Originally posted by Nerf09 Originally posted by Vercades Originally posted by Nerf09 Nothing gives the Native Americans right to any land, just because they were the first ones to crap a log in the Alaskan land bridge. Besides, there was no such thing as a Native American nation, there were numerous Native American tribes who constantly warred with eachother, until, by the blessings of God, we Christianized the barbarians.
You do realize that was the same mind set when Hitler wanted world domination? The reason the NA's have a reason to be pissed is that, they didn't understand the value of land so a couple shiny beads and guns sounded about right to them for a couple thousands of miles. They got taken advantage of; not "christianized".
Next in history class, Manifest Destiny make sure you take notes!
Did you just compare our founding fathers to Hitler? Wow amazing. One wonders why the military hates liberals.
Learn history. The NUMEROUS UNRELATED native american TRIBES constantly raided and terrorized colonial settlements ever since Jamestown. They sided with the French against the British-Colonials in French-Indian war. They sided with the British against the Colonists in the War for Independance. They sided with the British again in the war of 1812. They sided with the Mexicans in the Spanish-American War. They sided with the Confederates in the Civil War. In between taking sides against Americans in every war in our history, they were also terrorists and horse thieves.
Of course not ALL of them. Not ALL muslims are terrorists.
Are you kidding me? Go re-take American History. Colonists murdered thousands of Indians unprovoked. Go google Bacon's Rebellion...you were obviously taught history by the likes of Rush Limbaugh. We went into the wilderness hunting indians. The only incident I can recall when indians came on our turf was when three indians were caught stealing, and hung shortly thereafter. That's some fine christianization. The vast majority of indians wanted nothing to do with the colonists.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...dont consider me a racist, cuz I am far from. Dont mind the race-card pimps, they are inherently evil. Me being black, Oh your black, you cant possibly be a racist, by default your pure and virtuous.
like i said, im not racist...if i was white,asian,brown, or w.e "race" you want to categorize people in. you can try and contradict me with your jibberish and that race card s***, but you fail my good man. its easy for people to say people are racist when they talk about race issues ,huh? sad, people cant comprehend or even fathim what others say without thinkin theyre racist in these kind of subjects. i think this whole immigration thing is fu*ked up, and if i was a mexican in this situation, ide wait my turn no matter how long it took. but good thing i was born a citizen so i dont have to eat my own words, huh? cant change the way i think,son...sorry
My personal solution starts where a lot of other post-ers have started. We need to fine the businesses employing ILLEGAL immigrants. We need to make it so painful to these businesses that they will wake up in a cold sweat after dreaming they hired an illegal immigrant. Everyone says we 'can't' deport all the illegals in the country because of the sheer amount of them. THAT may be true. But if we take away the opportunity of employment here they will go back of their own accord.
The second thing that needs to be done is to create a guest worker program that allows these people to come here legally to obtain employment. Most of the people who have come here illegally are here to work, not become US citizens. They love their own countries. Their families are back home, and they are sending money home to help their family survive. Who can blame them for this? A guest worker program will also allow them to come out of the shadows of society and have a stake in our society even though they are not 'citizens' per se. Their incomes will rise and their families back home will have less to worry about with them up here in a faraway country.
The guest worker program will allow the government to keep track of who is in the country and also to be able to collect the taxes that very few illegals currently pay. This will help the US with the upcoming baby boom retirements that are going to prove to be one of the greatest challenges for our country. The looming Social Security meltdown that is coming because of politicians incompetence and outright willingness to ignore the problem for their own political advantage can be helped by increased revenue from taxes paid by illegals through the guest worker program.
There needs to be very strict rules with regard to this program. Anyone who comes in through the guest worker program must have a clean criminal record in this country. If a felony is comitted by someone on the program, they should be fingerprinted, photographed, and immediately deported. If they are caught in the US again, they should serve a lengthy jail time, and then deported upon release. Anyone caught here illegally after the guest worker program is in place should face the same consequences as someone who has committed a felony, because it actually is a felony to be here illegally. The loophole of having 'anchor-babies' needs to be addressed as well. Anyone here illegally having a baby on American soil should still result in that child being an American citizen, but there should be two options when that happens. The illegal aliens should have the option of taking that baby back to their home country with them, and once the child reaches 18, they will be allowed to come freely to the US as a citizen (not the parents, though). Otherwise, the illegal parents shall leave the child here as a ward of the state, and the child still remains a citizen.
Lastly, I have no problem at all with someone, after being in the guest worker program for a period of time, being put on an accelerated citizenship program, if that is what they want. They should be required to still pass the basic standards that already apply to those seeking citizenship. A basic knowledge of English is very important.
This country was built through immigration. Immigration is a positive thing and should be encouraged. But we need to require of our immigrants a certain amount of ASSIMILATION. THAT is what has made this country great. Many people from all over the world coming here and adding to our melting pot, not creating their own separate enclaves as seems to be happening so often these days.
Personally, I like and respect the people who have come here from Central and South America. They are, for the most part, good people. They work hard and just want the opportunity to provide for their families. I speak spanish and have neighbors and friends who are from Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay , and other countries. I want them to have an opportunity here.
We need their help, and they need ours. This can be turned into a win/win situation for us and them, and that's what needs to be done. Sadly, too many politicians see only how it affects them , not us. The dirtbag Democrats are solely interested in carving out a voting block for their failing party. The timid Republicans are looking for the cheap labor for their business lobbies, and also hoping to get votes by not offending anyone. As it is, neither of them seem to want to put in place a program or idea that involves common sense. Amnesty is NOT the answer to this problem. Ted Kennedy and John McCain are NOT the answer to this problem.
Originally posted by honzolo My personal solution starts where a lot of other post-ers have started. We need to fine the businesses employing ILLEGAL immigrants. We need to make it so painful to these businesses that they will wake up in a cold sweat after dreaming they hired an illegal immigrant. Everyone says we 'can't' deport all the illegals in the country because of the sheer amount of them. THAT may be true. But if we take away the opportunity of employment here they will go back of their own accord. The second thing that needs to be done is to create a guest worker program that allows these people to come here legally to obtain employment. Most of the people who have come here illegally are here to work, not become US citizens. They love their own countries. Their families are back home, and they are sending money home to help their family survive. Who can blame them for this? A guest worker program will also allow them to come out of the shadows of society and have a stake in our society even though they are not 'citizens' per se. Their incomes will rise and their families back home will have less to worry about with them up here in a faraway country. The guest worker program will allow the government to keep track of who is in the country and also to be able to collect the taxes that very few illegals currently pay. This will help the US with the upcoming baby boom retirements that are going to prove to be one of the greatest challenges for our country. The looming Social Security meltdown that is coming because of politicians incompetence and outright willingness to ignore the problem for their own political advantage can be helped by increased revenue from taxes paid by illegals through the guest worker program. There needs to be very strict rules with regard to this program. Anyone who comes in through the guest worker program must have a clean criminal record in this country. If a felony is comitted by someone on the program, they should be fingerprinted, photographed, and immediately deported. If they are caught in the US again, they should serve a lengthy jail time, and then deported upon release. Anyone caught here illegally after the guest worker program is in place should face the same consequences as someone who has committed a felony, because it actually is a felony to be here illegally. The loophole of having 'anchor-babies' needs to be addressed as well. Anyone here illegally having a baby on American soil should still result in that child being an American citizen, but there should be two options when that happens. The illegal aliens should have the option of taking that baby back to their home country with them, and once the child reaches 18, they will be allowed to come freely to the US as a citizen (not the parents, though). Otherwise, the illegal parents shall leave the child here as a ward of the state, and the child still remains a citizen. Lastly, I have no problem at all with someone, after being in the guest worker program for a period of time, being put on an accelerated citizenship program, if that is what they want. They should be required to still pass the basic standards that already apply to those seeking citizenship. A basic knowledge of English is very important. This country was built through immigration. Immigration is a positive thing and should be encouraged. But we need to require of our immigrants a certain amount of ASSIMILATION. THAT is what has made this country great. Many people from all over the world coming here and adding to our melting pot, not creating their own separate enclaves as seems to be happening so often these days. Personally, I like and respect the people who have come here from Central and South America. They are, for the most part, good people. They work hard and just want the opportunity to provide for their families. I speak spanish and have neighbors and friends who are from Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay , and other countries. I want them to have an opportunity here. We need their help, and they need ours. This can be turned into a win/win situation for us and them, and that's what needs to be done. Sadly, too many politicians see only how it affects them , not us. The dirtbag Democrats are solely interested in carving out a voting block for their failing party. The timid Republicans are looking for the cheap labor for their business lobbies, and also hoping to get votes by not offending anyone. As it is, neither of them seem to want to put in place a program or idea that involves common sense. Amnesty is NOT the answer to this problem. Ted Kennedy and John McCain are NOT the answer to this problem. Just my opinion. H.
Yes, this country was built on immagration - but we eventually reached the point we were getting overwhelmed and had to close those borders....
We need them as much as they need us? how do you figure? we didnt need them before they hopped the fence, why do we need them now? they leave.. re-opens up the jobs for citizens and guess what? I highly doubt the american unemployment rate will not be at 7% hmmm whatchya think?
I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me. I'm going to walk across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a few arrangements. I know you can help with this.
I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here.
So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that I'm on my way over? Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:
1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.
3. All government forms need to be printed in English.
4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.
5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.
6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.
7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.
8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.
9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won't make any effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all police officers speak English.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and don't enforce any labor laws or tax laws.
13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might place on the economy.
I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I am sure that Pres. Fox won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely. However, if he gives you any trouble, just invite him to go quail hunting with your V.P.
Ain't there a lovely contradiction? I am Canadian French and I don't believe in the melting pot theory, we have lot of minorities in Canada and we cheerish them, we don't want to be 1 unique nation.
A country with the Melting Pot theory should have the courage of it theories and open it borders IMO. This is the very basic of the Melting Pot...which luckily for me, I will never agree with or believe in.
In facts, I start to think that the islamic religions should be banned and hunted by the State like plagued, but that is my opinion, Hinduism and Budists are welcome as are all christians...but Islam? I am against it in it very existence. I have no position of power...fear not...but I see the troubles Islam does in France and I am extremely sensible to what happens over there...
Ban Islam.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Interstingly. the mainstream media and president Bush called it the "immigration" debate.
The real issue here is the illigal immigration issue which they don't understand. I have no problems with legal immigration when they do it the right way.
Worst case scenerio would be, American citizens would lose their national identity. Or a dirty bomb or nuke being smuggled over the border and then detonating it.
---------------------- Give me lights give me action. With a touch of a button!
I think they need to go back. If they want to come here, they need to take the required steps to do so. I have relatives from Mexico and the Phillipines. They are here legally. They had to take tests, sign papers and all kinds of things of that nature just to come live here. I find it disrespectful to my family members that had to go about it the correct way. Whoever it was on the first page that said they didn't jave to take any tests until they've lived here 2-5 years is full of it. My cousin just married a woman from the Phillipines and she had to take all sorts of tests BEFORE she could even enter this country.
Lets start with the "they do the jobs we don't want to do" arguement. Horse puckey, I say. There are plenty of jobless, legal Americans, that would be more than happy to scrub the floors at the porn shops, pick lettuce or wash dishes. Not every legal American is qualified for those top paying jobs, you know. Adding to it is a lot of the jobs Americans "do want to do" are being shipped to Mexico, India and wherever else. Tech support for your computer? Good luck getting someone that can speak english very well. Adding more to the jobs thingy, I'm seeing a lot more of these decent paying jobs require a person to know at least English and Spanish. Why they hell should someone from this country be required to speak another language to speak with people that shouldn't even be here in the first place? If I went to Mexico, would they all speak English to me?
How about the laws of this country? I mean if they disrepect the laws governing them to even be here, what reason do I have to believe they aren't up to other "suspicious" behavior? Hell if they get busted selling cocaine to my children, they get shipped back to Mexico. Then turn around and come back, only to do the same crap. If they don't have a SSN, they don't exist here and really have no need to follow our laws. Now I don't believe they are all law-breakers. But I don't believe they all aren't either.
I've got no problems with people wanting to come and live here. But learn our language, get an SSN, get checked for diseases that could spread easily, get background checks and whatnot. Do it legally, like others have. It isn't impossible to do, it just may take a few more months. If you can't be bothered, Americans should be bothered with this stupid discussion.With the way a lot of this world thinks of the USA, I am totally opposed to just any Tom, Dick or Hector just strolling into our country whenever they feel like it. Those that want the borders to be open, so Osama can freely send more terrorists into our country are mentally disturbed.
<<Yes, this country was built on immagration - but we eventually reached the point we were getting overwhelmed and had to close those borders....
We need them as much as they need us? how do you figure? we didnt need them before they hopped the fence, why do we need them now? they leave.. re-opens up the jobs for citizens and guess what? I highly doubt the american unemployment rate will not be at 7% hmmm whatchya think?
I support Ted and John Mccains proposal 110%
but thats just me >>
Actually, our unemployment rate is at 4.6 percent, which is pretty much at the point considered 'full employment', where anyone who actualy wants to work, can. Of course, the mainstream media has no desire to trumpet those numbers because it doesn't fit their agenda, so its not surprising you would think the umemployment rate was at 7%. They would like us all to think the economy was in recession, and if possible, practically in the Great Depression II, but the facts don't bear this out.
With the Baby Boomers beginning to retire from the workforce, we are facing a severe shortage of workers in the near future. That is what I am looking at. The Social Security system is going to fall apart in the near future as well, because there will be far fewer workers paying for far more retirees' Social Security benefits. That system will collapse under its own weight unless something is done about it. My suggestion is that a guest worker program done correctly could help us deal with these problems.
John McCain and Ted Kennedy want to grant amnesty to the illegal aliens here now... allowing them to stay here permanently without really requiring much of them at all. I am totally against that, as I would think you and most Americans would be. It makes no sense, and it has-and will- create a run for the border... and not the Taco Bell type.
Ain't there a lovely contradiction? I am Canadian French and I don't believe in the melting pot theory, we have lot of minorities in Canada and we cheerish them, we don't want to be 1 unique nation.
A country with the Melting Pot theory should have the courage of it theories and open it borders IMO. This is the very basic of the Melting Pot...which luckily for me, I will never agree with or believe in.>>
Well, luckily for you then, you live in Canada. I am an American and I like the 'melting pot' theory that has helped create this country. Immigration is good for us... Illegal immigration (which is what we have been arguing about) is not.
The Melting Pot theory does NOT mean we have wide open borders, as you suggest. It merely means that we allow immigration to our country and we ask that people come here and add to the fabric of our society... blending in with it, rather than creating enclaves of other cultures in opposition to our American culture. Unfortunately the latter seems to be happening more and more. We have a process for allowing immigrants into our country. We merely ask people who wish to come here to follow that process.
To the Canadian... America was built on the Melting pot. BUT, everybody included in that building of America, did it legally. They followed the laws AND learned to speak English AND they didn't drive their nasty ass, un-insured, tried to do a two-tone paint job with spray paint, take off the hub caps to make custom rims damn car!
Sorry, I gotta get this outta my system...
Proof that they're stupid...
1) Ever seen them park correctly? No! Between the lines is beyond them, the only way to get them to park correctly is to put the parking space on their lawn.
2) The cars they drive. Not the clunkers. The clunkers that they try to turn into Rice Racers! (see my statement above)
3) They work so hard to come to America (the land of promise and opportunity), and then they do their damndest to turn it into Mexico.
4) Have you ever seen a good Taco Bell commercial?
5) They eat food, that when cooked properly, gives people the shits.
6) Cough drops are considered candy.
7) Coming to this country legally has been done for GENERATIONS, but apparently filling out some papers, being de-loused (=P), showing a passport, and aquiring a work visa/green card, and knowing a bit of the INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE is too difficult for them. Instead they choose to sneak up to the border/river, hide from the police/border patrol, run across/swim across, continue hiding from the border patrol, and live their time out in America having to be afraid of being deported (or at least... they were afraid of it at one time). Boy, they sure chose the easy way to do things!
Ok, I'm done being a bigot. I'm really not racist, I just have a severe disliking of stupid people.
We can agree to disagree, or we can bicker constantly... either way, I'm right.
SobaKai.com There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
Originally posted by Valowlife Originally posted by Razorback Steal their hyperdrive technology and send them back to their home planet
LOL funny but we gotta try to be nice to them cause they wanna a happy life but still so funny K, they can have their happy life without making my happy life more expensive to live. I actually know lots of people IN Mexico that make lots of money. Hell, for Computer Techs, Mexico City is one of the best places to find a job these days. Or, they can join the army. My best-friend's girlfriend's father (I know... sounds like a line from Clueless) was in the Mexican army, he went career, and they bought him a HUGE house on a GREAT spot of land! They don't have to break our laws to be happy.
We can agree to disagree, or we can bicker constantly... either way, I'm right.
SobaKai.com There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
Eh... Well this country is BASED on immigration. The British came here (IMMIGRANTS!) thennn they took over the country like... you know with all the American Indians. But yah then they fought for freedom then they became Americans. But still they werent like the FIRST ones there... They were IMMIGRANTS. And the country was empty, so because of Religous Persecution and other reasons, more IMMIGRANTS came here, and therefore immigrants took up the jobs raised the economy and all that, but those were LEGAL immigrants.. most of em were.
But with the hispanics from south of Texas is a slight problem because they go to school, and the legal adults are paying taxes for their school books and all.. BUTTTT the illegal's are still paying taxes because they're buying stuff to survive (clothing, food all that)
So I dont really know what you would do, and I dont really care. But my point is that this country is made from immigrants, straight from the beginning. and where would we be without the Hispanics?
Originally posted by Tabish Eh... Well this country is BASED on immigration. The British came here (IMMIGRANTS!) thennn they took over the country like... you know with all the American Indians. Wrong, a couple British tribes settled in unoccupied land far from other nonrelated indian tribes. And in a couple instances the British legally bought land from other non-related indian tribes to settle there. But yah then they fought for freedom then they became Americans. But still they werent like the FIRST ones there... They were IMMIGRANTS. Settlers and Colonists, not Immigrants to a foreign culture and nation. And the country was empty, so because of Religous Persecution and other reasons, more IMMIGRANTS came here, You are the result of 50 years of a broken liberal education system, a product of leftist propaganda. and therefore immigrants Settlers and Colonists took up the jobs raised the economy and all that, but those were LEGAL immigrants.. Settlers and Colonists most of em were.
But with the hispanics from south of Texas is a slight problem because they go to school, and the legal adults are paying taxes for their school books and all.. BUTTTT the illegal's are still paying taxes because they're buying stuff to survive (clothing, food all that)
So I dont really know what you would do, and I dont really care. But my point is that this country is made from immigrants, Settlers and Colonists straight from the beginning beginning of what? . and where would we be without the Hispanics? Cape Horn and the Fakland Islands.
Ain't there a lovely contradiction? I am Canadian French and I don't believe in the melting pot theory, we have lot of minorities in Canada and we cheerish them, we don't want to be 1 unique nation.
A country with the Melting Pot theory should have the courage of it theories and open it borders IMO. This is the very basic of the Melting Pot...which luckily for me, I will never agree with or believe in.>>
Well, luckily for you then, you live in Canada. I am an American and I like the 'melting pot' theory that has helped create this country. Immigration is good for us... Illegal immigration (which is what we have been arguing about) is not. The Melting Pot theory does NOT mean we have wide open borders, as you suggest. It merely means that we allow immigration to our country and we ask that people come here and add to the fabric of our society... blending in with it, rather than creating enclaves of other cultures in opposition to our American culture. Unfortunately the latter seems to be happening more and more. We have a process for allowing immigrants into our country. We merely ask people who wish to come here to follow that process.
SAY NO to the melting pot. People use to be boiled alive when convicted of crimes IN MELTING POTS!
Originally posted by honzolo <<Yes, this country was built on immagration - but we eventually reached the point we were getting overwhelmed and had to close those borders.... We need them as much as they need us? how do you figure? we didnt need them before they hopped the fence, why do we need them now? they leave.. re-opens up the jobs for citizens and guess what? I highly doubt the american unemployment rate will not be at 7% hmmm whatchya think? I support Ted and John Mccains proposal 110% but thats just me >> Actually, our unemployment rate is at 4.6 percent, which is pretty much at the point considered 'full employment', where anyone who actualy wants to work, can. Of course, the mainstream media has no desire to trumpet those numbers because it doesn't fit their agenda, so its not surprising you would think the umemployment rate was at 7%. They would like us all to think the economy was in recession, and if possible, practically in the Great Depression II, but the facts don't bear this out. With the Baby Boomers beginning to retire from the workforce, we are facing a severe shortage of workers in the near future. That is what I am looking at. The Social Security system is going to fall apart in the near future as well, because there will be far fewer workers paying for far more retirees' Social Security benefits. That system will collapse under its own weight unless something is done about it. My suggestion is that a guest worker program done correctly could help us deal with these problems. John McCain and Ted Kennedy want to grant amnesty to the illegal aliens here now... allowing them to stay here permanently without really requiring much of them at all. I am totally against that, as I would think you and most Americans would be. It makes no sense, and it has-and will- create a run for the border... and not the Taco Bell type.
The unemployment number is rediculous, it only counts those that exactly meet two conditions, "LOOKING FOR WORK." and "ARE NOT CURRENTLY EMPLOYED."
Its a rediculously under-inflated number because most unemployed people arent looking for work.
Please people stop using the unemployment number in any arguement whatsoever.
Originally posted by honzolo My personal solution starts where a lot of other post-ers have started. We need to fine the businesses employing ILLEGAL immigrants. We need to make it so painful to these businesses that they will wake up in a cold sweat after dreaming they hired an illegal immigrant. Everyone says we 'can't' deport all the illegals in the country because of the sheer amount of them. THAT may be true. But if we take away the opportunity of employment here they will go back of their own accord. 1807, 60 years before the US Civil War, Congress bans the Atlantic Slave trade. The second thing that needs to be done is to create a guest worker program that allows these people to come here legally to obtain employment. Most of the people who have come here illegally are here to work, not become US citizens. They love their own countries. Their families are back home, and they are sending money home to help their family survive. Who can blame them for this? A guest worker program will also allow them to come out of the shadows of society and have a stake in our society even though they are not 'citizens' per se. Their incomes will rise and their families back home will have less to worry about with them up here in a faraway country. The southerner proposes an expansion of slavery:
The Wilmot Proviso At the end of the Mexican War, many new lands west of Texas were yielded to the United States, and the debate over the westward expansion of slavery was rekindled. Southern politicians and slave owners demanded that slavery be allowed in the West because they feared that a closed door would spell doom for their economy and way of life. Whig Northerners, however, believed that slavery should be banned from the new territories. Pennsylvanian congressman David Wilmot proposed such a ban in 1846, even before the conclusion of the war. Southerners were outraged over this Wilmot Proviso and blocked it before it could reach the Senate.
The Wilmot Proviso justified Southerners’ fears that the North had designs against slavery. They worried that if politicians in the North prevented slavery from expanding westward, then it was only a matter of time before they began attacking it in the South as well. As a result, Southerners in both parties flatly rejected the proviso. Such bipartisan support was unprecedented and demonstrated just how serious the South really felt about the issue.
The large land concessions made to the U.S. in the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo only exacerbated tensions. Debates in Congress grew so heated that fistfights even broke out between Northerners and Southerners on the floor of the House of Representatives. In fact, sectional division became so pronounced that many historians label the Mexican War and the Wilmot Proviso the first battles of the Civil War. The guest worker program will allow the government to keep track of ... South Carolina Slave Laws Summary and Record http://www.slaveryinamerica.org/geography/slave_laws_SC.htm ...who is in the country and also to be able to collect the taxes that very few illegals currently pay. This will help the US with the upcoming baby boom retirements that are going to prove to be one of the greatest challenges for our country. The looming Social Security meltdown that is coming because of politicians incompetence and outright willingness to ignore the problem for their own political advantage can be helped by increased revenue from taxes paid by illegals through the guest worker program. There needs to be very strict rules with regard to this program... In addition to defining the status of enslaved blacks, the 1690 code explicitly spelled out the punishment for those who struck a white person and for runaways. First offenders were severely whipped, followed by slitting the nose and burning "some part of his face with a hot iron" and even death for those who attacked whites a second or third time. Enslaved blacks found off the plantation without written permission from their master were considered runaways. Those who ran away more than once could be branded with an R on their cheek and might suffer the loss of an ear. Castrating male slaves and branding an R on the left cheek of female slaves punished a fourth offense. A fifth failed attempt could be punished by either cutting the tendon in one leg or sentencing the enslaved person to death. . ...Anyone who comes in through the guest worker program must have a clean criminal record in this country. If a felony is comitted by someone on the program, they should be fingerprinted, photographed, and immediately deported. If they are caught in the US again, they should serve a lengthy jail time, and then deported upon release. Anyone caught here illegally after the guest worker program is in place should face the same consequences as someone who has committed a felony, because it actually is a felony to be here illegally. The loophole of having 'anchor-babies' needs to be addressed as well. Anyone here illegally having a baby on American soil should still result in that child being an American citizen, but there should be two options when that happens. The illegal aliens should have the option of taking that baby back to their home country with them, and once the child reaches 18, they will be allowed to come freely to the US as a citizen (not the parents, though). Otherwise, the illegal parents shall leave the child here as a ward of the state, and the child still remains a citizen. Lastly, I have no problem at all with someone, after being in the guest worker program for a period of time, being put on an accelerated citizenship program, if that is what they want. They should be required to still pass the basic standards that already apply to those seeking citizenship. A basic knowledge of English is very important. Laws in the European colonies of Latin America showed considerable concern for the welfare of slaves. These laws allowed slaves to marry, to seek relief from a cruel owner, and even to buy their freedom....http://www.worldbook.com/features/aajourney/html/bh017.html This country was built through immigration. This country was built on zero to low taxes, cheap land, and no sticky foreign entanglements. Immigration is a positive thing Only to the profiteers and slave owner and should be encouraged *cracks whip*, get to work, boy. But we need to require of our immigrants a certain amount of ASSIMILATION Resistance is futile. THAT is what has made this country great. What made this country great was zero to low taxes, cheap land, and no sticky foreign entanglements. Many people from all over the world coming here and adding to our melting pot, Melting pots are for broth not creating their own separate enclaves as seems to be happening so often these days. You mean like those Irish seperate enclaves, or those Chinese seperate enclaves, or those Scottish separate enclaves, or those Mexican separate enclaves? I thought you loved immigration, we are a nation of immigrants and all that jazz. Personally, I like and respect the people who have come here from Central and South America. They are, for the most part, good people. They work hard and just want the opportunity to provide for their families. Thank god theyre not Nazis, or canibal alien beings from the planet zorg. I speak spanish and have neighbors and friends who are from Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay, I had a friend in high school that turned out bi-sexual, does that make me tollerant?*whips out tollerant-card* HAH! and other countries. I want them to have an opportunity here. We need their help, who's this, "We" talk about liberal? and they need ours. This can be turned into a win/win situation for us and them, That what Nixon said about China and that's what needs to be done. Sadly, too many politicians see only how it affects them , not us. You mean like outsourcing? The dirtbag Democrats are solely interested in carving out a voting block for their failing party. The timid Republicans are looking for the cheap labor for their business lobbies, Wrong! way over a supermajority of Republicans are against what Bush is doing, and we will split the Republican party in two over this issue of slavery, just like we split the Whig and Democrat party in the 1850's by Abolitionists. and also hoping to get votes by not offending anyone. As it is, neither of them seem to want to put in place a program or idea that involves common sense. Its so easy to be a mooshy-moderate and critisize both parties, sitting on yoru fence, swinging back and forth in the wind, you are so moral. *rolls eyes* Amnesty is NOT the answer to this problem. Ted Kennedy and John McCain are NOT the answer to this problem. Strangely you also havent provided a solution to the problem either. This huge post, and not a single solution. Just my opinion. H.
Originally posted by damng PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE...dont consider me a racist, cuz I am far from. Dont mind the race-card pimps, they are inherently evil. Me being black, Oh your black, you cant possibly be a racist, by default your pure and virtuous.
like i said, im not racist...if i was white,asian,brown, or w.e "race" you want to categorize people in. you can try and contradict me with your jibberish and that race card s***, but you fail my good man. its easy for people to say people are racist when they talk about race issues ,huh? sad, people cant comprehend or even fathim what others say without thinkin theyre racist in these kind of subjects. i think this whole immigration thing is fu*ked up, and if i was a mexican in this situation, ide wait my turn no matter how long it took. but good thing i was born a citizen so i dont have to eat my own words, huh? cant change the way i think,son...sorry
I was making a friendly, agreeing, jest Mr. Thin Skinned easilly set-off.
Obviously we should place the national guard on the border and build physical and electronic barriers.
Once we have secured the border, we should deport any illegal aliens and fine any employers who hire them.
Will that happen, probably not.
So, since we will probably give them amnesty, once again, we should make them work in MMOG farming sweatshops and force the asian farmers out of business by undercutting their prices. Let's keep those jobs in the USA.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
Are you kidding me? Go re-take American History. Colonists murdered thousands of Indians unprovoked. Go google Bacon's Rebellion...you were obviously taught history by the likes of Rush Limbaugh. We went into the wilderness hunting indians. The only incident I can recall when indians came on our turf was when three indians were caught stealing, and hung shortly thereafter. That's some fine christianization. The vast majority of indians wanted nothing to do with the colonists.
Wrong, the native americans initialized hostilities in every war and situation. We were just responding. Liar, leftist propagandist.
The native Americans stole horses, property, women and children. They murdered colonists. They tortured colonists. They destroyed property in huge swaths. The made war, comitted genocide. THEY WERE EVIL! And anyone who defends them are evil just like you.
Next in history class, Manifest Destiny make sure you take notes!
Did you just compare our founding fathers to Hitler? Wow amazing. One wonders why the military hates liberals.
Learn history. The NUMEROUS UNRELATED native american TRIBES constantly raided and terrorized colonial settlements ever since Jamestown. They sided with the French against the British-Colonials in French-Indian war. They sided with the British against the Colonists in the War for Independance. They sided with the British again in the war of 1812. They sided with the Mexicans in the Spanish-American War. They sided with the Confederates in the Civil War. In between taking sides against Americans in every war in our history, they were also terrorists and horse thieves.
Of course not ALL of them. Not ALL muslims are terrorists.
Are you kidding me? Go re-take American History.
Colonists murdered thousands of Indians unprovoked. Go google Bacon's Rebellion...you were obviously taught history by the likes of Rush Limbaugh. We went into the wilderness hunting indians. The only incident I can recall when indians came on our turf was when three indians were caught stealing, and hung shortly thereafter. That's some fine christianization.
The vast majority of indians wanted nothing to do with the colonists.
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like i said, im not racist...if i was white,asian,brown, or w.e "race" you want to categorize people in. you can try and contradict me with your jibberish and that race card s***, but you fail my good man. its easy for people to say people are racist when they talk about race issues ,huh? sad, people cant comprehend or even fathim what others say without thinkin theyre racist in these kind of subjects. i think this whole immigration thing is fu*ked up, and if i was a mexican in this situation, ide wait my turn no matter how long it took. but good thing i was born a citizen so i dont have to eat my own words, huh? cant change the way i think,son...sorry
"we gon' win, they gon' lose" - Miri Ben Ari
My personal solution starts where a lot of other post-ers have started. We need to fine the businesses employing ILLEGAL immigrants. We need to make it so painful to these businesses that they will wake up in a cold sweat after dreaming they hired an illegal immigrant. Everyone says we 'can't' deport all the illegals in the country because of the sheer amount of them. THAT may be true. But if we take away the opportunity of employment here they will go back of their own accord.
The second thing that needs to be done is to create a guest worker program that allows these people to come here legally to obtain employment. Most of the people who have come here illegally are here to work, not become US citizens. They love their own countries. Their families are back home, and they are sending money home to help their family survive. Who can blame them for this? A guest worker program will also allow them to come out of the shadows of society and have a stake in our society even though they are not 'citizens' per se. Their incomes will rise and their families back home will have less to worry about with them up here in a faraway country.
The guest worker program will allow the government to keep track of who is in the country and also to be able to collect the taxes that very few illegals currently pay. This will help the US with the upcoming baby boom retirements that are going to prove to be one of the greatest challenges for our country. The looming Social Security meltdown that is coming because of politicians incompetence and outright willingness to ignore the problem for their own political advantage can be helped by increased revenue from taxes paid by illegals through the guest worker program.
There needs to be very strict rules with regard to this program. Anyone who comes in through the guest worker program must have a clean criminal record in this country. If a felony is comitted by someone on the program, they should be fingerprinted, photographed, and immediately deported. If they are caught in the US again, they should serve a lengthy jail time, and then deported upon release. Anyone caught here illegally after the guest worker program is in place should face the same consequences as someone who has committed a felony, because it actually is a felony to be here illegally. The loophole of having 'anchor-babies' needs to be addressed as well. Anyone here illegally having a baby on American soil should still result in that child being an American citizen, but there should be two options when that happens. The illegal aliens should have the option of taking that baby back to their home country with them, and once the child reaches 18, they will be allowed to come freely to the US as a citizen (not the parents, though). Otherwise, the illegal parents shall leave the child here as a ward of the state, and the child still remains a citizen.
Lastly, I have no problem at all with someone, after being in the guest worker program for a period of time, being put on an accelerated citizenship program, if that is what they want. They should be required to still pass the basic standards that already apply to those seeking citizenship. A basic knowledge of English is very important.
This country was built through immigration. Immigration is a positive thing and should be encouraged. But we need to require of our immigrants a certain amount of ASSIMILATION. THAT is what has made this country great. Many people from all over the world coming here and adding to our melting pot, not creating their own separate enclaves as seems to be happening so often these days.
Personally, I like and respect the people who have come here from Central and South America. They are, for the most part, good people. They work hard and just want the opportunity to provide for their families. I speak spanish and have neighbors and friends who are from Guatemala, Honduras, Paraguay , and other countries. I want them to have an opportunity here.
We need their help, and they need ours. This can be turned into a win/win situation for us and them, and that's what needs to be done. Sadly, too many politicians see only how it affects them , not us. The dirtbag Democrats are solely interested in carving out a voting block for their failing party. The timid Republicans are looking for the cheap labor for their business lobbies, and also hoping to get votes by not offending anyone. As it is, neither of them seem to want to put in place a program or idea that involves common sense. Amnesty is NOT the answer to this problem. Ted Kennedy and John McCain are NOT the answer to this problem.
Just my opinion.
Yes, this country was built on immagration - but we eventually reached the point we were getting overwhelmed and had to close those borders....
We need them as much as they need us? how do you figure? we didnt need them before they hopped the fence, why do we need them now? they leave.. re-opens up the jobs for citizens and guess what? I highly doubt the american unemployment rate will not be at 7% hmmm whatchya think?
I support Ted and John Mccains proposal 110%
but thats just me
Tantus Games
COO/Game Director
Dear President Bush:
I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and
extended family,
and I would like to ask you to assist me. I'm going to walk
across the border from the U.S. into Mexico, and I need to make a
few arrangements. I know you can help with this.
I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas,
passports, immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the
same way you do here.
So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that
I'm on my way over? Please let him know that I will be
expecting the following:
1. Free medical care for my entire family.
2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might
need, whether I use them or not.
3. All government forms need to be printed in English.
4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.
5. Schools need to include classes on American culture
and history.
6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the
top of the flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying
lower down.
7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and
8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can
get easy access to government services.
9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won't
make any effort to learn local traffic laws.
10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not
get the memo from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that
all police officers speak English.
11. I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my house top, put
flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I
do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.
12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying
any taxes, and don't enforce any labor laws or tax laws.
13. Please tell all the people in the country to be
extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain
I might place on the economy.
I know this is an easy request because you already do
all these things for all the people who come to the U.S. from Mexico. I
am sure that Pres. Fox won't mind returning the favor if you ask him
nicely. However, if he gives you any trouble, just invite him to
go quail hunting with your V.P.
Thank you so much for your kind help.
Tantus Games
COO/Game Director
Melting pot!
Alien Immigrants?
Ain't there a lovely contradiction? I am Canadian French and I don't believe in the melting pot theory, we have lot of minorities in Canada and we cheerish them, we don't want to be 1 unique nation.
A country with the Melting Pot theory should have the courage of it theories and open it borders IMO. This is the very basic of the Melting Pot...which luckily for me, I will never agree with or believe in.
In facts, I start to think that the islamic religions should be banned and hunted by the State like plagued, but that is my opinion, Hinduism and Budists are welcome as are all christians...but Islam? I am against it in it very existence. I have no position of power...fear not...but I see the troubles Islam does in France and I am extremely sensible to what happens over there...
Ban Islam.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Interstingly. the mainstream media and president Bush called it the "immigration" debate.
The real issue here is the illigal immigration issue which they don't understand. I have no problems with legal immigration when they do it the right way.
Worst case scenerio would be, American citizens would lose their national identity. Or a dirty bomb or nuke being smuggled over the border and then detonating it.
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feed them to the homeless
kill 2 birds with 1 stone
Lets start with the "they do the jobs we don't want to do" arguement. Horse puckey, I say. There are plenty of jobless, legal Americans, that would be more than happy to scrub the floors at the porn shops, pick lettuce or wash dishes. Not every legal American is qualified for those top paying jobs, you know. Adding to it is a lot of the jobs Americans "do want to do" are being shipped to Mexico, India and wherever else. Tech support for your computer? Good luck getting someone that can speak english very well. Adding more to the jobs thingy, I'm seeing a lot more of these decent paying jobs require a person to know at least English and Spanish. Why they hell should someone from this country be required to speak another language to speak with people that shouldn't even be here in the first place? If I went to Mexico, would they all speak English to me?
How about the laws of this country? I mean if they disrepect the laws governing them to even be here, what reason do I have to believe they aren't up to other "suspicious" behavior? Hell if they get busted selling cocaine to my children, they get shipped back to Mexico. Then turn around and come back, only to do the same crap. If they don't have a SSN, they don't exist here and really have no need to follow our laws. Now I don't believe they are all law-breakers. But I don't believe they all aren't either.
I've got no problems with people wanting to come and live here. But learn our language, get an SSN, get checked for diseases that could spread easily, get background checks and whatnot. Do it legally, like others have. It isn't impossible to do, it just may take a few more months. If you can't be bothered, Americans should be bothered with this stupid discussion.With the way a lot of this world thinks of the USA, I am totally opposed to just any Tom, Dick or Hector just strolling into our country whenever they feel like it. Those that want the borders to be open, so Osama can freely send more terrorists into our country are mentally disturbed.
We need them as much as they need us? how do you figure? we didnt need them before they hopped the fence, why do we need them now? they leave.. re-opens up the jobs for citizens and guess what? I highly doubt the american unemployment rate will not be at 7% hmmm whatchya think?
I support Ted and John Mccains proposal 110%
but thats just me
Actually, our unemployment rate is at 4.6 percent, which is pretty much at the point considered 'full employment', where anyone who actualy wants to work, can. Of course, the mainstream media has no desire to trumpet those numbers because it doesn't fit their agenda, so its not surprising you would think the umemployment rate was at 7%. They would like us all to think the economy was in recession, and if possible, practically in the Great Depression II, but the facts don't bear this out.
With the Baby Boomers beginning to retire from the workforce, we are facing a severe shortage of workers in the near future. That is what I am looking at. The Social Security system is going to fall apart in the near future as well, because there will be far fewer workers paying for far more retirees' Social Security benefits. That system will collapse under its own weight unless something is done about it. My suggestion is that a guest worker program done correctly could help us deal with these problems.
John McCain and Ted Kennedy want to grant amnesty to the illegal aliens here now... allowing them to stay here permanently without really requiring much of them at all. I am totally against that, as I would think you and most Americans would be. It makes no sense, and it has-and will- create a run for the border... and not the Taco Bell type.
Melting pot!
Alien Immigrants?
Ain't there a lovely contradiction? I am Canadian French and I don't believe in the melting pot theory, we have lot of minorities in Canada and we cheerish them, we don't want to be 1 unique nation.
A country with the Melting Pot theory should have the courage of it theories and open it borders IMO. This is the very basic of the Melting Pot...which luckily for me, I will never agree with or believe in.>>
Well, luckily for you then, you live in Canada. I am an American and I like the 'melting pot' theory that has helped create this country. Immigration is good for us... Illegal immigration (which is what we have been arguing about) is not.
The Melting Pot theory does NOT mean we have wide open borders, as you suggest. It merely means that we allow immigration to our country and we ask that people come here and add to the fabric of our society... blending in with it, rather than creating enclaves of other cultures in opposition to our American culture. Unfortunately the latter seems to be happening more and more. We have a process for allowing immigrants into our country. We merely ask people who wish to come here to follow that process.
To the Canadian... America was built on the Melting pot. BUT, everybody included in that building of America, did it legally. They followed the laws AND learned to speak English AND they didn't drive their nasty ass, un-insured, tried to do a two-tone paint job with spray paint, take off the hub caps to make custom rims damn car!
Sorry, I gotta get this outta my system...
Proof that they're stupid...
1) Ever seen them park correctly? No! Between the lines is beyond them, the only way to get them to park correctly is to put the parking space on their lawn.
2) The cars they drive. Not the clunkers. The clunkers that they try to turn into Rice Racers! (see my statement above)
3) They work so hard to come to America (the land of promise and opportunity), and then they do their damndest to turn it into Mexico.
4) Have you ever seen a good Taco Bell commercial?
5) They eat food, that when cooked properly, gives people the shits.
6) Cough drops are considered candy.
7) Coming to this country legally has been done for GENERATIONS, but apparently filling out some papers, being de-loused (=P), showing a passport, and aquiring a work visa/green card, and knowing a bit of the INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE is too difficult for them. Instead they choose to sneak up to the border/river, hide from the police/border patrol, run across/swim across, continue hiding from the border patrol, and live their time out in America having to be afraid of being deported (or at least... they were afraid of it at one time). Boy, they sure chose the easy way to do things!
Ok, I'm done being a bigot. I'm really not racist, I just have a severe disliking of stupid people.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
K, they can have their happy life without making my happy life more expensive to live. I actually know lots of people IN Mexico that make lots of money. Hell, for Computer Techs, Mexico City is one of the best places to find a job these days. Or, they can join the army. My best-friend's girlfriend's father (I know... sounds like a line from Clueless) was in the Mexican army, he went career, and they bought him a HUGE house on a GREAT spot of land! They don't have to break our laws to be happy.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
But with the hispanics from south of Texas is a slight problem because they go to school, and the legal adults are paying taxes for their school books and all.. BUTTTT the illegal's are still paying taxes because they're buying stuff to survive (clothing, food all that)
So I dont really know what you would do, and I dont really care. But my point is that this country is made from immigrants, straight from the beginning. and where would we be without the Hispanics?
SAY NO to the melting pot. People use to be boiled alive when convicted of crimes IN MELTING POTS!
The unemployment number is rediculous, it only counts those that exactly meet two conditions, "LOOKING FOR WORK." and "ARE NOT CURRENTLY EMPLOYED."
Its a rediculously under-inflated number because most unemployed people arent looking for work.
Please people stop using the unemployment number in any arguement whatsoever.
like i said, im not racist...if i was white,asian,brown, or w.e "race" you want to categorize people in. you can try and contradict me with your jibberish and that race card s***, but you fail my good man. its easy for people to say people are racist when they talk about race issues ,huh? sad, people cant comprehend or even fathim what others say without thinkin theyre racist in these kind of subjects. i think this whole immigration thing is fu*ked up, and if i was a mexican in this situation, ide wait my turn no matter how long it took. but good thing i was born a citizen so i dont have to eat my own words, huh? cant change the way i think,son...sorry
I was making a friendly, agreeing, jest Mr. Thin Skinned easilly set-off.
Obviously we should place the national guard on the border and build physical and electronic barriers.
Once we have secured the border, we should deport any illegal aliens and fine any employers who hire them.
Will that happen, probably not.
So, since we will probably give them amnesty, once again, we should make them work in MMOG farming sweatshops and force the asian farmers out of business by undercutting their prices. Let's keep those jobs in the USA.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Colonists murdered thousands of Indians unprovoked. Go google Bacon's Rebellion...you were obviously taught history by the likes of Rush Limbaugh. We went into the wilderness hunting indians. The only incident I can recall when indians came on our turf was when three indians were caught stealing, and hung shortly thereafter. That's some fine christianization.
The vast majority of indians wanted nothing to do with the colonists.
Wrong, the native americans initialized hostilities in every war and situation. We were just responding. Liar, leftist propagandist.
The native Americans stole horses, property, women and children. They murdered colonists. They tortured colonists. They destroyed property in huge swaths. The made war, comitted genocide. THEY WERE EVIL! And anyone who defends them are evil just like you.
Jon Wood
Managing Editor