Jonas_SG said: "B2P is just a label. The game we are getting is the same as in Korea. Same Cash shop, same P2W ( Selling Cash shop items on Auction House )."
It's not label- it's a payment model. Our cash shop is significantly different and no you can't sell cash shop items on the marketplace.
Come on you can't be this naive.
It is a label, since not long it will switch to F2P model. If you haven't noticed, the number of players interested in this game are Extremely low with B2P model. I have never seen a AAA game launches with 70-80k players pr region. Even in Russia it launched with at least 500k players. The only way to get new players in is to switch to F2P model.
This is why they didn't changed the Cash Shop from Korean version much. They are already preparing for the switch to F2P. And this is why they are only temporarily disable selling cash shop items on Auction House. It's to lure in naive players like your self with empty hope of having No P2W game.
Almost 200k preorders at the moment, which is a lot for game with no marketing in EU or NA. It's currently going by word-of-mouth only and honestly, that's damn impressive.
The whole idea that a game NEEDS 500k players to survive is also false - This is a misconception which has been around since WoW first released it's record subscriber numbers. You must be a marketeer who only wants to see WoW killers and kills a profitable game because it hasn't reached 1m active players before launch :P
Also, BDO RU never had 500k players. No clue where you're getting that number from.
They are not really pre-orders. All the players that upgraded and cancelled also counts in to that number. The real numbers are much lower. And that's for 2 Regions. So what ever the real number is, you should divide it in two.It's basically a Fail launch.
This game had all the advertising it wanted.
I know it's hard to understand, but this game needs a constant income of fresh players to keep it alive. And seeing how it's already not popular for the start, keeping this game locked behind a B2P pay wall, will not attract any players. In Other regions the game is F2P, so they have a constant income of fresh players to battle the decline, yet it didn't helped them. Now look at our pay wall, and you will see, this game is already falling off a cliff due to poor management.
RU BDO had more than 500k players, because it started with 40 FULL channels, that's equal to 40 servers, and a lot of player where waiting for the launch of B2P Server, so many didn't played, yet still 40 channels where at FULL status for weeks.
Man I can't believe they're even going to release this game considering it's already failed, even before closed beta 2!
You guys must be right. In fact this game's launch that hasn't happened yet seems so bad I'm not sure the game even ever existed.
That's actually true ^^ The game failed in Korea and then in Russia this is their last chance if doesn't make it here it never will.
While I understand every doomsayer's reason for bashing KR and RU's launch claiming the game will only be successful if it launches F2P sounds like something a gold seller would say as false propaganda. There is no indication that B2P model is deterring people from getting the game. I don't see GW2 hurting for players with their B2P model, so if BDO has entertainment value, which I believe it does, it will be fine.
I was meh about this game at first. Played some OB1 liked it a bit. My wife played more and she really liked it. We tend to enjoy the same types of games. Being B2P hasn t deterred us at all, as a matter of fact, being B2P has made us go from maybe to yes in buying it.
I was meh about this game at first. Played some OB1 liked it a bit. My wife played more and she really liked it. We tend to enjoy the same types of games. Being B2P hasn t deterred us at all, as a matter of fact, being B2P has made us go from maybe to yes in buying it.