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Stiff... I'm not too impressed with the next gen combat at all.
I'm playing DC Universe this week instead of playing Rift.
I logged into Rift for 20 minutes, played and promptly logged out.
Rift is a "better" game, but DC Universe is more "fun", DCU movement and combat feels more fluid and alive.
ya very unimpressed, similar to war in its pve , just a very confused and boring layout, combat sounds were blah.
I know 15 million people in the beta that will disagree with that.
instead of saying 15 million people will disagree , tell me why you like the combat in rift?
I dont think there's quite that many, but I'm sure there are a ton. Combat wasn't that great in my opinion, but it wasn't that aweful either. Don't think it is meant to be Rift's selling pint though.
0118 999 881 999 119 725... 3
this adds no contribuition to the discussion, if YOU disagree then, tell us why, with arguments... I hate comments like these.
Future: WoD, SWTOR, Arche Age, Tera (maybe), GW2.
Present: None.
Past: Eve, RIFT, UO, bunch of F2P crap.
A lot of people want games that play like regular mmos. But a lot of people are also sick of it o.o
Im sick of the usual way MMO games play as well which is why I stopped playing those types of games. Right now Im enjoyiing DCUO, ME2(for the millionth time), Majesty 2 (With my semi sandbox map custom map CUZ THE EVIL DEVS DIDNT BOTHER MAKING A SANDBOX MODE! x.x) and Roller Coaster Tycoon @_@
Im not sayign Rift is bad though...its more in between-ish in its combat. I could play it but I know Id get bored of it because I have just played one too many games that play the same way. Yes there are a ton of skill trees, etc...but it still plays like a ton of other games o.o And Im getting sick of fantasy games too...We need moar sci fi @_@
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( o.o)
**This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**
Frankly, if you don't like the combat in Rift, then you probably don't like it in WOW, EQ, EQ2, WAR, AC2, DAOC, FFXI, Lineage 2, LOTRO, etc... I'm sure there are more but these are the only ones I've played that share this identical combat system.
I like it alright. Certainly not the best MMO combat I've experienced but it does the job.
I enjoy Rift and will be buying it.
That said,I do agree that the combat in Rift could stand to use a little more flavor.all attacks look the same,only difference between skill attacks and auto attack is the light streaming effect coming off your blade(s).More action oriented moves and styles couldnt hurt.Maybe expand a little more on the different combat styles per race/gender.
Some of the animations are not so great either,I wasnt liking the look of my dwarf character with a 2her.
lol, Beta = Free game play, the real test will be if they buy the game after trying beta.....
you can make that 14,999,999. I'm messing around with the Beta here and there, but I doubt I'll buy the game. I've been playing MMOs way to long to be held by the hand the way this game keeps you on rails.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
Here's the thing, I like Strawberry Ice Cream, but if all I ate was Strawberry Ice Cream over the last 8 years I might get sick of it.... Doesn't change the fact that I used to like it once upon a time
May I also add to tell you that combat is not normally like this. You're experiencing the next-gen 'lagged' combat. This closed beta is by far the worst of them all. Trion made a dumb decision by giving access to this beta for so many. It's sad that I can't even login (being a former beta player) thanks to all these new kids. On top of that, when in-game i'm experiencing this laggy next-gen combat.
Needs to be fixed, asap.
I wish I could bring myself to pay $15 a month solely for the combat of a game.
I got lucky, played over 5 hrs today and had no lag with graphics at max... but I did have a few friends that were complaining about it...
I don't think lag is the issue with combat, its more of a failed art style, lack of animations and stiff movements makes it rather boring to watch.
Not frame lag, i'm speaking on network (ping lag). I counted several times were all of our pings skyrocketed to 25,000. It's a simple fact of they shouldn't of given this many keys out with lack of preparation. I am from beta 2, and cannot even access my lvl 27 toon to go hit lvl 30 due to server cap. I see a lot of medium populated servers, but there is also a lacking of new guys going to those servers, or my ability to switch my character(s) to them.
Maybe i missed something, but when did rift say it was next gen combat? If it did, that's pretty laughable on their part.
Is it boring compared to fps sort of twitch? Of course. But it seems to be a normal MMO combat system to me.
Combat seems fine for an mmo. It's typical mmo combat. I'm not sure why there are so many complaints on this forum about it.
Yea it's the same type of combat as most MMO's but I have to say, making your character play the way you want by mixing and matching the abilities of your three souls has me interested.
As of right now I'm going for more of a, 2-3 basic attack abilities with requirement abilities(ie miss, dodge, parry ect) . Keeps my fingers moving and having to react to what abilites I have available at that time makes combat a lot faster moving for me. But then again I've done that with most MMO's, my keybinds are just crazy sometimes, but it's what I enjoy the most I guess.
Rift feels clunky in several aspects, most notably character movement and combat. Not a big fan of how nearly every class uses combo points either.
Animation is not fluid like WoW and chracter dont make any sound either when taking hits or playing emotion.
Well I don't know. I find the combat a heck of a lot better than in LotRO (for example).
i know when i playing RIFT im having lots of fun and do not find the combat boring at all. I tried DCUonline it was tooo much fast pace and i really didnt like it, as for WoW (LMAO) im not gonna go there because combat there is wayyyy too easy.
For a MMORPG, I consider it next-gen. For most that is, of this style. Compare it to titles like WoW.
I'm in the beta, and I agree with the OP that RIFT combat is very boring...and clunky. It's really bad. My brother just got in the beta...he said it before I even told him my opinion.