As some of you may know it has been unveiled (go to for the lastest) and im just curious what you all think, personally i think this is going to kill nintendo. But i guess i cant nock it till i try it. Though the whole design of attachments and having it look like a remote is very very unappealing and having to buy accesories for your controller could be costly.
I think its quite interesting. It certaintly opens up a vast amount of game types that werent available before, or at least would be easier to play. I think it would have better to place the buttons horizontally and tighten them up a bit more so it would be easier to use two hands, but I guess thats mainly what the peripherals are for. Either way, its certaintly unique. Although I usually dont like their games I must give kudos to Nintendo for the amazing amount of creativity they have, such as with this and the touch screen on the DS, even though they may not be implemented in the best way possible.
Hopefully, by revolution Nintendo means "online play and DVD compatibility". This would have been greatly appreciated in the Gamecube ! (But Zelda will still kick ass)
Wow... I just looked at the controller. What a shame. I bought a Gamecube for this new Zelda game and now I see it's coming out for the Nintendo Revolution. Guess what's worse than that? This controller is like a TV remote and you'll use it like a grappling hook in any game. How could Nintendo do this? They are given a golden title- the new Zelda game (which has been compared to the hype of Halo 3 in many polls, just to give you non-Zelda fans a look at it's popularity) and wow... the game is ruined by a TV remote for a controller. I know they are trying to be original and different, but this is the 3rd system they've f'ed up since Gamecube (Gameboy Advanced was actually a VERY good handheld... the DS was nothing to what PSP was and Gamecube lacked functions that came out on DREAMCAST).
My first system was a Super Nintendo. I think my Gamecube will be my last system from them.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Here is what a friend of mine says (AIM):
they're thinking by being totally differen't they will win gamers. they're wrong though, gamers want controllers that are comfortable and easy to use.
this shit confuses me.
that's something nintendo has always done though.
they've never stuck to one formula, especially when it comes to controlers.
nintendos awlays prided itself in being original
so i mean..of course they're gonna do something totally differen't from everyone else.
i think they're just trying to confuse the f*c* out of people though, and try to take away from the attention to the SPECS of their
so instead of trying to be revolutionary in terms of graphics, they're trying to do something totally differen't with how games are going to be played on their system.
nintendo, i think, somtimes trys to be a little too differen't. i don't think this is going to be the revolution they think it will be. sure it's a differen't approach, but pretty much everyone has or will have the same reaction that we did. which was, WTF?!
they didn't show that *h*t at E3, because they were probably still trying to figure out what the fuck they were thinking also.
" yes, let's make our controller a fucking remote. the hell you say?!"
I kinda agree with them. Although it has a lot of potential...still...WTF. I got to see this thing in action...I don't know why they made the remote so plain looking... They could have added grip.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Revolution controller
Ok.. First of all I was not very excited about the Revolution untill I read this article about the controller. I looked at the controller before reading the article and I was thinking, "What the F***." You must read the article before you bash it. I am very excited for this system and I cant wait to play it.
Edit: I will definitally be getting this system.. I was only gunna get 360 untill I read this article. Very awsome!
Edit: Here is a clip for the use of the controller. I cant wait to watch people play it.
Revolution Controller Clip
Too bad I can't play Metroid and Zelda on xbox or ps3, because I will never play a revolution. That controller is not going to go over well. There are going to loose the huge sales boost that is the Madden franchise. I'm sure that they will make some nifty little way to use the controller for its franchise hits, but unless they offer a normal controller, millions of people won't even try the system.
That clip is amazing. I saw it earlier and it's absolutely got me sold. People need to get over how the thing actually looks, and discover how you actually use it to play games.
I am beyond stoked. When you see the video showing the myriad of ways in which the controller can be used, it just makes Sony and Microsoft's efforts seem bland and tired by comparison.
EDIT: Actually, for a better version of the video, go to IGN; the quality of their vid is better than the one on the german site which Gideon linked above.
"Nintendo also mentioned that the controller stick could be slipped inside other, more conventional controller shells, dance mats, bongos, or other peripherals."
This is a VERY nice little loop hole they have left themselves, so if early sales are weak, or they get a lot of complaints all they do it bundle it standard with a shell that is like the Gamecube of N64 and problem fixed.
I will admit I am holding my breath on if it will do good or not, I like how they said if your holding a sword and slash with the remote, you can slash with a sword on the screen, but that really seems like an arcade game. It's almost like the PS2's Eye-toy. And even with being able to download all the old Nintendo games, I just can't see myself playing Super Metriod from the SNES with that kind of a controller.
Nintendo has always come through in the past, and while I am shocked by this I have faith they will make it work somehow.
I have always loved Nintendo since they innovative gameplay while the others are focusing on graphics.
i like the clip but it dosen't explain a thing.... for all we know they are not playing an actualy game. I can do that with my controler too.
I made that pic I hope it's not too much...
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
True, but I think its just showing us the possabilities with that controller.
True, but I think its just showing us the possabilities with that controller.
Yeah, thats what I ment by the potential....btw, did you like that screen i took?
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
I feel this design allows for better throwability.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
It will come back to you
Nintendo's just break a window
It will come back to you
Nintendo's just break a window
Either that or you will lose the controler like everyone is losing TV controlers these days....
I bet Nintendo did it like that so they can make more money for replacements....PYRIMID SCHEME I TELL YOU!
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
It reminds me of those cheesy add-on attachment/game thingys for your TV. Like "virtual baseball" or something, where they have you standing there swinging the bat to play the game. I always thought those games were low budget crap that parents buy for their kids, and then their kids never use it.
All in all I cant say enough bad things about that controler. I'd have to sit and contemplate its disasterous release to the public for a while before saying more. It gives me bad vibes.
The controller looks good. Interesting concept. To bad that the concole itself will suck big time like they always do from Nintendo.
I smell another "virtual boy" or "power glove" failure. Do you?
I mean Nintendo has made many great products, but they also made a couple dumb products too.
But hey!!! If the games are good, then I'll buy it! I'm so not buying this controller at launch! Cause if they are lazy at releasing amazing titles like they are doing with the Nintendo DS, it'll be such a waste of money!
___________ ___ __ _ _ _
Stealth - Ambush - Hemorrhage - Sinister Strike x2 - Cold Blood - Eviscerate - Vanish - Preparation - Cold Blood - Ambush - ... you're dead! :P
I love my Virtual Boy, I still play it! The 3D still amazes me even if it is all red. I wish they'd make a color one They must have the technology today for it.
I just can't imagine playing 'any' games for the revolution on that thin piece of plastic.. You're going to play Super Smash Brothers... which will probably be even more chaotic... on a damn remote? Good luck with that.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Richard J. Cox
"There were much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust."
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-