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  • RagoschRagosch Member Posts: 727

    We want to provide an untroubled gameplay to our customers which they can really enjoy. So we take our job serious and check back the identity of people who are told trustworthy to us by other players. It would be careless if we would not do this.

    Also people behave much different if they are known and no longer anonym. There is a need for untroubled gameplay as some topics in this forum stated also; todays MMOs are populated with too much people not worth knowing at all, with rude language and horrible behavior - we dont want this in our game regardless that this might lower our profits, but it will enhance the community and add to social gameplay also. If that is a control freak hell, let it be so.


  • RagoschRagosch Member Posts: 727

    Originally posted by Elnator

    If your allowing them to log multiple toons in on a single account then yeah, I could see your pricing scheme working quite well.

    A player has a family under his control which grows over time. So there is no need to allow multiple toons because he has all of his family members available all the time, parallel working for him. He just needs to choose into which of them to "jump" and play this character out. He can switch to another whenever he wants to, actually being at the hot spots some of his characters are at.

    It is a really simple concept which solves many problems todays MMO have.


  • JoebertJoebert Member Posts: 78

    Originally posted by Vhaln:

    EVE is a good example of a game I'd stay subscribed to forever, if it only cost $4.95/month. It's a great game that I don't actually enjoy playing all that much.

    I totally agree. There is enough gameplay in EVE that is to my liking for me to play it at $4.95, but not $15 worth.

    Ragosch, I am glad to see someone attempting new things for MMO's and I wish you success with your game and hope it becomes an asset to the MMO community. However it was what I perceived as your attitude that rubbed me the wrong way.

    As annoying as some people can be it takes many different types to make a vibrant and interesting community. Rules are made and enforced to control those who have trouble controlling themselves.
    If they want to play your game or any other game they should be given a chance at least.

  • RagoschRagosch Member Posts: 727

    Originally posted by Joebert

    As annoying as some people can be it takes many different types to make a vibrant and interesting community. Rules are made and enforced to control those who have trouble controlling themselves. If they want to play your game or any other game they should be given a chance at least.

    This is simply not the concept of our game. If you dont have an invitation of a trusted person we will not even think about giving you an account. This system is invitational and a closed game by concept, the princple is friends play with friends or friends of friends - this is a form of community I know best because I am living in on of those in real life - it works best and that is how I want it to be like in our game also. Who doesnt like it, can play something different, it is as simple as this. There is no right to play a game when you do not accept the rules - and these are our rules.


  • JoebertJoebert Member Posts: 78

    Originally posted by Ragosch:

    This is simply not the concept of our game. If you dont have an invitation of a trusted person we will not even think about giving you an account. This system is invitational and a closed game by concept, the princple is friends play with friends or friends of friends - this is a form of community I know best because I am living in on of those in real life - it works best and that is how I want it to be like in our game also. Who doesnt like it, can play something different, it is as simple as this. There is no right to play a game when you do not accept the rules - and these are our rules.


    I see that elitist Nazi spirit is still alive and well in Germany. For my part you can keep your game in Germany.

  • RagoschRagosch Member Posts: 727

    Originally posted by Joebert

    Originally posted by Ragosch:

    This is simply not the concept of our game. If you dont have an invitation of a trusted person we will not even think about giving you an account. This system is invitational and a closed game by concept, the princple is friends play with friends or friends of friends - this is a form of community I know best because I am living in on of those in real life - it works best and that is how I want it to be like in our game also. Who doesnt like it, can play something different, it is as simple as this. There is no right to play a game when you do not accept the rules - and these are our rules.


    I see that elitist Nazi spirit is still alive and well in Germany. For my part you can keep your game in Germany.

    system error #47: unqualified comment - reboot of brain required!


    Honestly, that was lame though.


  • JoebertJoebert Member Posts: 78

    system error #47: unqualified comment - reboot of brain required!

    Honestly, that was lame though.


    Lame? Hardly. I think my comment is very appropriate for the statements you have made and the attitude that goes with them. However you are entitled to think as you will and like you said previously I don't have to play ::::01::

  • RagoschRagosch Member Posts: 727

    What is wrong to play just with friendly people instead of being annoyed by idiots, griefers and gankers?- I really cant follow your thoughts here and I cant understand why this is a problem for you. Would you prefer to play with annoying idiots instead of just with friends?- I would not, I love to lve in a social network of friends and well-known and well-mannered people. That is why I want this in our game also. So tell me, what is wrong with it and why is social behavior elitist for you?-


  • kirk3kirk3 Member Posts: 25
    If the game was very good then I assume that I would have to update my comp which may cost more. So I most likely not even bother. My 512 ram does great in star quest.
  • JoebertJoebert Member Posts: 78

    Originally posted by Ragosch
    What is wrong to play just with friendly people instead of being annoyed by idiots, griefers and gankers?- I really cant follow your thoughts here and I cant understand why this is a problem for you. Would you prefer to play with annoying idiots instead of just with friends?- I would not, I love to lve in a social network of friends and well-known and well-mannered people. That is why I want this in our game also. So tell me, what is wrong with it and why is social behavior elitist for you?-

    Nothing "wrong" with wanting to play with friendly people, I think most of us want to. However it seems you are not giving people a chance and are making a judgment based on what? I might ask.

    Perhaps the fact that you don't understand my reasoning lies in where we are each located. As an American I have always tried to follow the old "innocent until proven guilty" way of thinking. I encounter people almost daily that I have no desire to join their social circle or invite them into mine. This is not to say I can't speak to them in the store as we both look over the fishing tackle. I don't stay out of the stores because there may be annoying people there. The difference is that I accept that they are different and are human with feelings etc. They may feel the same way about me and this is quite alright and understandable. Just a part of life. It would be a dull world if we all agreed and were all alike. By your words it seems you are trying to never even come into contact with those who are not in your circle or "approved" by your circle and standards.

    As most of us know, whether we realize it or not, exposure to those who are different than ourselves is beneficial in many ways. It helps us to grow, mature, and not have a narrow view of life and people. We can accept as gospel what we hear about someone, or we can give them an opportunity and form our own conclusions based on firsthand knowledge.

    Once a jerk does not automatically mean one is ALWAYS a jerk. Besides, how do you know some of those handpicked players won't turn out to do the very things you are seeking to distance yourself from? You don't know, and because someone has money or is a certain age bracket or comes from a specific neighborhood, bloodline etc, in no way is a vaccination against crude, rude, annoying behaviour.

    If your game is a private club game then I suggest you say so up front and spare us the details. If it is for public consumption then IMO you need to mix and mingle more so as to broaden your views and opinions of those who are not like you or have what you have. Everyone has something to contribute. It is just a question of whether they can do so within the guidelines as laid out by the rules of the game.

    I say make the game open to anyone who agrees to the rules of play and the rules of conduct. Then as needed ENFORCE the rules.

    Well, you asked and this is the best I can explain it at the moment. Now I will step down and be quiet.

  • RagoschRagosch Member Posts: 727

    Joebert, I agree to most of this ... so I guess there is simply a misunderstanding here or misinterpretation what has led you to thinking I would watch onto other people from a high horse position, but that is not a fact. Maybe the language barrier has such an effect also.

    As to the shop metapher - well, I do not want to stay out of places where annoying people may be. But I do not want to invite annoying people to my house. Our game is more like inviting someone into your house than to go to a shop open to all.

    I am not giving people a chance?- I guess this is where your real problem with our approach is. The reason why there are no open accounts is simply that we dont want players in this game with several accounts where one account is used to cause grief to others while the other account stays in good condition. This would be fatal in a world with perma-death. We need to control this because we want the perma-death feature in the game; it has a positive effect on a more realistic gameplay.

    There are reasons why this game will be invitational other than you expect. It is basically to enrich gameplay. We offer more freedom in the game as any other game has offered before. But that is a two-sided sword and we need to protect this freedom or players would be able to ruin the game just because of those freedom. We can do one or the other - if we would open the game, the game needs to provide less freedom and most of the good and exciting concepts would not be possible anymore.

    Ok, now I have tried to explain it as good as I could at the moment. It is not an elitist attitute which has brought up this concept of an invitational system. Other MMOs do not provide dynamically changing worlds because there is a high risk of players ruining the game which would drop the player base and reduce return on investment drastically. This is a high risk and therefore it is not done, but we want to give more freedom and power into player's hands, but on the other hand we also need to protect our game or stick to a static world (what would ruin our concept of an experiencable history).


    Btw: We have discussed about the effects of more power into the hands of players and problems with this approach here ...

    Maybe this might convince you that it is not just a paranoid thinking but a real problem.

  • alex007152alex007152 Member Posts: 178

    I am not worrying about the money because regardless whatever it might cost and regardless if the money spent will ever return, I will ensure this game will be created, just because I am myself one of those players desperately in need for a high quality game.

    The average MMO costs $25,000,000 to make. So if you have that kind of money to invest, I wish you the best of luck. Considering that you don't care if the money ever returns, no bank or investor will ever lend you anything so you will need to have the whole $25 million free yourself. Or $125 million if you want one 5x as expensive. Do you have this available? Make me laugh tell me you are a student with $125 million in the bank.

    I am definately tired of old concepts like classes, quests and the ever-repeating GRIND in all games - THAT IS BORING TO ME, not a handpicked community of non-annoying players. The mass market game industry creates just games where you can sell new contents in nice boxes all the time. Waiting for the mass market to produce something really breath-taking and revolutionary is in vain IMO.

    Do I build hype so early?- Hm, it is not my intention to hype here. I am just commenting to posts here and compare things to our design. As far as billing is concerned, it is a new idea for our game to charge in a very unusual way and I was interested in what people might think about it. Until now I just know what friends and friends of friends are thinking about it and they would accept it.

    You have a design? I hope it's not the same design as Poopies, with his VR glasses and wrist communicators that chat to people in game. I for one would not buy that design unless the communicator could also teleport me too the mothership.

    Im a sorry if you think I am sitting on a high horse. At all times there was demand for high quality goods and those who demand AND buy those goods do have the money for it also. So creating a product for those people is not a question of sitting on a high horse it is just supplying a special demand. Someone needs to do that or players interested in more complex games will suffer.

    No one disputes there is a demand for high quality goods. Most people would dispute that they are not on the market already and selling for 1/4 of Poopies suggested price. It's laughable in the extreme to imagine someone making a product 5x as high quality as WoW. As if the Blizzard programmers were some cheapskate noobs who don't know what they are doing and skimped on the development costs. Uh-huh.

    Another thing is that talking of "rich" friends is kind of ridiculous. No one needs to be "rich" to spend 30 or 60$ a month on good entertainment. If someone is playing 20 hours a week this is an average of about 87 hours a month. Isnt an hour of good entertainment worth 35 to 70 cents to you?- How much do you spend on less than 2 hours in a cinema?- And what does your pizza cost?- How much do you spend on useless things each month?- Entertainment is not useless, it helps you regenerate.

    An MMO isn't "the cinema". How huch I pay for the cinema or my health club or gun club or nightclub or in a restaurent is irrelevent. Instead of comparing an MMO to something it's not, you should focus instead on the subject in hand. How much I pay for an MMO. Which is $0 - $15. 

    If you are opening a cinema, then worry about how much I spend in a cinema. 

    Anyway, no one forces you to play or even accept our concepts. It is up to you to not like it and up to us to create it the way we want it to be. It is not your problem to find players, we will care about it.


    how can a mmorpg cost 25million dollars to make?

    its not SOOO expensive, if a 55 dollar program can make an mmorpg.... if you want to make an mmorpg then you just need the right software (3d modeling program, programming language, etc) and about 4 people to make an mmorpg, if you pay them for 2 years you wont lost even one million dollar, but the programs cost money too....


  • RagoschRagosch Member Posts: 727

    If you think a MMO is just 8 men year effort, why dont you create one then?- Such a game could earn you hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars a month, so it would be worth the effort, even if you would need to eat just buttered bread all the time.


  • AngelmachineAngelmachine Member Posts: 4

    Posted by poopypants

    "The main reason why we don't have really good MMOGs is NOT because developers don't want to make them, but because gamers don't want to pay for them! I'll be perfectly honest with ya--I think that poor people and cheapskates have held this industry back for far too long! If you can't, or refuse to, pay for a high quality MMOG then you'll just have to play the cheapies. Those of us who can afford to play the latest state-of-the-art MMOG will happily do so."

    Sure blame it on the poor gamer. We (ie. commoners, average Joe, Average Juliette and the masses) are holding back the industry. We all want those crap games and.....waaah stopping right there! The industry is responsible for their own actions: They make the games! They decide what is in the game! And I love your dreaming, but games are meant to be fun, that is why there are so many different mmo's out there. Because everyone has a different definition of fun and you can't put a pricetag on fun. So making a game more expensive or asking a higher monthly fee doesn't make a game better or more fun, it just makes it more expensive.

    Fortunately the PS3 will be out in the fall and while there might not be any MMOGs available at the start, there will be shortly thereafter. The average game will cost $70. plus whatever Sony's online service cost is plus you'll have to have at least cable broadband internet service, but OMFG will they be awesome!

    What will be awesome? still haven't seen any mmo's on this platform. Maybe a new FF Online. For that matter haven't seen any gameplay movies for this platform. You seem to like Sony a lot....

    I predict that the MMOGs for PS3 will decimate PC MMOGs for a long time to come. In fact, the PS3 is 10x more powerful than the best PC rig out there! Now, wouldn't it be a shame to play something as junky and inferior as WoW or EVE on such a powerful machine?"

    Where do you get your info? Do you work for Sony? How do you know for a FACT that it is 10x more powerful then the best PC rig? At the moment they have only shown the specs and an empty case: Vaporware. And according to developers the Xbox 360 and PS3 are in the same range, only difference is that developing is easier for the 360...And for that matter a 360 is as powerful as any high end rig costing $700, says enough about the PS3 when it hits at the end of the year....

    Like I said...if you can't afford the best then you'll just have to play the cheapies. I want to have the best and will happily pay for the best. $60 a month ain't diddly squat to me.

    So what game are you playing now? Because all the mmo's out there fall under your label of 'Cheapie'. $60 seems to be insignificant for you, don't you have other hobbies or expenses?

    Now for the counter...

    Yes I am a poor average Juliette and no I won't pay $60 ($15 is enough for the fun I'm getting) and I would like to have fun too in reallife.

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