You want to know the easiest way to stop toxic behavior in games, remove the ability to have animity on the internet. That is the only true way to stop it. Link all games to actual people. Unfortunately that can't be done in today's world to many ways to circumvent it, but maybe one day. Just imagine you had to talk and interact with people with them knowing who you are and where you live, doubt half the people would act like they do.
I agree
Wrong. The day internet anonymous is gone, the world is doomed.
I can be an asshole in real life too , in a bar, in a club , you name it, without people knowing my name, address, etc. Being toxic in real life or on the internet is not equal to being a bad person or a threat to someone. Exactly like in real life, on the internet you have the option to /ignore /mute the person. I don't get it , why people who feels offended by *you name it* online , does not ignore the person.
Anyway , makes sense now? Good..
In real life, I have the option of beating anyone who says something offensive senseless. Oddly enough, I don't run into folks who say those kinds of things in public. Wonder why that is?
You would not beat me, but that's another story.
You missed my point and you typically reply with non-senses. Not anyone has that.."option" , Bruce Lee. Keep wondering "why is that".
No, you missed the point. The entire reason you and others want to act this way online is because you know you can do so without fear of any retaliatory consequences from the person you're verbally assaulting. That's why this shit doesn't happen in real life: because possible consequences DON'T include you ending up in the hospital with a broken face.
Since that's not an option, devs and publishers step in to create substitutes. You guys don't like it, but here's the thing: the vast majority of gamers don't give a shit whether you like it or not. Sucks, be better.
EDIT- this behavior isn't even isolated to gaming. In the insurance industry, denials are generally much better received in person than over the phone. Because over the phone, you're just a faceless voice. In person, you're a 200-lb man.
If I was Blizzard, I wouldn't say shit. I would just quietly implement my system which would apply a little hidden debuff for every infraction listed in the ToS
Something that's subtle and not readily apparent. Something that makes them think they're playing like shit
I think self-moderation is preferable to an AI trying to mete out "justice". If somebody is being an asshat, a la Mei ice walls, and you don't want to play with them again, you should be able to flag the player and never be matched with them again. Don't like what they're saying? Mute them; you never have to read their communications again. Those two systems should suffice. Eventually, the jerkwads will all end up being grouped with nobody but each other. I still don't understand why Kaplan is too butthurt about this to allow that to happen. It's a fine resolution.
Sometimes both the player and the company that's made a game have to stand up to bullies and thugs that ruin the fun for everyone. Your line of thinking is that playground bullies should be "avoided and tolerated while children put fingers in their ears not to hear their taunts". Unacceptable there. Unacceptable in games.
Self-moderation has obviously not worked or there wouldn't be a "toxic" community or problem in any game.
How has self-moderation not worked? If you block somebody, you don't have to play with them again. If you mute them, you don't ever have to read what they have to say again. That is a resolution to the problem. Done! Explain to me how it gets any better than that? You really think there's a way prevent these naughty people from playing games? There isn't.
PvP gaming isn't ever going to be a "safe space" nor should it be. Use the tools available to make sure you don't play with people who you don't want to play with and accept the fact that, oh my, sometimes people are going to say something you may find offensive and you will need to learn to process that for what it's real value is (nothing) and move on.
Self-moderation is the player controlling their own behavior, not another user moderating their interaction. So when she's saying self-moderation she's talking about people exercising control over what they type and say. There are still /ignore lists for people you don't want to hear. Past that it's not up to me or any other player to make a safe space for jerks.
PvP not being a safe space is bullshit. Athletes of all levels and stripes have a code of conduct they must adhere to or they get the boot, sometimes permanently. Gamers can do the same thing. If they can't they can get the boot just like real Olympic athletes would for violating the code of conduct.
Studios, publishers, and the rest of the gaming community have decided that making a safe space for assholes isn't worth the effort. Blizzard can spend less money and effort with AI and machine learning than they can with GMs and programming social behavior tools into their game.
Well, no, what I meant by self-moderation is my ability to choose NOT to play with somebody I don't want to play with, or my ability to choose to not receive any communication from said person as well. Why does anyone need more moderation than that in a PvP game like Overwatch?
You can effectively remove any individual from your own playing experience with some simple tools: block/mute. Why does any more need to be done? I don't see a good reason for an AI to step in and start deciding who the bad people are and who I should and shouldn't play with. No where near a good enough reason, actually. I can make that decision for myself, thank you very much.
This is much ado about nothing; wasted resources on a mission to protect people's feelings that's more likely to cause new problems than it is to solve anything.
I doubt they would use this system for anything other than obvious cases. Anything complicated or subjective would likely still require a person to review.
Not to keep drawing parallels, but the insurance industry is doing the same with loss inspection: satellite imagery and drones when there's obvious roof damage, a person when there's coverage concerns or minimal damage that's not readily apparent.
Why be a shithead what does that do? All you’re doing is presenting yourself as someone to be ignored.
You want to know the easiest way to stop toxic behavior in games, remove the ability to have animity on the internet. That is the only true way to stop it. Link all games to actual people. Unfortunately that can't be done in today's world to many ways to circumvent it, but maybe one day. Just imagine you had to talk and interact with people with them knowing who you are and where you live, doubt half the people would act like they do.
I agree
Wrong. The day internet anonymous is gone, the world is doomed.
I can be an asshole in real life too , in a bar, in a club , you name it, without people knowing my name, address, etc. Being toxic in real life or on the internet is not equal to being a bad person or a threat to someone. Exactly like in real life, on the internet you have the option to /ignore /mute the person. I don't get it , why people who feels offended by *you name it* online , does not ignore the person.
Anyway , makes sense now? Good..
In real life, I have the option of beating anyone who says something offensive senseless. Oddly enough, I don't run into folks who say those kinds of things in public. Wonder why that is?
Ahh so you use violence to deter mean words? If you don’t understand why anonymity is so important you don’t belong on it.
I mean, you see bad players, you tell them "go Quick Match , why do you play ranked?" They go "Because is fun" , I tell them "This is about ranking before fun, so gtfo" . They then go "FUUUUCKU , reported" . I mean really ?!
I will bash bad players which go ranking because "Is just a game and is fun in ranking" anytime. If is just a game, go Quick Match. If you want to compete, go Ranked. Simple as that.
And I swear they need a system to allow or not , players to play in Ranking, based on some factors, and/or , make a strictly League with Rankings for "Casuals" , who wants to have and also have a .. ranking system.
This isnt the olympics, its a video game. They arent messing with your qualification score for worlds or anything, Take the good matches with the bad and chill out.
Read what I said. Competitive is exactly what it means. C.o.m.p.e.t.i.t.i.v
And actually , the mode in Overwatch it reads " Competitive Play " aka .. "olympics" for you to understand better. If is just a game and people wants to have fun, there is ALWAYS Quick Play & Arcade modes. You got it now? Good.
Is like you are playing in a competitive football team , and your team gives everything, and you are like "Relax boys! Is just a game" . You'll then receive some slaps I'm sure.
Even if it is a competitive match it doesn't give you the right or anyone else the right to belittle someone period. They might be doing their best, they may have a physical limitation that is holding them back but they still want to play. Sorry but your competitive argument is part of the problem. You feel like you get to decide how someone else plays, well you don't. Personally if I play a competitive game and someone starts talking crap I just stop trying and watch that person get madder and madder because guess what it is a game. The only time I could see someone truly being able to use that argument and it matter is if they were in a tournament on a company sponsored team, that is it.
Not to be mean but if you’re disabled so badly to where it greatly inhibits your ability to play you shouldn’t play competitive
I think self-moderation is preferable to an AI trying to mete out "justice". If somebody is being an asshat, a la Mei ice walls, and you don't want to play with them again, you should be able to flag the player and never be matched with them again. Don't like what they're saying? Mute them; you never have to read their communications again. Those two systems should suffice. Eventually, the jerkwads will all end up being grouped with nobody but each other. I still don't understand why Kaplan is too butthurt about this to allow that to happen. It's a fine resolution.
Sometimes both the player and the company that's made a game have to stand up to bullies and thugs that ruin the fun for everyone. Your line of thinking is that playground bullies should be "avoided and tolerated while children put fingers in their ears not to hear their taunts". Unacceptable there. Unacceptable in games.
Self-moderation has obviously not worked or there wouldn't be a "toxic" community or problem in any game.
How has self-moderation not worked? If you block somebody, you don't have to play with them again. If you mute them, you don't ever have to read what they have to say again. That is a resolution to the problem. Done! Explain to me how it gets any better than that? You really think there's a way prevent these naughty people from playing games? There isn't.
PvP gaming isn't ever going to be a "safe space" nor should it be. Use the tools available to make sure you don't play with people who you don't want to play with and accept the fact that, oh my, sometimes people are going to say something you may find offensive and you will need to learn to process that for what it's real value is (nothing) and move on.
Self-moderation is the player controlling their own behavior, not another user moderating their interaction. So when she's saying self-moderation she's talking about people exercising control over what they type and say. There are still /ignore lists for people you don't want to hear. Past that it's not up to me or any other player to make a safe space for jerks.
PvP not being a safe space is bullshit. Athletes of all levels and stripes have a code of conduct they must adhere to or they get the boot, sometimes permanently. Gamers can do the same thing. If they can't they can get the boot just like real Olympic athletes would for violating the code of conduct.
Studios, publishers, and the rest of the gaming community have decided that making a safe space for assholes isn't worth the effort. Blizzard can spend less money and effort with AI and machine learning than they can with GMs and programming social behavior tools into their game.
Well, no, what I meant by self-moderation is my ability to choose NOT to play with somebody I don't want to play with, or my ability to choose to not receive any communication from said person as well. Why does anyone need more moderation than that in a PvP game like Overwatch?
You can effectively remove any individual from your own playing experience with some simple tools: block/mute. Why does any more need to be done? I don't see a good reason for an AI to step in and start deciding who the bad people are and who I should and shouldn't play with. No where near a good enough reason, actually. I can make that decision for myself, thank you very much.
This is much ado about nothing; wasted resources on a mission to protect people's feelings that's more likely to cause new problems than it is to solve anything.
It's not my job to police their game.
Those tools are still great to help filter out people I don't want to play with. Not everyone I don't like needs a ban right? But it's not my job to use those tools to identify and report people for that. That is a completely subjective event, often sparked by emotion, that takes Blizzard time and money to investigate. AI isn't subject to any of those issues.
AI can make those decisions without emotional interference or prejudice. If you break the rule, you get dinged. If you break it often enough or severely enough you will be banned. It's like a social referee because some people think they should be allowed to break rules. Let's be clear about that, the jerks are breaking rules just like if they were cheating at game mechanics. Rules matter in a game. The AI is keeping those rules enforced, just like the AI determining hits and combat are ensuring those rules are enforced.
Actually this is the sort of thing that saves money. Wasting resources is employing someone to do the job less efficiently for more money. AI can work 24/7 and it's cheap. People shouldn't be worried that AI will catch them being dickheads. They should worry that it's going to take their jobs, but that's another topic.
Punishment by not playing isn't much of a punishment, in my book. Instead of having that AI ding the bad behavior and ban the offenders when they cross the threshold, have that AI charge their credit card for the toxic behavior.
Look, Mr. Blizzard. I just showed you a new revenue stream.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
You want to know the easiest way to stop toxic behavior in games, remove the ability to have animity on the internet. That is the only true way to stop it. Link all games to actual people. Unfortunately that can't be done in today's world to many ways to circumvent it, but maybe one day. Just imagine you had to talk and interact with people with them knowing who you are and where you live, doubt half the people would act like they do.
I agree
Wrong. The day internet anonymous is gone, the world is doomed.
I can be an asshole in real life too , in a bar, in a club , you name it, without people knowing my name, address, etc. Being toxic in real life or on the internet is not equal to being a bad person or a threat to someone. Exactly like in real life, on the internet you have the option to /ignore /mute the person. I don't get it , why people who feels offended by *you name it* online , does not ignore the person.
Anyway , makes sense now? Good..
In real life, I have the option of beating anyone who says something offensive senseless. Oddly enough, I don't run into folks who say those kinds of things in public. Wonder why that is?
Ahh so you use violence to deter mean words? If you don’t understand why anonymity is so important you don’t belong on it.
Use it? I don't have to use it. I don't have to do anything; my mere presence changes the dynamic of the interaction entirely. That's just psychology. You can argue around it all you like, it won't change it.
Oh, as a footnote (and as SBFord correctly points out) freedom of speech is a Constitutional right not to be silenced by the government. It affords no protection from limitations on speech imposed by the terms of service of a private website (like this one) or by a game (such as Overwatch). Even in its proper context, it has limitations (no yelling fire in a crowded theater, etc).
It also doesn't absolve anyone from the consequences of their speech. So unless the speech is critical of the government and they're retaliating and suppressing that, then that line isn't a valid defense for poor social behavior.
Our gaming community has gone to shit. Our MMORPGs barely even have communities and they're not any better. If we don't set standards for ourselves and police our own communities this is what we'll have to deal with.
Freedom of Speech does NOT mean that a person can say whatever they want to say. Freedom of Speech means that someone's right to say something is protected within certain limits. A person has the right to say whatever they want, but may have to suffer CONSEQUENCES for saying those things. Falsely yelling fire in a theatre comes to mind.
I believe i mentioned his before,my gut tells me Kapaln and team seriosuly do NOT care one bit about you or me,their ONLY intent is to keep the money coming and they NEED to keep a happy place to keep the money train rolling.Otherwise if they felt no loss from toxic players,i doubt they would care one bit.
I need to share a story about a blizzard rep,it might have been kapalan or kotick but was a few years back so don't remember exactly who,however this pertains what i just said in last paragraph.
One or more of their reps was being interviewed about botting and cheating,ok no big deal it happens.However the response is what caught my eye.Actually there was more than one rep now that i remember was 2 or 3,anyhow the response was that they spend a lot of money time going after this,again great no problem.However one then began to state that they do NOT directly target the cheats but wait to catch the bigger fish. Point being,they DO NOT care about all the time those cheats and botters were allowed to continue in their know because they simply wanted the bigger fish,obviously in an attempt to save themselves money and time in the long run and NOT for YOU.If they cared about YOU they would have been all over those cheats and bots and removing them instantly,but it's not about you it 's about Blizzard.
Point being ,don't be so NAIVE and quick to think Blizzard cares about anyone other than Blizzard.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Not sure how I missed this gem, but if this isn't illustrative of the problem with toxicity in gaming, nothing is. Enjoy your vacation.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.
It doesn't mean that anyone else has to put up with your shit, be they an individual or a company.
Don't like it? Tough. Their house, their rules. Be a dick at your own risk.
Freedom of speech only means that the US Govt won't lock you up for your speech (within limits). Other countries don't have this freedom at all.
Player of games, smither of words, former of opinions, and masher of keys. WildStar Columnist Currently playing: WildStar, Guild Wars 2, EVE Online, Vain Glory.
Sometimes, it's kind of funny to watch people lose their shit when they're losing. I don't need Blizzard to protect me from that. That is, and always will be, part of the PvP experience.
But that's the thing, regardless of whether you find it fun or not (I couldn't care less either way) it doesn't ahve to be part of the pvp experience and there is no law saying it "must" be part of the pvp experience. It's just that people put up with that nonsense for so long.
In the end, this is so simple but some people just can't wrap their minds around it.
Game company: Keep it civil (that's it, end all be all)
Player: Game company says keep it civil even though that's not me. However, it's their environment, their rules so I will keep it civil.
It's the players who just can't keep it civil who are the issue. This isn't hard. If I go into a dive bar or get on a construction site or "whatever" there's just going to be certain behavior. Non-issue and 'when it rome'.
If I go into Symphony Hall there is going to be a certain expected behavior. Non-issue and 'when it rome'.
A game company says "you must be civil". Great, 'when in rome'.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
It all starts somewhere. Where do we draw the line, really? Some could consider what you said mildly offensive and toxic as you question his knowledge of freedom of speech but also that he should read something you directly imply he has yet to do.
Something that is widely debated in today's society, especially then the reach of such, is in fact Freedom of Speech.
Does what you just said award me the power to impact you directly in how you experience certain video games? Simply because I could, hypothetically, look at it and judge it personally as toxic to the individual you are replying to? Sounds outrageous and I wish it wasn't even a matter of debate.
It all starts somewhere. Where do we draw the line, really? Some could consider what you said mildly offensive and toxic as you question his knowledge of freedom of speech but also that he should read something you directly imply he has yet to do.
Something that is widely debated in today's society, especially then the reach of such, is in fact Freedom of Speech.
Does what you just said award me the power to impact you directly in how you experience certain video games? Simply because I could, hypothetically, look at it and judge it personally as toxic to the individual you are replying to? Sounds outrageous and I wish it wasn't even a matter of debate.
But the thing is, again this isn't hard. Ever society has its rules.
If one society is fine with people calling each other morons in the streets and supermarkets then that is what flies.
All you have to do is say to yourself, if I was in a supermarket could I say x to the person next to me and it would be deemed "ok".
Like I said above, it's about where you are/context. If I'm in a dive bar then looking over at someone and saying "hey, asshole, move I can't see the game" is probably not an issue (as far as saying it).
If I'm at the DMV and I say "hey, asshole, move, I can't see my number" that is something else.
Like Skyrim? Need more content? Try my Skyrim mod "Godfred's Tomb."
A company has every right to define what sort of speech they find unacceptable within their game. Said speech is usually clearly defined within the TOS you agreed to abide by when you loaded the game up for the first time. If you feel a company is being too restrictive, then don't play the game. Simple.
Look at it this way: If I were on a sports team (amateur or professional) and told one of my teammates, "You suck you stupid n****r, go fucking kill yourself!", do you really think I'd still remain a member of that team? Hell no, I'd be out on my ass. That kind of talk is completely unacceptable offline, why the hell should it be considered otherwise online?
Oh, and for those who equate playing a ranked match to competing at a professional level, there's a little term you should probably look up: Sportsmanship. You want to be thought of as an athlete? Start acting like one.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.
It doesn't mean that anyone else has to put up with your shit, be they an individual or a company.
Don't like it? Tough. Their house, their rules. Be a dick at your own risk.
Freedom of speech only means that the US Govt won't lock you up for your speech (within limits). Other countries don't have this freedom at all.
Reminds of a joke back in the Reagan/Gorbachev era
Reagan says to Gorbachev:
"Mikhail... we in the U.S. enjoy freedom of speech. Any citizen can call Ronald Wilson Reagan a dumb asshole and there will be no government repercussions what so ever. "
Gorbachev replies:
" Ronald... the citizens of the Soviet Union share the exact same freedoms. Any citizen can call Ronald Wilson Reagan a dumb asshole with no government repercussions what so ever "
I dont play this game so maybe someone could fill me in on what kind of "toxicity" we are talking about here. There is nothing i despise more than a uptight environment where something like naming you character "The Donald or KingTrump69" or silly trolling in chat leads to a suspension . Or we talking about people screaming racist slurs over mic and doxxing? The term "toxicity" is very vague and up for interpretation, What is considered toxicity to some is shtick or humor to another. Id like to hear some examples of this toxicity before i form my opinion on whether a SJW AI terminator is needed or not.
It all starts somewhere. Where do we draw the line, really? Some could consider what you said mildly offensive and toxic as you question his knowledge of freedom of speech but also that he should read something you directly imply he has yet to do.
Something that is widely debated in today's society, especially then the reach of such, is in fact Freedom of Speech.
Does what you just said award me the power to impact you directly in how you experience certain video games? Simply because I could, hypothetically, look at it and judge it personally as toxic to the individual you are replying to? Sounds outrageous and I wish it wasn't even a matter of debate.
But the thing is, again this isn't hard. Ever society has its rules.
If one society is fine with people calling each other morons in the streets and supermarkets then that is what flies.
All you have to do is say to yourself, if I was in a supermarket could I say x to the person next to me and it would be deemed "ok".
Like I said above, it's about where you are/context. If I'm in a dive bar then looking over at someone and saying "hey, asshole, move I can't see the game" is probably not an issue (as far as saying it).
If I'm at the DMV and I say "hey, asshole, move, I can't see my number" that is something else.
An important thing here. Society makes the rules for acceptable behavior, not the individual. It's called social mores. That is the set of rule that define how a person is to act to be accepted within that society. Societies can, and historically have, outcast individuals who simply can't live with these rules.
The government guarantees Freedom of Speech. But that only applies to the government. Societies, including sub-societies like game customers, are left to regulate themselves, and if a particular sub-society doesn't grant those same freedoms, they don't have to. The society is free to exclude any individual from the benefits of that society. So, golf clubs could and did exclude members on the basis of race, religion and sex. (That changed not due to actions of the government, but social pressures on those organizations). Places of worship can control the behavior inside their domains. The same applies to game companies. No shoes, no shirt, no service. The government isn't involved, and no rights are violated.
Context is everything.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
Not to be mean but if you’re disabled so badly to where it greatly inhibits your ability to play you shouldn’t play competitive
So just because a person has a disability they shouldn't be allowed to do something. Pretty sure there is something wrong there. Sorry but if a person with one hand wants to play competitive they have just as much right as you. If a person with extreme arthritis wants to play competitive .... The list goes on and on. Telling someone they can't do something because you don't think it is right isn't the answer. Pretty sure that starts to fall along the lines of discrimination.
It is with some bemusement that I note the toxic behaviour on this thread. It does seem that some gamers regard a games world chat as their personal pissing ground. You are not a dog out marking your territory, so don't behave like one.
Since that's not an option, devs and publishers step in to create substitutes. You guys don't like it, but here's the thing: the vast majority of gamers don't give a shit whether you like it or not. Sucks, be better.
EDIT- this behavior isn't even isolated to gaming. In the insurance industry, denials are generally much better received in person than over the phone. Because over the phone, you're just a faceless voice. In person, you're a 200-lb man.
Something that's subtle and not readily apparent. Something that makes them think they're playing like shit
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
Not to keep drawing parallels, but the insurance industry is doing the same with loss inspection: satellite imagery and drones when there's obvious roof damage, a person when there's coverage concerns or minimal damage that's not readily apparent.
Why be a shithead what does that do? All you’re doing is presenting yourself as someone to be ignored.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Ahh so you use violence to deter mean words? If you don’t understand why anonymity is so important you don’t belong on it.
Not to be mean but if you’re disabled so badly to where it greatly inhibits your ability to play you shouldn’t play competitive
Look, Mr. Blizzard. I just showed you a new revenue stream.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
Freedom of Speech does NOT mean that a person can say whatever they want to say. Freedom of Speech means that someone's right to say something is protected within certain limits. A person has the right to say whatever they want, but may have to suffer CONSEQUENCES for saying those things. Falsely yelling fire in a theatre comes to mind.
I need to share a story about a blizzard rep,it might have been kapalan or kotick but was a few years back so don't remember exactly who,however this pertains what i just said in last paragraph.
One or more of their reps was being interviewed about botting and cheating,ok no big deal it happens.However the response is what caught my eye.Actually there was more than one rep now that i remember was 2 or 3,anyhow the response was that they spend a lot of money time going after this,again great no problem.However one then began to state that they do NOT directly target the cheats but wait to catch the bigger fish.
Point being,they DO NOT care about all the time those cheats and botters were allowed to continue in their know because they simply wanted the bigger fish,obviously in an attempt to save themselves money and time in the long run and NOT for YOU.If they cared about YOU they would have been all over those cheats and bots and removing them instantly,but it's not about you it 's about Blizzard.
Point being ,don't be so NAIVE and quick to think Blizzard cares about anyone other than Blizzard.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
It doesn't mean that anyone else has to put up with your shit, be they an individual or a company.
Don't like it? Tough. Their house, their rules. Be a dick at your own risk.
Freedom of speech only means that the US Govt won't lock you up for your speech (within limits). Other countries don't have this freedom at all.
Currently playing: WildStar, Guild Wars 2, EVE Online, Vain Glory.
In the end, this is so simple but some people just can't wrap their minds around it.
Game company: Keep it civil (that's it, end all be all)
Player: Game company says keep it civil even though that's not me. However, it's their environment, their rules so I will keep it civil.
It's the players who just can't keep it civil who are the issue. This isn't hard. If I go into a dive bar or get on a construction site or "whatever" there's just going to be certain behavior. Non-issue and 'when it rome'.
If I go into Symphony Hall there is going to be a certain expected behavior. Non-issue and 'when it rome'.
A game company says "you must be civil". Great, 'when in rome'.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
It creates an angry toxic environment,Blizzard is feeding the problem not helping it.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
It all starts somewhere. Where do we draw the line, really? Some could consider what you said mildly offensive and toxic as you question his knowledge of freedom of speech but also that he should read something you directly imply he has yet to do.
Something that is widely debated in today's society, especially then the reach of such, is in fact Freedom of Speech.
Does what you just said award me the power to impact you directly in how you experience certain video games? Simply because I could, hypothetically, look at it and judge it personally as toxic to the individual you are replying to? Sounds outrageous and I wish it wasn't even a matter of debate.
If one society is fine with people calling each other morons in the streets and supermarkets then that is what flies.
All you have to do is say to yourself, if I was in a supermarket could I say x to the person next to me and it would be deemed "ok".
Like I said above, it's about where you are/context. If I'm in a dive bar then looking over at someone and saying "hey, asshole, move I can't see the game" is probably not an issue (as far as saying it).
If I'm at the DMV and I say "hey, asshole, move, I can't see my number" that is something else.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
Look at it this way: If I were on a sports team (amateur or professional) and told one of my teammates, "You suck you stupid n****r, go fucking kill yourself!", do you really think I'd still remain a member of that team? Hell no, I'd be out on my ass. That kind of talk is completely unacceptable offline, why the hell should it be considered otherwise online?
Oh, and for those who equate playing a ranked match to competing at a professional level, there's a little term you should probably look up: Sportsmanship. You want to be thought of as an athlete? Start acting like one.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
Reagan says to Gorbachev:
"Mikhail... we in the U.S. enjoy freedom of speech. Any citizen can call Ronald Wilson Reagan a dumb asshole and there will be no government repercussions what so ever. "
Gorbachev replies:
" Ronald... the citizens of the Soviet Union share the exact same freedoms. Any citizen can call Ronald Wilson Reagan a dumb asshole with no government repercussions what so ever "
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
Aloha Mr Hand !
The government guarantees Freedom of Speech. But that only applies to the government. Societies, including sub-societies like game customers, are left to regulate themselves, and if a particular sub-society doesn't grant those same freedoms, they don't have to. The society is free to exclude any individual from the benefits of that society. So, golf clubs could and did exclude members on the basis of race, religion and sex. (That changed not due to actions of the government, but social pressures on those organizations). Places of worship can control the behavior inside their domains. The same applies to game companies. No shoes, no shirt, no service. The government isn't involved, and no rights are violated.
Context is everything.
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.