1. Normally when a game is attacked and or talked about the issues it is having, the main man would come on the site and address the issues. I always found it odd that Roberts has never defended the issues himself. 2. It seems like he sends others out to attack , one main guy that has to answer in every thread. But also 1 or 2 others that are sort of a backup for the main dude. 3. The money a lot of these people have paid for a game not even made yet, normally gets to play the game for free once it goes live. I mean paying 1000, 1500 or more I thought gets them access to the game for the rest of the game life. 4. I guess I can see them keeping the money coming in with a store. Personally if I put 1000 or more into the game I would expect to get free access to everything in it. After all it only cost LOTRO 200 bucks for a lifetime sub. 5. I fail to see why anyone has to defend this game if it is going to be all that! It is like they are scared of any bad post associated with it. Which means they are scared the money coming in each week/Month can't stop.
Just my opinion on everything being said about this game.
When a top developer leaves a game he never helped finish leaves, people have to come and say everything is fine. I mean if it is no big deal why even defend it?
1. Normally when a game is attacked and or talked about the issues it is having, the main man would come on the site and address the issues. I always found it odd that Roberts has never defended the issues himself.
You think a person leading a company with more than 200 employees hasn't got more important things to do than to engage in forum wars?
1. Normally when a game is attacked and or talked about the issues it is having, the main man would come on the site and address the issues. I always found it odd that Roberts has never defended the issues himself.
You think a person leading a company with more than 200 employees hasn't got more important things to do than to engage in forum wars?
Usually they dont answer in the forums, but they usually say something like "We have heard from many of you from X thing, and we want to say that ..."
2. It seems like he sends others out to attack , one main guy that has to answer in every thread. But also 1 or 2 others that are sort of a backup for the main dude. 3. The money a lot of these people have paid for a game not even made yet, normally gets to play the game for free once it goes live. I mean paying 1000, 1500 or more I thought gets them access to the game for the rest of the game life. 4. I guess I can see them keeping the money coming in with a store. Personally if I put 1000 or more into the game I would expect to get free access to everything in it. After all it only cost LOTRO 200 bucks for a lifetime sub. 5. I fail to see why anyone has to defend this game if it is going to be all that! It is like they are scared of any bad post associated with it. Which means they are scared the money coming in each week/Month can't stop.
Just my opinion on everything being said about this game.
When a top developer leaves a game he never helped finish leaves, people have to come and say everything is fine. I mean if it is no big deal why even defend it?
To answer the other questions not already answered: 2. I don't think there is an overwhelming need to "send" people out. There are people who are more than willing to take things into their own hands without any coercion. Personally, I advocate for both F2P and corwdfunding games, so I will do this with any game. I am also a high-C personality, so it's irritating when arguments that defy logic are flying about. If people can explain why they feel some way then that's fine, but they usually just hide behind the "That's just my opinion" statement.
3. First of all, the majority of people haven't paid more than the average ($90) which would be no more than any other game out there now, really. I paid $20, so I feel super cheap. If we were to apply the same metrics that are commonly quoted in mobile games, about 0.15% of people account for 50% of mobile game revenues. This would mean that 15000 people would need to account for $45 million. It sounds like a lot of money, but that's actually only $3000 each (yes, I said only). There are actually a number of cases I've heard of where people have actually bought all the ships, their purchases exceeding $30,000. That puts the average spend for everyone else around $45, which isn't too bad. However, there are always assholes like me dragging down that average with my paltry $20 early bird spend.
Point is, if you have thousands of dollars to spend, and you choose to put it into a game, I have zero sympathy for you. However, it's also entirely likely that these people have more money than they know what to do with. That's cool, though, if they want to put it into a game they feel is going to be revolutionary.
4) Yeah, F2P games can totally be viable. SWTOR is one of the top MMORPGs. It's a hybrid, but it's one of the top ones either way. They survive on paid expansions (I think they're still paid anyway) and a store and subs. I could see SC implementing some sub models along the way. They already have insurance on ships, that's one possibility. Another is expansions. Another is anything else in the universe. They've sold ships, they can sell land vehicles too, lol. It SHOULD be a cash cow. However, at the same time, the hardware requirements make me sceptical about how many people will actually be able to play the end product. I guess we'll see.
5) In a counter-argument, why do you feel it necessary to attack this game? For each action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It's Yin and Yang, good and evil. You're assuming that the people defending the game have some sort of an association with the game at all!!!! It would be like me claiming that you must work for Derek Smart because you're attacking the game. CR and CIG have enough salaries to cover without paying people to post of forums.
PS I don't think it's about defending, it's about correcting. While it hurts when you lose talent, there are a million different reasons he could have left, including that Crytek is apparently making a VR game now. Maybe that's more interesting. Maybe is work on SC is done. There is still someone involved with the project who was a lead engineer at crytek for the cryengine. There are also nearly 30 others who worked with the cryengine before. I don't see how one person leaving who is familiar with the engine is a travesty when there are nearly 30 other people who previously worked for Crytek.
2. It seems like he sends others out to attack , one main guy that has to answer in every thread. But also 1 or 2 others that are sort of a backup for the main dude. 3. The money a lot of these people have paid for a game not even made yet, normally gets to play the game for free once it goes live. I mean paying 1000, 1500 or more I thought gets them access to the game for the rest of the game life. 4. I guess I can see them keeping the money coming in with a store. Personally if I put 1000 or more into the game I would expect to get free access to everything in it. After all it only cost LOTRO 200 bucks for a lifetime sub. 5. I fail to see why anyone has to defend this game if it is going to be all that! It is like they are scared of any bad post associated with it. Which means they are scared the money coming in each week/Month can't stop.
Just my opinion on everything being said about this game.
When a top developer leaves a game he never helped finish leaves, people have to come and say everything is fine. I mean if it is no big deal why even defend it?
To answer the other questions not already answered: 2. I don't think there is an overwhelming need to "send" people out. There are people who are more than willing to take things into their own hands without any coercion. Personally, I advocate for both F2P and corwdfunding games, so I will do this with any game. I am also a high-C personality, so it's irritating when arguments that defy logic are flying about. If people can explain why they feel some way then that's fine, but they usually just hide behind the "That's just my opinion" statement.
Yet like us you have no clue what is actually going on so why even try and counter the argument?
3. First of all, the majority of people haven't paid more than the average ($90) which would be no more than any other game out there now, really. I paid $20, so I feel super cheap. If we were to apply the same metrics that are commonly quoted in mobile games, about 0.15% of people account for 50% of mobile game revenues. This would mean that 15000 people would need to account for $45 million. It sounds like a lot of money, but that's actually only $3000 each (yes, I said only). There are actually a number of cases I've heard of where people have actually bought all the ships, their purchases exceeding $30,000. That puts the average spend for everyone else around $45, which isn't too bad. However, there are always assholes like me dragging down that average with my paltry $20 early bird spend.
We will see what happens, I thought I read where the game would be sub based yet people that supported the game wouldn't need to pay!
Point is, if you have thousands of dollars to spend, and you choose to put it into a game, I have zero sympathy for you. However, it's also entirely likely that these people have more money than they know what to do with. That's cool, though, if they want to put it into a game they feel is going to be revolutionary.
Agreed! But do they really want to lose the money if the game goes bust?
4) Yeah, F2P games can totally be viable. SWTOR is one of the top MMORPGs. It's a hybrid, but it's one of the top ones either way. They survive on paid expansions (I think they're still paid anyway) and a store and subs. I could see SC implementing some sub models along the way. They already have insurance on ships, that's one possibility. Another is expansions. Another is anything else in the universe. They've sold ships, they can sell land vehicles too, lol. It SHOULD be a cash cow. However, at the same time, the hardware requirements make me sceptical about how many people will actually be able to play the end product. I guess we'll see.
Agree on SWTOR which I still play but better to sub the game than play the store game. Well it is a cash cow right now with no game, think that is what freaks non-backers out when no actual game is playable!
5) In a counter-argument, why do you feel it necessary to attack this game? For each action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It's Yin and Yang, good and evil. You're assuming that the people defending the game have some sort of an association with the game at all!!!! It would be like me claiming that you must work for Derek Smart because you're attacking the game. CR and CIG have enough salaries to cover without paying people to post of forums.
I already answered this question from one of our other posts, no reason I should have to keep repeating it but here it goes one last time, ruining crowd funding. Oh I hate crooks and to me that is CR!
PS I don't think it's about defending, it's about correcting. While it hurts when you lose talent, there are a million different reasons he could have left, including that Crytek is apparently making a VR game now. Maybe that's more interesting. Maybe is work on SC is done. There is still someone involved with the project who was a lead engineer at crytek for the cryengine. There are also nearly 30 others who worked with the cryengine before. I don't see how one person leaving who is familiar with the engine is a travesty when there are nearly 30 other people who previously worked for Crytek.
Well more are leaving that am hearing and Dan Tracy actually does hurt with a game on this scale. I wish he would come out and state why and what is going on over there but am sure he signed some non disclosure agreement!
Then there are dozens of "Letter from the Chairman" posts by Chris Roberts on the official homepage. You will also find a thread about them here on this forum.
And there are 69 episodes of "10 (Questions) for the Chairman" posts on the official homepage. You will also find a thread about them here on this forum.
Of course he also does and did that in the official gaming press (of which mmorpg.com is one amongst a hundred). Google is thy friend there. Will you find Chris Roberts answering posts on the MMORPG.com SC forum ? Unlikely. Its one of a 100+ such gaming forums worldwide.
There is yet no follow-up on the threat of legal action against The Escapist. It will be interesting to see how that proceeds. You generally do not threaten legal action unless it is your intention to follow through with legal action when your demands are rejected, otherwise it makes you look rather silly.
1. Normally when a game is attacked and or talked about the issues it is having, the main man would come on the site and address the issues. I always found it odd that Roberts has never defended the issues himself.
In answer to this, the best response is to ignore all the noise surrounding development. Or to respond in a very limited manner to criticism stating that it is inaccurate or a few disgruntled employees sounding off. Writing a diatribe is exactly the wrong thing to do. Threatening legal action before consulting lawyers is definitively the worst response you can make.
There is yet no follow-up on the threat of legal action against The Escapist. It will be interesting to see how that proceeds. You generally do not threaten legal action unless it is your intention to follow through with legal action when your demands are rejected, otherwise it makes you look rather silly.
In answer to this, the best response is to ignore all the noise surrounding development. Or to respond in a very limited manner to criticism stating that it is inaccurate or a few disgruntled employees sounding off. Writing a diatribe is exactly the wrong thing to do. Threatening legal action before consulting lawyers is definitively the worst response you can make.
It was a lawyer that threatened legal action. He is one of the two owners of CIG.
I do not expect that CIG will continue to post about their legal follow-up actions to the internet at large.
There is yet no follow-up on the threat of legal action against The Escapist. It will be interesting to see how that proceeds. You generally do not threaten legal action unless it is your intention to follow through with legal action when your demands are rejected, otherwise it makes you look rather silly.
In answer to this, the best response is to ignore all the noise surrounding development. Or to respond in a very limited manner to criticism stating that it is inaccurate or a few disgruntled employees sounding off. Writing a diatribe is exactly the wrong thing to do. Threatening legal action before consulting lawyers is definitively the worst response you can make.
It was a lawyer that threatened legal action. He is one of the two owners of CIG.
I do not expect that CIG will continue to post about their legal follow-up actions to the internet at large.
Have fun
I know, but conflict of interest. He exposed the firm to revealing everything he referenced in his letter by virtue of being an "inside man". If they had consulted lawyers, they would have not let him send that letter.
That is just standard legal practice, because he has harmed CIGs case- possibly- irreparably.
Given that he is a lawyer by training, I would have expected better judgement.
Edited to add: it was also a pseudo-legal letter. It was not a legal letter. It was basically a diatribe followed by a threat of legal action if statements were not retracted. Again, silly.
When last i looked Ortwin Freyermuth was not a member of "the Roberts family". So i do not see a "conflict of interest" there. I understand that Freyermuth does this for a living - and has a big external law-firm of 60+ lawyers additionally involved in this. So IMHO he knows what he is doing. However, if you are a professional lawyer yourself, specialized in defamation cases, i am looking forward to hear your professional expert opinion on this.
When last i looked Ortwin Freyermuth was not a member of "the Roberts family". So i do not see a "conflict of interest" there. I understand that Freyermuth does this for a living - and has a big external law-firm of 60+ lawyers additionally involved in this. So IMHO he knows what he is doing. However, if you are a professional lawyer yourself, specialized in defamation cases, i am looking forward to hear your professional expert opinion on this.
So you are a professional lawyer yourself, specialized in defamation cases ?
Have fun
I do not specialise in defamation, but yes. There is a lot of buzz around my industry about this, and many commentaries/ articles/ analysis written. You will be hard pressed to find anyone who sees a positive in the co-founder's letter.
I do not specialise in defamation, but yes. There is a lot of buzz around my industry about this, and many commentaries/ articles/ analysis written. You will be hard pressed to find anyone who sees a positive in the co-founder's letter.
Looking forward to you linking the commentaries/ articles/ analysis written about this.
I do not specialise in defamation, but yes. There is a lot of buzz around my industry about this, and many commentaries/ articles/ analysis written. You will be hard pressed to find anyone who sees a positive in the co-founder's letter.
Looking forward to you linking the commentaries/ articles/ analysis written about this.
... You generally do not threaten legal action unless it is your intention to follow through with legal action when your demands are rejected, otherwise it makes you look rather silly.
Yes, it does make you look a bit silly.
I seem to remember reading a few weeks ago that Derek Smart had engaged a law firm, and that they had sent "a letter of demand" to CIG in preparation for an "impending" lawsuit. Much posturing and theatrics...
It's patently clear several weeks later that CIG have no intention whatsoever to respond to any of the allegations or ultimatums in that letter.
However, there's been no follow-up on the threat of legal action.
... You generally do not threaten legal action unless it is your intention to follow through with legal action when your demands are rejected, otherwise it makes you look rather silly.
Yes, it does make you look a bit silly.
I seem to remember reading a few weeks ago that Derek Smart had engaged a law firm, and that they had sent "a letter of demand" to CIG in preparation for an "impending" lawsuit. Much posturing and theatrics...
It's patently clear several weeks later that CIG have no intention whatsoever to respond to any of the allegations or ultimatums in that letter.
However, there's been no follow-up on the threat of legal action.
Silly, eh ?
Yes, Derek Smart looked silly. He almost always looks silly. What is your point?
I do not specialise in defamation, but yes. There is a lot of buzz around my industry about this, and many commentaries/ articles/ analysis written. You will be hard pressed to find anyone who sees a positive in the co-founder's letter.
Looking forward to you linking the commentaries/ articles/ analysis written about this.
Have fun
Come join the bar.
Assuming all is as stated, then this would probably be the case, not the only industry to have their own 'private' discussions after all, the medical profession for one probably has a fair bit of discourse (members of the profession only) prior to things making the pages of The Lancet.
Meanwhile back at the Outhouse.... things are piling up.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
OMG, you're so far off-base it isn't even funny!!! You don't EAT cocaine!!!! Or maybe he's got so much money, he does.
On a more serious note, why does everyone thing that he's got all this money?
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
Not that i am saying he is driving a Yugo and eating potnoodels... But he aint no Bill Gates.
This have been a good conversation
2. It seems like he sends others out to attack , one main guy that has to answer in every thread. But also 1 or 2 others that are sort of a backup for the main dude.
3. The money a lot of these people have paid for a game not even made yet, normally gets to play the game for free once it goes live. I mean paying 1000, 1500 or more I thought gets them access to the game for the rest of the game life.
4. I guess I can see them keeping the money coming in with a store. Personally if I put 1000 or more into the game I would expect to get free access to everything in it. After all it only cost LOTRO 200 bucks for a lifetime sub.
5. I fail to see why anyone has to defend this game if it is going to be all that! It is like they are scared of any bad post associated with it. Which means they are scared the money coming in each week/Month can't stop.
Just my opinion on everything being said about this game.
When a top developer leaves a game he never helped finish leaves, people have to come and say everything is fine. I mean if it is no big deal why even defend it?
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
To answer the other questions not already answered:
2. I don't think there is an overwhelming need to "send" people out. There are people who are more than willing to take things into their own hands without any coercion. Personally, I advocate for both F2P and corwdfunding games, so I will do this with any game. I am also a high-C personality, so it's irritating when arguments that defy logic are flying about. If people can explain why they feel some way then that's fine, but they usually just hide behind the "That's just my opinion" statement.
3. First of all, the majority of people haven't paid more than the average ($90) which would be no more than any other game out there now, really. I paid $20, so I feel super cheap. If we were to apply the same metrics that are commonly quoted in mobile games, about 0.15% of people account for 50% of mobile game revenues. This would mean that 15000 people would need to account for $45 million. It sounds like a lot of money, but that's actually only $3000 each (yes, I said only). There are actually a number of cases I've heard of where people have actually bought all the ships, their purchases exceeding $30,000. That puts the average spend for everyone else around $45, which isn't too bad. However, there are always assholes like me dragging down that average with my paltry $20 early bird spend.
Point is, if you have thousands of dollars to spend, and you choose to put it into a game, I have zero sympathy for you. However, it's also entirely likely that these people have more money than they know what to do with. That's cool, though, if they want to put it into a game they feel is going to be revolutionary.
4) Yeah, F2P games can totally be viable. SWTOR is one of the top MMORPGs. It's a hybrid, but it's one of the top ones either way. They survive on paid expansions (I think they're still paid anyway) and a store and subs. I could see SC implementing some sub models along the way. They already have insurance on ships, that's one possibility. Another is expansions. Another is anything else in the universe. They've sold ships, they can sell land vehicles too, lol. It SHOULD be a cash cow. However, at the same time, the hardware requirements make me sceptical about how many people will actually be able to play the end product. I guess we'll see.
5) In a counter-argument, why do you feel it necessary to attack this game? For each action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It's Yin and Yang, good and evil. You're assuming that the people defending the game have some sort of an association with the game at all!!!! It would be like me claiming that you must work for Derek Smart because you're attacking the game. CR and CIG have enough salaries to cover without paying people to post of forums.
I don't think it's about defending, it's about correcting. While it hurts when you lose talent, there are a million different reasons he could have left, including that Crytek is apparently making a VR game now. Maybe that's more interesting. Maybe is work on SC is done. There is still someone involved with the project who was a lead engineer at crytek for the cryengine. There are also nearly 30 others who worked with the cryengine before. I don't see how one person leaving who is familiar with the engine is a travesty when there are nearly 30 other people who previously worked for Crytek.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Star Citizen – The Extinction Level Event
4/13/15 > ELE has been updated look for 16-04-13.
Enjoy and know the truth always comes to light!
You can find all dev answers (thousands of them):
(upper left Click to Show Filter Options and Search)
Then there are dozens of "Letter from the Chairman" posts by Chris Roberts on the official homepage. You will also find a thread about them here on this forum.
And there are 69 episodes of "10 (Questions) for the Chairman" posts on the official homepage. You will also find a thread about them here on this forum.
Of course he also does and did that in the official gaming press (of which mmorpg.com is one amongst a hundred). Google is thy friend there. Will you find Chris Roberts answering posts on the MMORPG.com SC forum ? Unlikely. Its one of a 100+ such gaming forums worldwide.
Have fun
In answer to this, the best response is to ignore all the noise surrounding development. Or to respond in a very limited manner to criticism stating that it is inaccurate or a few disgruntled employees sounding off. Writing a diatribe is exactly the wrong thing to do. Threatening legal action before consulting lawyers is definitively the worst response you can make.
I do not expect that CIG will continue to post about their legal follow-up actions to the internet at large.
Have fun
That is just standard legal practice, because he has harmed CIGs case- possibly- irreparably.
Given that he is a lawyer by training, I would have expected better judgement.
Edited to add: it was also a pseudo-legal letter. It was not a legal letter. It was basically a diatribe followed by a threat of legal action if statements were not retracted. Again, silly.
Have fun
Have fun
Have fun
Have fun
I seem to remember reading a few weeks ago that Derek Smart had engaged a law firm, and that they had sent "a letter of demand" to CIG in preparation for an "impending" lawsuit. Much posturing and theatrics...
It's patently clear several weeks later that CIG have no intention whatsoever to respond to any of the allegations or ultimatums in that letter.
However, there's been no follow-up on the threat of legal action.
Silly, eh ?
Noone is forced.
You give it to him.
He fails to launch a game or it fails horribly and the company folds.
He takes out remaining money for himself and to pay off employees when they get fired.
No crime.
"going into arguments with idiots is a lost cause, it requires you to stoop down to their level and you can't win"