@GeezerGamer I used to love my White Lion in WAR, too bad that game's gone While it wasn't extremely complicated or too much petcentric, oyu had difference stances to put your pet in with different abilities, and the AI of the pet actually worked well
OP asked for currently available games. Presumably he's looking for suggestions for something that he can play. Personally i'd go with WoW Hunter or Warlock.
City of Villains Mastermind is the benchmark to measure pet classes.
I actually love this kind of playstyle. I use a mod in Skyrim that modifies the Conjuration tree so that for every other skill level perk you attain, you are allowed to summon and extra soul (Atronach or Undead). In the Based game, Conjuration sucks. You have one pet until you level to 100 then you get a 2nd. But this way, I get a 2nd one with a perk in Conj. I forget the levels, but you start off with one, put in a perk get a 2nd, then you get a 3rd 2 more perks later. And finally at 100, you can get 2 more for a total of 5. There is another mod called Cold Harbor Re summoned. OMG, I love those 2 mods together. You run around with 5 master level daedra summoned. It's interesting at Legendary difficulty.
It sounds too easy. Even with one summons you will destroy everything. They are quite powerful. It makes the destruction tree look so very weak by comparison.
I didn't say it was hard. I said it was fun. Although I do use mods that increase the difficulty of things like dragons, Dragon priests etc. Anyway. This is Bethesda we are talking about. Even unmodded, they are only hard for the 1st 20 levels. You'd be surprised how many very popular and supposedly "balanced" mods actually wreck balance.
Sorta surprised by near the end of page 2 no one jumped in with SWTOR Every Class.
That's why. Every class gets companions but none are pet classes. It's not a bad system. But SWTOR would have been good if it had something like a mastermind class too. You know, the "Jedi Mind Trick" class.
The game Rappelz is the same way. The entire game is based on pet summoning. Everyone gets pets.
I liked both games....WEll, SWTOR more than Rappelz.
While my favorite the EQ Necromancer the one in Diablo 2 was quite fun. The sheer amount of mobs it could summon was nice in a game where there was immense amounts of mobs attacking you. Plus skeletons look cool. Lots of skeletons of different varieties (mage, tank, rogue, etc) is even neater looking. Especially in a dark game like Diablo 2.
I also played skellimancer, but my favorite pet class in Diablo 2 was the hydra sorc. Before the nerf you could have 20+ hydras out. So laggy for anyone that came near you, but just a calming, fun tactical way to play.
I have not since seen an MMO where you can use pets tactically on that scale, but maybe I should take another look at RR in Marvel Heroes. I did enjoy summoner Loki, but that build was pretty underpowered last I saw.
Edit: I see there is a new playable character in Marvel Heroes, Magik, who seems to be based on the D2 necromancer. So that might be a good one to check out.
While my favorite the EQ Necromancer the one in Diablo 2 was quite fun. The sheer amount of mobs it could summon was nice in a game where there was immense amounts of mobs attacking you. Plus skeletons look cool. Lots of skeletons of different varieties (mage, tank, rogue, etc) is even neater looking. Especially in a dark game like Diablo 2.
I forget ... how many can you summon in D2?
In D3, the witch doctor can have almost 30 pets out (15 + 8 (so 23) fetishes + 5 zombie dogs + 1 gargantuan).
In D3, the witch doctor can have almost 30 pets out (15 + 8 (so 23) fetishes + 5 zombie dogs + 1 gargantuan).
With hireling, golem, 1-8 skeletons, 1-8 skeletal mages, and 1-20 revives, you could get similar numbers, but it was just a useless lag-fest. The pets dealt little damage while obfuscating enemy projectiles.
On the subject of aRPG summoners, Torchlight II has some decent options.
GW2 Ranger has one of the largest pet collections I've ever seen. GW2 Necro has little control over their pets but they are great for leveling and you can have a solid build with or without pets.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
OP asked for currently available games. Presumably he's looking for suggestions for something that he can play. Personally i'd go with WoW Hunter or Warlock.
GW2 Ranger has one of the largest pet collections I've ever seen. GW2 Necro has little control over their pets but they are great for leveling and you can have a solid build with or without pets.
The GW2 Necromancer is one of my all-time favorite classes I've ever played in an MMORPG. However, I don't use a MM build. I usually go with a hybrid power-confi build.
Really surprised noone has mentioned the LOTRO Loremaster. It's a fantastic class, really fun to play with a wide mix of mechanics: pets, cc, power transfer, debuffs, aoe magic, etc. I guess that game really has gone out to pasture
Sad that Mastermind from City of Villains cannot be included because it was awesome. So I would pick Hunter in WoW but not sure how the game plays now though. If not that then GW 2 ranger since you get water and land pets and some amphibious ones too.
I played Rift for quite a while (after playing WoW before that) and really enjoyed playing Mage with the Necromancer as main tree. No idea how the game is now since our guild kinda fell apart not too long after the 1st expansion came out .
Sure the mage pet is tankier and does more over dps... but all the mage brings is their pet. The necro pet combined with the tools of the necro allowed for a varied of gameplay.
Kiting, tanking, charming... you name it necro could do it with any pet.
In D3, the witch doctor can have almost 30 pets out (15 + 8 (so 23) fetishes + 5 zombie dogs + 1 gargantuan).
With hireling, golem, 1-8 skeletons, 1-8 skeletal mages, and 1-20 revives, you could get similar numbers, but it was just a useless lag-fest. The pets dealt little damage while obfuscating enemy projectiles.
On the subject of aRPG summoners, Torchlight II has some decent options.
It looks as good as I remember. The art work was excellent for 2D. I love the dark theme.
I'll admit it got boring after a while, but it was fun for a time. Everything gets boring after a while. Especially if it's static.
The worst lag would be if you had both a necromancer and a druid at the same time. That would be a killer. I can see why they cut down on the amount of pets you can have. It kills the fun for the people who have no pets. None the less it was a good time having a skeleton army. Even the Druid army was fairly fun to use. It wasn't as neat looking though.
In D3, the witch doctor can have almost 30 pets out (15 + 8 (so 23) fetishes + 5 zombie dogs + 1 gargantuan).
With hireling, golem, 1-8 skeletons, 1-8 skeletal mages, and 1-20 revives, you could get similar numbers, but it was just a useless lag-fest. The pets dealt little damage while obfuscating enemy projectiles.
On the subject of aRPG summoners, Torchlight II has some decent options.
D3 has no lag even with tons of pets out with tons of mobs, and pet builds are viable (at least in some seasons).
In D3, the witch doctor can have almost 30 pets out (15 + 8 (so 23) fetishes + 5 zombie dogs + 1 gargantuan).
With hireling, golem, 1-8 skeletons, 1-8 skeletal mages, and 1-20 revives, you could get similar numbers, but it was just a useless lag-fest. The pets dealt little damage while obfuscating enemy projectiles.
On the subject of aRPG summoners, Torchlight II has some decent options.
D3 has no lag even with tons of pets out with tons of mobs, and pet builds are viable (at least in some seasons).
You have to consider this is an old game with an old engine. It is not streamlined like Diablo 3s game engine.
This is personal preference, but I much prefer the darker setting, classes, and artwork of Diablo 1 and 2.
One thing that turns me off with Diablo 3 are the classes. The Warlock is not scary. In fact none of the classes are intimidating in any way. Reading the description of the Necromancer is creepy enough. I realize this is not something everyone wants, but I like the darkness of it.
Best? shrug, but these I liked: -Diablo2 skelliemancer build (extremely potent with Enigma, Beast, Concentrate/Might merc) -Eq1 Beastlord .. in fact just add all pet classes of Eq1 (mage w its 4 types of pets, necro, enchanter w/ charm).. Not to mention the numerous and unique AA abilities for all pets.. or the many ways you could use the pets (root-pull back, stun when behind, snare, pet-hold, "save" a buffed pet for fast summoning, pet using gear, beastlord tank/aggro management switching.. see why this game is so far far ahead of any other mmorpgs till this day?) -WoW ranger (back when the tamed pets abilities transferred to yours.. poison, attack speed, chance to stun, etc) -PoE Summoner (mostly back when you could do a diablo2 style build with loads of auras and summoned)
In D3, the witch doctor can have almost 30 pets out (15 + 8 (so 23) fetishes + 5 zombie dogs + 1 gargantuan).
With hireling, golem, 1-8 skeletons, 1-8 skeletal mages, and 1-20 revives, you could get similar numbers, but it was just a useless lag-fest. The pets dealt little damage while obfuscating enemy projectiles.
On the subject of aRPG summoners, Torchlight II has some decent options.
D3 has no lag even with tons of pets out with tons of mobs, and pet builds are viable (at least in some seasons).
You have to consider this is an old game with an old engine. It is not streamlined like Diablo 3s game engine.
This is personal preference, but I much prefer the darker setting, classes, and artwork of Diablo 1 and 2.
One thing that turns me off with Diablo 3 are the classes. The Warlock is not scary. In fact none of the classes are intimidating in any way. Reading the description of the Necromancer is creepy enough. I realize this is not something everyone wants, but I like the darkness of it.
Yes .. it is personal preferences.
For me, combat & skills are more important. D3 simply has better technology, and gameplay mechanics, and it looks good enough.
Personally i don't actually need a "dark" setting. I like good combat & skill mechanics, with pleasing graphics + lots of polish. But again, that is personal preferences.
But if you just look at the technology & design of pet class, D3 comes out way ahead in my preference. It is a great feeling to see lots of pets fighting lots of mobs.
In D3, the witch doctor can have almost 30 pets out (15 + 8 (so 23) fetishes + 5 zombie dogs + 1 gargantuan).
With hireling, golem, 1-8 skeletons, 1-8 skeletal mages, and 1-20 revives, you could get similar numbers, but it was just a useless lag-fest. The pets dealt little damage while obfuscating enemy projectiles.
On the subject of aRPG summoners, Torchlight II has some decent options.
D3 has no lag even with tons of pets out with tons of mobs, and pet builds are viable (at least in some seasons).
You have to consider this is an old game with an old engine. It is not streamlined like Diablo 3s game engine.
This is personal preference, but I much prefer the darker setting, classes, and artwork of Diablo 1 and 2.
One thing that turns me off with Diablo 3 are the classes. The Warlock is not scary. In fact none of the classes are intimidating in any way. Reading the description of the Necromancer is creepy enough. I realize this is not something everyone wants, but I like the darkness of it.
Yes .. it is personal preferences.
For me, combat & skills are more important. D3 simply has better technology, and gameplay mechanics, and it looks good enough.
Personally i don't actually need a "dark" setting. I like good combat & skill mechanics, with pleasing graphics + lots of polish. But again, that is personal preferences.
But if you just look at the technology & design of pet class, D3 comes out way ahead in my preference. It is a great feeling to see lots of pets fighting lots of mobs.
Theoretically D2 has more pets out at once. You will just have a lot more lag and the game will possible crash. If you are playing alone you can have more pets than a solo Witch Doctor.
To me I'd rather have a cool theme. I actually prefer the game mechanics in D2. The only problem is the max resolution of 800x600 and the lag as mentioned. None the less if I had a choice I would choose to play D2 because I like the classes, their descriptions, and the story better. I also prefer the skill trees over the swap able abilities.
Hunters in wow a pretty solid if you're rolling beastmastery spec. Legion will have beast master the only ranged spec with a pet, survival will be melee spec with a pet, and marksman will be ranged no pet.
Flyte27 I also prefer the skill trees over the swap able abilities.
why? a point here, and a point there is so uninteresting, compared to skills that actually have their own mechanics.
Not to mention gear that has its own mechanics.
I suppose it is personal preferences.
Skill with mechanics, to me, is 100x more fun than the 1 point here, and 1 point their type skill trees. But i guess, except Blizz, no one has the resources to do it this way since every skill may need new mechanics, and sometimes new animation.
Flyte27 I also prefer the skill trees over the swap able abilities.
why? a point here, and a point there is so uninteresting, compared to skills that actually have their own mechanics.
Not to mention gear that has its own mechanics.
I suppose it is personal preferences.
Skill with mechanics, to me, is 100x more fun than the 1 point here, and 1 point their type skill trees. But i guess, except Blizz, no one has the resources to do it this way since every skill may need new mechanics, and sometimes new animation.
I guess I somewhat enjoyed having to agonize over my choice knowing it will have a big impact on the character and I'd be locked into it unless I wanted to start over.
Other than that the systems weren't all that different. One just allows you to pick and choose at random.
I guess I somewhat enjoyed having to agonize over my choice knowing it will have a big impact on the character and I'd be locked into it unless I wanted to start over.
locking into skill choices has nothing to do with a point here and a point there boring skill trees. Blizz could have locked down skill choices, only that they chose not to do so.
OTOH, i have the opposite view. It is silly to lock down skill choices so players are forced to play the first build they come up with.
D3 is so interesting, to me, precisely because you can explore builds to no end. And each season the meta change. Heck, i won't be back for D3, even with its fabulous combat, if not for the changes in meta. Playing the same build for months (or even just weeks) is boring.
To me, games should have no respec costs, and let you explore. Luckily most games i like have that.
While it wasn't extremely complicated or too much petcentric, oyu had difference stances to put your pet in with different abilities, and the AI of the pet actually worked well
That's why. Every class gets companions but none are pet classes. It's not a bad system. But SWTOR would have been good if it had something like a mastermind class too.
You know, the "Jedi Mind Trick" class.
The game Rappelz is the same way. The entire game is based on pet summoning. Everyone gets pets.
I liked both games....WEll, SWTOR more than Rappelz.
I have not since seen an MMO where you can use pets tactically on that scale, but maybe I should take another look at RR in Marvel Heroes. I did enjoy summoner Loki, but that build was pretty underpowered last I saw.
Edit: I see there is a new playable character in Marvel Heroes, Magik, who seems to be based on the D2 necromancer. So that might be a good one to check out.
FFXI , summoner is fun with good -blood pact timer gear and perp cost reduction.
FFXI BST was awesome too after some QoL changes (being able to choose what skill the pet used and reduced timers)
FFXI PUP , a bit annoying but the gameplay was fun as hell , overload sucked
Eq2 pets classes are "ok" to me...more skills based on pet would be cool tho
In D3, the witch doctor can have almost 30 pets out (15 + 8 (so 23) fetishes + 5 zombie dogs + 1 gargantuan).
On the subject of aRPG summoners, Torchlight II has some decent options.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Sure the mage pet is tankier and does more over dps... but all the mage brings is their pet. The necro pet combined with the tools of the necro allowed for a varied of gameplay.
Kiting, tanking, charming... you name it necro could do it with any pet.
I'll admit it got boring after a while, but it was fun for a time. Everything gets boring after a while. Especially if it's static.
The worst lag would be if you had both a necromancer and a druid at the same time. That would be a killer. I can see why they cut down on the amount of pets you can have. It kills the fun for the people who have no pets. None the less it was a good time having a skeleton army. Even the Druid army was fairly fun to use. It wasn't as neat looking though.
EQ had the best looking skeletons IMO.
This is personal preference, but I much prefer the darker setting, classes, and artwork of Diablo 1 and 2.
One thing that turns me off with Diablo 3 are the classes. The Warlock is not scary. In fact none of the classes are intimidating in any way. Reading the description of the Necromancer is creepy enough. I realize this is not something everyone wants, but I like the darkness of it.
-Diablo2 skelliemancer build (extremely potent with Enigma, Beast, Concentrate/Might merc)
-Eq1 Beastlord .. in fact just add all pet classes of Eq1 (mage w its 4 types of pets, necro, enchanter w/ charm).. Not to mention the numerous and unique AA abilities for all pets.. or the many ways you could use the pets (root-pull back, stun when behind, snare, pet-hold, "save" a buffed pet for fast summoning, pet using gear, beastlord tank/aggro management switching.. see why this game is so far far ahead of any other mmorpgs till this day?)
-WoW ranger (back when the tamed pets abilities transferred to yours.. poison, attack speed, chance to stun, etc)
-PoE Summoner (mostly back when you could do a diablo2 style build with loads of auras and summoned)
"I am my connectome" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HA7GwKXfJB0
For me, combat & skills are more important. D3 simply has better technology, and gameplay mechanics, and it looks good enough.
Personally i don't actually need a "dark" setting. I like good combat & skill mechanics, with pleasing graphics + lots of polish. But again, that is personal preferences.
But if you just look at the technology & design of pet class, D3 comes out way ahead in my preference. It is a great feeling to see lots of pets fighting lots of mobs.
To me I'd rather have a cool theme. I actually prefer the game mechanics in D2. The only problem is the max resolution of 800x600 and the lag as mentioned. None the less if I had a choice I would choose to play D2 because I like the classes, their descriptions, and the story better. I also prefer the skill trees over the swap able abilities.
why? a point here, and a point there is so uninteresting, compared to skills that actually have their own mechanics. Not to mention gear that has its own mechanics. I suppose it is personal preferences. Skill with mechanics, to me, is 100x more fun than the 1 point here, and 1 point their type skill trees. But i guess, except Blizz, no one has the resources to do it this way since every skill may need new mechanics, and sometimes new animation.
Other than that the systems weren't all that different. One just allows you to pick and choose at random.
OTOH, i have the opposite view. It is silly to lock down skill choices so players are forced to play the first build they come up with.
D3 is so interesting, to me, precisely because you can explore builds to no end. And each season the meta change. Heck, i won't be back for D3, even with its fabulous combat, if not for the changes in meta. Playing the same build for months (or even just weeks) is boring.
To me, games should have no respec costs, and let you explore. Luckily most games i like have that.