People used to pay $50 for a computer game. Now, some spend thousands. Yes, crowdfunding has been a true blessing to the gaming world. The fact that the world is full of suckers doesn't mean it's right to take advantage of them.
You could get SC for as low as 20 bucks.
You can voluntarily spend more. But you do not have to.
Ironically enough this was recently said by Chris Roberts
I hate when things are deliberately locked behind a paywall
What a fucking tool.
As always you forget to mention context.
He was talking about gameplay. And after launch the Persistent Universe to our current knowledge has no "things deliberately locked behind a paywall".
Have fun
What about ships exclusive to backers?
What ships ARE exclusive to backers and will not be available in game once the game has launched ?
The Bengal carrier - which is not available for sale anyway (in game and out of game) ? Certain Vanduul ships (if some are captured) ... although there a retro-engineered human variants available for those.
Or maybe you mean "Life time insurance". LTI is not a ship. In my opinion insurance is a trivial cost sink anyway. So that would be at best a trivial advantage. Speaking from experience in EVE and E:D - insurance money is spare change.
And by the way - the backers ARE those that play this game at the moment :-) There are no others if there is no free fly weekend.
Have fun
So, you're saying there is incentive to be a backer before the game launches?
Yes. The incentive is to help create something special. Something that a lot of people have been waiting for for a long time.
Have fun
Yes, but they have enough money by now to do That? Yes? Why keep asking for more?
According to guestimates posted here about CIGs burn rate they need it.
My personal estimate is that they have about half a year in reserve (with 500 employees).
Have fun
Well if they stopped burning money on the bullshit in the list you posted earlier and actually made a video game maybe they wouldn't have to charge most backers for a live stream of their most important event of the year.
The things I posted in the list are paid for by voluntary community subscribers like me. No development money is used for that.
Have fun
Oh. My bad. So when you said Cig gives back to the community.....? That was just a lie?
--> CIG always provided community content. Voluntary community subscribers enable them to offer more and better things. So : No. Not a lie.
--> Have fun
No. The initiation of this entire back and forth was you saying cig does a lot for the community. Now you're saying they provide ways for the community to give. So which is It?
People used to pay $50 for a computer game. Now, some spend thousands. Yes, crowdfunding has been a true blessing to the gaming world. The fact that the world is full of suckers doesn't mean it's right to take advantage of them.
You could get SC for as low as 20 bucks.
You can voluntarily spend more. But you do not have to.
Have fun
See the part about taking advantage of suckers.
See the part about people MAYBE understanding what crowdfunding is. Or not.
Yeah.... many shows and movies are published for money and later are found free on the net... so that means they are not creating those with the intent of making money... your logic mister rabbit is very strange indeed.
Basically clicking away text windows ruins every MMO, try to have fun instead of rushing things. Without story and lore all there is left is a bunch of mechanics. Reply Add Multi-Quote
@rensta They are creating those with the intent to keep their community updated, just as they promised. A community of backers that voluntarily paid FIRST (it is a crowdfunding project after all).
They've drummed up so much money for this "game". But, they can't even take one day to give back to supporters or potential customers. Everything they do is about taking people's money.
You should look more on the official homepage.
They give constantly - almost every day.
Have fun
The homepage is full of t-shirts and other advertisements. What exactly do they give back to the community?
Thank you Gibson (by quotes in your post) for answering Hefe.
Have fun
He posted a trivial list of what you yourself has said is community funded. So either you agree with me. Or you disagree and we go back to the other point. Where they should not be spending crowd funding dollars on this shit and they should finish the God damned game. So yes thank you. Now answer my question.
This have been a good conversation
I've got the straight edge.
I've got the straight edge.
And everything for free in HD shortly afterwards on YouTube.
And he is talking about all the immediate low quality secondary non-CIG website re-streaming .... who would have guessed ;-)
Have fun
Scroll upthread. You already got your answer.
Have fun
I've got the straight edge.
Have fun
Have fun
Basically clicking away text windows ruins every MMO, try to have fun instead of rushing things. Without story and lore all there is left is a bunch of mechanics.
Add Multi-Quote
I've got the straight edge.
They are creating those with the intent to keep their community updated, just as they promised. A community of backers that voluntarily paid FIRST (it is a crowdfunding project after all).
You are mixing up cause and effect.
Have fun
Have fun
I've got the straight edge.
Have fun
I've got the straight edge.
I've got the straight edge.
I've got the straight edge.
You do not like the answers. But you did get an answer. That is the difference.
You want a different answer. You won't get a different answer from me.
Have fun
I've got the straight edge.
Have fun
I've got the straight edge.
Good luck to you with your game.
I hope you understand how their tactics may rub many people the wrong way.
I've got the straight edge.