so you have to have xfire to track your stats or anyone who has it i mean, so if you dont have it ur not counted with the people who do, i dont have a problem with xfire users , and i was only wondering how it worked with the tracking, but that dude who said no ones playing cuz xfire told him is just dumb because its not counting the people who dont use the program so those statistics are a small percentage lol
xfire shows no one is play FF11 and thats the fact.
Only a minority of gamers use xfire. Yet another poor statement on your part.
its called statistics, go back to school and learn it.
YEs so could there be intervinging and compounding factors, as well as validity and realiablity issues with your statement. YES MAYBE YOU SHOULD LEARN STATISTICS. What tests did you use to determine that number of x-fire players is correlative of total number of players. What was your alpha, what was your Ho, was is SSD, was its experimimental and thus valid or pre or quasi. NO ACTUAL STATISTICS WERE OFFERED SO MANYBE YOU SHOULD GO BACK TO SCHOOL AND LEARN SOME.
Originally posted by Magnum2103
The numbers are entirely useless for comparing subscription numbers to MMOs. Some communities like using Xfire more (especially FPS communities) and some games even come bundled with Xfire. Xfire can however be used as a good judge of a drop in subscription numbers and interest in the game if you view the chart over the last few months even if it's only a small statistical pool.
Statistically, you would have to run a test to prove this not just claim it. Now that we are talking about statistics.
But this maybe indicitive of population or not. Why not just look at offical/character count progs as they will be more accurate. And they do say pops down, and SE has also reacted in thsi fashion by merging servers.
But using X-fire at all as a sole predictor is a very flawed concept/method.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
question, how are those xfire statistics taken and what are they based on?
do you have to be a member of xfire to "add" that ur playing so called game? or wat?
It tracks what games you are playing and for how long. The statistics are based off hours played.
It does more than that of course. I don't see why people feel the need to bash Xfire users. Not only does it serve as a instant messaging service that doesn't interrupt gameplay and overlays into your UI, it can be used to transfer files, create videos, voice chat, take screenshots, and all sorts of other neat things as well as see what your friends are currently playing, on what server, and on what ventrillo/TS channel if necessary.
The numbers are entirely useless for comparing subscription numbers to MMOs. Some communities like using Xfire more (especially FPS communities) and some games even come bundled with Xfire. Xfire can however be used as a good judge of a drop in subscription numbers and interest in the game if you view the chart over the last few months even if it's only a small statistical pool.
The only reason why xfire users get bashed is because many of the people that do use it are like Honeymoon69. If you use it That's 1 seemingly intelligent user to "over 9000" tools.
Statistically, you would have to run a test to prove this not just claim it. Now that we are talking about statistics.
But this maybe indicitive of population or not. Why not just look at offical/character count progs as they will be more accurate. And they do say pops down, and SE has also reacted in thsi fashion by merging servers.
But using X-fire at all as a sole predictor is a very flawed concept/method.
Statistics isn't a science. You don't have to run tests to "prove" anything. It's essentially just data analysis and mathematics.
However I didn't provide any form of statistics. I just questioned (well, pretty much asserted) the value of Xfire statistics. If we look at factors that can effect X-fire subscription numbers, like for instance that Japanese players don't use Xfire because it's not a Japanese program, it's pretty much a given that Xfire isn't going to have any validity when comparing subscription numbers to other MMOs because there is going to be far less of a precentage of subscribers who use Xfire with FFXI.
There are no official character counts. There may be programs to gather data and official estimates at any given date (and from there you can make projections via statistical analysis), but for the most part this information is usually heavily guarded by any MMO developers... except for maybe Blizzard who loves to tote their subscription numbers. Yeah, the population went down, again that's a give and in fact Xfire data proves that.
What Xfire is good for is determining if there is a drop in subscribers. I never once said it should be used as a sole "predictor" (we aren't predicting anything though, we're looking at already known data not making projections). It's a large enough (even with the relatively small number of FFXI subscribers who use it) data pool, just like surveys can be used to determine people's opinions on political canidates. If Xfire numbers are dropping for that specific game, then it's very indicative that subscriber numbers as a whole as dropped.
It's doesn't mean it's wholely accurate, and if you can find more accurate numbers like official subscriber estimates or financial reports from the company relating to that specific MMO, then that's better to base these things on.
Statistically, you would have to run a test to prove this not just claim it. Now that we are talking about statistics. But this maybe indicitive of population or not. Why not just look at offical/character count progs as they will be more accurate. And they do say pops down, and SE has also reacted in thsi fashion by merging servers. But using X-fire at all as a sole predictor is a very flawed concept/method.
Statistics isn't a science. You don't have to run tests to "prove" anything. It's essentially just data analysis and mathematics.
However I didn't provide any form of statistics. I just questioned (well, pretty much asserted) the value of Xfire statistics. If we look at factors that can effect X-fire subscription numbers, like for instance that Japanese players don't use Xfire because it's not a Japanese program, it's pretty much a given that Xfire isn't going to have any validity when comparing subscription numbers to other MMOs because there is going to be far less of a precentage of subscribers who use Xfire with FFXI.
There are no official character counts. There may be programs to gather data and official estimates at any given date (and from there you can make projections via statistical analysis), but for the most part this information is usually heavily guarded by any MMO developers... except for maybe Blizzard who loves to tote their subscription numbers. Yeah, the population went down, again that's a give and in fact Xfire data proves that.
What Xfire is good for is determining if there is a drop in subscribers. I never once said it should be used as a sole "predictor" (we aren't predicting anything though, we're looking at already known data not making projections). It's a large enough (even with the relatively small number of FFXI subscribers who use it) data pool, just like surveys can be used to determine people's opinions on political canidates. If Xfire numbers are dropping for that specific game, then it's very indicative that subscriber numbers as a whole as dropped.
It's doesn't mean it's wholely accurate, and if you can find more accurate numbers like official subscriber estimates or financial reports from the company relating to that specific MMO, then that's better to base these things on.
Uh, I thought se made the character counts available yearly?
Uh, I thought se made the character counts available yearly?
They probably do, but it would be difficult to tell if they lost subscription numbers recently from that data if you had no recent character count. I did mention that you'd usually get official subscription numbers from financial reports if the company is publically traded and some companies do release these reports even if they aren't and these are going to be a much better indication of subscription numbers, but you can still estimate based on Xfire losses the number of subscribers instead of waiting for a quarterly or even annual report.
EDIT: Basically the gist of what I'm trying to say here is Xfire is a bad tool to use to judge actual subscription numbers, but it can still be use to determine if there was a loss of subscribers over a period of X time although not completely accurate.
Statistically, you would have to run a test to prove this not just claim it. Now that we are talking about statistics.
But this maybe indicitive of population or not. Why not just look at offical/character count progs as they will be more accurate. And they do say pops down, and SE has also reacted in thsi fashion by merging servers.
But using X-fire at all as a sole predictor is a very flawed concept/method.
Statistics isn't a science. You don't have to run tests to "prove" anything. It's essentially just data analysis and mathematics.
However I didn't provide any form of statistics. I just questioned (well, pretty much asserted) the value of Xfire statistics. If we look at factors that can effect X-fire subscription numbers, like for instance that Japanese players don't use Xfire because it's not a Japanese program, it's pretty much a given that Xfire isn't going to have any validity when comparing subscription numbers to other MMOs because there is going to be far less of a precentage of subscribers who use Xfire with FFXI.
There are no official character counts. There may be programs to gather data and official estimates at any given date (and from there you can make projections via statistical analysis), but for the most part this information is usually heavily guarded by any MMO developers... except for maybe Blizzard who loves to tote their subscription numbers. Yeah, the population went down, again that's a give and in fact Xfire data proves that.
What Xfire is good for is determining if there is a drop in subscribers. I never once said it should be used as a sole "predictor" (we aren't predicting anything though, we're looking at already known data not making projections). It's a large enough (even with the relatively small number of FFXI subscribers who use it) data pool, just like surveys can be used to determine people's opinions on political canidates. If Xfire numbers are dropping for that specific game, then it's very indicative that subscriber numbers as a whole as dropped.
It's doesn't mean it's wholely accurate, and if you can find more accurate numbers like official subscriber estimates or financial reports from the company relating to that specific MMO, then that's better to base these things on.
Uh, I thought se made the character counts available yearly?
Great point.
Mag , character counts is once agian a bad inaccurate variable to test becuase they can differ based on each subscription and player. Each subscription is a better method of determining this. Once agian how does x fire data correlate to anything i believe it has been well discussed that at face value this is not a valid variable to draw correlations. And without a test proving it has SSD as a variable, is not statistics but person opinion , so you can talk like you know statistics, but there are rules in statistics. Most people that do studies don't even know them, but statistics maybe a soft sicence , but it has rules. Statistics does not equal simple logic. Your argument use simple logic not statistics.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
I don't like xfire. But I'd like to see a Steam distribution of FFXIV.
The game was released b4 stem poped on the scene so this would also be a poor measurement at face value.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
so you have to have xfire to track your stats or anyone who has it i mean, so if you dont have it ur not counted with the people who do, i dont have a problem with xfire users , and i was only wondering how it worked with the tracking, but that dude who said no ones playing cuz xfire told him is just dumb because its not counting the people who dont use the program so those statistics are a small percentage lol
YEs so could there be intervinging and compounding factors, as well as validity and realiablity issues with your statement. YES MAYBE YOU SHOULD LEARN STATISTICS. What tests did you use to determine that number of x-fire players is correlative of total number of players. What was your alpha, what was your Ho, was is SSD, was its experimimental and thus valid or pre or quasi. NO ACTUAL STATISTICS WERE OFFERED SO MANYBE YOU SHOULD GO BACK TO SCHOOL AND LEARN SOME.
Statistically, you would have to run a test to prove this not just claim it. Now that we are talking about statistics.
But this maybe indicitive of population or not. Why not just look at offical/character count progs as they will be more accurate. And they do say pops down, and SE has also reacted in thsi fashion by merging servers.
But using X-fire at all as a sole predictor is a very flawed concept/method.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
The only reason why xfire users get bashed is because many of the people that do use it are like Honeymoon69. If you use it That's 1 seemingly intelligent user to "over 9000" tools.
P.S. Chuck Norris hates xfire.
My theme song.
aye who uses xfire with 360 and ps2 :X? lol
Statistics isn't a science. You don't have to run tests to "prove" anything. It's essentially just data analysis and mathematics.
However I didn't provide any form of statistics. I just questioned (well, pretty much asserted) the value of Xfire statistics. If we look at factors that can effect X-fire subscription numbers, like for instance that Japanese players don't use Xfire because it's not a Japanese program, it's pretty much a given that Xfire isn't going to have any validity when comparing subscription numbers to other MMOs because there is going to be far less of a precentage of subscribers who use Xfire with FFXI.
There are no official character counts. There may be programs to gather data and official estimates at any given date (and from there you can make projections via statistical analysis), but for the most part this information is usually heavily guarded by any MMO developers... except for maybe Blizzard who loves to tote their subscription numbers. Yeah, the population went down, again that's a give and in fact Xfire data proves that.
What Xfire is good for is determining if there is a drop in subscribers. I never once said it should be used as a sole "predictor" (we aren't predicting anything though, we're looking at already known data not making projections). It's a large enough (even with the relatively small number of FFXI subscribers who use it) data pool, just like surveys can be used to determine people's opinions on political canidates. If Xfire numbers are dropping for that specific game, then it's very indicative that subscriber numbers as a whole as dropped.
It's doesn't mean it's wholely accurate, and if you can find more accurate numbers like official subscriber estimates or financial reports from the company relating to that specific MMO, then that's better to base these things on.
Statistics isn't a science. You don't have to run tests to "prove" anything. It's essentially just data analysis and mathematics.
However I didn't provide any form of statistics. I just questioned (well, pretty much asserted) the value of Xfire statistics. If we look at factors that can effect X-fire subscription numbers, like for instance that Japanese players don't use Xfire because it's not a Japanese program, it's pretty much a given that Xfire isn't going to have any validity when comparing subscription numbers to other MMOs because there is going to be far less of a precentage of subscribers who use Xfire with FFXI.
There are no official character counts. There may be programs to gather data and official estimates at any given date (and from there you can make projections via statistical analysis), but for the most part this information is usually heavily guarded by any MMO developers... except for maybe Blizzard who loves to tote their subscription numbers. Yeah, the population went down, again that's a give and in fact Xfire data proves that.
What Xfire is good for is determining if there is a drop in subscribers. I never once said it should be used as a sole "predictor" (we aren't predicting anything though, we're looking at already known data not making projections). It's a large enough (even with the relatively small number of FFXI subscribers who use it) data pool, just like surveys can be used to determine people's opinions on political canidates. If Xfire numbers are dropping for that specific game, then it's very indicative that subscriber numbers as a whole as dropped.
It's doesn't mean it's wholely accurate, and if you can find more accurate numbers like official subscriber estimates or financial reports from the company relating to that specific MMO, then that's better to base these things on.
They probably do, but it would be difficult to tell if they lost subscription numbers recently from that data if you had no recent character count. I did mention that you'd usually get official subscription numbers from financial reports if the company is publically traded and some companies do release these reports even if they aren't and these are going to be a much better indication of subscription numbers, but you can still estimate based on Xfire losses the number of subscribers instead of waiting for a quarterly or even annual report.
EDIT: Basically the gist of what I'm trying to say here is Xfire is a bad tool to use to judge actual subscription numbers, but it can still be use to determine if there was a loss of subscribers over a period of X time although not completely accurate.
I don't like xfire. But I'd like to see a Steam distribution of FFXIV.
Great point.
Mag , character counts is once agian a bad inaccurate variable to test becuase they can differ based on each subscription and player. Each subscription is a better method of determining this. Once agian how does x fire data correlate to anything i believe it has been well discussed that at face value this is not a valid variable to draw correlations. And without a test proving it has SSD as a variable, is not statistics but person opinion , so you can talk like you know statistics, but there are rules in statistics. Most people that do studies don't even know them, but statistics maybe a soft sicence , but it has rules. Statistics does not equal simple logic. Your argument use simple logic not statistics.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
The game was released b4 stem poped on the scene so this would also be a poor measurement at face value.
"Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one ..." - Thomas Paine
Not seeing the relevance of your reply.