Originally posted by ronan32 after all the bombings, wars and conflicts between nation the american government has cause it was only a matter of time before it came back to bite them in the ass.Every great civilisation or nation has been defeated eventually and america is no different,if the america government keeps up these bully tactics eventually someone will come along and kick theyre ass,and i for one wont shed a tear. p.s America is about to get owned.
Yeah America's bullying in trying to resolve the Northern Ireland conflict which did help pave the way for peace there was just awful.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
Originally posted by robbykl1415 Originally posted by janjanson If North Korea made a move on South Korea does anybody think the west would get involved militarily? I am sure there would be condemnation from the UN, but would we take on a nuclear power?
Of course we would! We would have to, no matter what. We would have to pull our troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, Europe, and of course we already have troops in South Korea. But we would do that in a second and send them all to the DMZ. And because we already have troops there on the front lines we would have to move, because any attack by NK would take some American lives. Also SK is a very strategic spot for the U.S. I mean its our gateway to China basically. We would move in with out a doubt. And IMO it would be WW3. But then again I really dont think that NK is going to attack SK. I always compare Castro assasinatiny Kennedy to NK attacking SK. After Kennedy got shot they had an interview with Castro and basically asked him if he had Kennedy killed. And he flat out told them no, and went on to say that that would of been one of the stupidest things he could of done because it would of given America a perfect reason to invade Cuba. Not to compare NK with Cuba. But I dont think NK is really that stupid to open up the can of worms we like to call America. Not that we are all powerful, but it would be one of the stupidest things they could do. I mean they are just getting the nukes up, they dont want to give us another reason to start a war with them. See the nukes are no so much a weapon as they are a leverage tool, and they dont want to lose that tool quite yet. I believe that once they get a little more powerful they will use this tool inconjuction with China and maybe some other smaller nations to become the main "superpower"s. Kind of how we think we are with England right now. But see the future does not seem to include America IMO. It looks like the alliance that I mentioned above and the European Union. I believe the future will not be nation agaisnt nation, but more of alliance against alliance. I just do not see America standing up to any major alliance. You also have the middle east, if they could get their act together. I believe that America will soon lose a lot of power very fast. Just somthing we will have to deal with and adapt with or the American way of life will fail. Good thing I'll be out of the country by then . Really none of this post is based of facts more of my opinion and interpirtation of what I know and have seen. Although the Castro stuff is true and some other things.
Enjoyed this post, especially the part about alliances.
Making alliances is dangerous. In WW2, great Britain and France were in an alliance with Poland. Hitler perhaps misjudged the alliance. He did not think we would honor it. After all we did not have the military capability to free Poland. By the end of WW2 Poland was still not free, but against the Soviet might we didn't stand a chance.
The problems with alliances is that they start world wars. If I ally with you, but then you ally with a friend, and then a friend of that friend allies with him, I can find myself at war with someone I have no intrest in for no reason. Choose your alliances carefully and selectively. My current concern is with the Nato expansions into Georgia and Ukraine. Should they Join Nato, I think Great Britain would have to leave.
America is going to self destruct within the next 5 years so just be patient. More and more US citizens are starting to wake up to some of the crap our current administration is pulling and alot of people dont like what they see.
I wonder what will happen if the powers that be actualy pull off this amercan union thing by absorbing canada and mexico?
Originally posted by shamall America is going to self destruct within the next 5 years so just be patient. More and more US citizens are starting to wake up to some of the crap our current administration is pulling and alot of people dont like what they see.
I wonder what will happen if the powers that be actualy pull off this amercan union thing by absorbing canada and mexico?
well.. there is another presidential election in 2 years. Funny how elections work to change people in power.
Yeah America's bullying in trying to resolve the Northern Ireland conflict which did help pave the way for peace there was just awful.
America is the largest sponsor of weapons explosives and money to the IRA.
M16, Semtex and Barret .50 are all made in the U.S.A. There would have been peace in Northern Ireland 100 years ago but for U.S. involvement.
Bill Clinton the U.S. president was a personal and direct financial contributor each year he was in office. The BBC news would broadcast his attendence at fundraisers to the entire planet each time he did it. I have been living in the U.K. and been in and around American sponsored terror bombing my whole life. This is a subjects that provokes considerable anger. The Irish vote and New York are the prime offenders. 9/11 was almost poetic justice.
The good thing about George Bush is that he has cut off contact and finance for the IRA in his war against terorism. Great Britain has finally got the U.S. to understand how much terrorism sucks. The IRA have been paralysed by the loss of American backing since 2003. A by product of that of course is that London now gets bombed by Islamics. I can't work out if we have gained or not.
Please don't tell me about U.S. bullying in Northern ireland. American involvement in Northern Ireland is about as welcome as a Taliban.
Originally posted by robbykl1415 Originally posted by janjanson If North Korea made a move on South Korea does anybody think the west would get involved militarily? I am sure there would be condemnation from the UN, but would we take on a nuclear power?
Of course we would! We would have to, no matter what. We would have to pull our troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, Europe, and of course we already have troops in South Korea. But we would do that in a second and send them all to the DMZ. And because we already have troops there on the front lines we would have to move, because any attack by NK would take some American lives. Also SK is a very strategic spot for the U.S. I mean its our gateway to China basically. We would move in with out a doubt. And IMO it would be WW3. But then again I really dont think that NK is going to attack SK. I always compare Castro assasinatiny Kennedy to NK attacking SK. After Kennedy got shot they had an interview with Castro and basically asked him if he had Kennedy killed. And he flat out told them no, and went on to say that that would of been one of the stupidest things he could of done because it would of given America a perfect reason to invade Cuba. Not to compare NK with Cuba. But I dont think NK is really that stupid to open up the can of worms we like to call America. Not that we are all powerful, but it would be one of the stupidest things they could do. I mean they are just getting the nukes up, they dont want to give us another reason to start a war with them. See the nukes are no so much a weapon as they are a leverage tool, and they dont want to lose that tool quite yet. I believe that once they get a little more powerful they will use this tool inconjuction with China and maybe some other smaller nations to become the main "superpower"s. Kind of how we think we are with England right now. But see the future does not seem to include America IMO. It looks like the alliance that I mentioned above and the European Union. I believe the future will not be nation agaisnt nation, but more of alliance against alliance. I just do not see America standing up to any major alliance. You also have the middle east, if they could get their act together. I believe that America will soon lose a lot of power very fast. Just somthing we will have to deal with and adapt with or the American way of life will fail. Good thing I'll be out of the country by then . Really none of this post is based of facts more of my opinion and interpirtation of what I know and have seen. Although the Castro stuff is true and some other things. China for the last 10 years have been the only country in the world to increase its military spending by three fold it still does not spend what the USA reports to but will no doubt soon supass the USA spending thats IF what its said on it army is to be belived some sceptics think china would be a calus to fund some of north k's ambitions in the hope of starting a war as china has a dream of becoming a superpower
Calling 9/11 poetic justice? What did those innocent civilians have to do with anything? Too bad you and your family wasn't touring those buildings at the time so we could prevent your gene pool from spreading.
Where is your proof that the US government was financing the IRA? There is a huge difference between Irish/American sympathizers living in the US supporting the IRA and the US government supporting the IRA.
Perhaps London being bombed was poetic justice. Don't worry there is more to come from your Islamic friends.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
The two largest armies in the world face each other over the Chinese Russian border.
Comparative military spending doesn't give a good picture of comparative military might. Many countries, including the worlds greatest military power, are communist they don't "spend" on the military at all.
It's not worth even trying Jorev. There are so many conspiracy theories and stupidity that they are starting to mix them up. I mean, wasn't 9/11 a government demolition or something? Now it's terrorism and poetic justice. Just quit trying, eventually their brains will melt trying to blame everything on the United States
Get out and enjoy July 4. I will be taking a small junk of the earth out with my fireworks today.
Originally posted by shamall America is going to self destruct within the next 5 years so just be patient. More and more US citizens are starting to wake up to some of the crap our current administration is pulling and alot of people dont like what they see.
I wonder what will happen if the powers that be actualy pull off this amercan union thing by absorbing canada and mexico?
Actually more and more people are waking up and realizing that the US needs to be more proactive in the world since too many other nations are shirking their responsibilities.
Mexico has already absorbed your state. I wonder if you support border control. Your governor doesn't.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
Originally posted by Jorev Baff, you are without a doubt an idiot. Calling 9/11 poetic justice? What did those innocent civilians have to do with anything? Too bad you and your family wasn't touring those buildings at the time so we could prevent your gene pool from spreading. Where is your proof that the US government was financing the IRA? There is a huge difference between Irish/American sympathizers living in the US supporting the IRA and the US government supporting the IRA. Perhaps London being bombed was poetic justice. Don't worry there is more to come from your Islamic friends.
A huge difference? Tell it to the Taliban. They did exactly the same thing to Bin Laden. We've got Bill Clinton live on international television on multple occaisons. How much proof do you need?
I've no doubt the Islamics have more trouble planned for London, it worries me that soon you will elect democrats and go back to sponsoring the IRA again and then we will have both.
Your anger over my comment on 9/11 is justified and directly mirrors British sentiments about the U.S. invovlvement in N.Ireland. Members of my family have been bombed, and those bombs were sent from New York.
Sorry if that shatters your illusions. Did you really think we were going to thank you?
Originally posted by baff No mate. I really don't. You have Google too, learn your histroy.
you're the one who brought up it. and said there were millions of hits... most of which are financial stuff.
EDIT:: Well i looked it up... all i found about the United states and the IRA are 5 men who were found not-guilty of arms smuggling to Ireland and that they are on the United STates terrorist list.
You have google, use it. If you want to learn, you will find out. If you don't you won't. Stick you head back in the sand for all I care. And no, I didn't bring it up, Jorev did. Only he didn't have any idea what he was talking about.
Let me phrase this to you another way on July the 4th.
The Republican peoples of America freed by force of arms and determination from the evil and oppressive rule of the British monarchy and composed of a significant population of Irish refuges has actively sought to free the people of Ireland from the same tyranny and allow them the same Republican freedoms they fought for themselves.
im sorry to break it too you but the USA DID sponser the IRA its a fact look at the bbc websight bill clinton went to many a fundraiser
fact is most countries sponser some terrorism ot some degree but the us has been found out in this case thats all. hopfully, the war on terror will cut it out and force people to talk instead of bomb
Originally posted by Jorev Originally posted by Phoenixs I hope both sides realize their responsibility here and act accordingly.
Yes, the US realizes it has a responsibility to take out the North Korean government and free the starving North Korean people and reunite the Koreas.
If Truman wasn't such a pussy and MacArthur was allowed to keep pushing the Chinese back into China like he wanted to and was doing, we wouldn't be in this mess now.
I was thinking more along the lines of not making a war that could throw us out into WWIII.
Originally posted by Jorev
Are all Czechs this ignorant or are you a communist?
Is it possible to get more ignorant?
Originally posted by Jorev Baff, you are without a doubt an idiot. Calling 9/11 poetic justice? What did those innocent civilians have to do with anything? Too bad you and your family wasn't touring those buildings at the time so we could prevent your gene pool from spreading. Where is your proof that the US government was financing the IRA? There is a huge difference between Irish/American sympathizers living in the US supporting the IRA and the US government supporting the IRA. Perhaps London being bombed was poetic justice. Don't worry there is more to come from your Islamic friends.
He was calling it poetic justice because terrorists using US weapons have been bombing his country for ages.
THe USA is the worlds biggest arms dealer. That means that they are pretty much all over the globe. Official and unofficial. If a deal is dirty is goes through other channels, but in the end it's USA that recieves the payment. A good "rule" regarding US weapon deals is: If some side in a war opposes "communism", they have weapons from the USA.
A funny thing regarding this. You know what the 5 permanent UN security council members have in common? They are all on the top 5 arms dealer list
Those articles talk about individual Irish/American citizens and groups. There is not and was never US government support of the IRA.
That just makes no sense to claim. What would be the motive since England has been and is one of our best allies?
The non profit groups and individuals that supported the IRA are similar to the ones that Islamic terrorists use to raise money by soliciting donations for Islamic/Palestinian aid. Perhaps the US government was not as aggressive in investigating and shutting down the IRA supporters as we currently are with Islamic terrorist supporters, but that is a far cry from directly supporting the IRA.
Obviously we are going to be more aggressive shutting down Islamic terrorist funding since they have attacked US interests directly.
I don't want to even think about what would happen if we voted Democrats back into power. Then we could see a US meltdown in the next five years.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
Are all Czechs this ignorant or are you a communist?
Is it possible to get more ignorant?
Obviously applying Fulmanfu's ignorance to all Czechs would be just as ignorant. I was merely pointing out some history. Her indignation towards the US, when the US was largely responsible for the freedoms she enjoys now is amazing.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
Originally posted by Phoenixs Originally posted by baff Russia is the worlds biggest arms dealer.
You sure about that? My sources tell me the Us is.
The US exported weapons for $18,500,000,000 in 2004. Russia exported for $4,600,000,000 the same year. you should watch "lord of war" some really interesting facts in that film
Those articles talk about individual Irish/American citizens and groups. There is not and was never US government support of the IRA.
When the president gives money personally, you know his government isn't doing anything to clamp down on it. If you can't find any relavent links and you wish to learn keep searching. I'm sure you know what to do. I'm willing to point you in the right direction, but not spoon feed you.
That just makes no sense to claim. What would be the motive since England has been and is one of our best allies?
We haven't always been allies. And we are not allied in all things.
Please re-watch movies such as Day of the Jackal where our lovable IRA bomber Richard Gere saves the day and is allowed to go free even though he is a child/mass murderer for an insight into American motives. Or that one where it's the equally glamorous and lovable Brad Pitt.
I'm sure the importance of the republican movent to the american psyche cannot honestly be that lost on you. This isn't some kind of recent war. It's been going on for 230 years.
The non profit groups and individualsthat supported the IRA are similar to the ones that Islamic terrorists use to raise money by soliciting donations for Islamic/Palestinian aid. Perhaps the US government was not as aggressive in investigating and shutting down the IRA supporters as we currently are with Islamic terrorist supporters, but that is a far cry from directly supporting the IRA.
Not agressive is true. Ship loads of weapons and guns and explosives is another thing they weren't very "agressive" about. Along with training camps and recruitment. And when one of those individuals is the president of the United States?
Obviously we are going to be more aggressive shutting down Islamic terrorist funding since they have attacked US interests directly.
I concur.
I don't want to even think about what would happen if we voted Democrats back into power. Then we could see a US meltdown in the next five years.
Originally posted by Phoenixs Originally posted by baff Russia is the worlds biggest arms dealer.
You sure about that? My sources tell me the Us is.
The US exported weapons for $18,500,000,000 in 2004. Russia exported for $4,600,000,000 the same year.
The US supplies a lot of expensive Plane and missle system technology to allies for mainly defensive purposes.
Most of the "problem" conflicts of the world in Africa, South America, the Middle East, involve mostly small arms. The rifle of choice is the AK, produced by Russia.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it." Brad McQuaid Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc. Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes www.vanguardsoh
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
Enjoyed this post, especially the part about alliances.
Making alliances is dangerous. In WW2, great Britain and France were in an alliance with Poland. Hitler perhaps misjudged the alliance. He did not think we would honor it. After all we did not have the military capability to free Poland. By the end of WW2 Poland was still not free, but against the Soviet might we didn't stand a chance.
The problems with alliances is that they start world wars. If I ally with you, but then you ally with a friend, and then a friend of that friend allies with him, I can find myself at war with someone I have no intrest in for no reason. Choose your alliances carefully and selectively. My current concern is with the Nato expansions into Georgia and Ukraine. Should they Join Nato, I think Great Britain would have to leave.
I wonder what will happen if the powers that be actualy pull off this amercan union thing by absorbing canada and mexico?
The Brave Do Not Fear The Grave
well.. there is another presidential election in 2 years. Funny how elections work to change people in power.
America is the largest sponsor of weapons explosives and money to the IRA.
M16, Semtex and Barret .50 are all made in the U.S.A. There would have been peace in Northern Ireland 100 years ago but for U.S. involvement.
Bill Clinton the U.S. president was a personal and direct financial contributor each year he was in office. The BBC news would broadcast his attendence at fundraisers to the entire planet each time he did it. I have been living in the U.K. and been in and around American sponsored terror bombing my whole life. This is a subjects that provokes considerable anger. The Irish vote and New York are the prime offenders. 9/11 was almost poetic justice.
The good thing about George Bush is that he has cut off contact and finance for the IRA in his war against terorism. Great Britain has finally got the U.S. to understand how much terrorism sucks. The IRA have been paralysed by the loss of American backing since 2003. A by product of that of course is that London now gets bombed by Islamics. I can't work out if we have gained or not.
Please don't tell me about U.S. bullying in Northern ireland. American involvement in Northern Ireland is about as welcome as a Taliban.
China for the last 10 years have been the only country in the world to increase its military spending by three fold it still does not spend what the USA reports to but will no doubt soon supass the USA spending thats IF what its said on it army is to be belived some sceptics think china would be a calus to fund some of north k's ambitions in the hope of starting a war as china has a dream of becoming a superpower
Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy
Baff, you are without a doubt an idiot.
Calling 9/11 poetic justice? What did those innocent civilians have to do with anything? Too bad you and your family wasn't touring those buildings at the time so we could prevent your gene pool from spreading.
Where is your proof that the US government was financing the IRA? There is a huge difference between Irish/American sympathizers living in the US supporting the IRA and the US government supporting the IRA.
Perhaps London being bombed was poetic justice. Don't worry there is more to come from your Islamic friends.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
China has one MBT for every U.S, service man.
The two largest armies in the world face each other over the Chinese Russian border.
Comparative military spending doesn't give a good picture of comparative military might. Many countries, including the worlds greatest military power, are communist they don't "spend" on the military at all.
It's not worth even trying Jorev. There are so many conspiracy theories and stupidity that they are starting to mix them up. I mean, wasn't 9/11 a government demolition or something? Now it's terrorism and poetic justice. Just quit trying, eventually their brains will melt trying to blame everything on the United States
Get out and enjoy July 4. I will be taking a small junk of the earth out with my fireworks today.
Actually more and more people are waking up and realizing that the US needs to be more proactive in the world since too many other nations are shirking their responsibilities.
Mexico has already absorbed your state. I wonder if you support border control. Your governor doesn't.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
A huge difference? Tell it to the Taliban. They did exactly the same thing to Bin Laden. We've got Bill Clinton live on international television on multple occaisons. How much proof do you need?
I've no doubt the Islamics have more trouble planned for London, it worries me that soon you will elect democrats and go back to sponsoring the IRA again and then we will have both.
Your anger over my comment on 9/11 is justified and directly mirrors British sentiments about the U.S. invovlvement in N.Ireland. Members of my family have been bombed, and those bombs were sent from New York.
Sorry if that shatters your illusions. Did you really think we were going to thank you?
Here are 1,800,000 links to look at on the Google search of "America sponsor IRA". http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=america+ira+sponsor&meta=
No mate. I really don't.
You have Google too, learn your histroy.
you're the one who brought up it. and said there were millions of hits... most of which are financial stuff.
EDIT:: Well i looked it up... all i found about the United states and the IRA are 5 men who were found not-guilty of arms smuggling to Ireland and that they are on the United STates terrorist list.
You have google, use it. If you want to learn, you will find out. If you don't you won't. Stick you head back in the sand for all I care. And no, I didn't bring it up, Jorev did. Only he didn't have any idea what he was talking about.
Let me phrase this to you another way on July the 4th.
The Republican peoples of America freed by force of arms and determination from the evil and oppressive rule of the British monarchy and composed of a significant population of Irish refuges has actively sought to free the people of Ireland from the same tyranny and allow them the same Republican freedoms they fought for themselves.
Starting to get the picture now?
im sorry to break it too you but the USA DID sponser the IRA its a fact look at the bbc websight bill clinton went to many a fundraiser
fact is most countries sponser some terrorism ot some degree but the us has been found out in this case thats all. hopfully, the war on terror will cut it out and force people to talk instead of bomb
Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy
Yes, the US realizes it has a responsibility to take out the North Korean government and free the starving North Korean people and reunite the Koreas.
If Truman wasn't such a pussy and MacArthur was allowed to keep pushing the Chinese back into China like he wanted to and was doing, we wouldn't be in this mess now.
I was thinking more along the lines of not making a war that could throw us out into WWIII. Are all Czechs this ignorant or are
you a communist?
Is it possible to get more ignorant? He was calling it poetic justice because terrorists using US weapons have been bombing his country for ages.
THe USA is the worlds biggest arms dealer. That means that they are pretty much all over the globe. Official and unofficial. If a deal is dirty is goes through other channels, but in the end it's USA that recieves the payment. A good "rule" regarding US weapon deals is: If some side in a war opposes "communism", they have weapons from the USA.
A funny thing regarding this. You know what the 5 permanent UN security council members have in common? They are all on the top 5 arms dealer list
Those articles talk about individual Irish/American citizens and groups. There is not and was never US government support of the IRA.
That just makes no sense to claim. What would be the motive since England has been and is one of our best allies?
The non profit groups and individuals that supported the IRA are similar to the ones that Islamic terrorists use to raise money by soliciting donations for Islamic/Palestinian aid. Perhaps the US government was not as aggressive in investigating and shutting down the IRA supporters as we currently are with Islamic terrorist supporters, but that is a far cry from directly supporting the IRA.
Obviously we are going to be more aggressive shutting down Islamic terrorist funding since they have attacked US interests directly.
I don't want to even think about what would happen if we voted Democrats back into power. Then we could see a US meltdown in the next five years.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
The US exported weapons for $18,500,000,000 in 2004.
Russia exported for $4,600,000,000 the same year.
Is it possible to get more ignorant? Obviously applying Fulmanfu's ignorance to all Czechs would be just as ignorant. I was merely pointing out some history. Her indignation towards the US, when the US was largely responsible for the freedoms she enjoys now is amazing.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes
The US exported weapons for $18,500,000,000 in 2004.
Russia exported for $4,600,000,000 the same year.
you should watch "lord of war" some really interesting facts in that film
Tin Foil hats dont work.. its all a conspiracy
The US exported weapons for $18,500,000,000 in 2004.
Russia exported for $4,600,000,000 the same year.
The US supplies a lot of expensive Plane and missle system technology to allies for mainly defensive purposes.
Most of the "problem" conflicts of the world in Africa, South America, the Middle East, involve mostly small arms. The rifle of choice is the AK, produced by Russia.
"We feel gold selling and websites that promote it damage games like Vanguard and will do everything possible to combat it."
Brad McQuaid
Chairman & CEO, Sigil Games Online, Inc.
Executive Producer, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes