
*yawn* Same bullshit tripe as always. Please, do us all a favour and don't save us. Really. You say that you're in this for the people, you walk around waving a banner of solidarity against CIG and CR and how we can't let this happen to people. We can't let this happen!!! Yet, you're over on the Pantheon giving away free blows because someone comes and posts on a forum? Why? Because Pantheon didn't COMPLETELY mismanage backers funds?
Not to say that I'm completely surprised, but you are entirely NOT in this for the backers. If you were, you would have the same attitude over in the Pantheon forum. Period.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
You have a odd sense of humor. Nothing wrong with that though. An odd sense of humor is better than having no humor at all lol