its really far less complicated than that. After playing RPG's on PC and on tabletop for about 25 years one day a few years ago I was bored and decided that it might be intresting to watch a female avatar run aroundi killing things all day rather than staring at a males a$$ all day. Not to mention for this specific female avatar I found the audio to be funny.
Thats it, simple, nothing more nothing less.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
In that game you had some serious heroine action. She was kickin a$$ and takin names. Since then, there was the Matrix, Wanted, Alias, and numerous other moviess that have main characters that are female. They show that a woman can be beautifull and sech sey and kick some serious butt at the same time.
And BTW. What freakin game out there has RP in it any more? Most of the RP servers I have played on just down play the chatter and stat talk in general chat.
Say hello, To the things you've left behind. They are more a part of your life now that you can't touch them.
How many pages did the last thread about this topic go?
Did it also end up being about boobs? If so....I bet it went on for a hundred pages.
Go on with your conversation boys (and the few TOKEN women that are in here). I'm done with it. Seems I can't voice my opinion and it be considered an opinion automatically. FFS people....forums are essentially mini-editorial comments, although some of mine aren't that "mini" I'll admit. Any time someone writes a forum's probably best to just assume they ARE voicing an opinion and not stating FACTS. Get real.
I'm about ready to say fuck this forum totally and just go to TenTonHammer where people are able to communicate like adults without nit-picking shit to death.
Yeah, getting a real bad FoH feel around here lately.
Say hello, To the things you've left behind. They are more a part of your life now that you can't touch them.
How many pages did the last thread about this topic go?
Did it also end up being about boobs? If so....I bet it went on for a hundred pages.
Go on with your conversation boys (and the few TOKEN women that are in here). I'm done with it. Seems I can't voice my opinion and it be considered an opinion automatically. FFS people....forums are essentially mini-editorial comments, although some of mine aren't that "mini" I'll admit. Any time someone writes a forum's probably best to just assume they ARE voicing an opinion and not stating FACTS. Get real.
I'm about ready to say fuck this forum totally and just go to TenTonHammer where people are able to communicate like adults without nit-picking shit to death.
You just have to ignore some people. I understand what you are saying. This discussion was bound to take a wrong turn from word one though, no matter how heavy handed the mods are, a simple question of opinion is going to lead to an argument even when the question is completely subjective. Some people just can't accept that other people feel differently than they do.
Don't let that make you leave. Your posts add to the intelligent discourse, without people like you this forum would slowly degrade to nothing but a flame war.
Female characters are generally easier on the eye. In many MMO's, the female characters look better than their male counterparts (especially hair-style wise.)
It's also a good break from being a guy in the real world. I mean, playing a girl in a fantasy world doesn't make one less 'manly' in the real world, but why be the same as what you are in the real world, in a fantasy world as well?
I personally like to avoid playing male characters (unless the game has a good character creation system. Then I basically just make whichever happens to fit the kind of character I'm making,) and humans unless I absolutely have to be human.
Really, for many, I think it is mostly about something easy on the eyes. For some, altitis doesn't exist, and you have to stare at this one character model for a long time. You might as well make it less painful to look at.
MMO's played: Ragnarok Online (For years), WoW (for a few weeks only), Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Eve, Allods, Shattered Galaxy, 9 Dragons, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Star Trek Online (Got someone ELSE to pay for it), Champions Online (Someone else paid), Dofus, Dragonica, LOTRO, DDO and more... A LOT more. I've played good AND bad. The bad didn't last long. :P
If you were cybering with some hot elf chick and she said:
Dude, there's someting I got to tell you... I'm a dude, dude.
Would that bother you?
I don't cyber in games because I'm nearly 40 and married and female. BUT, given my propensity for playing male characters, and given that I've gotten more random propositions for cybersex as high-level male character from low-to-mid-level female characters than I ever did when I played a female, and given that I have a mischievous streak a mile wide, I will take the bait. In that hypothetical situation, I'd say, "Dude! I'm a chick, dude!"
And I'd think it was HILARIOUS.
It's funny, but I always assume that it's really a guy at the keyboard behind that hot elf (or whatever) when someone hits on my male characters hoping to trade cybersex for items or powerleveling or whatever. That assumption is probably sexist on my part.
If you were cybering with some hot elf chick and she said:
Dude, there's someting I got to tell you... I'm a dude, dude.
Would that bother you?
I don't cyber in games because I'm nearly 40 and married and female. BUT, given my propensity for playing male characters, and given that I've gotten more random propositions for cybersex as high-level male character from low-to-mid-level female characters than I ever did when I played a female, and given that I have a mischievous streak a mile wide, I will take the bait. In that hypothetical situation, I'd say, "Dude! I'm a chick, dude!"
And I'd think it was HILARIOUS.
It's funny, but I always assume that it's really a guy at the keyboard behind that hot elf (or whatever) when someone hits on my male characters hoping to trade cybersex for items or powerleveling or whatever. That assumption is probably sexist on my part.
Haha! It would be hilarious : )
Seriously, I'm a girl and I mostly play female toons, but in every game I've played the assumption has been that I'm a guy. I let people assume that since I have no interested in being hit on/treated differently/showered with unasked for (and unwanted) phat lewt gifts (etc. etc.) . I really don't have any interest in cybering with anyone, so I could care less what gender the person behind the toon is. I assume everyone is a guy regardless.
Doesn't everyone at this stage?
And who cares "why" someone plays a toon of the opposite gender? Reasons range from looking at a chick's butt instead of a guy's butt when playing, to run/combat animations being off on one gender (I hate the run animation of male humans in WoW for example, just couldn't play one), to classes being restricted or simply more apposite to a particular gender. Lots of reasons, none of them of any real importance.
I think expecting the people behind the character to be the same gender as the character bespeaks a certain naivete. I may be a girl that plays female toons, but none of them look anything like me. It's as if some people expect the character to be a direct reflection on the appearance of the person behind them rather than a reflection of that person's aesthetics. Isn't that a bit daft? My characters look appealing to me, but they don't look at all like me. They're all a bit too short to start with, I'm close to 6ft tall IRL, and hate being taller than everyone else even in my sneakers. Girlgeek made a comment about not creating large-breasted tartlets (sorry, Blackadder reference there) because to her big bewbs = backpain. I can totally see where she's coming from.
Some players like the idea of their character looking like them, some don't, that's what it all boils down to in the end. In most games character gender is nothing more than an aesthetic choice, trying to make it be about sexuality or effeminacy (or butchness for girls who play male toons) is over-reaching and says more about the person claiming such things than the players who gender-switch.
Something else I notice about guys that play girl characters....they usually, if they have the OPTION, make the boobs like MASSIVELY huge. No female ever does that. WE all know that boobs the size of watermelons are not only unattractive but HORRIBLY painful on the back. No woman would want to roleplay a woman with boobs like that. Every other sentence would have to be, "Oh, Sire...pray let me rest. I suffer such excruciating pain from the weight of my buxomness." LOL....that even sounds idiotic. And realistically...if you were RPing and HAD boobs that'd HAVE to say that, because it wouldn't be very realistic to prance around like a feather now would it?
Okay...I exaggerate...a little. But woman makes their characters LOOK like that.
Well besides the fact that it's been since pointed out that a real life large breasted woman likes making her in game female characters large breasted since she identifies with that, there's also the contradiction in your own writing I don't think you really thought about.
Oh REALLY? So you're saying that's always true? LOL It's not. You go on to criticize ME below for speaking for all women, but it's okay if some other woman does? I wear a 38 DD....that's large, but not MASSIVE, and I don't make my characters with big boobs. What contradiction? I still don't see it. Perhaps you just don't understand what I'm saying or didn't actually READ it.
"Something else I notice about guys that play girl characters....they usually, if they have the OPTION, make the boobs like MASSIVELY huge. No female ever does that. WE all know that boobs the size of watermelons are not only unattractive"
So you think guys make the breasts that large and then at the same time find it unattractive? Ya you might want to rethink that topic.
Where did I say GUYS find huge boobs unattractive??? I find them unattractive. I never said GUYS did. When I said WE, I meant women....and you find me ONE WOMAN that thinks WATERMELON sized boobs....are attractive. Oh I'm sure there's one somewhere. But that would be a rarity, I imagine. I'm literally saying the size of watermelons. IMO....and probably in the opinion of a good MANY women....that just looks gross, not attractive.
I will say this though, any post I've seen involving gender you show up and write your posts in a way in which you act like you are speaking for all women. Even when other women post before and after you completely disagreeing with what you've written. You might want to start changing phrases like "No women...." to " I don't" or "In my opinion".
This is a WEB FORUM....I assume everyone writes only their OPINION. You should do the same. Put me on block if you're so bothered that I voice mine. Pure and simple. The majority of the time I am VERY careful to say "imo." OMG...I forgot once...fucking sue me.
You make it a point of trying to make your opinions sound like the opinion of every woman out there. And as your post shows you clearly get mad when someone calls you on it.
You have this crazy woman power rage going on that shows up in any topic that discusses anthing that deals with gender, you believe your opinions are the correct ones and that all women share them, and you dislike anyone to prove or say otherwise.
You take where I proved that you saying "No female ever does that." about making females characters with big boobs by refering to a post where a woman said she makes characters with big boobs as me now magically saying "All women do that." Not sure how you got there but I believe it has something to do with your stance that you are the only correct person in the world and all your beliefs should be the beliefs of others. Might want to get that checked.
I remember back in College a classmate of mine did a thesis about males playing female characters in Computer games and latent transgenic tendencies. She managed to piss off every guy on campus who played female characters. ...I think the Buffalo Bill refrences didn’t help her any...anyway The professors liked it, so much in fact she had a full fellowship when she graduated.
Originally posted by jotull I remember back in College a classmate of mine did a thesis about males playing female characters in Computer games and latent transgenic tendencies. She managed to piss off every guy on campus who played female characters. ...I think the Buffalo Bill refrences didnt help her any...anyway The professors liked it, so much in fact she had a full fellowship when she graduated.
Is the study published on the Internet? . That would be cool.
I remember back in College a classmate of mine did a thesis about males playing female characters in Computer games and latent transgenic tendencies. She managed to piss off every guy on campus who played female characters. ...I think the Buffalo Bill refrences didn’t help her any...anyway The professors liked it, so much in fact she had a full fellowship when she graduated.
It puts the lotion on its skin...or it gets the hose again!
In all seriousness, that would be a cool study to read.
They are fictional characters. For many years, writers have been writing fiction both about and from the point of view of other sexes, other races and even inanimate objects. I don't see why it matter.
In all seriousness, I think the above sums it up pretty well for a lot of people. Personally I've never seen my avatar as an extension of myself: They don't look like me, act like me and I assure you they don't fight like me - which would make them, uh, not so competitive against dragons!
It is not so much that your avatar is an extension of yourself but rather that you should identify with him/her. Be it movies or games, the creator of such games want the audience to identify, on some level, with a character. That is why you so rarely see a movie with only bad guys because not so many people will want to identify themselves with one.
So I would say that men who plays a female character identifies themselves, on some level, with a women.
Which is of course totally impossible as men & women are totally different species with nothing in common whatsoever.
or if you prefer: "Ug".
.....which is of course completely untrue as men and women have a LOT in common with each other. You know they are both subsets of the same species commonly reffered to as humans right? Are you seriously incapable of imagining life from the perspective of a female human being? Wow! Thats.....impressive.
I met a friend of a friend a while back. She is a nice person. I later found out that she actually used to be a he. I seriously would never have known if I wasnt told. So if women and men are a TOTALLY different species then how is it that one can transform into another over a relatively short period of time? A horse and a fish on the other hand are what we would refer to as a totally different species.......although even then saying that they have nothing in common whatsover would be silly. They both breath oxygen for example and they have eyes and a mouth. You've heard of evolution right? Everything on the planet has something in common with something else.
99.4% of the DNA which defines us as human beings is identical to the DNA that can be found in chimpanzees for example. The seperation between species isnt as black and white as you might like to think it is.
Scientists say that the more hetero male you are, the longer your middle finger is. That's the finger next to your index finger. In a full hetero male when you extend your hand the middle finger is longer than the index or ring fingers, maybe even by a finger nail.
When a woman extends her hand, the index, ring and middle fingers are nearly the same length.
Wish I could graph the length of middle finger and compare it to males who prefer to play female toons. I bet we would see a less protruding middle finger in males who like playing female characters.
I'm not judging, just speculating.
Sounds like BS.
It is BS ....
for a basis on determining what mmo sex-choices for avatars people make.
It's like saying blokes with small feet/hands all have small dicks ......... and you'd be suprised just how many people actually think thats true ......
Scientists say that the more hetero male you are, the longer your middle finger is. That's the finger next to your index finger. In a full hetero male when you extend your hand the middle finger is longer than the index or ring fingers, maybe even by a finger nail.
When a woman extends her hand, the index, ring and middle fingers are nearly the same length.
Wish I could graph the length of middle finger and compare it to males who prefer to play female toons. I bet we would see a less protruding middle finger in males who like playing female characters.
I'm not judging, just speculating.
Sounds like BS.
It is BS ....
for a basis on determining what mmo sex-choices for avatars people make.
It's like saying blokes with small feet/hands all have small dicks ......... and you'd be suprised just how many people actually think thats true ......
Actually I wouldnt be surprised by that in the slightest considering the endless stream of braindead crap that people all over the world believe. The OP's viewpoint and the many narrow minded responses in this thread that echo it are testiment to that.
Do you people get weirded out when you find out it's been a pretty girl playing that grizzled samurai warrior or whatever?
No, you're like "LOL SCORE". Yet you get freaked out be a guy playing a girl. Why?
I'll tell you. Because you're all pathetic and lonely and thought you had another girl to talk to.
You're not weirded out or uncomfortable, you're just disappointed. So don't misinterpret that as it being *their* fault just because you're so insecure/desperate for female attention.
Very few guys play a girl toon to "be a girl". And to be honest, a person's sex should be completely irrelevant when you're playing a video game anyway since it doesn't apply in any way..... unless you're one of those awkward people that like to cyber in the tram at Ironforge. That makes you just as weird though.
It's just something you need to get the hell over. Your problem with these people equates only to your own inadequacy in real life. Go find a girlfriend and quit blaming the dude who plays a female Blood Elf for all your problems.
Playing: *sigh* back to WoW -------- Waiting for: SW:TOR, APB, WoD --------- Played and loved: Eve and WoW -------- Played and hated: WoW:WotLK, Warhammer, every single F2P
Another late breaking news flash - if the female character is female and the male character is male, that doesn't mean they are Arthur and Gweneveire. The lady could be your grandma and the guy could be 7 years old. Is it wrong to play a same sex character that completely misrepresents your age? Can you play a tall character if you are short? A thin character if you are fat? An attractive character if you are plain or ugly?
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
I play both female and male, more of my characters are female. I basically play a female if I feel that char fits that role better. I think cetain classes represent male better and certain classes represent female better.
or maybe I am a male trapped inside a womes body. LOL
Back in the UO Day, my husband and I were running about with a male friend of ours who picked up a skirt and put it on his "male" toon. I can still remember my husband typing "what the hell are you wearing a skirt for?" After a while, all the men in the group were wearing skirts. Today, they all play female toons.
i agree with the people on this thread who say it just doesn't matter. once you start caring about that you're taking the game too seriously and should probably take a break. for my part though i play female characters when it fits my chracter concept (i usually rp to a degree even if it's only internal monologue). also i think it's funny to break gender role barriers so my female chars are most often tiny, frail looking, and tanks.
Back in the UO Day, my husband and I were running about with a male friend of ours who picked up a skirt and put it on his "male" toon. I can still remember my husband typing "what the hell are you wearing a skirt for?" After a while, all the men in the group were wearing skirts. Today, they all play female toons.
It started innocently.
But skirts on men were common in ancient times.
It only really got weird in UO when there was a bug that allowed men characters to wear full (modern) dresses. Most only wore them for shock value I think.
Another late breaking news flash - if the female character is female and the male character is male, that doesn't mean they are Arthur and Gweneveire. The lady could be your grandma and the guy could be 7 years old. Is it wrong to play a same sex character that completely misrepresents your age? Can you play a tall character if you are short? A thin character if you are fat? An attractive character if you are plain or ugly?
Good point. I've seen sites that display pics of mmo gamers. While some of them are nice looking or even beautiful, the vast majority are average, and quite a few unattractive. I hope the ugly people are not playing attractive toons as that would be a total misrepresentation.
Perhaps we should be required to submit birth certificate, height, weight and photo of ourselves to the game devs and they can then assign us a toon based on our real life age, attractiveness, etc.
I would also think that if you are small and thin for instance, that you be banned from playing some of the more physical roles like tanking.
Do you people get weirded out when you find out it's been a pretty girl playing that grizzled samurai warrior or whatever?
No, you're like "LOL SCORE". Yet you get freaked out be a guy playing a girl. Why?
I'll tell you. Because you're all pathetic and lonely and thought you had another girl to talk to.
You're not weirded out or uncomfortable, you're just disappointed. So don't misinterpret that as it being *their* fault just because you're so insecure/desperate for female attention.
Very few guys play a girl toon to "be a girl". And to be honest, a person's sex should be completely irrelevant when you're playing a video game anyway since it doesn't apply in any way..... unless you're one of those awkward people that like to cyber in the tram at Ironforge. That makes you just as weird though.
It's just something you need to get the hell over. Your problem with these people equates only to your own inadequacy in real life. Go find a girlfriend and quit blaming the dude who plays a female Blood Elf for all your problems.
Ha ha I like that. Its totally true. You've just summed up the OP and all the people like him. These people arent freaked out by guys playing girls. They are freaked out by the insecure feelings they get inside themselves, but they dont know how to express it so they blame it on the thing that they are unable to deal with. They are effectively just pushing their own crap onto others.
MMORPGs: Many Men Online Role Playing Goblins. You see you are not a Goblin, or whatever other race you are playing, in real life, either. Neither you are a wizard/barbarian/rogue or whatever. Even if we talk about sci-fi it's still *fiction*.
Ah and another thing about roleplaying: Roleplaying refers to the changing of one's behavior to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. (copy pasted from wikipedia). It's like theater. You see there's nothing that or should connect myself with a character i am playing. A good roleplaying gamer is the one that makes his character believable and interesting through his stories and actions. If you think that your character should make decisions and actions according to your thoughts, morals, informations and feelings you have yourself as a player, sorry but you are the worst kind of roleplayer.
"Traditionally, massively multiplier online games have been about three basic gameplay pillars combat, exploration and character progression. In Alganon, in addition to these we've added the fourth pillar to the equation: Copy & Paste."
I don't care much if they're men playing female characters. what ticks me off is when the game gender-locks the classes. also, bout the topic about men playing female characters using it as a way to get free items and help, i help regardless of their gender
Being hit on by sad losers when playing girl toons is hillarious. I occasionally want to stare at women-ass pixels instead of men-ass pixels. Only people that sexualise said pixels could possibly have a problem with this. You need to get laid OP
its really far less complicated than that. After playing RPG's on PC and on tabletop for about 25 years one day a few years ago I was bored and decided that it might be intresting to watch a female avatar run aroundi killing things all day rather than staring at a males a$$ all day. Not to mention for this specific female avatar I found the audio to be funny.
Thats it, simple, nothing more nothing less.
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me
Seriously. Blame it all on Tomb Raider!
In that game you had some serious heroine action. She was kickin a$$ and takin names. Since then, there was the Matrix, Wanted, Alias, and numerous other moviess that have main characters that are female. They show that a woman can be beautifull and sech sey and kick some serious butt at the same time.
And BTW. What freakin game out there has RP in it any more? Most of the RP servers I have played on just down play the chatter and stat talk in general chat.
Say hello, To the things you've left behind. They are more a part of your life now that you can't touch them.
Yeah, getting a real bad FoH feel around here lately.
Say hello, To the things you've left behind. They are more a part of your life now that you can't touch them.
You just have to ignore some people. I understand what you are saying. This discussion was bound to take a wrong turn from word one though, no matter how heavy handed the mods are, a simple question of opinion is going to lead to an argument even when the question is completely subjective. Some people just can't accept that other people feel differently than they do.
Don't let that make you leave. Your posts add to the intelligent discourse, without people like you this forum would slowly degrade to nothing but a flame war.
Female characters are generally easier on the eye. In many MMO's, the female characters look better than their male counterparts (especially hair-style wise.)
It's also a good break from being a guy in the real world. I mean, playing a girl in a fantasy world doesn't make one less 'manly' in the real world, but why be the same as what you are in the real world, in a fantasy world as well?
I personally like to avoid playing male characters (unless the game has a good character creation system. Then I basically just make whichever happens to fit the kind of character I'm making,) and humans unless I absolutely have to be human.
Really, for many, I think it is mostly about something easy on the eyes. For some, altitis doesn't exist, and you have to stare at this one character model for a long time. You might as well make it less painful to look at.
MMO's played: Ragnarok Online (For years), WoW (for a few weeks only), Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Eve, Allods, Shattered Galaxy, 9 Dragons, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Star Trek Online (Got someone ELSE to pay for it), Champions Online (Someone else paid), Dofus, Dragonica, LOTRO, DDO and more... A LOT more. I've played good AND bad. The bad didn't last long. :P
I don't cyber in games because I'm nearly 40 and married and female. BUT, given my propensity for playing male characters, and given that I've gotten more random propositions for cybersex as high-level male character from low-to-mid-level female characters than I ever did when I played a female, and given that I have a mischievous streak a mile wide, I will take the bait. In that hypothetical situation, I'd say, "Dude! I'm a chick, dude!"
And I'd think it was HILARIOUS.
It's funny, but I always assume that it's really a guy at the keyboard behind that hot elf (or whatever) when someone hits on my male characters hoping to trade cybersex for items or powerleveling or whatever. That assumption is probably sexist on my part.
Haha! It would be hilarious : )
Seriously, I'm a girl and I mostly play female toons, but in every game I've played the assumption has been that I'm a guy. I let people assume that since I have no interested in being hit on/treated differently/showered with unasked for (and unwanted) phat lewt gifts (etc. etc.) . I really don't have any interest in cybering with anyone, so I could care less what gender the person behind the toon is. I assume everyone is a guy regardless.
Doesn't everyone at this stage?
And who cares "why" someone plays a toon of the opposite gender? Reasons range from looking at a chick's butt instead of a guy's butt when playing, to run/combat animations being off on one gender (I hate the run animation of male humans in WoW for example, just couldn't play one), to classes being restricted or simply more apposite to a particular gender. Lots of reasons, none of them of any real importance.
I think expecting the people behind the character to be the same gender as the character bespeaks a certain naivete. I may be a girl that plays female toons, but none of them look anything like me. It's as if some people expect the character to be a direct reflection on the appearance of the person behind them rather than a reflection of that person's aesthetics. Isn't that a bit daft? My characters look appealing to me, but they don't look at all like me. They're all a bit too short to start with, I'm close to 6ft tall IRL, and hate being taller than everyone else even in my sneakers. Girlgeek made a comment about not creating large-breasted tartlets (sorry, Blackadder reference there) because to her big bewbs = backpain. I can totally see where she's coming from.
Some players like the idea of their character looking like them, some don't, that's what it all boils down to in the end. In most games character gender is nothing more than an aesthetic choice, trying to make it be about sexuality or effeminacy (or butchness for girls who play male toons) is over-reaching and says more about the person claiming such things than the players who gender-switch.
You make it a point of trying to make your opinions sound like the opinion of every woman out there. And as your post shows you clearly get mad when someone calls you on it.
You have this crazy woman power rage going on that shows up in any topic that discusses anthing that deals with gender, you believe your opinions are the correct ones and that all women share them, and you dislike anyone to prove or say otherwise.
You take where I proved that you saying "No female ever does that." about making females characters with big boobs by refering to a post where a woman said she makes characters with big boobs as me now magically saying "All women do that." Not sure how you got there but I believe it has something to do with your stance that you are the only correct person in the world and all your beliefs should be the beliefs of others. Might want to get that checked.
I remember back in College a classmate of mine did a thesis about males playing female characters in Computer games and latent transgenic tendencies. She managed to piss off every guy on campus who played female characters. ...I think the Buffalo Bill refrences didn’t help her any...anyway The professors liked it, so much in fact she had a full fellowship when she graduated.
Is the study published on the Internet?
That would be cool.
Well shave my back and call me an elf! -- Oghren
It puts the lotion on its skin...or it gets the hose again!
In all seriousness, that would be a cool study to read.
.....which is of course completely untrue as men and women have a LOT in common with each other. You know they are both subsets of the same species commonly reffered to as humans right? Are you seriously incapable of imagining life from the perspective of a female human being? Wow! Thats.....impressive.
I met a friend of a friend a while back. She is a nice person. I later found out that she actually used to be a he. I seriously would never have known if I wasnt told. So if women and men are a TOTALLY different species then how is it that one can transform into another over a relatively short period of time? A horse and a fish on the other hand are what we would refer to as a totally different species.......although even then saying that they have nothing in common whatsover would be silly. They both breath oxygen for example and they have eyes and a mouth. You've heard of evolution right? Everything on the planet has something in common with something else.
99.4% of the DNA which defines us as human beings is identical to the DNA that can be found in chimpanzees for example. The seperation between species isnt as black and white as you might like to think it is.
It is BS ....
for a basis on determining what mmo sex-choices for avatars people make.
It's like saying blokes with small feet/hands all have small dicks ......... and you'd be suprised just how many people actually think thats true ......
Actually I wouldnt be surprised by that in the slightest considering the endless stream of braindead crap that people all over the world believe. The OP's viewpoint and the many narrow minded responses in this thread that echo it are testiment to that.
Do you people get weirded out when you find out it's been a pretty girl playing that grizzled samurai warrior or whatever?
No, you're like "LOL SCORE". Yet you get freaked out be a guy playing a girl. Why?
I'll tell you. Because you're all pathetic and lonely and thought you had another girl to talk to.
You're not weirded out or uncomfortable, you're just disappointed. So don't misinterpret that as it being *their* fault just because you're so insecure/desperate for female attention.
Very few guys play a girl toon to "be a girl". And to be honest, a person's sex should be completely irrelevant when you're playing a video game anyway since it doesn't apply in any way..... unless you're one of those awkward people that like to cyber in the tram at Ironforge. That makes you just as weird though.
It's just something you need to get the hell over. Your problem with these people equates only to your own inadequacy in real life. Go find a girlfriend and quit blaming the dude who plays a female Blood Elf for all your problems.
Playing: *sigh* back to WoW
Waiting for: SW:TOR, APB, WoD
Played and loved: Eve and WoW
Played and hated: WoW:WotLK, Warhammer, every single F2P
Another late breaking news flash - if the female character is female and the male character is male, that doesn't mean they are Arthur and Gweneveire. The lady could be your grandma and the guy could be 7 years old. Is it wrong to play a same sex character that completely misrepresents your age? Can you play a tall character if you are short? A thin character if you are fat? An attractive character if you are plain or ugly?
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests
I play both female and male, more of my characters are female. I basically play a female if I feel that char fits that role better. I think cetain classes represent male better and certain classes represent female better.
or maybe I am a male trapped inside a womes body. LOL
Funny Topic -
Back in the UO Day, my husband and I were running about with a male friend of ours who picked up a skirt and put it on his "male" toon. I can still remember my husband typing "what the hell are you wearing a skirt for?" After a while, all the men in the group were wearing skirts. Today, they all play female toons.
It started innocently.
i agree with the people on this thread who say it just doesn't matter. once you start caring about that you're taking the game too seriously and should probably take a break. for my part though i play female characters when it fits my chracter concept (i usually rp to a degree even if it's only internal monologue). also i think it's funny to break gender role barriers so my female chars are most often tiny, frail looking, and tanks.
But skirts on men were common in ancient times.
It only really got weird in UO when there was a bug that allowed men characters to wear full (modern) dresses. Most only wore them for shock value I think.
M59, UO, EQ1, WWIIOL, PS, EnB, SL, SWG. MoM, EQ2, AO, SB, CoH, LOTRO, WoW, DDO+ f2p's, Demos & indie alpha's.
Good point. I've seen sites that display pics of mmo gamers. While some of them are nice looking or even beautiful, the vast majority are average, and quite a few unattractive. I hope the ugly people are not playing attractive toons as that would be a total misrepresentation.
Perhaps we should be required to submit birth certificate, height, weight and photo of ourselves to the game devs and they can then assign us a toon based on our real life age, attractiveness, etc.
I would also think that if you are small and thin for instance, that you be banned from playing some of the more physical roles like tanking.
Ha ha I like that. Its totally true. You've just summed up the OP and all the people like him. These people arent freaked out by guys playing girls. They are freaked out by the insecure feelings they get inside themselves, but they dont know how to express it so they blame it on the thing that they are unable to deal with. They are effectively just pushing their own crap onto others.
MMORPGs: Many Men Online Role Playing Goblins. You see you are not a Goblin, or whatever other race you are playing, in real life, either. Neither you are a wizard/barbarian/rogue or whatever. Even if we talk about sci-fi it's still *fiction*.
Ah and another thing about roleplaying: Roleplaying refers to the changing of one's behavior to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. (copy pasted from wikipedia). It's like theater. You see there's nothing that or should connect myself with a character i am playing. A good roleplaying gamer is the one that makes his character believable and interesting through his stories and actions. If you think that your character should make decisions and actions according to your thoughts, morals, informations and feelings you have yourself as a player, sorry but you are the worst kind of roleplayer.
"Traditionally, massively multiplier online games have been about three basic gameplay pillars combat, exploration and character progression. In Alganon, in addition to these we've added the fourth pillar to the equation: Copy & Paste."
I don't care much if they're men playing female characters. what ticks me off is when the game gender-locks the classes. also, bout the topic about men playing female characters using it as a way to get free items and help, i help regardless of their gender
Being hit on by sad losers when playing girl toons is hillarious. I occasionally want to stare at women-ass pixels instead of men-ass pixels. Only people that sexualise said pixels could possibly have a problem with this. You need to get laid OP
Currently Playing: The Game