Not that I'd ever vote for her anyway, but she really lost me when she started referring to a certain regional demographic as the "real Americans"and "pro-America," which of course means that anyone who does not fall into this demographic are the "fake Americans," and "anti-America." The second you start questioning the patriotism of people based on their likelihood of voting for you, you have proven yourself unfit to run for dog catcher, much less Vice President of the United States. If she runs in 2012, expect the Democrats to have a field day pointing out her blatant disdain for 56% of the country.
I agree. Somehow being from a small town makes you better person than someone who lives in a city according to that line of thinking cause we all know "city folk" lack "small town values". Of course, if those values include things like intolerance, bigotry and blind devotion to the "with us or against us" mentality then I'm glad I live in a city.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
lol from this side of the pond all i can say is we found her funny . on a serious note i doubt shes electable given her iq must be way below average and lets face it shes not exactly the most honest person . i mean really would you elect someone like that ??? would you eh??? :P
They already have..... twice lol
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
Not that I'd ever vote for her anyway, but she really lost me when she started referring to a certain regional demographic as the "real Americans"and "pro-America," which of course means that anyone who does not fall into this demographic are the "fake Americans," and "anti-America." The second you start questioning the patriotism of people based on their likelihood of voting for you, you have proven yourself unfit to run for dog catcher, much less Vice President of the United States. If she runs in 2012, expect the Democrats to have a field day pointing out her blatant disdain for 56% of the country.
I agree. Somehow being from a small town makes you better person than someone who lives in a city according to that line of thinking cause we all know "city folk" lack "small town values". Of course, if those values include things like intolerance, bigotry and blind devotion to the "with us or against us" mentality then I'm glad I live in a city.
And where a certain other poster on this forum lost me is, when I confronted him with this notion of Governor Palin's, he said "she's right."
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
Just a thought: Obama is not even in office and everyone is saying that the country is gonna go to hell, why don't we all just give it a year without pre-judging like mother fuckers? I don't know how badly or well it will go, and neither does anyone else on this board, I say give Obama a fucking chance, he can't be nearly as bad as Bush was.
"On a side note, Ronald Reagan couldn't fill the space of a pimple on Roosevelt's ass. He was that insignificant, he was."
Reagan is dead and it looks like his policies are not long for this world either. Reagan may be God to the GOP but he'll just be another Presidential side-note in 20 years where FDR will be remembered with the likes of Washington and Lincoln.
Whoops, here she is again. The incredible disappearing governor. I'm so sad she's been forgotten since the election.
Zogby: Palin Top 2012 Contender YEP,I'm so glad the Republicans won't be in charge when the shit hits the fan.
Monday, December 1, 2008 2:07 PM
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is the slight favorite of Republican voters as the best candidate the party could run for President in 2012. When all voters are asked that questions, Palin falls into a three-way tie with Mitt Romney and Bobby Jindal.
Those are among the findings of a Zogby Interactive poll of 24,964 voters conducted from Nov. 7-18. The margin of error for the entire sample is +/-0.6 percent.
Voters were offered the choices of Palin, former Massachusetts Gov. Romney, Louisiana Gov. Jindal, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. All but Palin and Jindal were candidates for the 2008 nomination. Voters also could choose someone else.
Palin led among Republicans with 24.4 percent of the vote, followed by Romney with 18 percent, and Jindal with 15.6 percent. Among all voter, all three were in a virtual dead head, each sharing between 13 and 12 percent of the sampling. Rounding out the field in single digits were Huckabee, Giuliani, and Paul.
Palin's strength is with all conservatives, conservative religious voters and gun owners. Among Republicans, she gets the support of 30 percent of Born-Again Christians, 32 percent of weekly churchgoers, 34 percent of National Rifle Association members, 28 percent of current gun owners and 29 percent of self-identified conservatives. More GOP support comes from 32 percent of blue collar workers, 30 percent who shop weekly at Wal-Mart, 28 percent of NASCAR fans and 25 percent of both those with children under 17 and those with family members in the military. She scores lower among GOP voters ages 18-29, with 15 percent.
Romney's Republican support level is very consistent across demographic groups. Among his party members, Romney's numbers fall off by a few points from his overall 18.1 percent with religious conservatives and gun owners. Surprisingly, Palin leads Romney among Republican investors, 24 percent to 20 percent.
There are no highs or lows among subgroups for Jindal among Republicans. He is a newcomer to national politics, and already has a reasonable base of GOP support.
Palin looks to be stealing Huckabee's thunder among Republican religious conservatives and working class voters. Huckabee is an ordained Southern Baptist minister, and his highest GOP totals still come from Born-Again Christians (15 percent) and weekly churchgoers (18 percent), but those numbers are about half of those drawn by Palin. Despite his populist economic message, he wins only 10 percent of blue collar Republicans.
The interesting finding about Paul is that he is more popular among all voters than he is among Republicans, reinforcing his appeal as a potential third party candidate.
Pollster John Zogby: "While someone other than those we listed could still emerge as Republican contender, GOP voters seem satisfied with this group. Only 8.2 percent would choose someone else. Despite all of the bad press and late night TV parody of Palin, she still leads the pack. So it is hard to see what could shake the faith of her supporters going forward. If she chooses to run, that solid base would likely keep her in the race through the early primaries. Both Romney and Jindal have appeal to Republicans, with Jindal having the advantage of being the new guy who could bring change to the party."
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Sarah Palin has definitely been in the headlines more than Hillary Clinton the last week, and has had a real tangible role in our national politics in regards to changes of her own office as well.
Sarah Palin has definitely been in the headlines more than Hillary Clinton the last week, and has had a real tangible role in our national politics in regards to changes of her own office as well. Oh wait...
What's your point? By accepting the Sec of State position, Hillary Clinton has pretty much admitted that she's given up on ever being President. Her only chance, slim though it may be, is for Obama's Presidency to be a complete disaster. She would have to resign within the next two years, both to get out of his administration and to gear up for another run. And even then she would be wounded by having served in Obama's cabinet.
It's really a brilliant move by Obama if you think about. Not only does it neutralize Hillary, but it also handicaps Bill. He has agreed to turn over the names of all the donors to his foundation and he has to receive approval from Obama's Whitehouse before he gives any foreign policy speeches. He's on a very tight leash. Which is probably right where Hillary wants him
*Clears throat* I normally don't post in threads like this, or on any forums in general, but I felt the need to provide some insight and some historical facts for the Palin pundits to chew on. Let me start by saying that I voted for Barack Obama. I also have the honor of saying that I knew him at one point in time, when he was the professor of one of my classes at the University of Chicago. Barack Obama is as intelligent, insightful, and well spoken as he appears in print and media. I have listened to him speak for hours on subjects that would bore anyone with a pulse to tears, but somehow he injects his own enthusiasm into his lectures and captures your interest with his words. He is also the smartest man I have ever met, and was once president of the Harvard Law Review. I have never met Sarah Palin, but I have watched her extensively during her campaign. She strikes me as a woman who is not very intelligent, and her only political skills seem to be her wink and her "holier than thou" attitude which is strikingly similar to President Bush's. Every time she makes a statement I can't help but compare it to a contestant answering the "final question" in the Miss America pageant. Furthermore, she has a sub-par education, stumbling from community college to state school to community college before finally receiving a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism. I find it scary that the Palin pundits can stand up and defend this woman with a straight face. I want a president who is smart above all things (not Karl Rove smart, not evil genius), and clearly Barack Obama trumps Sarah Palin in that regard. Need I say more? I will leave you with a history lesson. The year was 1932. America had been feeling the effects of the Great Depression for over 3 years. Tired of Herbert Hoover's ineffective efforts to keep America from spiraling even deeper into Depression, Americans clearly stated "enough is enough" by electing a democrat by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the greatest american president imo) to the presidency. Roosevelt almost singlehandedly brought America out of the great depression with aggressive government in the form of the first New Deal. The New Deal created many of the socioeconomic programs that have fallen to crap during the Bush administration, such as Fannie Mae, the FDIC, and the SEC. His second New Deal created the Social Security system, which has also taken a dump during the Bush administration. The second New Deal also created the National Labor Relations Act, which allowed workers to organize into unions and is the reason many americans have 5 day work weeks, paid vacations, pensions, healthcare, and overtime. During this time period, many right wing groups criticized the programs of Roosevelt as being "socialist", just as they are doing to Obama today. So rest easy my friends, this has all happened before. Obama has both the brains and the will to be another Franklin Roosevelt, and can easily bring this country out of this recession. If Roosevelt could singlehandedly bring a country out of a much greater economic crisis than the current one, then Obama can do the same, in my belief. He reminds me more of Roosevelt than any single president since. On a side note, Ronald Reagan couldn't fill the space of a pimple on Roosevelt's ass. He was that insignificant, he was.
Here we go again with the "Highly intelligent" I know several "intelligent" people who don't have a lick of sense. Every time I see an intelligence post, I think European first and then someone going to college because, both know everything.
You still believe FDR brought the country out of depression!? Give me a break. What he did do is saddle us with programs that still haunt us to this day. Luckily WWII happened for him. Is that how Obama is going to get the economy going?
Here we go again with the "Highly intelligent" I know several "intelligent" people who don't have a lick of sense. Every time I see an intelligence post, I think European first and then someone going to college because, both know everything. You still believe FDR brought the country out of depression!? Give me a break. What he did do is saddle us with programs that still haunt us to this day. Luckily WWII happened for him. Is that how Obama is going to get the economy going?
Right again. Unfortunately I see our country being saddled again with all this "stimulus" spending. The New Deal was nothing but essentially stimulus spending on the part of the government and if anything it prolonged the Depression. Look for the government to end up making things worse this time as well.
Sarah Palin has definitely been in the headlines more than Hillary Clinton the last week, and has had a real tangible role in our national politics in regards to changes of her own office as well. Oh wait...
What's your point? By accepting the Sec of State position, Hillary Clinton has pretty much admitted that she's given up on ever being President. Her only chance, slim though it may be, is for Obama's Presidency to be a complete disaster. She would have to resign within the next two years, both to get out of his administration and to gear up for another run. And even then she would be wounded by having served in Obama's cabinet.
It's really a brilliant move by Obama if you think about. Not only does it neutralize Hillary, but it also handicaps Bill. He has agreed to turn over the names of all the donors to his foundation and he has to receive approval from Obama's Whitehouse before he gives any foreign policy speeches. He's on a very tight leash. Which is probably right where Hillary wants him
My point is that "bigger than ever" doesn't really fit hercampaigning for Saxby Chambliss when you consider her constant frontpage coverage during her vice-presidential run.
The Saxby deal is also garnering less attention in the news than word of her not knowing what NAFTA constituted or that Africa was a continent. 'course you'd probably call that "media bias", but I call it an ebbing nof the sensationalism that surrounds her; 'specially with Stevens conceding defeat knocking the wind out of any Senatoral routes to a White House run.
As for Hillary. I brought her up to make the a stark point of a person who's more in the spotlight than Palin right now, even though Palin managed to completely steal Hillary's spotlight before. So she isn't even "bigger" than expected given she's just a governor from Alaska who just lost an election.
As for Hillary's chances for president. That's a whole 'nother conversation, but they weren't diminished by her become Secretary of State. Nothin' at all wrong with that having it in her resume come 2016. The only advantage Obama gains politically from picking Hillary is ruling out a primary challenge in 2012, but that wasn't likely to happen anyway 'less you get that "disasterous" Obama administration I'm not sure anyone in their right mind would hope for.
*Clears throat* I normally don't post in threads like this, or on any forums in general, but I felt the need to provide some insight and some historical facts for the Palin pundits to chew on. Let me start by saying that I voted for Barack Obama. I also have the honor of saying that I knew him at one point in time, when he was the professor of one of my classes at the University of Chicago. Barack Obama is as intelligent, insightful, and well spoken as he appears in print and media. I have listened to him speak for hours on subjects that would bore anyone with a pulse to tears, but somehow he injects his own enthusiasm into his lectures and captures your interest with his words. He is also the smartest man I have ever met, and was once president of the Harvard Law Review. I have never met Sarah Palin, but I have watched her extensively during her campaign. She strikes me as a woman who is not very intelligent, and her only political skills seem to be her wink and her "holier than thou" attitude which is strikingly similar to President Bush's. Every time she makes a statement I can't help but compare it to a contestant answering the "final question" in the Miss America pageant. Furthermore, she has a sub-par education, stumbling from community college to state school to community college before finally receiving a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism. I find it scary that the Palin pundits can stand up and defend this woman with a straight face. I want a president who is smart above all things (not Karl Rove smart, not evil genius), and clearly Barack Obama trumps Sarah Palin in that regard. Need I say more? I will leave you with a history lesson. The year was 1932. America had been feeling the effects of the Great Depression for over 3 years. Tired of Herbert Hoover's ineffective efforts to keep America from spiraling even deeper into Depression, Americans clearly stated "enough is enough" by electing a democrat by the name of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the greatest american president imo) to the presidency. Roosevelt almost singlehandedly brought America out of the great depression with aggressive government in the form of the first New Deal. The New Deal created many of the socioeconomic programs that have fallen to crap during the Bush administration, such as Fannie Mae, the FDIC, and the SEC. His second New Deal created the Social Security system, which has also taken a dump during the Bush administration. The second New Deal also created the National Labor Relations Act, which allowed workers to organize into unions and is the reason many americans have 5 day work weeks, paid vacations, pensions, healthcare, and overtime. During this time period, many right wing groups criticized the programs of Roosevelt as being "socialist", just as they are doing to Obama today. So rest easy my friends, this has all happened before. Obama has both the brains and the will to be another Franklin Roosevelt, and can easily bring this country out of this recession. If Roosevelt could singlehandedly bring a country out of a much greater economic crisis than the current one, then Obama can do the same, in my belief. He reminds me more of Roosevelt than any single president since. On a side note, Ronald Reagan couldn't fill the space of a pimple on Roosevelt's ass. He was that insignificant, he was.
Here we go again with the "Highly intelligent" I know several "intelligent" people who don't have a lick of sense. Every time I see an intelligence post, I think European first and then someone going to college because, both know everything.
You still believe FDR brought the country out of depression!? Give me a break. What he did do is saddle us with programs that still haunt us to this day. Luckily WWII happened for him. Is that how Obama is going to get the economy going?
Ah yes! We all know that Europeans and intelligent, well educated people and especially intelligent, well educated European people are people that should not be trusted. Well said!
I'll paraphrase part of my post with a couple snippets added in to sum things up nicely.
Sarah Palin - Mostly community college educated beauty queen, bachelor's degree in broadcast journalisn, didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know what countries made up NAFTA, destroyed on national tv by Katie Couric of all people, governor of a handful of eskimos and some moose.
Barack Obama - Former president of the Harvard law Review.
Any questions? BTW i knew you'd downplay the significance of FDR, typical Republican. Nothing so see here, move along.
Do you personally consider Reagen as a insider.Or was he an outsider or not apart of the washington beltway.
Think of all the considerations that go into each decision you make: Is it ethical? Is it good in the long run? Who benefits? Who is harmed? What will it cost? Does it go with the couch? Now imagine a large group-imagine a very large group, say, 250 million people-trying to agree on every decision made by every person in the country. The result would be stupid, silly and hugely wasteful-in short, the result would be government.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
I'll paraphrase part of my post with a couple snippets added in to sum things up nicely. Sarah Palin - Mostly community college educated beauty queen, bachelor's degree in broadcast journalisn, didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know what countries made up NAFTA, destroyed on national tv by Katie Couric of all people, governor of a handful of eskimos and some moose. Barack Obama - Former president of the Harvard law Review. Any questions? BTW i knew you'd downplay the significance of FDR, typical Republican. Nothing so see here, move along.
Yeah, I have a question. You actually believe the unsubstantiated anonymous source who said Palin thought Africa is a country and didn't know what countries are in NAFTA? I'll bet you also believe Palin is the one who said, "I can see Russia from my house", don't you?
I'll paraphrase part of my post with a couple snippets added in to sum things up nicely. Sarah Palin - Mostly community college educated beauty queen, bachelor's degree in broadcast journalisn, didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know what countries made up NAFTA, destroyed on national tv by Katie Couric of all people, governor of a handful of eskimos and some moose. Barack Obama - Former president of the Harvard law Review. Any questions? BTW i knew you'd downplay the significance of FDR, typical Republican. Nothing so see here, move along.
Yeah, I have a question. You actually believe the unsubstantiated anonymous source who said Palin thought Africa is a country and didn't know what countries are in NAFTA? I'll bet you also believe Palin is the one who said, "I can see Russia from my house", don't you?
Now you not only have to have college to be intelligent but, it has to be Ivy league. I don't have time now but, wonder what degrees these genius have...Frank, Waters, Pelosi, Biden, Ried, Waxman, Boxer, Byrd, oh what the hell, pick any dem.
I'll paraphrase part of my post with a couple snippets added in to sum things up nicely. Sarah Palin - Mostly community college educated beauty queen, bachelor's degree in broadcast journalisn, didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know what countries made up NAFTA, destroyed on national tv by Katie Couric of all people, governor of a handful of eskimos and some moose. Barack Obama - Former president of the Harvard law Review. Any questions? BTW i knew you'd downplay the significance of FDR, typical Republican. Nothing so see here, move along.
Yeah, I have a question. You actually believe the unsubstantiated anonymous source who said Palin thought Africa is a country and didn't know what countries are in NAFTA? I'll bet you also believe Palin is the one who said, "I can see Russia from my house", don't you?
Now you not only have to have college to be intelligent but, it has to be Ivy league. I don't have time now but, wonder what degrees these genius have...Frank, Waters, Pelosi, Biden, Ried, Waxman, Boxer, Byrd, oh what the hell, pick any dem.
I'll bet it's better than community college or a BS in journalism. If Palin is the future of the GOP then it's really lowered the bar in their expectations. But considering Bush's war in Iraq went from "spreading democracy in the Middle East" to just having a stable in Baghdad I guess lowering expectations isn't new for them.
I'll paraphrase part of my post with a couple snippets added in to sum things up nicely. Sarah Palin - Mostly community college educated beauty queen, bachelor's degree in broadcast journalisn, didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know what countries made up NAFTA, destroyed on national tv by Katie Couric of all people, governor of a handful of eskimos and some moose. Barack Obama - Former president of the Harvard law Review. Any questions? BTW i knew you'd downplay the significance of FDR, typical Republican. Nothing so see here, move along.
Yeah, I have a question. You actually believe the unsubstantiated anonymous source who said Palin thought Africa is a country and didn't know what countries are in NAFTA? I'll bet you also believe Palin is the one who said, "I can see Russia from my house", don't you?
Now you not only have to have college to be intelligent but, it has to be Ivy league. I don't have time now but, wonder what degrees these genius have...Frank, Waters, Pelosi, Biden, Ried, Waxman, Boxer, Byrd, oh what the hell, pick any dem.
I'll bet it's better than community college or a BS in journalism.
Ummm, that was exactly my point. I assume all these people have an Ivy League education and all of them are still morons. They are the type of people that know all the ins and outs of a credit card, bill date, interest rates, penities, etc... but can't figure out the obvious by just paying off the bill when it comes and get you 1% cash back. They believe they know how to equalize everyone. Iti just hasn't had the right people to do it yet, USSR and China, but the annointed can do it!
Now you not only have to have college to be intelligent but, it has to be Ivy league. I don't have time now but, wonder what degrees these genius have...Frank, Waters, Pelosi, Biden, Ried, Waxman, Boxer, Byrd, oh what the hell, pick any dem.
I'll bet it's better than community college or a BS in journalism.
Ummm, that was exactly my point. I assume all these people have an Ivy League education and all of them are still morons. They are the type of people that know all the ins and outs of a credit card, bill date, interest rates, penities, etc... but can't figure out the obvious by just paying off the bill when it comes and get you 1% cash back. They believe they know how to equalize everyone. Iti just hasn't had the right people to do it yet, USSR and China, but the annointed can do it!
It's interesting because a co-worker of mine and I were talking about this yesterday. All these eggheads in Washington think they know how to run the country yet they can't even figure out how to fix the economy. The average citizen might be able to do just as good a job or better based on personal life experiences.
Ronald Reagan didn't have half the education most of these "geniuses" have, and he ran rings around them when he was President. The solution is so simple, it's right in front of their faces, but they'll never be able to figure it out because they are blinded by ideology. Slash taxes, both income and corporate. Slash spending and bring the budget under control. Watch the economy soar inside of a year, two tops. Problem solved.
Instead, they just want to keep digging themselves into a hole that will take years to get out of. I don't mind if they want to be idiots, that's their right. But what bothers me is that they're taking the rest of the country down with them.
Instead, they just want to keep digging themselves into a hole that will take years to get out of. I don't mind if they want to be idiots, that's their right. But what bothers me is that they're taking the rest of the country down with them.
There not going down, there digging a whole and putting the people in it. Until we use democratically earned freedoms to stop them.
BTW lets get Palin to describe what democratically earned freedoms are......since were bashing Ivy league educations.
Originally posted by Zindaihas Ronald Reagan didn't have half the education most of these "geniuses" have, and he ran rings around them when he was President.
Ronald Reagan this, Ronald Reagan that, Ronald Reagan hit me with a whiffle ball bat. When Reagan was governor here, he oversaw the largest tax increase in California's history. (Which Democratic Governor Jerry Brown cut back when he came into office.)
As President, Reagan expanded the Federal government by 90%, bombed Libya, funded murderous contras, sold missiles to Iran (let me repeat that - he sold missiles to Iran), and gave assistance to Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden.
I will never understand you Republicans that revere Reagan so much...
I agree. Somehow being from a small town makes you better person than someone who lives in a city according to that line of thinking cause we all know "city folk" lack "small town values". Of course, if those values include things like intolerance, bigotry and blind devotion to the "with us or against us" mentality then I'm glad I live in a city.
Is a man not entitled to the herp of his derp?
Remember, I live in a world where juggalos and yugioh players are real things.
They already have..... twice lol
...The spread of secondary and latterly of tertiary education has created a large population of people, often with well developed literary and scholarly tastes, who have been educated far beyond their capacity to undertake analytical thought.
I agree. Somehow being from a small town makes you better person than someone who lives in a city according to that line of thinking cause we all know "city folk" lack "small town values". Of course, if those values include things like intolerance, bigotry and blind devotion to the "with us or against us" mentality then I'm glad I live in a city.
And where a certain other poster on this forum lost me is, when I confronted him with this notion of Governor Palin's, he said "she's right."
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
Just a thought: Obama is not even in office and everyone is saying that the country is gonna go to hell, why don't we all just give it a year without pre-judging like mother fuckers? I don't know how badly or well it will go, and neither does anyone else on this board, I say give Obama a fucking chance, he can't be nearly as bad as Bush was.
"On a side note, Ronald Reagan couldn't fill the space of a pimple on Roosevelt's ass. He was that insignificant, he was."
Reagan is dead and it looks like his policies are not long for this world either. Reagan may be God to the GOP but he'll just be another Presidential side-note in 20 years where FDR will be remembered with the likes of Washington and Lincoln.
Whoops, here she is again. The incredible disappearing governor. I'm so sad she's been forgotten since the election.
Zogby: Palin Top 2012 Contender YEP,I'm so glad the Republicans won't be in charge when the shit hits the fan.
Monday, December 1, 2008 2:07 PM
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is the slight favorite of Republican voters as the best candidate the party could run for President in 2012. When all voters are asked that questions, Palin falls into a three-way tie with Mitt Romney and Bobby Jindal.
Those are among the findings of a Zogby Interactive poll of 24,964 voters conducted from Nov. 7-18. The margin of error for the entire sample is +/-0.6 percent.
Voters were offered the choices of Palin, former Massachusetts Gov. Romney, Louisiana Gov. Jindal, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Texas Rep. Ron Paul and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. All but Palin and Jindal were candidates for the 2008 nomination. Voters also could choose someone else.
Palin led among Republicans with 24.4 percent of the vote, followed by Romney with 18 percent, and Jindal with 15.6 percent. Among all voter, all three were in a virtual dead head, each sharing between 13 and 12 percent of the sampling. Rounding out the field in single digits were Huckabee, Giuliani, and Paul.
Palin's strength is with all conservatives, conservative religious voters and gun owners. Among Republicans, she gets the support of 30 percent of Born-Again Christians, 32 percent of weekly churchgoers, 34 percent of National Rifle Association members, 28 percent of current gun owners and 29 percent of self-identified conservatives. More GOP support comes from 32 percent of blue collar workers, 30 percent who shop weekly at Wal-Mart, 28 percent of NASCAR fans and 25 percent of both those with children under 17 and those with family members in the military. She scores lower among GOP voters ages 18-29, with 15 percent.
Romney's Republican support level is very consistent across demographic groups. Among his party members, Romney's numbers fall off by a few points from his overall 18.1 percent with religious conservatives and gun owners. Surprisingly, Palin leads Romney among Republican investors, 24 percent to 20 percent.
There are no highs or lows among subgroups for Jindal among Republicans. He is a newcomer to national politics, and already has a reasonable base of GOP support.
Palin looks to be stealing Huckabee's thunder among Republican religious conservatives and working class voters. Huckabee is an ordained Southern Baptist minister, and his highest GOP totals still come from Born-Again Christians (15 percent) and weekly churchgoers (18 percent), but those numbers are about half of those drawn by Palin. Despite his populist economic message, he wins only 10 percent of blue collar Republicans.
The interesting finding about Paul is that he is more popular among all voters than he is among Republicans, reinforcing his appeal as a potential third party candidate.
Pollster John Zogby: "While someone other than those we listed could still emerge as Republican contender, GOP voters seem satisfied with this group. Only 8.2 percent would choose someone else. Despite all of the bad press and late night TV parody of Palin, she still leads the pack. So it is hard to see what could shake the faith of her supporters going forward. If she chooses to run, that solid base would likely keep her in the race through the early primaries. Both Romney and Jindal have appeal to Republicans, with Jindal having the advantage of being the new guy who could bring change to the party."
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Sarah Palin bigger than ever: lol Mystery solved, she's still breast feeding.
Yeah, back again. Just like herpes. Besides, her 15 minutes aren't over yet.
Wave that red meat girl.....Wave that red meat
Sarah Palin has definitely been in the headlines more than Hillary Clinton the last week, and has had a real tangible role in our national politics in regards to changes of her own office as well.
Oh wait...
What's your point? By accepting the Sec of State position, Hillary Clinton has pretty much admitted that she's given up on ever being President. Her only chance, slim though it may be, is for Obama's Presidency to be a complete disaster. She would have to resign within the next two years, both to get out of his administration and to gear up for another run. And even then she would be wounded by having served in Obama's cabinet.
It's really a brilliant move by Obama if you think about. Not only does it neutralize Hillary, but it also handicaps Bill. He has agreed to turn over the names of all the donors to his foundation and he has to receive approval from Obama's Whitehouse before he gives any foreign policy speeches. He's on a very tight leash. Which is probably right where Hillary wants him
Here we go again with the "Highly intelligent" I know several "intelligent" people who don't have a lick of sense. Every time I see an intelligence post, I think European first and then someone going to college because, both know everything.
You still believe FDR brought the country out of depression!? Give me a break. What he did do is saddle us with programs that still haunt us to this day. Luckily WWII happened for him. Is that how Obama is going to get the economy going?
Right again. Unfortunately I see our country being saddled again with all this "stimulus" spending. The New Deal was nothing but essentially stimulus spending on the part of the government and if anything it prolonged the Depression. Look for the government to end up making things worse this time as well.
What's your point? By accepting the Sec of State position, Hillary Clinton has pretty much admitted that she's given up on ever being President. Her only chance, slim though it may be, is for Obama's Presidency to be a complete disaster. She would have to resign within the next two years, both to get out of his administration and to gear up for another run. And even then she would be wounded by having served in Obama's cabinet.
It's really a brilliant move by Obama if you think about. Not only does it neutralize Hillary, but it also handicaps Bill. He has agreed to turn over the names of all the donors to his foundation and he has to receive approval from Obama's Whitehouse before he gives any foreign policy speeches. He's on a very tight leash. Which is probably right where Hillary wants him
My point is that "bigger than ever" doesn't really fit hercampaigning for Saxby Chambliss when you consider her constant frontpage coverage during her vice-presidential run.
The Saxby deal is also garnering less attention in the news than word of her not knowing what NAFTA constituted or that Africa was a continent. 'course you'd probably call that "media bias", but I call it an ebbing nof the sensationalism that surrounds her; 'specially with Stevens conceding defeat knocking the wind out of any Senatoral routes to a White House run.
As for Hillary. I brought her up to make the a stark point of a person who's more in the spotlight than Palin right now, even though Palin managed to completely steal Hillary's spotlight before. So she isn't even "bigger" than expected given she's just a governor from Alaska who just lost an election.
As for Hillary's chances for president. That's a whole 'nother conversation, but they weren't diminished by her become Secretary of State. Nothin' at all wrong with that having it in her resume come 2016. The only advantage Obama gains politically from picking Hillary is ruling out a primary challenge in 2012, but that wasn't likely to happen anyway 'less you get that "disasterous" Obama administration I'm not sure anyone in their right mind would hope for.
Here we go again with the "Highly intelligent" I know several "intelligent" people who don't have a lick of sense. Every time I see an intelligence post, I think European first and then someone going to college because, both know everything.
You still believe FDR brought the country out of depression!? Give me a break. What he did do is saddle us with programs that still haunt us to this day. Luckily WWII happened for him. Is that how Obama is going to get the economy going?
Ah yes! We all know that Europeans and intelligent, well educated people and especially intelligent, well educated European people are people that should not be trusted. Well said!
I'll paraphrase part of my post with a couple snippets added in to sum things up nicely.
Sarah Palin - Mostly community college educated beauty queen, bachelor's degree in broadcast journalisn, didn't know Africa is a continent, didn't know what countries made up NAFTA, destroyed on national tv by Katie Couric of all people, governor of a handful of eskimos and some moose.
Barack Obama - Former president of the Harvard law Review.
Any questions? BTW i knew you'd downplay the significance of FDR, typical Republican. Nothing so see here, move along.
"It's better to burn out, than fade away!"
Palin goes to Georgia,Saxby wins Huge.
Do you personally consider Reagen as a insider.Or was he an outsider or not apart of the washington beltway.
Think of all the considerations that go into each decision you make: Is it ethical? Is it good in the long run? Who benefits? Who is harmed? What will it cost? Does it go with the couch? Now imagine a large group-imagine a very large group, say, 250 million people-trying to agree on every decision made by every person in the country. The result would be stupid, silly and hugely wasteful-in short, the result would be government.
Trade in material assumptions for spiritual facts and make permanent progress.
Yeah, I have a question. You actually believe the unsubstantiated anonymous source who said Palin thought Africa is a country and didn't know what countries are in NAFTA? I'll bet you also believe Palin is the one who said, "I can see Russia from my house", don't you?
Yeah, I have a question. You actually believe the unsubstantiated anonymous source who said Palin thought Africa is a country and didn't know what countries are in NAFTA? I'll bet you also believe Palin is the one who said, "I can see Russia from my house", don't you?
Now you not only have to have college to be intelligent but, it has to be Ivy league. I don't have time now but, wonder what degrees these genius have...Frank, Waters, Pelosi, Biden, Ried, Waxman, Boxer, Byrd, oh what the hell, pick any dem.
Yeah, I have a question. You actually believe the unsubstantiated anonymous source who said Palin thought Africa is a country and didn't know what countries are in NAFTA? I'll bet you also believe Palin is the one who said, "I can see Russia from my house", don't you?
Now you not only have to have college to be intelligent but, it has to be Ivy league. I don't have time now but, wonder what degrees these genius have...Frank, Waters, Pelosi, Biden, Ried, Waxman, Boxer, Byrd, oh what the hell, pick any dem.
I'll bet it's better than community college or a BS in journalism. If Palin is the future of the GOP then it's really lowered the bar in their expectations. But considering Bush's war in Iraq went from "spreading democracy in the Middle East" to just having a stable in Baghdad I guess lowering expectations isn't new for them.
Yeah, I have a question. You actually believe the unsubstantiated anonymous source who said Palin thought Africa is a country and didn't know what countries are in NAFTA? I'll bet you also believe Palin is the one who said, "I can see Russia from my house", don't you?
Now you not only have to have college to be intelligent but, it has to be Ivy league. I don't have time now but, wonder what degrees these genius have...Frank, Waters, Pelosi, Biden, Ried, Waxman, Boxer, Byrd, oh what the hell, pick any dem.
I'll bet it's better than community college or a BS in journalism.
Ummm, that was exactly my point. I assume all these people have an Ivy League education and all of them are still morons. They are the type of people that know all the ins and outs of a credit card, bill date, interest rates, penities, etc... but can't figure out the obvious by just paying off the bill when it comes and get you 1% cash back. They believe they know how to equalize everyone. Iti just hasn't had the right people to do it yet, USSR and China, but the annointed can do it!
I'll bet it's better than community college or a BS in journalism.
Ummm, that was exactly my point. I assume all these people have an Ivy League education and all of them are still morons. They are the type of people that know all the ins and outs of a credit card, bill date, interest rates, penities, etc... but can't figure out the obvious by just paying off the bill when it comes and get you 1% cash back. They believe they know how to equalize everyone. Iti just hasn't had the right people to do it yet, USSR and China, but the annointed can do it!
It's interesting because a co-worker of mine and I were talking about this yesterday. All these eggheads in Washington think they know how to run the country yet they can't even figure out how to fix the economy. The average citizen might be able to do just as good a job or better based on personal life experiences.
Ronald Reagan didn't have half the education most of these "geniuses" have, and he ran rings around them when he was President. The solution is so simple, it's right in front of their faces, but they'll never be able to figure it out because they are blinded by ideology. Slash taxes, both income and corporate. Slash spending and bring the budget under control. Watch the economy soar inside of a year, two tops. Problem solved.
Instead, they just want to keep digging themselves into a hole that will take years to get out of. I don't mind if they want to be idiots, that's their right. But what bothers me is that they're taking the rest of the country down with them.
There not going down, there digging a whole and putting the people in it. Until we use democratically earned freedoms to stop them.
BTW lets get Palin to describe what democratically earned freedoms are......since were bashing Ivy league educations.
Ronald Reagan this, Ronald Reagan that, Ronald Reagan hit me with a whiffle ball bat. When Reagan was governor here, he oversaw the largest tax increase in California's history. (Which Democratic Governor Jerry Brown cut back when he came into office.)
As President, Reagan expanded the Federal government by 90%, bombed Libya, funded murderous contras, sold missiles to Iran (let me repeat that - he sold missiles to Iran), and gave assistance to Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden.
I will never understand you Republicans that revere Reagan so much...