If someone is worried about getting fleeced for $500 ships I doubt a browser based star map is going to placate them.
But the star map is so totally awesome. It was also interesting finding the current Arena Commander maps in there. As well as realizing how small Alpha v2.0 is going to be: it's now even 1/4 of the whole Stanton system.
It means a lot when it costs 300$ to make an account.
It did cost as low as 25 bucks. Maybe will again as X-mas special like last time.
Currently it costs 54 bucks (that includes Alpha and Beta access).
No one is holding a gun to your head and forces you to choose a 300$ pledge package. No one is stopping you either. Those dastardly CIG guys .... forcing you to make your own decisions. Bastards !
So ... ***gasp*** CIG is delivering on those promises ... one by one.
I still smile at the comment regarding the uselessness of hiring a linguist for Star Citizen. When that was exactly one of the stretch goals and CIG was basically doing what they promised.
Warhammer had 8 mill follow and signed up for beta. We know how that turned out =-) Will be interesting to see how backers feel when they get product in hand.
Star Citizen has broken the 1 million Star Citizens mark ... Congratulations !!
At the time of writing: 1,000,848
See you in the 'Verse !
Have fun
And what do we have to show for it?
1) A nifty website where you can buy stuff and spend more money than you already have, such as multi-crew ships that you still cannot fly for almost 2+ years now.
2) A nifty hanger you can walk around in, with ships you can walk around in, that are inside the hanger but cannot fly.
3) A bunch of fighter/small ships you can fly and fight in an arena.
4) A bunch of movie stars paid with our money to do promos and game fluff, instead of our millions and millions of dollars being put into game development.
Star Citizen has broken the 1 million Star Citizens mark ... Congratulations !!
At the time of writing: 1,000,848
See you in the 'Verse !
Have fun
And what do we have to show for it?
1) A nifty website where you can buy stuff and spend more money than you already have, such as multi-crew ships that you still cannot fly for almost 2+ years now.
2) A nifty hanger you can walk around in, with ships you can walk around in, that are inside the hanger but cannot fly.
3) A bunch of fighter/small ships you can fly and fight in an arena.
4) A bunch of movie stars paid with our money to do promos and game fluff, instead of our millions and millions of dollars being put into game development.
5) A bunch of studio and company re-organizations
Making video games takes time. Dummy. Just because they have the money doesn't mean they can make the game overnight. Fucking wait. That's if you think the game will get made. I'm pretty sure in a year or so this will dissapoint if shit keeps up as it is.
Considering we are at about half time of a typical AAA game development circle .... quite a bit of stuff. And even more being internally playtested by CIG QA (so we know it exists as they showed it live at various gaming events, but its not open for mass testing yet).
Star Citizen has broken the 1 million Star Citizens mark ... Congratulations !!
At the time of writing: 1,000,848
See you in the 'Verse !
Have fun
And what do we have to show for it?
1) A nifty website where you can buy stuff and spend more money than you already have, such as multi-crew ships that you still cannot fly for almost 2+ years now.
2) A nifty hanger you can walk around in, with ships you can walk around in, that are inside the hanger but cannot fly.
3) A bunch of fighter/small ships you can fly and fight in an arena.
4) A bunch of movie stars paid with our money to do promos and game fluff, instead of our millions and millions of dollars being put into game development.
5) A bunch of studio and company re-organizations
I'm exceptionally excited about Cyberpunk 2077. That might be one of my most anticipated games. What I know is it was announced in 2012 and then the only follow-up to it was that I will hear more about it in 2017. Nice!!!
So, yeah..... perspective. By the bigass stamp of 2016 on the Squadron 42 trailer, I'd say that you are pretty much committing yourself to a date, which is all you can ask for.
I'm exceptionally excited about Cyberpunk 2077. That might be one of my most anticipated games. What I know is it was announced in 2012 and then the only follow-up to it was that I will hear more about it in 2017. Nice!!!
Ahh, Cyberpunk 2077. Thats a nice one.
I think the studio did the right thing ... concentrated EVERYTHING on Witcher 3 .... put Cyberpunk 2077 on hold until W3 was finished ... added the W3 DLCs .... THEN switched everything and everyone back to Cyberpunk 2077.
They did not repeat the error that CCP made with in parallel development of EVE Online vs WoD & DUST. CCP had to learn the hard way ... including full scale player protests in and out of the game ... before they changed course.
300k individuals giving money to CIG, creating multiple accounts to promote the game as more popular than it actually is, buying additional accounts to give away for free, or depending of the situation, to sell in the grey market, specially in the past, people creating accounts to achieve "milestones" in the hope to be the one to earn some prize, people creating accounts to have more votes in polls, white knights doing their "job" to pretend that despite the criticism that you can clearly see around the internet from the beginning, people would be buying into the game... the reasons are many... the fact is, that the 1 million number has the objective to mislead the public to think that they have 1 million backers, actual individuals/buyers/supporters of the game.
It's false advertising and one of the reasons that they are with so fear to show their books.
The own Chris Roberts, accidentally, when trying to justify a ship sale in the earlier days, in a time that they were supposed to build a wall to let the party backer-exclusive, told that around 40k accounts were just dup, or without any pledge. They had around 120k by that time, and he was not referring to those multiple packages actually bought by a same individual.
"Over 40,000 people have signed up to use the Roberts Space Industries
website without backing the game and this promotion is designed to offer
them a final chance to back the game"
"According to our database we have over 40,000 users that signed up but
have yet to back. Some of these may be accounts of people that have
pledged but their account is unlinked. Some are secondary accounts of
people that have backed through a different account. Some of these will
be people that signed up but have since decided that they are not
interested in Star Citizen. The last group are people that are
interested but aren’t ready to back yet, either because they are not
convinced just yet, or are waiting until they can play something. A
really interesting statistic is that almost 20,000 of the accounts with
Golden Ticket status show as of not having a pledge!"
The discrepancy definitely only grew since then, with more and more fans trying to promote the game as more popular than it is, more people involved in orgs involved and buying packages to give away for free to friends, and the ridiculous amount of free trials that they gave to people in all trade shows/cons that they participated, always bringing new accounts, but not necessarily new pledges.
Between many bait-and-switches of that offer (and if you read that carefully today, you will understand this clearly, if you know what happened later), that was a reveal, that Roberts did not figure out, that was just confessing false advertising, since in many occasions, in interviews/shows, earlier and later (while ranting to the press and calling them liars - while lying himself), he referred generically, that number as "backers".
That's the problem on trying to keep people updated, when a lot of your updates are all about damage control and lies. People paying attention will get you.
Now prepare the cash Mr. Roberts. Accountability is coming and you will have to pay fines for this and other sins with consumers.
Or try to prove me wrong. We both know that you can't, because I am right, not in the exact number, but that the discrepancy between the number of accounts and actual players is ridiculously big.
>>> people creating accounts to achieve "milestones" in the hope to be the
one to earn some prize, people creating accounts to have more votes in
You DO know that there were no individual prices to be earned for milestones, do you not ? There is and never was a price like "I am the backer No. 500.000 and i got a Javelin as a present for it ..."
You DO know that forum polls are entertaining and enlightening for us forum users but have no direct influence on CIG's decisions, do you not ? And there are certainly no "prices" for "Winning a poll" ;-)
Have fun
PS: But hey .... nice idea ... give user number 1.000.000 a "Completionist" package (one of everything) for free ... just for kicks ;-)
300k individuals giving money to CIG, creating multiple accounts to promote the game as more popular than it actually is, buying additional accounts to give away for free, or depending of the situation, to sell in the grey market, specially in the past, people creating accounts to achieve "milestones" in the hope to be the one to earn some prize, people creating accounts to have more votes in polls... the reasons are many... the fact is, that the 1 million number has the objective to mislead the public to think that they have 1 million backers, actual individuals/buyers/supporters of the game.
It's false advertising and one of the reasons that they are with so fear to show their books.
Um even if your extremely crazy statements were true (and I'm not saying they are) that would still mean a million separate accounts spent money to back the game. So um yah they are probably counting accounts. This really isn't an issue.
Um even if your extremely crazy statements were true (and I'm not saying they are) that would still mean a million separate accounts spent money to back the game. So um yah they are probably counting accounts. This really isn't an issue.
'Extremely crazy statements"... you have no idea how you people sound, right?
"that would still mean a million separate accounts spent money to back the game."
Not, that does not mean that.
I think that maybe Roberts was also "extremely crazy" when he made those statements right? LOL
"I am Erillion... I know these things but here I am helping to mislead people as more as I can"
"You DO know that there were no individual prices to be earned for
milestones, do you not ? There is and never was a price like "I am the
backer No. 500.000 and i got a Javelin as a present for it ..."
"I’d also like to pay a small tribute to our “$50 Million Man,” Wulf Knight. "
In before you claim that it was about money, there are always people thinking that they could come up with a surprise prize, like happened in the past. But that is indeed, not the biggest reason that made the discrepancy so big. Its just one more. Curious that you tried to grab yourself on this. Just as usual. Let's embrace ourselves in what sounds the "weak reason" to claim that all reasons are invalid. Just like you people have been doing to try to dismiss the revelations of the ex-employees in The Escapist, despite the own Roberts attitude and some facts of the development have been proven them right.
"You DO know that forum polls are entertaining and enlightening for us
forum users but have no direct influence on CIG's decisions, do you not
? " I am talking about their comm-link polls which actually influenced the change in the project. And you claim that there is no "direct influence on CIG's decision'... right. Today its not a big reason, since they stopped with the polls. But was in the past.
Um even if your extremely crazy statements were true (and I'm not saying they are) that would still mean a million separate accounts spent money to back the game. So um yah they are probably counting accounts. This really isn't an issue.
'Extremely crazy statements"... you have no idea how you people sound, right?
"that would still mean a million separate accounts spent money to back the game."
Not, that does not mean that.
I think that maybe Roberts was also "extremely crazy" when he made those statements right? LOL
I see anyone who doesn't agree with you is automatically lumped into a "you people" category. That group must be swelling to unbelievable proportions sense most of what you type is extremely difficult to even partially follow. Is English your native language? Not a dig. This is an honest question. If it isn't, I can understand how you think you are much clearer in your posts than you actually are.
Um even if your extremely crazy statements were true (and I'm not saying they are) that would still mean a million separate accounts spent money to back the game. So um yah they are probably counting accounts. This really isn't an issue.
'Extremely crazy statements"... you have no idea how you people sound, right?
"that would still mean a million separate accounts spent money to back the game."
Not, that does not mean that.
I think that maybe Roberts was also "extremely crazy" when he made those statements right? LOL
I see anyone who doesn't agree with you is automatically lumped into a "you people" category. That group must be swelling to unbelievable proportions sense most of what you type is extremely difficult to even partially follow. Is English your native language? Not a dig. This is an honest question. If it isn't, I can understand how you think you are much clearer in your posts than you actually are.
Pretty sure that Chris Roberts speaks English better than me. Still, you failed to read what he said and understand what that revealed. lol
"I am Erillion... I know these things but here I am helping to mislead people as more as I can"
"You DO know that there were no individual prices to be earned for
milestones, do you not ? There is and never was a price like "I am the
backer No. 500.000 and i got a Javelin as a present for it ..."
"I’d also like to pay a small tribute to our “$50 Million Man,” Wulf Knight. "
I stand corrected ..
...there was ONE instance of a price being given (which no one knew about in advance and therefore could not have planned for)...
"....I’d also like to pay a small tribute to our “$50 Million Man,” Wulf
Knight. ....***snip*** .
As a small reward for his service and his symbolic status I’d like to
personally award him the Vanduul Scythe that his ship collection is
Thank you for the link.
Given that example there may be a price for "$100 Million (Wo)Man" .....
"I am Erillion... I know these things but here I am helping to mislead people as more as I can"
"You DO know that there were no individual prices to be earned for
milestones, do you not ? There is and never was a price like "I am the
backer No. 500.000 and i got a Javelin as a present for it ..."
"I’d also like to pay a small tribute to our “$50 Million Man,” Wulf Knight. "
I stand corrected ..
...there was ONE instance of a price being given (which no one knew about in advance and therefore could not have planned for)...
"....I’d also like to pay a small tribute to our “$50 Million Man,” Wulf
Knight. ....***snip*** .
As a small reward for his service and his symbolic status I’d like to
personally award him the Vanduul Scythe that his ship collection is
Thank you for the link.
Given that example there may be a price for "$100 Million (Wo)Man" .....
Have fun
Nope. More than one happened already, but you know that, you were there from the beginning, just like me. Specially in the original campaign. I remember that people earned prizes that time for milestones. And I am not sure if they were only money related. I think that were backers number related too. I know because in the earlier days, I translated ALL the RSI content to my language. Anyway, people had the expectation... and again, as I updated my post, this is not the only reason for that number be not representative of the reality. But I know your tactics. You fans (and/or marketing puppets) are always trying to grab yourselves in what you can, to try to dismiss something, to claim that everything else is invalid, because that was "dismissed". You only deceive yourselves that it work. It doesn't. But keep trying and Having Fun.
"I am Erillion... I know these things but here I am helping to mislead people as more as I can"
"You DO know that there were no individual prices to be earned for
milestones, do you not ? There is and never was a price like "I am the
backer No. 500.000 and i got a Javelin as a present for it ..."
"I’d also like to pay a small tribute to our “$50 Million Man,” Wulf Knight. "
I stand corrected ..
...there was ONE instance of a price being given (which no one knew about in advance and therefore could not have planned for)...
"....I’d also like to pay a small tribute to our “$50 Million Man,” Wulf
Knight. ....***snip*** .
As a small reward for his service and his symbolic status I’d like to
personally award him the Vanduul Scythe that his ship collection is
Thank you for the link.
Given that example there may be a price for "$100 Million (Wo)Man" .....
Have fun
Oh oh.. Erillion is wrong both from past and present situations. Nothing that would make anyone else surprised:
Currently it costs 54 bucks (that includes Alpha and Beta access).
No one is holding a gun to your head and forces you to choose a 300$ pledge package. No one is stopping you either. Those dastardly CIG guys .... forcing you to make your own decisions. Bastards !
Have fun
So ... ***gasp*** CIG is delivering on those promises ... one by one.
I still smile at the comment regarding the uselessness of hiring a linguist for Star Citizen. When that was exactly one of the stretch goals and CIG was basically doing what they promised.
Have fun
1) A nifty website where you can buy stuff and spend more money than you already have, such as multi-crew ships that you still cannot fly for almost 2+ years now.
2) A nifty hanger you can walk around in, with ships you can walk around in, that are inside the hanger but cannot fly.
3) A bunch of fighter/small ships you can fly and fight in an arena.
4) A bunch of movie stars paid with our money to do promos and game fluff, instead of our millions and millions of dollars being put into game development.
5) A bunch of studio and company re-organizations
Have fun
Have fun
So, yeah..... perspective. By the bigass stamp of 2016 on the Squadron 42 trailer, I'd say that you are pretty much committing yourself to a date, which is all you can ask for.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
I think the studio did the right thing ... concentrated EVERYTHING on Witcher 3 .... put Cyberpunk 2077 on hold until W3 was finished ... added the W3 DLCs .... THEN switched everything and everyone back to Cyberpunk 2077.
They did not repeat the error that CCP made with in parallel development of EVE Online vs WoD & DUST. CCP had to learn the hard way ... including full scale player protests in and out of the game ... before they changed course.
Have fun
the fact is, that the 1 million number has the objective to mislead the public to think that they have 1 million backers, actual individuals/buyers/supporters of the game.
It's false advertising and one of the reasons that they are with so fear to show their books.
The own Chris Roberts, accidentally, when trying to justify a ship sale in the earlier days, in a time that they were supposed to build a wall to let the party backer-exclusive, told that around 40k accounts were just dup, or without any pledge. They had around 120k by that time, and he was not referring to those multiple packages actually bought by a same individual.
"Over 40,000 people have signed up to use the Roberts Space Industries website without backing the game and this promotion is designed to offer them a final chance to back the game"
"According to our database we have over 40,000 users that signed up but have yet to back. Some of these may be accounts of people that have pledged but their account is unlinked. Some are secondary accounts of people that have backed through a different account. Some of these will be people that signed up but have since decided that they are not interested in Star Citizen. The last group are people that are interested but aren’t ready to back yet, either because they are not convinced just yet, or are waiting until they can play something. A really interesting statistic is that almost 20,000 of the accounts with Golden Ticket status show as of not having a pledge!"
The discrepancy definitely only grew since then, with more and more fans trying to promote the game as more popular than it is, more people involved in orgs involved and buying packages to give away for free to friends, and the ridiculous amount of free trials that they gave to people in all trade shows/cons that they participated, always bringing new accounts, but not necessarily new pledges.
Between many bait-and-switches of that offer (and if you read that carefully today, you will understand this clearly, if you know what happened later), that was a reveal, that Roberts did not figure out, that was just confessing false advertising, since in many occasions, in interviews/shows, earlier and later (while ranting to the press and calling them liars - while lying himself), he referred generically, that number as "backers".
That's the problem on trying to keep people updated, when a lot of your updates are all about damage control and lies. People paying attention will get you.
Now prepare the cash Mr. Roberts. Accountability is coming and you will have to pay fines for this and other sins with consumers.
Or try to prove me wrong. We both know that you can't, because I am right, not in the exact number, but that the discrepancy between the number of accounts and actual players is ridiculously big.
You DO know that there were no individual prices to be earned for milestones, do you not ? There is and never was a price like "I am the backer No. 500.000 and i got a Javelin as a present for it ..."
You DO know that forum polls are entertaining and enlightening for us forum users but have no direct influence on CIG's decisions, do you not ? And there are certainly no "prices" for "Winning a poll" ;-)
Have fun
But hey .... nice idea ... give user number 1.000.000 a "Completionist" package (one of everything) for free ... just for kicks ;-)
So um yah they are probably counting accounts. This really isn't an issue.
"that would still mean a million separate accounts spent money to back the game."
Not, that does not mean that.
I think that maybe Roberts was also "extremely crazy" when he made those statements right?
Oh Erillion... It's so easy to prove you wrong:
"I’d also like to pay a small tribute to our “$50 Million Man,” Wulf Knight. "
In before you claim that it was about money, there are always people thinking that they could come up with a surprise prize, like happened in the past. But that is indeed, not the biggest reason that made the discrepancy so big. Its just one more. Curious that you tried to grab yourself on this. Just as usual. Let's embrace ourselves in what sounds the "weak reason" to claim that all reasons are invalid. Just like you people have been doing to try to dismiss the revelations of the ex-employees in The Escapist, despite the own Roberts attitude and some facts of the development have been proven them right.
"You DO know that forum polls are entertaining and enlightening for us forum users but have no direct influence on CIG's decisions, do you not ? "
I am talking about their comm-link polls which actually influenced the change in the project. And you claim that there is no "direct influence on CIG's decision'... right. Today its not a big reason, since they stopped with the polls. But was in the past.
That group must be swelling to unbelievable proportions sense most of what you type is extremely difficult to even partially follow.
Is English your native language? Not a dig. This is an honest question.
If it isn't, I can understand how you think you are much clearer in your posts than you actually are.
...there was ONE instance of a price being given (which no one knew about in advance and therefore could not have planned for)...
"....I’d also like to pay a small tribute to our “$50 Million Man,” Wulf Knight. ....***snip*** . As a small reward for his service and his symbolic status I’d like to personally award him the Vanduul Scythe that his ship collection is missing!..."
Thank you for the link.
Given that example there may be a price for "$100 Million (Wo)Man" .....
Have fun
I know because in the earlier days, I translated ALL the RSI content to my language.
Anyway, people had the expectation... and again, as I updated my post, this is not the only reason for that number be not representative of the reality. But I know your tactics. You fans (and/or marketing puppets) are always trying to grab yourselves in what you can, to try to dismiss something, to claim that everything else is invalid, because that was "dismissed".
You only deceive yourselves that it work. It doesn't.
But keep trying and
Having Fun.
The only thing that really counts is whether the game is ever going to release and will it be any good.
@jcrg99 I'll mark you down as a maybe O.o
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee