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it may be a little early to assume anything but with a month or so from the Launch date Sep. 22 . 2010 for the Collectors Editiona nd Sep. 30 for everyone else..
for those that can shed some info without breaking any NDA rules, how is the state of the game? are all the features that was announced working as intended or are they in the oven still? Do you guys think that a month is enough for them to fully work the kinks and get a smooth Launch going?, or will the missing features gets added later?
I'm hoping for an Aion type Smooth Launch for NA. oh god the login Que !!..
It'll be a smooth launch, because based on how SE has always handled things with FFXI, I don't think it'll be any different with FFXIV. What I'm talking about is knowing when enough is enough and if a certain feature is not ready, its not ready, thus SE will hold it back and concentrate on what they can finish and polish, leaving unfinished content for a later update. They will not release something into the game that is as broken and buggy as I've seen most other developers do, then keep bringing the servers down every hr to fix things...
Now I have seen some features get released that had a few kinks in them and required an emergency maintence by SE, that happens, but nothing gamebreaking that I've experienced in other MMOs.
Do keep in mind too that SE has their own in-house testing team as well as hire professional testers, so what little we're seeing in beta and able to test for them is minimal, and I still personnaly feel that this is just a sharade to mimic western developer betas, cause SE has always done their own testing, even for XI to this day, there are no open test servers for players to join and help, its all done in-house.
Plenty smooth is my prediction.. Even if there are some hiccups along the way, no big deal. True FF fans will still play this for years.
"If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse." - Henry Ford
I'm guessing it will be fine. All the minor things will or will not get fixed, not a big deal to me.
Unfortunately there's a little thing between July and September called August
I expect it will be rough the first couple of days with things smoothed out by the 30th...
Don't get your hopes up. Aion was out for a very long time before it every came to NA allowing for other countries to bear the brunt of launch day bugs. FFXIV will be a worldwide launch on the same day.
I predict madness, chaos, and despair. That is what MMo launches are all about. You people wanting smooth launches are crazy. The insanity of MMO launches keeps me buying almost every one that comes out. If they suck I get my 50$ worth and unsub. Totally worth it to take part in the madness. It is like the running of the bulls.
Aion got it right there. The login queue sucked, but having a significant portion of people playing is better than all blitzing the servers and NOONE playing.
Aion had the advantage of being already released in the Korea. SE doesn't have such luxury.
I think it won't be that smooth tbh. Their server programmers have been one incompetent bunch so far =P.
They have a queue system though. So woot?
Seriously! They had a pretty rock solid server setup with FFXI. I don't see why they are having so much trouble. The server code shouldn't have chaned that drastically. Although I feel like that is what 90% of the tests they are running are for. Constant launch day like stress testing.
I'll expect lag until people start spreading out/aren't logging in at the exact same time.
A highly biased statement my friend. :P FFXI had it's bumps and bubbles just like every other mmo. Don't expect a perfect release, there is no such thing. There can be a good release though, and this may be something near that. But i don't expect there not to be lag and crashes. There will be, the game is Final Fantasy, the servers are global cross-platform servers. Millions of people will be logging in at the exact same time. Coding errors will be few and little though, SE does beautifully with coding.
Glad somebody finally said it.
Aion had what like a year+ to get things lined out? They also had atleast 1 launch before NA. I know Aion launched in china after korea and before NA. Cant look to compare the 2 games unless you want FFXIV to release in Japan first for a year, which thankfully wont happen.
As for FFXIV my fanboy in me wants to say its SE its going to be a smooth launch, but my hardend sceptic side says its an MMO its going to have bumps. I tend to lean towards the sceptic side of things, because theres a lot more room for being impressed and a lot less room for being depressed.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
I was not able to log in yesterday or last week since it was cancelled. So technically I haven't played the Beta yet lol. I was hoping to check out the new combat system but no luck for me. IF they can fix this in 2 months then YAY but if not I will not start my account until its stable. I pre-ordered the game but that doesn't mean I'll waste my first 30 days on a queue.
I been playing with Xbox360 game pad perfectly fine both times i was actually able to log in , the problem is with wireless gamepads as far as im concerned.
As far as game play is perfectly fine for a beta.
Now everythin you said about serverload/login isues is sad but very true.On the other hand , knowing SE i think this was done partially with them knowing it was going to happend since they handed out far to many betas accounts, problably with the idea to overload the server and see how much it could take before launch , and not after release.Im perfectly fine with that , i dont whant another 4000Q like it happened in aion.
We will see how it developes.
I dont know what exactly is under NDA outside of content, mechanics.
But judging by the beta? Not good. Hell I would go as far as saying a possible delay.
We dont have PCs to play with Gamepads.... we want smooth Mouse and Keyboard Controls.
Sorry to disapoint you , i have a pc and i prefer to play with a game pad.Mouse control always been shitty in FFXI, so i kinda got used to game pad.But im pretty sure it will be smoth when you pay for the game .
As far as I'm aware, SE doesn't really care what you think.
They have their own target demographic.
Still would be nice to see them do something about it.
Well It would be typical i find a handful of people on a successor to FF11 thread liking Gamepads, no shocker there.
They have thier own demography? yes, and theyd have a much larger one if they took what a day or 2 to sort this gigantic problem out, after they fix the terrible optimization ofcourse.
Ok, some people like pads, im willing to bet, outside of the console players that only have PCs for FF11, that the very very VAST majority want keyboard and mouse. It only suited FF11 better because FF11s controls were just as bad.
I'd say that most FF players would prefer to play an FF with a pad and not with keyboard+mouse.
Which seems to be SE's target demographic.
Still doesn't mean they won't change the mouse+kb controls, but it's not as big of an issue as it seems.
Based on XI we'll see some improvements either way. For your sake, hopefully enough of them.
^ this.. I'm having second thoughts about getting the CE, and just knowing the Pc keyboard + mouse is on the bottom of theire totem list is making me even more doubtfull about getting this game.
call me crazy but.. unless I'm playing a console, I would never bother with a game pad at all.
It isnt the controls on what im refering to with the delay as such.
The fact that they cant even get the beta to work at the moment just shows how rushed everything is... this release date is looking really sketchy.
But more so than that, the horrible performance on most machines, I should be maxing this game completely, and yet its unplayable, and during this week of no beta there hasnt been any new drivers or version updates that will suggest any different, so even if it is up I cant test anything.
People can defend gamepad usage all they want, but we know the reality, Sqaure doesnt know the PC audiance and using PC Gamers as beta testers for a more fleshed PS3 release aimed at Japan.
Controls are horrible, good job to the 1% of you that are PC Gamers that prefer controllers, meanwhile the rest of the community will laugh and go elsewhere. Im not that bothered, I played FF11 for 2 years, I put up with the controls I will do it again, but its so pathetic that they cant even appeal to people on such a basic level as controls.
While i completly agree with you with the fact the game "doesnt seem ready for launch", I dont think the controls is such a big isue like you say.
No other company have brought a MMORPG of this quality for both console and PC succesfully, so what it may seem to you like a few tweeks to make it more wasd-mouse friendly, it would mean expending a lot of time and resourses to change it, when theres other isues i think it should take priority. Im sure it will be better by the time of release. By the way keep in mind the game have no auto atack, so you have to keep pressing buttons all the time, to me personally will get my hand hurting after 1h on a keyboard-mouse . Is diferent than the usual clickfor auto atack and press a key for a spell/ ability once in a while.Not trying to convert you just explaining why this is more complicated than it actually seems.Im pretty sure it will be smooth by release , or least i do hope so.
On the other hand if the worst is to come, i do hope it gets delayed and not rushed out.