Looking at the RX 480 it looks like they failed in their attempt to create a good video card at a decent price. Considering the GTX 1060 is the same price and runs about 20% better. Am I missing something here?
Are you onto something or just on something?
far from the same price
I would take the rx 480 for that price even if its 20% less powerful than the overpriced(IMO) 1070
But I think they are definitely holding their own against nVidia in the market tiers they are competing in, particularly when you look at DX12 numbers.
Seems, in general benchmarks I've seen to date, the 1060 wins on DX11 stuff, but the 480 wins out on DX12 stuff, with some exceptions. And neither really seems to pull away from the other, they stay pretty close.
But maybe you have some benchmarks you care to share that show something different?
Its showing the nvidia card is 20% faster when it comes to DX11 and when it comes to dx 12 the RX 480 is about 5-10% faster and in some cases slower. But that appears to be the case when ashes of singularity is involved.
Not sure how anyone would try to put "fail" anywhere close in the same sentence as these new cards.
The real question for AMD is how will Vega and Zen perform.
Going forward their APUs can prove to be a better buy considering what the XBox Scropio and PS4 Neo will be packing.
Samsungs Rambuss memory outperformed the DDR memory by far but still failed. Betamax, HD DVD and so on...
I wouldn't call the 480 a failure nor the Nvidia 1060, both are acceptable card and which is best depends on who's benchmark tests you look at. Either is a fine choice for a mid budget gamer. If you want high end cards neither will make you happy but you can't buy high end graphics for that price.
The 1060 is cheaper because that is what they made it for. They aren't being discounted they are selling. As for AMD going bankrupt their q3 results were not good by any means.
I wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole until they come down another $150 and offer two free games with purchase, like when I got Witcher 3 and Batman with my 970.
but NVidia is better in DX11 right? yup, but still much slower than 480 in DX12
480 dominates 2016. and beats 1060 in 90% of games, it even beats it in NVIdia gimpwrks games like Witcher 3, Division and ROTR.
20% faster? what are you, NVidia product champion? There yet has to be a game where NVidia doesnt lose FPS in DX12, THATS how badly NVidia cards perform, complete fail.
Also a LOT of problems in older games, SWTOR complete corruption if full screen, unplayable, NFSMW complete textures curruption unplayable... ... ...
SInce ive bought AMD card no problems whatsoever, new or old games.
THIS is why i dumped NVIdia and what i had seen WAY to many times (and actually had to postpone playing new games as that picture down there is 5 MONTHS after freaking game launch), and i only had 970 for 11 months. Better drivers my a$$, in 11 months i had 5x more driver crashes on NVidia than in 5 years with AMD lol
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
There are 2 things happening with the Q3 results. The fact you looked at it and said AMD is doing poorly clearly shows why you should never be an investor. They saw high revenues thanks to taking several large contracts for what most would argue is a weak sales period. The company released 2 video cards that only just became widely available and no processors yet they saw high sales. Their stock went up 3 fold. That is the first thing you should note. The second thing is that the company has been in bad shape with their CPUs since 2006. They are heavily indebted and restructured. Their net operating loss is due to the payments they are still paying on that restructuring. They are in a relatively good position for growth at the current time.
Also i think nvidia still has their own manufacture for their on gpus into a complete card, since there are cards that only say nvidia, which means it kind of sets a base price, and the prices vary on added value from retailers.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
NVidia wants AIBs to sell their supperior cards for 379/599$ while they themselves sell that POS "FE" reference throttling card for 449/699$
yes they DO set the prices becauase first tier retailers like Newegg (US) and MIndfactory (EU) sell cards AT MSRP.
Archeage EU - Nui
But in terms of the 1060 and the 480, pick whichever you want, there isn't really a good reason to pick one over the other.
Be interesting to find out why Dx12 is such an issue for BF1 particularly as it works badly for both Nvidia and AMD cards.
Nvidia is a bit faster, a bit more energy efficient and provides way more balanced performance.
it is just not good enough...
AMD made a loss again this last quarter apparently.
I won't argue that Intel CPU's aren't better than the AMD ones, even though i have a 9590 in my PC myself, it was a price issue and if i could have afforded the equivalent Intel CPU at the time, i probably would have one.
I think with Nvidia vs AMD with GPU's its not quite as clear cut, but, i think we are looking at a similar situation.