For transparent development. This is not clear at all. I mean who gives a release date then doesn't bother to push the date back knowing fully well it will not make the date? You know we haven't even touched on the fact that it was scheduled release Q1 2016. But anyhow keep up the good work CIG and keep lying to people because it seems to be working.
You'll have to wait for SQ42 at Citizencon really, unless CIG announces something before, if you want anything official about it that is.
Here's the full thing:
MG: "Alright, you made a certain uncle very happy now. Actually, you just anwsered my next question. Squadron 42 is still on track then?"
CR: "We're working hard on that, but it's gonna... you know, think of us being Naughty Dog (He said a few questions before, he rather delays the game as Naughty Dog did with Uncharted 4, because people won't be as frustrated if the game comes out later, if the quality is good, than if you release the game without the expected quality) So.. it's gonna be, it will be great and it's gonna be polished, so.. we definitely, all the elements will be done this year, so, we're kind of in the close down mode of, we've got all the content, the missions, the play through are all done and blocked (not sure of that word) in. We finishing all the assets, we finished all the motion capture, we're working on the characters as you can even see on the demo, so that's a background NPC character, that will be in SQ42, we also apply here. So the tech, all these things are sort of coming together, so the thing i can't tell you is, how long it's going to take to polish and make it all work and make it all super smooth. BC we still have some of the AI subsumption stuff, the mission stuff is still first rolling in, so that's a tech dependency and the object container (unsure if it's that word) stuff witch we'll be show in the first bit is all part of the same, cause we do the same, cause in SQ42 now, you're going down to, you know, go down to the planet side infiltration and some other stuff, witch we weren't originally going to do, so we upped, like we added some more stuff to SQ42, we made the battle at the end even bigger, it's gonna be absolutely epic. BUT, like i said, consider us on SQ42 we will behave like Naughty Dog, witch is like, it has to be right, it has to be polished. So i don't want to make any prediction on that, but the content will be done by the end of this year, and then it's a matter of the polish time."
(that's a user-made translation, as you can prob notice)
That also finally confirms that they added Planets to SQ42 after all.
LOL I can't believe he compares himself with Uncharted 4 which was delayed for 2 weeks. Yea that is a good comparison.
LOL ahead but he has a point: "people won't be as frustrated if the game comes out later, if the quality is good, than if you release the game without the expected quality"
For me, there is no dispute that spend extra time for polishing the game as opposed to rushing it out to hit a self-imposed deadline will always be a better bet.
There're far too many titles where the self-imposed deadline spoke louder... He should is give a release date when he's certain of it, instead of estimates.
I agree if the game rocks then all is forgiven but if it doesn't you're never hear the end of it. I expected a long wait cause when you think about it most new companies have their hands full creating one AAA title, this company is doing two at once. This would mean doubling the time. So if one game takes say five years to make, two would take around ten, and that's expecting zero unforeseen problems which stretch out the time further.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
LOL I can't believe he compares himself with Uncharted 4 which was delayed for 2 weeks. Yea that is a good comparison.
LOL ahead but he has a point: "people won't be as frustrated if the game comes out later, if the quality is good, than if you release the game without the expected quality"
For me, there is no dispute that spend extra time for polishing the game as opposed to rushing it out to hit a self-imposed deadline will always be a better bet.
There're far too many titles where the self-imposed deadline spoke louder... He should is give a release date when he's certain of it, instead of estimates.
I don't think anyone disagrees with delaying a game to finish the quality. But the Uncharted 4 analogy wasn't correct because the delay had nothing to do with the game development.
I don't think anyone disagrees with delaying a game to finish the quality. But the Uncharted 4 analogy wasn't correct because the delay had nothing to do with the game development.
You're mentioning the last Uncharded 4 delay i think, the game was delayed for over 1 year, it was originally to come out on 2015 (on March), then there was a bunch of several small delays on 2016 that slipped on March, on April and then it released on May.
So on that aspect Naughty Dog indeed said they needed more time to bring the game to the quality they wanted: "we would have had to reduce that scope and reduce that ambition to meet that [original] deadline"
I don't think the words Star Citizen and release date should be in the same sentence at this point. When the money runs out, they will drop whatever they have and call it a release. Until that happens, expect more spin and more delays. I hope everyone has enough popcorn to last until at least 2017 if not 2018. It's been a good show so far though.
When the money runs out, they will drop whatever they have and call it a release. Until that happens, expect more spin and more delays.
90 Dayz! 90 Dayz! :chuffed:
SC would crash and burn on 2015... Earlier this year we've been given the same assurances there was no way SC would survive 2016 (what seems very unlikely at this point)... And most likely next year the same will be claimed.
For transparent development. This is not clear at all. I mean who gives a release date then doesn't bother to push the date back knowing fully well it will not make the date? You know we haven't even touched on the fact that it was scheduled release Q1 2016. But anyhow keep up the good work CIG and keep lying to people because it seems to be working.
It really seems that CR wants to just be done with this whole mess, and be able to move on with his pockets full of the cash he has been paying himself and his cronies.
Likely with investment income generated from all of that donated money, which is not really tracked.
All they are doing at this point, is going to put out "whatever" in an attempt to not get sued/investigated.
Right now we have the equivalent of Chris telling some dude in a Chinese restaurant during the holidays at Hong Kong rumor. CIG has anounced nothing of the sort.
It really seems that CR wants to just be done with this whole mess, and be able to move on with his pockets full of the cash he has been paying himself and his cronies.
Yup; that's exactly why he kept putting the money back on game, expanding studios and the development team, and pushing on refactoring code and parts of the game to make them live up to what was promised / said to be.
It really seems that CR wants to just be done with this whole mess, and be able to move on with his pockets full of the cash he has been paying himself and his cronies.
Yup that's exactly why he keeps putting the money back on game, expanding studios and the development team, and pushing on refactoring code and parts of the game to make them live up to what was promised / said to be.
You would think a game with all those video blogs and news letters would mean that everyone knew exactly what was going on but so far all that's been said officially is, "We're working on it, and here's some of the stuff I'm working on. Oh, and here's what our studio looks like." :-)
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
You would think a game with all those video blogs and news letters would mean that everyone knew exactly what was going on but so far all that's been said officially is, "We're working on it, and here's some of the stuff I'm working on. Oh, and here's what our studio looks like." :-)
Exactly, for all the time they spend TALKING about the project and it being 'the most open development in history' no one knows jack shit about what is actually going on.
Just at the beginning of August people were talking about SQ 42 and how it would be out at the end of the year and how awesome it was. Me, the voice of reason gave them several reasons why they probably wont see it before the end of 2018. There was the usual backlash. Then suddenly after that make believe presentation at Games con all the supports have now shifted their position and now are looking for the 3.0 (which apparently will be 2.7) as the "big" release of 2016.
Even though Chris Roberts spoke how long and how hard about how SQ 42 was going to be the main focus for the near future?
As far as the official word goes, both SQ42 and 3.0 will be with us by the end of the year.
They've literally been telling us this over ***the last few weeks***, they can't be lying, right? I'm guessing that SQ42 is in deep beta and having the final touches applied, and 3.0 is being tested by the Evocati. Because it must be if they are going to hit 2016..?
im 100% sure they would not say end of 2016 if they knew full well that it would be at least another year.
As far as the official word goes, both SQ42 and 3.0 will be with us by the end of the year.
They've literally been telling us this over ***the last few weeks***, they can't be lying, right? I'm guessing that SQ42 is in deep beta and having the final touches applied, and 3.0 is being tested by the Evocati. Because it must be if they are going to hit 2016..?
im 100% sure they would not say end of 2016 if they knew full well that it would be at least another year.
100% sure? Oh my!
As they are not really saying anything definitive, and as timelines can slip they wouldn't really be lying would they? Of course they can lie that must have been sarcasm.
Yea looking at the comparison with Uncharted 4. They were more open about delivery dates and reasons for delays then CIG has ever been. They anounced the first delay over a year before the scheduled date. Then they actually gave the reasons which had to do with the game was just bad and they had to hire an entirely new team. This is what transparent development looks like.
CIG keeping everything hush knowing full well they won't deliver is plain lying and wrong.
As they are not really saying anything definitive, and as timelines can slip they wouldn't really be lying would they? Of course they can lie that must have been sarcasm.
I lol :awesome: Estimates shall never be 100% sure's. Nobody lied from estimating it would be out this year.
In fact, the journalist on this whole matter clarified what he said exactly was "MIGHT" release this year, however unlikely as it is.
CIG keeping everything hush knowing full well they won't deliver is plain lying and wrong.
And how do you know they know full well? In factual words he actually said SQ42 might make it this year, he didn't knew as he said how much time it will take to polish the game.
They won't announce a delay on their sales revenues. Delays don't make money. The SC Fans are accepting "silent" delays because CIG teached indoctrinated them how game Star Citizen Development works.
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it. The cake is a lie.
They won't announce a delay on their sales revenues. Delays don't make money. The SC Fans are accepting "silent" delays because CIG teached indoctrinated them how game Star Citizen Development works.
Wait for Citcon and we shall see if they'll not mention the release matter. 32 days now.
It's not accepting "silent" delays, generally on the community of backers there was skepticism towards 2016 as its date since it was announced. And for me it kinda put my expectation that it possibily woudn't make it when CR some time after announcing 2016 puts it as "hopefully we will make it".
Showing how 2016 was such a rock-solid hopeful date. And that is what i am against, giving backers hopeful release dates, if it is for that better not give the date at all.
They won't announce a delay on their sales revenues. Delays don't make money. The SC Fans are accepting "silent" delays because CIG teached indoctrinated them how game Star Citizen Development works.
Wait for Citcon and we shall see if they'll not mention the release matter. 32 days now.
It's not accepting "silent" delays, generally on the community of backers there was skepticism towards 2016 as its date since it was announced. And for me it kinda put my expectation that it possibily woudn't make it when CR some time after announcing 2016 puts it as "hopefully we will make it".
Showing how 2016 was such a rock-solid hopeful date. And that is what i am against, giving backers hopeful release dates, if it is for that better not give the date at all.
Well this would be perfectly fine if you represented CIG somehow but you do not. They are giving these dates and they are continuing to be stupid about the whole thing. Why you trying to defend something you know is wrong in the first place?
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Here's the full thing:
MG: "Alright, you made a certain uncle very happy now. Actually, you just anwsered my next question. Squadron 42 is still on track then?"
CR: "We're working hard on that, but it's gonna... you know, think of us being Naughty Dog (He said a few questions before, he rather delays the game as Naughty Dog did with Uncharted 4, because people won't be as frustrated if the game comes out later, if the quality is good, than if you release the game without the expected quality) So.. it's gonna be, it will be great and it's gonna be polished, so.. we definitely, all the elements will be done this year, so, we're kind of in the close down mode of, we've got all the content, the missions, the play through are all done and blocked (not sure of that word) in. We finishing all the assets, we finished all the motion capture, we're working on the characters as you can even see on the demo, so that's a background NPC character, that will be in SQ42, we also apply here. So the tech, all these things are sort of coming together, so the thing i can't tell you is, how long it's going to take to polish and make it all work and make it all super smooth. BC we still have some of the AI subsumption stuff, the mission stuff is still first rolling in, so that's a tech dependency and the object container (unsure if it's that word) stuff witch we'll be show in the first bit is all part of the same, cause we do the same, cause in SQ42 now, you're going down to, you know, go down to the planet side infiltration and some other stuff, witch we weren't originally going to do, so we upped, like we added some more stuff to SQ42, we made the battle at the end even bigger, it's gonna be absolutely epic. BUT, like i said, consider us on SQ42 we will behave like Naughty Dog, witch is like, it has to be right, it has to be polished. So i don't want to make any prediction on that, but the content will be done by the end of this year, and then it's a matter of the polish time."
(that's a user-made translation, as you can prob notice)
That also finally confirms that they added Planets to SQ42 after all.
For me, there is no dispute that spend extra time for polishing the game as opposed to rushing it out to hit a self-imposed deadline will always be a better bet.
There're far too many titles where the self-imposed deadline spoke louder...
He should is give a release date when he's certain of it, instead of estimates.
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
So on that aspect Naughty Dog indeed said they needed more time to bring the game to the quality they wanted: "we would have had to reduce that scope and reduce that ambition to meet that [original] deadline"
SC would crash and burn on 2015... Earlier this year we've been given the same assurances there was no way SC would survive 2016 (what seems very unlikely at this point)... And most likely next year the same will be claimed.
Yup, popcorn indeed!
Likely with investment income generated from all of that donated money, which is not really tracked.
All they are doing at this point, is going to put out "whatever" in an attempt to not get sued/investigated.
Obviously a scam.
He's doing it wrong!!!!
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Just at the beginning of August people were talking about SQ 42 and how it would be out at the end of the year and how awesome it was. Me, the voice of reason gave them several reasons why they probably wont see it before the end of 2018. There was the usual backlash. Then suddenly after that make believe presentation at Games con all the supports have now shifted their position and now are looking for the 3.0 (which apparently will be 2.7) as the "big" release of 2016.
Even though Chris Roberts spoke how long and how hard about how SQ 42 was going to be the main focus for the near future?
They've literally been telling us this over ***the last few weeks***, they can't be lying, right? I'm guessing that SQ42 is in deep beta and having the final touches applied, and 3.0 is being tested by the Evocati. Because it must be if they are going to hit 2016..?
im 100% sure they would not say end of 2016 if they knew full well that it would be at least another year.
As they are not really saying anything definitive, and as timelines can slip they wouldn't really be lying would they? Of course they can lie that must have been sarcasm.
CIG keeping everything hush knowing full well they won't deliver is plain lying and wrong.
In fact, the journalist on this whole matter clarified what he said exactly was "MIGHT" release this year, however unlikely as it is.
And how do you know they know full well? In factual words he actually said SQ42 might make it this year, he didn't knew as he said how much time it will take to polish the game.
The SC Fans are accepting "silent" delays because CIG teached indoctrinated them how game Star Citizen Development works.
When you have cake, it is not the cake that creates the most magnificent of experiences, but it is the emotions attached to it.
The cake is a lie.
It's not accepting "silent" delays, generally on the community of backers there was skepticism towards 2016 as its date since it was announced. And for me it kinda put my expectation that it possibily woudn't make it when CR some time after announcing 2016 puts it as "hopefully we will make it".
Showing how 2016 was such a rock-solid hopeful date. And that is what i am against, giving backers hopeful release dates, if it is for that better not give the date at all.