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I was told there was a topic about gays, but i can't find it back. So i start a new one. As you see at my picture I am not against other kind of humans, so I am not against gays. I will say, my best frend is gay, and he's soooo funny! Who has the same vision on this? or are here gays on the site? don't be shy to say it! It will help.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
haha, nice.
i have nothing against gays at all, one of my aunts is a lesbian, and that doesnt bother me a bit. the only legal restriction that gays/lesbians should have is them not being aloud to adopt. I just dont think that it is fair on a kid that is adopted to be forced into having gay parents, since it is not their choice.
Why behind glass? You don't need to be scared of them!
Respect people, respect!!!!
Personally I think all women should be Bi, and I have no problem with lesbians as long as they don't look very good. For every attractive lesbian I feel like my luck goes down a peg.
i think it's great gays are allowed to adopt kids.
especially if they're good people and love eachother...children can really benifit from having parents that love them.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
i don't have a problem with gay people. however i do feel uncomfortable around them if i know they are gay... (men this is, not gay women). if i'm speaking to a gay person i can't help but feel he could be picturing me in sexual positions etc... just as i would picture a fit bird if i were speaking to her.
afterall, even if they are gay they're still MALE, and men are the horniest most depraved beings on the entire planet (FACT).
research shows that you can genetically splice a jaguar and a bee and create the anti-christ.
point being *does his best new-yorker impersonation*, "yoo aint got nuttin if yah aint got proof."
what about if one of their parents were black and the other were white? the kid may hate that. should we stop a steril mixed race couple from adopting a child?
i think it would feel and be completely natural to the child until he grows up and learns otherwise (from society).
but the same thing can apply to a child or a mixed race couple. where I'm from, mixing races is still kind of taboo (from the conservative red state of indiana).
research shows that you can genetically splice a jaguar and a bee and create the anti-christ.
point being *does his best new-yorker impersonation*, "yoo aint got nuttin if yah aint got proof."
Well before asking for proof you could just google it.
Anyways. (There is a conclusion if you want skip all the reading)
There was some other research done where the researchers said they actually saw children from homosexual parenting actually were more content in life. They didn't make it official though because they were afraid their colleagues might put a spin on their work and themselves by concluding homosexual parents were better...blah blah blah ....something like that. I can't find the website. No big deal though either way.
As for children getting teased. Well how would those children find out to begin with? Most kids just assume parents are straight so the child would have no problem. On the other hand if he's got some sexy lesbian moms then he can go walking around town with two chicks
I have no bias either way because my parents are straight and i'm straight.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
research shows that you can genetically splice a jaguar and a bee and create the anti-christ.
point being *does his best new-yorker impersonation*, "yoo aint got nuttin if yah aint got proof."
Well before asking for proof you could just google it.
Anyways. (There is a conclusion if you want skip all the reading)
There was some other research done where the researchers said they actually saw children from homosexual parenting actually were more content in life. They didn't make it official though because they were afraid their colleagues might put a spin on their work and themselves by concluding homosexual parents were better...blah blah blah ....something like that. I can't find the website. No big deal though either way.
As for children getting teased. Well how would those children find out to begin with? Most kids just assume parents are straight so the child would have no problem. On the other hand if he's got some sexy lesbian moms then he can go walking around town with two chicks
I have no bias either way because my parents are straight and i'm straight.
I'm pretty sure other kids would find out pretty fast...being that he has no mother and all.
I think homosexuality will be taboo until people think outside the box that is the Bible, or until people learn there are more important things in life then judging others.
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First of all do you think the agency is going let a kid be adopted when the kid doesn't like them? They generally hang out with the kid and see how they like eachother and then the future parents get backround checked and everything. Now if its a baby and too young to remember then they will grow up and having two different races of parents will seem completely fine because that's how they grew up. How one grows up indicates what is normal. You grew up racist and now you are racist (post implies it).
Now society around here Maine or northeast is fine with that from what I have seen. They generally aren't racist or homophobic. If you live in a society where it isn't ok then do you want to live and learn from that type of society and stay in that old thought process or do you want to break away from that and choose the higher ground despite the friction it may cause? I would break away.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
I think homosexuality will be taboo until people think outside the box that is the Bible, or until people learn there are more important things in life then judging others.
Generally in my school I would just be dropped off (I would walk in as with everyone else). Then I get released from school and I walk into my mom's car and we drive off. My parents would be out of sight, not on purpose but that was just how it was. Maybe its different for others, I don't know. I really never knew of my peers parents at all, not even what they looked like. Then there is maybe parents do walk into school, what are the odds of both of them having to go in to pick up a child? Just saying peers generally don't look into who has a gay parent and doesn't. I have never seen a kid teased about gay parents.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Yes, it's time for society to evolve and learn that there are infinitely different households that everyone comes from. What's important is the love, nurturing, and guidance that those households provide. And I think a child coming from a gay couple has the potential to turn out to be an even greater adult than one from other more "traditional" households.
Kids are always going to find something to pick on other kids about. That's just part of growing up. But how do you know that a kid from a gay household would get picked on anyways? I admit the potential is there, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen.
Nobody gets to pick their parents. And I have seen some pretty messed up heterosexual parents who's kids turned out to be a mess. I would take a good pair of gay parents over some of them anyday!
First of all do you think the agency is going let a kid be adopted when the kid doesn't like them? They generally hang out with the kid and see how they like eachother and then the future parents get backround checked and everything. Now if its a baby and too young to remember then they will grow up and having two different races of parents will seem completely fine because that's how they grew up. How one grows up indicates what is normal. You grew up racist and now you are racist (post implies it).
Now society around here Maine or northeast is fine with that from what I have seen. They generally aren't racist or homophobic. If you live in a society where it isn't ok then do you want to live and learn from that type of society and stay in that old thought process or do you want to break away from that and choose the higher ground despite the friction it may cause? I would break away.
Actually, that was in response to what Xexima wrote. It's an analogy to illustrate why I disagree with him, read it closer...I think you'll find we actually agree on this issue.
You have a gay child at school being harassed or bullied by another child. Which of these two children comes from the better household?
It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to give up
But why should I give up
When it all seems so stupid
The only thing that bothers me is people that say they are uncomfortable or they have gayphobia, My answer to that is grow up, and stop being sheltered. I mean its not everyone, but I have alot of people at school that just hate them and its sad and just childish. People need to learn there are many different Ideas, and people out there. So take some advice "Grow UP", People act like gays are freaks, I mean in some peoples point of view Goths are freaks, some people think Christians are freaks, we just need to learn to accept people for who they "choose" to be and respect them for that..
First of all do you think the agency is going let a kid be adopted when the kid doesn't like them? They generally hang out with the kid and see how they like eachother and then the future parents get backround checked and everything. Now if its a baby and too young to remember then they will grow up and having two different races of parents will seem completely fine because that's how they grew up. How one grows up indicates what is normal. You grew up racist and now you are racist (post implies it).
Now society around here Maine or northeast is fine with that from what I have seen. They generally aren't racist or homophobic. If you live in a society where it isn't ok then do you want to live and learn from that type of society and stay in that old thought process or do you want to break away from that and choose the higher ground despite the friction it may cause? I would break away.
Actually, that was in response to what Xexima wrote. It's an analogy to illustrate why I disagree with him, read it closer...I think you'll find we actually agree on this issue.
Yeah it does make sense sorry.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American