You guys are talking shit now, but you will be playing the game, no matter what effect Sony has on GandH. I mean you cant even stay out of the games forums, you clearly have hard-on for the game already. Sony may have a lot of downfalls, but they also make MMO's that stand the test of time. I have griped about Sony just like the rest of you, but the difference between us is that I will admit to taking a little punishment from SOE in return for a great gaming experience, and little better than o.k. game support. Please SOE may I have another. /moan Shayde
Trust me Dude,
If Sony is involved in any way I will not be playing this game no matter how good it may be.
I have been ripped off by sony for the last time.
It really is to bad I like the way this is looking.
I can't honestly understand why SoE is constantly the subject of so many irrational rants and raves. Every single game that SoE has laid their hands on has seen improvement. I wonder if half of you have even played their games at all.
Let's start with their customer service. SoE is a gigantic company, hosting and continuously developing 7 fully functional MMOs, as well as other projects and console driven endeavors. They have whole teams of customer service waiting to sit at your feat and hear you whine and complain for hours and they still try their best to help you. EQ and EQ2, being the only games that I've experienced with SoE, have both had outstanding customer service. I've had so many accounts, items, and characters restored at the drop of the hat and have been hard-pressed to find that type of support from any other company. For example, in WoW, you have a limited number of item restorations, and if you accidentally delete a character or get hacked, chances are you won't ever see your character again; and if you do, you'll be short of gear or money as Blizzard has a horrible policy regarding those issues.
Next, we'll address content. Name another MMO in development, that has 14 major, content packed expansions? That's right, there is none, only EQLive. Hell EQ2 even had 3 major expansions and tons of mini-content packs loaded to the brim with fun things to do. The same goes for every other game they have available on the station-pass. I hate to use WoW as a constant example, but in 2 years Blizzard comes out with one pathetic excuse for an expansion, as well as a few high end raid instances in the original game; give me a break! If there needs to be a rant discussion about any company in particular, it's Blizzard because they dull down and ruin every game they make, their shit is too EASY.
Low and behold, my next point is difficulty! I have a growing suspicion that most people don't like SoE or their games because of how challenging they can be. With group-based leveling being the major type of character developement in every game they host, I can see why the majority of the people on this forum think that SoE is doing things wrong. Again, I hate to use WoW as an example, but why not, it's the only larger MMO in comparison to EQ, and it gives me plenty of wonderful examples as to why SoE does not suck. Would you rather solo to the top, with 8 million other idiots, and find that raid encounters and high level instances that are so easily designed become frustratingly difficult? I honestly don't know how you can stand putting up with people who can't comprehend the 3 button mash raid style WoW has to offer but then rush to a forum to bitch about minor problems in JUST RELEASED games that SoE hosts. EQ and EQ2 are very challenging games, but wait, it's not the challenges you're after is it? This brings me to my next point...
I've finally figured it out through writing all of this long and drawn out nonsense, that people are tired of being challenged; in games and in real life in general. You have all gotten lazy and just want everything handed to you. Where's has the thrill and excitement gone when you enter a brand new zone full of big baddies to raid the day after some new content pops out, only to find that you're not NEARLY as ready as you thought you'd be to take this place down. Then, it takes you a month to even make it past the first wave of trash before you can even consider taking down the first boss.
THAT SHIT IS FUN, IT'S CHALLENGING, AND VERY REWARDING WHEN YOU FINALLY STOMP THE ENCOUNTER. Stop all this trash talking about SoE, they're a ver y good company, and one of the only ones that constantly give their players something new to do in their games; how else would EQ survive for 10+ years?
I mean really? Why do they have such great games and yet fall short of 7 million subscribers??
(actually they deserve all the grief possible for SWG and someone deserves grief for the early EQ years of CSr Bullying), but otherwise they are no worse then other games.
I've finally figured it out through writing all of this long and drawn out nonsense, that people are tired of being challenged; in games and in real life in general. You have all gotten lazy and just want everything handed to you. Where's has the thrill and excitement gone when you enter a brand new zone full of big baddies to raid the day after some new content pops out, only to find that you're not NEARLY as ready as you thought you'd be to take this place down. Then, it takes you a month to even make it past the first wave of trash before you can even consider taking down the first boss.
THAT SHIT IS FUN, IT'S CHALLENGING, AND VERY REWARDING WHEN YOU FINALLY STOMP THE ENCOUNTER. Stop all this trash talking about SoE, they're a ver y good company, and one of the only ones that constantly give their players something new to do in their games; how else would EQ survive for 10+ years?
/rant off
Of course the Sony fanbois will be here saying how great sony is, they want this game on their Station access list because of the shit choices they have now.
the only people that lose by this game going to sony is us the gamers...But who the hell cares about us?
Not Sony thats for damn sure
Start with customer service??? OK.
After I canceled my station pass they continued to charge me for 3 months before they finally stopped and refused to give my money back. Now I don't know where you come from but thats stealing in my town.
Those expansion packs you rave about were not free they are pay-for updates that most companies give out every month for free.
You have been working at Sony to long you need to get out into the sun and fresh air and see what other companies are doing try LOTRO by Turbine its pretty good with free content updates and real customer service you might be surprised what you can learn
Today has been a most exciting day with the announcement of Sony Online Entertainment Platform Publishing as our Co-publisher for ?Gods & Heroes? and a complete re-launch of our website! I know that I have talked about Publisher/Studio relationships before in previous posts, but with this announcement, I feel that it is important to let you know how this relationship will affect you, the players of Gods & Heroes.
We at Perpetual Entertainment are building something that we love and that we know you?ll love too. With Gods & Heroes ? as with all our projects ? we focus on creating great games and running a quality online service. This means that we handle everything internally, from hosting the game servers, to account services/billing, to technical support, and working with the community. This means that Platform Publishing will be handling retail marketing, PR, manufacturing, and our North American distribution.
Platform Publishing brings an experienced marketing, PR, manufacturing, and distribution team to the table that helps to put more copies of the game on the shelves in more locations around North America. This translates to one thing: Making it easier for you to pick up a copy on the launch date. This is exciting news for all of us and this puts us one giant step closer to enjoying Gods & Heroes with you!
It won?t be long until I see you in the game,
I understand the concerns expressed, but until the game is launched we may never know wether this is a good thing or bad thing. Jumping to conclusions based of previous experiences is not always the most logical.
There was no doubt a logical buisness reason as to why this decision was made. I doubt it will be explained to us as the players of the game though.
Hopefully, the game itself will be as good as its hype and text reading so far , I'm really looking forward to it I will be preordering it and any collectors edition if released.
u have been ripped off? is that how bad sony sucks? i read other responses from other people who were sony customers and they said they were ripped off. we should do something about sony, cuz they suck badly. also i wont be paying 15 bucks a month to play a game ill soon get bored of.
Like it or lump it Platform Publishing are going to be producing the boxes and disks. Raving on a forum will not change this, regardless how much you post.
As a consumer in the minority you have minimal impact on a companies decision, regardless of how important you think you are to them there is always someone else willing to purchase the product.
If you have moral objections to Platform Publishings involvement don't buy the game. Thats really as much power as a consumer you have. Don't presume just because of your individual past experience it somehow gives you the right to tell a company how to make deals with other companies.
Some posters believed for their money they are OWED good service. That is not a given, if it does not suit the company providing the service. I'm sure there are lots of companies that you can think of that have given crappy service, or stuffed you around but are still running.
No amount of abuse on a forum is going to change that fact.
Sure it sucks that they made everyone so made and took peoples money, or people feel they ruined games, etc I really do sympathise. The intelligent option is not to dwell on this and let it consume you, its simply what some people have opted to do , not buy the game.
Please can this thread be taken down and unstickied all it seems to be doing is generating more hate, and I don't see helping the situation any further.
When a company has to make public announcements to explain how their business partner only has limited affect on their product, that is a bad sign. The game is not even out yet and they are already spinning damage control. This isn't to say the Gods and Heroes sucks or is being programmed by SOE, but the simple fact is that having the SOE brand name on the package is alienating a portion of the MMO population.
I personally think that contributed more to the death of vanguard than anything else, but the poor launch sealed the deal. GnH will put that theory to a test though.
Everyone can continue to post how great they think SOE games are or the terrible experiences they have had. None of that matters as the fact is there is a sizable portion of the MMO world that are upset with the business practices of SOE. The makers of gods and heroes are now involved in that community because they chose to partner with SOE. They knew what they were getting into which is why they have to post about it.
You know the old saying about getting in bed with the devil...
well im really just mad. i hate sony only because they are a japanese company who were jealous of Nintendo. they are also the most expensive. i also dont like P2P games because its complicated to pay the company, because anything could go wrong instantly. also i dont have enough money to play p2p games so its why GnH is off my favorites list for MMOs. i just cant hold on to money long enough. also its too much money.
everybody else has a problem with sony. its just SOE and p2p games. p2p games are the games with best graphics and gameplay and even better things like cooler races and speacial things. but its the money that worries me. i think games should be enjoyed not paid for every single month. but its my opinion.
When a company has to make public announcements to explain how their business partner only has limited affect on their product, that is a bad sign. The game is not even out yet and they are already spinning damage control. This isn't to say the Gods and Heroes sucks or is being programmed by SOE, but the simple fact is that having the SOE brand name on the package is alienating a portion of the MMO population.
I personally think that contributed more to the death of vanguard than anything else, but the poor launch sealed the deal. GnH will put that theory to a test though.
Everyone can continue to post how great they think SOE games are or the terrible experiences they have had. None of that matters as the fact is there is a sizable portion of the MMO world that are upset with the business practices of SOE. The makers of gods and heroes are now involved in that community because they chose to partner with SOE. They knew what they were getting into which is why they have to post about it.
You know the old saying about getting in bed with the devil...
I do believe though they probably made the decision because the costs that they save is publishing it themselves mean that they can invest more money into the game. Possibly to avoid a poor launch, or to avoid them running out of money and the game folding.
Sony publishing, even thought it falls under the Sony banner its more of just an outsourcing arm for those kinds of services. Only time will tell what effect, if any this will have on the game.
Also, there is little other choice now for a company wanitng to outsource its publishing on a game.
EA is the ony other company that is capable, as most of the other big publishing houses either folded or were aqquired by EA.
I'm new here and I honestly can't believe that such a thread is a sticky here. Could an admin please fix that mistake? There definately is no reason why there should be any 'We're angry at SOE' thread here in the G&H forum unless you won't like what's printed on your DVD...
I'm new to posting here, but after reading this thread I decided I would post...
To anyone who says "SOE is only printing the cd/boxes, blah blah blah", just stop and think a few minutes about this. First off why would any private developer ever want to associate their product with SOE? This thread alone is a testament to the amount of hate and despise this company has generated over the years. Secondly, why SOE? There are hundreds of companies that can press CD/DVDs and print boxes, many that are overseas and probably do it for a fraction of the cost SOE will be taking.
Furthermore taken directly off the Platformpublishing website... "Platform Publishing offers developers and publishers the opportunity to capitalize on Sony Online Entertainment's experienced and robust marketing, PR, sales and distribution services, as well as backend platform services such as customer service, billing and hosting."
So those saying SOE is only printing CDs and boxes, bite your tongues. I really don't know how ANYONE can sit there and say SOE has nothing to do with this game except printing their CDs and boxes. Platform Publishing is a front for SOE to offer their same lousy service under a different label, to create the impression that it's a "better" or "premium" service, higher than their own SOE name. It's a psychological form of marketing. Most successful companies do it in one for or another.
Because SOE is the backer of this game, the publisher, and probably pulling many of the strings behind the scenes, this game would not survive without SOE's backing, what does this mean? What SOE wants, SOE gets. The second this game is failing... SOE will send out some press releases and try to create some positive spin to the entire debacle, and swoop down and "rescue" it, much like it rescued Matrix online. It will firmly be embedded into the graveyard of SOE failed games.
Mark my words this game will fail. The screenshots might look nice, and all the features sound great, but everyone must come to a realization that all MMO's post-WoW have been nothing but tiny stones being thrown at the brick house Blizzard built, in the hopes to maybe break a window. Unfortunately WoW has grown so large that nothing will unseat it for a very very very long time. Most likely WoW will not be unseated until Blizzard decides to release another MMO.
This is not opinion, this is fact. Look at every single MMO to come out since WoW, and they have all fallen flat on expectations, sales, and ultimately were disappointments to their publishers... with the exception of Guild Wars, and this is only fueled because of it's "free-to-play" model.
SOE is hurting bad, they are doing everything possible to rebuild. Publishing Platform is just one of their attempts to save their failing company. However ultimately I don't think there is anything that can save SOE now. The company has been in decline for many years, and has not made a profit for just as long. The company is heavily subsodized by their parent Sony Pictures. I would almost be willing to bet the executives at Sony are very close to dissolving or selling off this failed company (SOE).
I'm new to posting here, but after reading this thread I decided I would post... To anyone who says "SOE is only printing the cd/boxes, blah blah blah", just stop and think a few minutes about this. First off why would any private developer ever want to associate their product with SOE? This thread alone is a testament to the amount of hate and despise this company has generated over the years. Secondly, why SOE? There are hundreds of companies that can press CD/DVDs and print boxes, many that are overseas and probably do it for a fraction of the cost SOE will be taking. Furthermore taken directly off the Platformpublishing website... "Platform Publishing offers developers and publishers the opportunity to capitalize on Sony Online Entertainment's experienced and robust marketing, PR, sales and distribution services, as well as backend platform services such as customer service, billing and hosting." So those saying SOE is only printing CDs and boxes, bite your tongues. I really don't know how ANYONE can sit there and say SOE has nothing to do with this game except printing their CDs and boxes. Platform Publishing is a front for SOE to offer their same lousy service under a different label, to create the impression that it's a "better" or "premium" service, higher than their own SOE name. It's a psychological form of marketing. Most successful companies do it in one for or another. Because SOE is the backer of this game, the publisher, and probably pulling many of the strings behind the scenes, this game would not survive without SOE's backing, what does this mean? What SOE wants, SOE gets. The second this game is failing... SOE will send out some press releases and try to create some positive spin to the entire debacle, and swoop down and "rescue" it, much like it rescued Matrix online. It will firmly be embedded into the graveyard of SOE failed games. Mark my words this game will fail. The screenshots might look nice, and all the features sound great, but everyone must come to a realization that all MMO's post-WoW have been nothing but tiny stones being thrown at the brick house Blizzard built, in the hopes to maybe break a window. Unfortunately WoW has grown so large that nothing will unseat it for a very very very long time. Most likely WoW will not be unseated until Blizzard decides to release another MMO. This is not opinion, this is fact. Look at every single MMO to come out since WoW, and they have all fallen flat on expectations, sales, and ultimately were disappointments to their publishers... with the exception of Guild Wars, and this is only fueled because of it's "free-to-play" model. Those that need pictures to understand this point I am making? here... SOE is hurting bad, they are doing everything possible to rebuild. Publishing Platform is just one of their attempts to save their failing company. However ultimately I don't think there is anything that can save SOE now. The company has been in decline for many years, and has not made a profit for just as long. The company is heavily subsodized by their parent Sony Pictures. I would almost be willing to bet the executives at Sony are very close to dissolving or selling off this failed company (SOE).
Holy crap.!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL I would bet all my money that this game is going to fail. This man has pawn3d SOE.
First off, nobody tells me when to bite what...especially not my tongue.
Second: You defiantely have to differ between SOE building a game or simply publishing it. Looking at all the SOE games you will realize it really is always the game itself that just isn't worth playing. Your arguments 'what SOE wants, SOE will get' is just senseless. It's just a simple publishing contract like it is very common in today's world. I admit I personally wouldn't even have let SOE publish the game but I honestly can't believe that so many people just don't get it into their head that SOE doesn't have the slightest bit of influence on the game itself. The Developers are paid by Perpetual and so is SOE. A strong personality and successful developer like Stieg Hedlund wouldn't allow anyone to mess the game up anyway.
Decisions in today's business world are mainly based on money so the fact that SOE messed up in the past definately wasn't a deciding factor. Given the size of SOE they sure were able to offer a way better price and after all the games they have released they definately have experienced with that.
Perpetual is a growing company that is working on Gods and Heroes and on Startrek Online. It's not just a tool of SOE to publish under another name. That argument is just silly. But I guess that's what happens if you let your anger takeover and don't read up on the facts before posting. Just because SOE is offering hosting, costumer service and whatever it doesn't mean that each company working together with SOE takes the WHOLE package.
Ahm...of course SOE is trying to rebuild like every other company that is in financial problems does. Offering knowledge to other companies is just a logic step. Many companies offer consulting services too...
The success of WoW is undoubted though it has reached its climax and seems to get pretty desperate to get new players in. Usually sending mails to former players offering them a 10-days trial should be enough but they sent out thousands of free trial DVDs. Really made me think ''re trying so hard it's really looking silly'.
There is nobody able to state 'Game xyz will replace WoW'. Like you said that won't happen that soon but getting enough players to make the game running profitably definately is possible with that started playing MMOS due to WoW and now are searching for an alternative.
One last time and then I will be leaving these types of threads alone.
I will start with a few quotes from some of my previous posts on the subject. Please be aware not all of them were on this forum.
Originally posted by MMOLifestyle
We need to keep a few things straight here in this discussion.
When talking about "SOE" we need to differentiate between SOE (Sony Online Entertainment) and PP (Platform Publishing) which is a DBA (Doing Business As) of SOE. It is a publishing company only, that has now been used by a few "people" including Disney. It also distinguishes itself from the internal SOE MMO business. In other words, while related, they are not the same.
Many do not know it, but it is a rat race to compete with other products in the retail market. What this means is that it is very hard to get box space on a store shelf nowadays without having drawing power. The Sony name brings with it, this drawing and name recognition power. Which some of the new companies will need (at least for their first effort in the game market).
We also need to realize that SONY and Sigil were "in bed" with each other a lot more than is commonly believed from the start. It was not just a (PP) publishing deal. They (Sigil) were also involved heavily with SOE in a direct manor. SOE handled billing, had VG as part of the station pass and the game was on SOE servers. So. SOE (not PP) also had a lot of money tied up in the project. They made a smart business move (for themselves) by buying the company (Sigil) out so that they (SOE) would not also see a substantial loss and could continue on with a good part of the Sigil team staying in place (and the money to back them up).
I do not think you would see that kind of thing with a straight PP deal such as Perpetual Entertainment has. Other than producing discs and finding shelf space for them, their is no investment.
Originally posted by MMOLifestyle
Sony can also operate some games at a loss ( to a certain extent). In simple terms, it is added content and attraction to the Station Pass while individually it may be a loss, for the overall Sony Corporation bottom line, it is added value. Take for Example Sony Chemical. Sony was looking for new business ventures and found the thermal transfer industry to have great potential and little competition. The largest being a place I worked for. No, Sony did not shut us down. In fact where I used to work, they are even bigger today. For years and years (and maybe even still today) they (Sony) ran this business at a significant loss. Why, because they can. On the overall Sony Corporation portfolio, it is added value when outside interests look at it. There is also the risk vs. reward factor and Sony can run on the risk side of that for much longer than many other companies.
On another (related) note, people still like to skip over Lucas Arts when talking about the CU and NGE. They had just as big (and I dare say bigger) part in this as SOE did. Nothing was done without their express consent and input in this matter. LA had/has their own producers and so on helping with the game, content and updates.
Now, on to this.
Originally posted by pixelbat
I'm new to posting here, but after reading this thread I decided I would post... To anyone who says "SOE is only printing the cd/boxes, blah blah blah", just stop and think a few minutes about this. First off why would any private developer ever want to associate their product with SOE? This thread alone is a testament to the amount of hate and despise this company has generated over the years. Secondly, why SOE? There are hundreds of companies that can press CD/DVDs and print boxes, many that are overseas and probably do it for a fraction of the cost SOE will be taking.
This was briefly gone over in my quoted post above. I will try to elaborate a little though for everyone. Just because you make a product (that is any product and just video games) does not mean you automatically get shelf space in a retail outlet. As a newcomer to the market, you will need an "in" to accomplish this. Often, this takes the form of press releases, marketing and other PR work. PP (Platform Publishing) brings this to the table.
Simply, the cameras and microphones of the industry press are always fixed on Sony, hence the Gods & Heroes name gets out to more people than Perpetual Entertainment could do on their own (at this point in time). That is what an upstart company needs to get their name out and known to the general public. Sony can do this and does it well.
This is the reason that overseas companies are not used (for state side publishing). No name or press recognition. The same with publishing on their own via a download only offering. Look at the games that do this now, how big are they? Even for those that prefer to download and not buy a box, without name recognition of a product from store shelves, media magazines, large websites, TV advertising and so on, most of them will not get the game as they will have never heard of it.
A few recent games also started out with Microsoft as their publisher. Many then backed out of that deal as Microsoft wanted too much control. This is something that PP (Platform Publishing) has avoided doing and is a major attractant for companies.
Also keep in mind that PP is not a MMORPG only entity. you seem to have gone through the trouble of looking at the PP website, by doing so, you would have seen this. You will also see that Disney used PP as well to bring ToonTown to store shelves instead of just a download offer. Now if a company as big as Disney sees something in the PP offering for this kind of service, why should a newcomer to the market like Perpetual Entertainment shy away from them? PP must bring something good to the table. You will also take note that Disney does not use PP for billing, game hosting, customer service or Station Access. Thus, showing that your statement below is flawed at best.
Originally posted by pixelbat
Furthermore taken directly off the Platformpublishing website... "Platform Publishing offers developers and publishers the opportunity to capitalize on Sony Online Entertainment's experienced and robust marketing, PR, sales and distribution services, as well as backend platform services such as customer service, billing and hosting." So those saying SOE is only printing CDs and boxes, bite your tongues. I really don't know how ANYONE can sit there and say SOE has nothing to do with this game except printing their CDs and boxes. Platform Publishing is a front for SOE to offer their same lousy service under a different label, to create the impression that it's a "better" or "premium" service, higher than their own SOE name. It's a psychological form of marketing. Most successful companies do it in one for or another.
This proves that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Marketing, PR, sales and distribution is the core business and what P.E. are using from PP. The customer service, billing and hosting are add on/optional services. In other words, not required. No need to bite our tongues over this as it has been established to be the case. The only psycho marketing here is your spin on it.
Originally posted by pixelbat
Because SOE is the backer of this game, the publisher, and probably pulling many of the strings behind the scenes, this game would not survive without SOE's backing, what does this mean? What SOE wants, SOE gets. The second this game is failing... SOE will send out some press releases and try to create some positive spin to the entire debacle, and swoop down and "rescue" it, much like it rescued Matrix online. It will firmly be embedded into the graveyard of SOE failed games.
Please provide proof that SOE is a backer of Gods & Heroes. Providing publishing services does not a backer make. Also, "failed games" were somewhat covered in my quotes above and will be below, again.
Originally posted by pixelbat
Mark my words this game will fail. The screenshots might look nice, and all the features sound great, but everyone must come to a realization that all MMO's post-WoW have been nothing but tiny stones being thrown at the brick house Blizzard built, in the hopes to maybe break a window. Unfortunately WoW has grown so large that nothing will unseat it for a very very very long time. Most likely WoW will not be unseated until Blizzard decides to release another MMO. This is not opinion, this is fact. Look at every single MMO to come out since WoW, and they have all fallen flat on expectations, sales, and ultimately were disappointments to their publishers... with the exception of Guild Wars, and this is only fueled because of it's "free-to-play" model. Those that need pictures to understand this point I am making? here... SOE is hurting bad, they are doing everything possible to rebuild. Publishing Platform is just one of their attempts to save their failing company. However ultimately I don't think there is anything that can save SOE now. The company has been in decline for many years, and has not made a profit for just as long. The company is heavily subsodized by their parent Sony Pictures. I would almost be willing to bet the executives at Sony are very close to dissolving or selling off this failed company (SOE).
Sure, WoW is a juggernaut, no one in the industry would say otherwise. However, one does not need their subscription numbers to be a success. Even though I place no faith at all in sites like mmogdata, lets use that as an example since you brought it up. According to that site, in April of this year, SWG had 190,000 paid subscriptions. This makes SWG a $34,200,000 a year game if they keep that subscription rate. Also of note is that the previous months were around the 250,000 mark for paid subscribers. Is that a failure? By sighting your own source, your argument has been lost.
Originally posted by pixelbat
SOE is hurting bad, they are doing everything possible to rebuild. Publishing Platform is just one of their attempts to save their failing company. However ultimately I don't think there is anything that can save SOE now. The company has been in decline for many years, and has not made a profit for just as long. The company is heavily subsodized by their parent Sony Pictures. I would almost be willing to bet the executives at Sony are very close to dissolving or selling off this failed company (SOE).
This is a fully fraudulent statement and has no basis in reality at all. The only failure in the Sony games division (yes, that is all inclusive) is the PS3 and that is the only thing that has made the games division as a whole drop in profit and not anything SOE related.
Am I fan of Sony? No, not by a long shot. I fully detest their consumer electronics and avoid them like the plague. I even have slight issue with some people encountered behind the scenes in the game division of Sony. No, I will not say which division. However, this does not cloud my judgment of the company as a whole and certainly does not make me post hate threads based on nothing but a spiteful attitude.
At the end of the day, its about success or failure. I think soe have only had true success in 1 game. Everquest + most of its expansions. I think for the most part its failed on every other game ever released.
When i buy an soe published game i am 80% expecting crap software. And 90% of the time i am right.
VG is a good game tho, the problem with many games these days are the players. Or lack of.. as to be a player, usually means you need to play the game as it was ment to be played and most people play games as they want to play them. Theres a significant difference. As usual..
...its easier to blame the publisher than it is to admit the truth. The players make the game a failure. The players are the only real people who are to blame for a games' success or failure.
One other note from the above posts, the amount of money a game makes, does not make it a success, it is the amount of people who actually play it and the opinions of those that leave it. It is the memory of the game that makes the game a success and what decides the future of new games to be released.
Life is about Living, Sleep is about Dreaming, Games are about Strategy!
the irrationality in this thread is staggering. a clear lack of reading fundementals abounds too. anyway all you soe haters ty for your attitude. your immaturity and hate of all things sony means that i will never run into such a weirdo ingame. one less person(s) to creep me out.
the irrationality in this thread is staggering. a clear lack of reading fundementals abounds too. anyway all you soe haters ty for your attitude. your immaturity and hate of all things sony means that i will never run into such a weirdo ingame. one less person(s) to creep me out.
One day you will become a SOE hater to.. the way they handle there customers it's bound to happin.... I'm a New SOE hater.. after years of playing SOE games.. i have had enough...
Not sure What involvement they have in this game.. but if they are running there servers.. well just say one thing "Vanguard"
One good thing about Sony's involvment - it will keep people like Salvatoris away. Good riddance, buddy. I'm thankful we won't have your arrogance to deal with in game. Somehow I think we'll manage to get along without you.
Trust me Dude,
If Sony is involved in any way I will not be playing this game no matter how good it may be.
I have been ripped off by sony for the last time.
It really is to bad I like the way this is looking.
Let's start with their customer service. SoE is a gigantic company, hosting and continuously developing 7 fully functional MMOs, as well as other projects and console driven endeavors. They have whole teams of customer service waiting to sit at your feat and hear you whine and complain for hours and they still try their best to help you. EQ and EQ2, being the only games that I've experienced with SoE, have both had outstanding customer service. I've had so many accounts, items, and characters restored at the drop of the hat and have been hard-pressed to find that type of support from any other company. For example, in WoW, you have a limited number of item restorations, and if you accidentally delete a character or get hacked, chances are you won't ever see your character again; and if you do, you'll be short of gear or money as Blizzard has a horrible policy regarding those issues.
Next, we'll address content. Name another MMO in development, that has 14 major, content packed expansions? That's right, there is none, only EQLive. Hell EQ2 even had 3 major expansions and tons of mini-content packs loaded to the brim with fun things to do. The same goes for every other game they have available on the station-pass. I hate to use WoW as a constant example, but in 2 years Blizzard comes out with one pathetic excuse for an expansion, as well as a few high end raid instances in the original game; give me a break! If there needs to be a rant discussion about any company in particular, it's Blizzard because they dull down and ruin every game they make, their shit is too EASY.
Low and behold, my next point is difficulty! I have a growing suspicion that most people don't like SoE or their games because of how challenging they can be. With group-based leveling being the major type of character developement in every game they host, I can see why the majority of the people on this forum think that SoE is doing things wrong. Again, I hate to use WoW as an example, but why not, it's the only larger MMO in comparison to EQ, and it gives me plenty of wonderful examples as to why SoE does not suck. Would you rather solo to the top, with 8 million other idiots, and find that raid encounters and high level instances that are so easily designed become frustratingly difficult? I honestly don't know how you can stand putting up with people who can't comprehend the 3 button mash raid style WoW has to offer but then rush to a forum to bitch about minor problems in JUST RELEASED games that SoE hosts. EQ and EQ2 are very challenging games, but wait, it's not the challenges you're after is it? This brings me to my next point...
I've finally figured it out through writing all of this long and drawn out nonsense, that people are tired of being challenged; in games and in real life in general. You have all gotten lazy and just want everything handed to you. Where's has the thrill and excitement gone when you enter a brand new zone full of big baddies to raid the day after some new content pops out, only to find that you're not NEARLY as ready as you thought you'd be to take this place down. Then, it takes you a month to even make it past the first wave of trash before you can even consider taking down the first boss.
THAT SHIT IS FUN, IT'S CHALLENGING, AND VERY REWARDING WHEN YOU FINALLY STOMP THE ENCOUNTER. Stop all this trash talking about SoE, they're a ver y good company, and one of the only ones that constantly give their players something new to do in their games; how else would EQ survive for 10+ years?
/rant off
I'm angry as hell with SOE! And I mean it!
I mean really? Why do they have such great games and yet fall short of 7 million subscribers??
(actually they deserve all the grief possible for SWG and someone deserves grief for the early EQ years of CSr Bullying), but otherwise they are no worse then other games.
Of course the Sony fanbois will be here saying how great sony is, they want this game on their Station access list because of the shit choices they have now.
the only people that lose by this game going to sony is us the gamers...But who the hell cares about us?
Not Sony thats for damn sure
Start with customer service??? OK.
After I canceled my station pass they continued to charge me for 3 months before they finally stopped and refused to give my money back. Now I don't know where you come from but thats stealing in my town.
Those expansion packs you rave about were not free they are pay-for updates that most companies give out every month for free.
You have been working at Sony to long you need to get out into the sun and fresh air and see what other companies are doing try LOTRO by Turbine its pretty good with free content updates and real customer service you might be surprised what you can learn
Arf arf!
Today has been a most exciting day with the announcement of Sony Online Entertainment Platform Publishing as our Co-publisher for ?Gods & Heroes? and a complete re-launch of our website! I know that I have talked about Publisher/Studio relationships before in previous posts, but with this announcement, I feel that it is important to let you know how this relationship will affect you, the players of Gods & Heroes.
We at Perpetual Entertainment are building something that we love and that we know you?ll love too. With Gods & Heroes ? as with all our projects ? we focus on creating great games and running a quality online service. This means that we handle everything internally, from hosting the game servers, to account services/billing, to technical support, and working with the community. This means that Platform Publishing will be handling retail marketing, PR, manufacturing, and our North American distribution.
Platform Publishing brings an experienced marketing, PR, manufacturing, and distribution team to the table that helps to put more copies of the game on the shelves in more locations around North America. This translates to one thing: Making it easier for you to pick up a copy on the launch date. This is exciting news for all of us and this puts us one giant step closer to enjoying Gods & Heroes with you!
It won?t be long until I see you in the game,
I understand the concerns expressed, but until the game is launched we may never know wether this is a good thing or bad thing. Jumping to conclusions based of previous experiences is not always the most logical.
There was no doubt a logical buisness reason as to why this decision was made. I doubt it will be explained to us as the players of the game though.
Hopefully, the game itself will be as good as its hype and text reading so far , I'm really looking forward to it I will be preordering it and any collectors edition if released.
~ S
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Final Fantasy 7
As a consumer in the minority you have minimal impact on a companies decision, regardless of how important you think you are to them there is always someone else willing to purchase the product.
If you have moral objections to Platform Publishings involvement don't buy the game. Thats really as much power as a consumer you have. Don't presume just because of your individual past experience it somehow gives you the right to tell a company how to make deals with other companies.
Some posters believed for their money they are OWED good service. That is not a given, if it does not suit the company providing the service. I'm sure there are lots of companies that you can think of that have given crappy service, or stuffed you around but are still running.
No amount of abuse on a forum is going to change that fact.
Sure it sucks that they made everyone so made and took peoples money, or people feel they ruined games, etc I really do sympathise. The intelligent option is not to dwell on this and let it consume you, its simply what some people have opted to do , not buy the game.
Please can this thread be taken down and unstickied all it seems to be doing is generating more hate, and I don't see helping the situation any further.
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Final Fantasy 7
I personally think that contributed more to the death of vanguard than anything else, but the poor launch sealed the deal. GnH will put that theory to a test though.
Everyone can continue to post how great they think SOE games are or the terrible experiences they have had. None of that matters as the fact is there is a sizable portion of the MMO world that are upset with the business practices of SOE. The makers of gods and heroes are now involved in that community because they chose to partner with SOE. They knew what they were getting into which is why they have to post about it.
You know the old saying about getting in bed with the devil...
everybody else has a problem with sony. its just SOE and p2p games. p2p games are the games with best graphics and gameplay and even better things like cooler races and speacial things. but its the money that worries me. i think games should be enjoyed not paid for every single month. but its my opinion.
I do believe though they probably made the decision because the costs that they save is publishing it themselves mean that they can invest more money into the game. Possibly to avoid a poor launch, or to avoid them running out of money and the game folding.
Sony publishing, even thought it falls under the Sony banner its more of just an outsourcing arm for those kinds of services. Only time will tell what effect, if any this will have on the game.
Also, there is little other choice now for a company wanitng to outsource its publishing on a game.
EA is the ony other company that is capable, as most of the other big publishing houses either folded or were aqquired by EA.
Lesser of 2 evils maybe?
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
I see the difference with this and what Vanguard and POTBS got. I will judge this game on its own merits...good luck Perpetual.
Making Sony only your production and distribution wench is kinda pleasing in a way
I'm new here and I honestly can't believe that such a thread is a sticky here. Could an admin please fix that mistake? There definately is no reason why there should be any 'We're angry at SOE' thread here in the G&H forum unless you won't like what's printed on your DVD...
I'm new to posting here, but after reading this thread I decided I would post...
To anyone who says "SOE is only printing the cd/boxes, blah blah blah", just stop and think a few minutes about this. First off why would any private developer ever want to associate their product with SOE? This thread alone is a testament to the amount of hate and despise this company has generated over the years. Secondly, why SOE? There are hundreds of companies that can press CD/DVDs and print boxes, many that are overseas and probably do it for a fraction of the cost SOE will be taking.
Furthermore taken directly off the Platformpublishing website... "Platform Publishing offers developers and publishers the opportunity to capitalize on Sony Online Entertainment's experienced and robust marketing, PR, sales and distribution services, as well as backend platform services such as customer service, billing and hosting."
So those saying SOE is only printing CDs and boxes, bite your tongues. I really don't know how ANYONE can sit there and say SOE has nothing to do with this game except printing their CDs and boxes. Platform Publishing is a front for SOE to offer their same lousy service under a different label, to create the impression that it's a "better" or "premium" service, higher than their own SOE name. It's a psychological form of marketing. Most successful companies do it in one for or another.
Because SOE is the backer of this game, the publisher, and probably pulling many of the strings behind the scenes, this game would not survive without SOE's backing, what does this mean? What SOE wants, SOE gets. The second this game is failing... SOE will send out some press releases and try to create some positive spin to the entire debacle, and swoop down and "rescue" it, much like it rescued Matrix online. It will firmly be embedded into the graveyard of SOE failed games.
Mark my words this game will fail. The screenshots might look nice, and all the features sound great, but everyone must come to a realization that all MMO's post-WoW have been nothing but tiny stones being thrown at the brick house Blizzard built, in the hopes to maybe break a window. Unfortunately WoW has grown so large that nothing will unseat it for a very very very long time. Most likely WoW will not be unseated until Blizzard decides to release another MMO.
This is not opinion, this is fact. Look at every single MMO to come out since WoW, and they have all fallen flat on expectations, sales, and ultimately were disappointments to their publishers... with the exception of Guild Wars, and this is only fueled because of it's "free-to-play" model.
Those that need pictures to understand this point I am making? here...
SOE is hurting bad, they are doing everything possible to rebuild. Publishing Platform is just one of their attempts to save their failing company. However ultimately I don't think there is anything that can save SOE now. The company has been in decline for many years, and has not made a profit for just as long. The company is heavily subsodized by their parent Sony Pictures. I would almost be willing to bet the executives at Sony are very close to dissolving or selling off this failed company (SOE).
OMG SOE got its hands on this game too. Well just another game i wont play.
Holy crap.!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL I would bet all my money that this game is going to fail. This man has pawn3d SOE.
After reading some positive things about this game, I decided to check it out.
Right there at the top of the forums, I saw the SOE thread.
I don't care if this game will pay ME to play, my interest ends here and will never look back. GG
First off, nobody tells me when to bite what...especially not my tongue.
Second: You defiantely have to differ between SOE building a game or simply publishing it. Looking at all the SOE games you will realize it really is always the game itself that just isn't worth playing. Your arguments 'what SOE wants, SOE will get' is just senseless. It's just a simple publishing contract like it is very common in today's world. I admit I personally wouldn't even have let SOE publish the game but I honestly can't believe that so many people just don't get it into their head that SOE doesn't have the slightest bit of influence on the game itself. The Developers are paid by Perpetual and so is SOE. A strong personality and successful developer like Stieg Hedlund wouldn't allow anyone to mess the game up anyway.
Decisions in today's business world are mainly based on money so the fact that SOE messed up in the past definately wasn't a deciding factor. Given the size of SOE they sure were able to offer a way better price and after all the games they have released they definately have experienced with that.
Perpetual is a growing company that is working on Gods and Heroes and on Startrek Online. It's not just a tool of SOE to publish under another name. That argument is just silly. But I guess that's what happens if you let your anger takeover and don't read up on the facts before posting. Just because SOE is offering hosting, costumer service and whatever it doesn't mean that each company working together with SOE takes the WHOLE package.
Ahm...of course SOE is trying to rebuild like every other company that is in financial problems does. Offering knowledge to other companies is just a logic step. Many companies offer consulting services too...
The success of WoW is undoubted though it has reached its climax and seems to get pretty desperate to get new players in. Usually sending mails to former players offering them a 10-days trial should be enough but they sent out thousands of free trial DVDs. Really made me think ''re trying so hard it's really looking silly'.
There is nobody able to state 'Game xyz will replace WoW'. Like you said that won't happen that soon but getting enough players to make the game running profitably definately is possible with that started playing MMOS due to WoW and now are searching for an alternative.
One last time and then I will be leaving these types of threads alone.
Now, on to this.
This proves that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
Please provide proof that SOE is a backer of Gods & Heroes. Providing publishing services does not a backer make. Also, "failed games" were somewhat covered in my quotes above and will be below, again.
At the end of the day, its about success or failure. I think soe have only had true success in 1 game. Everquest + most of its expansions. I think for the most part its failed on every other game ever released.
When i buy an soe published game i am 80% expecting crap software. And 90% of the time i am right.
VG is a good game tho, the problem with many games these days are the players. Or lack of.. as to be a player, usually means you need to play the game as it was ment to be played and most people play games as they want to play them. Theres a significant difference. As usual..
...its easier to blame the publisher than it is to admit the truth. The players make the game a failure. The players are the only real people who are to blame for a games' success or failure.
One other note from the above posts, the amount of money a game makes, does not make it a success, it is the amount of people who actually play it and the opinions of those that leave it. It is the memory of the game that makes the game a success and what decides the future of new games to be released.
Life is about Living, Sleep is about Dreaming, Games are about Strategy!
the irrationality in this thread is staggering. a clear lack of reading fundementals abounds too. anyway all you soe haters ty for your attitude. your immaturity and hate of all things sony means that i will never run into such a weirdo ingame. one less person(s) to creep me out.
Not sure What involvement they have in this game.. but if they are running there servers.. well just say one thing "Vanguard"
One good thing about Sony's involvment - it will keep people like Salvatoris away. Good riddance, buddy. I'm thankful we won't have your arrogance to deal with in game. Somehow I think we'll manage to get along without you.