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Roberts Space Industries recently offered fans of Star Citizen a "vertical slice" of game play from Squadron 42. The game play is taken from a pre-alpha version of the game. This video is the pure game play, though there is a second with developer commentary overlaying it. Interestingly, devs pick up on issues with game play, probably adding things to their lists of "must get dones" before release.
mmorpg junkie since 1999
Wa min God! Se æx on min heafod is!
Can I ask what benefit do you expect to gain by spending your savings on ships before launch? According to fans, you can earn everything by simply playing the game.
I like the concept of SC on the open world side but you would have to pay me to play Squadron 42
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It depicts an interesting mix between CoD and E:D, but doesn't seem to be as good as either one. It mostly seems to be a button-pressing simulator with all the actions needs to get in/out of the ship and open doors/airlocks; there was even a button (a literal button) that the person playing the demo had to press in order to pick up the grate towards the end of the mission.
If the final product is as on-rails as this demo was, I can't say that I'm nearly as interested as I previously was. There are just too many modern open-world RPGs/simulators with tons of options/exploration for me to want to go back to an on-rails experience like SQ42 seems to be going for.
We don't know how the lawsuit will turn out, nor do we know CiG's funding situation because they don't release any financial information besides total number of pledges. However, we do know that SQ42 only has like, one mission done so far and horrible optimization issues as well as no really functional AI by their own admission, and their statement that "This stuff is still in the early stages". So it's easy to estimate that SQ42 is at the very least one year off from completion and likely more than that (far more in some peoples' opinions, mine included).
So... we'll see if it turns out to be vaporware in terms of ever seeing the light of day, I guess. On the bright side, we should find out either way within "only" two years or so I imagine.
There is playable versions, not complete, and a ptu for sc. CIG are some of the most open developers around. Not saying they reveal everything, but they do reveal more than any game company I have payed attention to. CIG has developed some really powerful adaptations to the crytek engine and lumberyard engine. They are already working on Technology leasing to other companies, which should fetch them a pretty penny. I am not worried in the slightest. I play other games and read about SC often, I am content.
At this point the game has to be pretty close to flawless or all the anti fan boys will troll the shit outta CIG about bugs and other BS. I think most of the people against SC are people who want to see it crash and burn because its not their style of game and they are jealous that the games they prefer will never reach the funding point that CIG has climbed to.
Honestly, I'm impressed by the fact that they were even able to complete the mission in the demo, because its a running joke even within the SC community that completing missions (in SC, at least) is just not possible at this point (due to bugs, crashes, etc).
Its an "early pre-alpha WIP" though, so some issues are obviously expected. FPS optimization (even in single player settings), however, seems to be a rather large one still.
a different video I saw had both
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That's the benefit of showing a "demo" using a pre-recorded video. What's really scary is that's probably the best they could come up with after throwing out the bad parts and replacing them with functional playthrough moments and it STILL had lots of issues anyways.
The game is not as intensive hardware-wise as people seem to think. When people load in with the "offline mode" trick, the performance has one huge increase.
Tho in demos when the footage is more raw, optimization done on it usually is just for the demo and not the final thing, raw assets without usual optimizations such as LODs would be a killer of any hardware gg
Those of us who don't donate money to CIG instead prefer to play games that have officially launched, so that we can actually determine whether we enjoy them or not. Why would any of us be "jealous" that your crowdfunded pie in the sky is raking in more money? These shamelessly premade videos should easily tell the tale of money being wasted....unless you think others are "jealous" of your waiting, what, over five years now for a game that still has no real functionality?
Yeah, I guess we're all idiots for buying games we can log onto and play. Gosh, let me delete all of my existing games and go back SC, cause gosh, they are making so much money! Plus, that way I won't have to be "jealous" any longer of folks who have handed their kids' college funds over to Roberts. LOL
As I've said in other threads in discussing SQ42/SC, I firmly sit in the "release when ready" camp, but the goalposts for SQ42 haven't moved like they have for SC. So, I don't really understand why they haven't made more progress on SQ42. "Early pre-alpha WIP" implies there is still a significant way to go, especially since optimization still seems to be rocky at best.
After 5-6 years and tons of hype (especially for this particular game play demo), I just wasn't super impressed, especially considering it is prerecorded and they had every chance possible to make it truly remarkable. It isn't like they were actually sitting there *live* playing through a mission; they could have at least made the game play seem more interesting than "how many buttons does it take to get into the ship's cockpit and launch".
but I dont agree that it has to be 'finished'.
My best gaming experiences EVER have been mostly by playing unfinished code.
and I am not saying 'ever' to be colorful or dramatic, nor do I speak from a position of inexperience. I mean very seriously exactly what I said
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Most games are never "finished", especially not now, in the era of day-one patches and constant updates, and so on. I don't mean that a game need be "perfect" or anything of the sort. Heck, I have bought into a few early-access titles, and one in particular I have been playing since it hit early access in around 2015 (?). Point being, the game was in a released state (even if unfinished) and myself and others were able to experience the real thing for ourselves.
I just think it's honestly hilarious that someone would think people are "jealous" of SC because it's (theoretically) making money. I mean I can somewhat understand being a fanboi, but for God's sake that idea is just idiotic. People have been handing their money to charlatans and schemes for thousands of years.
If you are holding out for the perfect game, the only game you play will be the waiting one.