All I will say is, yet another example of someone finding some reason to not like the game, then expecting that because they don't like it, the game sucks and is doomed for failure. Well, it seems he will play for six months before dumping the game, so even then I have to wonder what the rant was about in the first place?
All I will say is, yet another example of someone finding some reason to not like the game, then expecting that because they don't like it, the game sucks and is doomed for failure. Well, it seems he will play for six months before dumping the game, so even then I have to wonder what the rant was about in the first place?
first of all I like the game very much. my concern is the over reach by Trion to listen to community. As if they don't trust themselves. Not saying that feedback is not important but it should be always be taken with a grain of salt. Like with anything else. I got the pre-order and did 6 months so I'm commited for that long as least. Where as most will quit after 3 months.
I'm going to quit exactly after 3 months, make sure I have all my epics though and I'm level 50. Make sure that I raided all the best dungeons on the hardest difficulty and got all the phattest loot.
I'm going to quit after I get a very high rank in PvP and all the best loot from the PvP factions. I'm going to quit after I already spent $60.00 on the collectors edition because I need the cool turtle mount and spent about $30-$45 dollars on the three months it took to get all this stuff.
I'm going to quit when I have crafted all the best stuff that you can craft and made millions of plat on the auction house.
I'm going to quit after I accomplished all of this stuff because the game sucks.
Yeah, thats why...the game is sucxkzor and I'm definately going to quit!
After I have enough fun, in spite of myself, I am going to quit because this game is terrible.
But I will make sure as I am playing this game that I go to the forums and talk about how much I hate this game and that its the worst.
I thought this game had promise, but with the OPs fantastic post I now know the game is fail. Yep it sure convinced me. Guess I shouldn't play and forget everything I've seen in Beta. Yep.
I really had high hopes for this game. I believe Trion would finally have the break through in mmo market that engage on vets like myself but I was wrong. It's turns out that Trion doesn't believe in their concept of their own game at all. We could go down the list from server types to all the way to female's clothing. Once someone makes a campaign thread, Trion caves in to there demands. I don't know who is really designing this game Trion or the rift community? This game is going to fail with the first 6 months because Trion takes too much stock in what the player base thinks. Asking who is really running the ship?
Tailoring the game to suit players, in my opinion thats good, but I can see from below that you are the type of player that whine about almost everything, if they don't listen to players, it's bad, if they don't listen to you, it's still bad. As for your question. The players and the developers, this should a team effort nontheless, and thank god its not run by you.
The first was the server type. Why can't Trion just release their verison of a server type and let the community react after the fact. This worked in Daoc, they had one type of server with was normal, after a while they release a co op server and full pvp server. they did that without destroying the player base. Maybe if Trion would of came out and said what a normal type of server was, then maybe there wouldn't be some much confusion. I'm not really against either pvp or pve server but I would be nice to have normal server that implimented both first before release other types.
As far as I know, there are only PvE, PvP and PvE RP server, not exactly abnormal list of servers ???
The second more mind boggling thing is female clothing. This has turning into a full out war. The gripe of female showing too much skin with their armor. I have to be honest and say I never notice this since I don't pay too much attendation to the armor that my character is wearing. In fact I don't believe anyone does, but that is just my opinion. Turns out that there is small group of people that want to have an option to cover their character skin. My first reaction was what is really behind this, it turns out to be a emotional out cry because of their moral code that they want to keep. I saw threw this as religious christians trying impose their will on fictional fantasy game.(which I'll never understand why their playing this one) My first thought was this is Trion art direction if you don't like it, its a free country buy a game with the art direction you like. Kind of like buying a dress, if someone doesn't like the dress don't you return it? Why would anyone keep the dress and bitch at the designer? I could go on all day but I won't here.
Agree, some people needs to man up and look at females with skin. or woman up in some cases.
Third, allowing dual server. This is what really got me up and arms. Trion didn't bother to make sure that players can't play for both sides on the same server. This just makes my blood boil. Mainly because If company makes a game based on teams. Why in the Fuck would game desiger allow players to play for both sides? It destroys pvp content all together. Players shouldn't be allowed to play on both sides for any reason. Its like having Kobe Bryant play for the LA and Boston in a championship match. It just stupid. Please someone explain that one to me.
This is because some people, like me, have friends on both sides, it would suck to be only able to play with one group of friends, unless you want to let me use my Defiant and join a Guardians Guild :P. Therefore, I hope Trion doesn't cave in to your suggestion, or else I'll refer to you paragraph 1.
Fourth thing, oh yes Dungeon finder. I can't believe Trion allow this crap before the game has even started. Let me note that I'm not totally against this feature but I do hate the idea of it. Why you ask? Well my number one reason is mainly how the community will behave. I would support a dungeon finder only allowed players that have a quest related to the dungeon only and it would have to be server only not cross. I understand why this feature is need but since Trion pretty much it possible for 3 out of the 4 class have the ability to have tank specs or heal why add this feature? In other games, mainly WoW, this feature turns the communities on any server into lobby area making the game feel like single player game. What incentive will any player have if they don't have to mingle with the players on the server. And in this game they pretty much gave every class four specs and they still need dungeon finder? its just a joke. Rogues can even tank so finding a group can't be that hard. The next request will be for raid finder.
Well I'm not all for dungeon Finder, but I hope there is a improved version of it, like at lesat be able to be friends with the people in your group. Plus this is a great idea to lessen enormous amount of LFG HEALER in world chat. As for cross server, I don't really care, met new people, sure, no? whatevers.
Lastly, Dps meters. lol lol lol. This lastest request I know that Trion will cave on, will once again make rift feel like wow. The idea that a player sucks just because don't support or don't do enough damage on a boss is just silly. The silly are argument that anyone will hear are, "I have to know what everyone is doing" I don't want to carry anyone" and my favorite one, "its a way to kick the sucky players out" (let me laugh for a moment lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol) In a game where there are infinite amount of builds and Trion allowing players to build their character how ever they want. WTF do you know about dps? What makes you think that a dps meter will help you? I also find it funny that with google, youtube, fansites, and boss encounter sites that they still need dps meter.(lol lol lol lol lol) The most important thing in any raid is that the players know the fights. if the players don't know the fight, it won't matter about dps meter. Is it really hard to learn the fights and teach it to group of people? I mean come on. What happen to learning how to make friends and having resources? Learning the encounters in a raid takes more skills than knowing what a dps meter is. Dps meter can't tell anyone if players knows the encounters. So why use it again?
Yeah, looking at the FAT Marco button in the system menu makes me cry, I support the whole need to rebuff yourself, but buffers that do auto-pot, use the 'ohshit' skills when needed, those are retarded, they make gamers become bots. Same theory with the dps meter, a game shouldn't be only about the numbers, it should be able working together, and making the gaming experience fun, not looking at a damn bar trying to deplete/fill it.
In summary I would like to say that more and more I feel that rift is turning on a game I played before. If I get that feeling i'm pretty sure others are too. I don't understand why we can't let Trion tryout their vision for the game first. Not everything that the communty suggests is a good thing. At best Trion job is to produce the content and my job is play the content. That is pretty much it. Trion makes the rules and we follow the rules not the other way around. With major part of the community coming from WoW and asking for wow feature, this will ruin the game before it gets off the ground. It's really sad that Trion can't stick with their vision of the game. I paid my 6 months but Trion keeps listening to the community bad ideas then this game will fail by the time my sub is up.(worst thing ever F2p. God I don't want that to happen) It will have nothing to do with other games coming out, than it has to do with Trion losing control of their game.
Not many people wants this game to fail, as bad as the game may sound now, its really one of the much better games coming out since WoW, only Aion has been part of the conversation since 2004.
ps: your title says its over before it starts, that sounds like a really cliche phase that absolutely contradicts itself, nothing can be OVER before it actually STARTS, its like saying a PC malfunctioned before it was manufactured.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
All I will say is, yet another example of someone finding some reason to not like the game, then expecting that because they don't like it, the game sucks and is doomed for failure. Well, it seems he will play for six months before dumping the game, so even then I have to wonder what the rant was about in the first place?
first of all I like the game very much. my concern is the over reach by Trion to listen to community. As if they don't trust themselves. Not saying that feedback is not important but it should be always be taken with a grain of salt. Like with anything else. I got the pre-order and did 6 months so I'm commited for that long as least. Where as most will quit after 3 months.
Well first, I wish I had your psychic powers of deduction as I would use them to win several lotteries and spend the rest of my days somewhere like the Charlisangels Resort. Now I'm not saying you can't make an educated guess as to the future of the game but please stop claiming to know as fact that which no one knows for sure.
And like another poster has mentioned, if Trion is really causing you to be this angry, why the hell would you press one penny into their hands? I just don't get it.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
I really had high hopes for this game. I believe Trion would finally have the break through in mmo market that engage on vets like myself but I was wrong. It's turns out that Trion doesn't believe in their concept of their own game at all. We could go down the list from server types to all the way to female's clothing. Once someone makes a campaign thread, Trion caves in to there demands. I don't know who is really designing this game Trion or the rift community? This game is going to fail with the first 6 months because Trion takes too much stock in what the player base thinks. Asking who is really running the ship?
The first was the server type. Why can't Trion just release their verison of a server type and let the community react after the fact. This worked in Daoc, they had one type of server with was normal, after a while they release a co op server and full pvp server. they did that without destroying the player base. Maybe if Trion would of came out and said what a normal type of server was, then maybe there wouldn't be some much confusion. I'm not really against either pvp or pve server but I would be nice to have normal server that implimented both first before release other types.
The second more mind boggling thing is female clothing. This has turning into a full out war. The gripe of female showing too much skin with their armor. I have to be honest and say I never notice this since I don't pay too much attendation to the armor that my character is wearing. In fact I don't believe anyone does, but that is just my opinion. Turns out that there is small group of people that want to have an option to cover their character skin. My first reaction was what is really behind this, it turns out to be a emotional out cry because of their moral code that they want to keep. I saw threw this as religious christians trying impose their will on fictional fantasy game.(which I'll never understand why their playing this one) My first thought was this is Trion art direction if you don't like it, its a free country buy a game with the art direction you like. Kind of like buying a dress, if someone doesn't like the dress don't you return it? Why would anyone keep the dress and bitch at the designer? I could go on all day but I won't here.
Third, allowing dual server. This is what really got me up and arms. Trion didn't bother to make sure that players can't play for both sides on the same server. This just makes my blood boil. Mainly because If company makes a game based on teams. Why in the Fuck would game desiger allow players to play for both sides? It destroys pvp content all together. Players shouldn't be allowed to play on both sides for any reason. Its like having Kobe Bryant play for the LA and Boston in a championship match. It just stupid. Please someone explain that one to me.
Fourth thing, oh yes Dungeon finder. I can't believe Trion allow this crap before the game has even started. Let me note that I'm not totally against this feature but I do hate the idea of it. Why you ask? Well my number one reason is mainly how the community will behave. I would support a dungeon finder only allowed players that have a quest related to the dungeon only and it would have to be server only not cross. I understand why this feature is need but since Trion pretty much it possible for 3 out of the 4 class have the ability to have tank specs or heal why add this feature? In other games, mainly WoW, this feature turns the communities on any server into lobby area making the game feel like single player game. What incentive will any player have if they don't have to mingle with the players on the server. And in this game they pretty much gave every class four specs and they still need dungeon finder? its just a joke. Rogues can even tank so finding a group can't be that hard. The next request will be for raid finder.
Lastly, Dps meters. lol lol lol. This lastest request I know that Trion will cave on, will once again make rift feel like wow. The idea that a player sucks just because don't support or don't do enough damage on a boss is just silly. The silly are argument that anyone will hear are, "I have to know what everyone is doing" I don't want to carry anyone" and my favorite one, "its a way to kick the sucky players out" (let me laugh for a moment lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol) In a game where there are infinite amount of builds and Trion allowing players to build their character how ever they want. WTF do you know about dps? What makes you think that a dps meter will help you? I also find it funny that with google, youtube, fansites, and boss encounter sites that they still need dps meter.(lol lol lol lol lol) The most important thing in any raid is that the players know the fights. if the players don't know the fight, it won't matter about dps meter. Is it really hard to learn the fights and teach it to group of people? I mean come on. What happen to learning how to make friends and having resources? Learning the encounters in a raid takes more skills than knowing what a dps meter is. Dps meter can't tell anyone if players knows the encounters. So why use it again?
In summary I would like to say that more and more I feel that rift is turning on a game I played before. If I get that feeling i'm pretty sure others are too. I don't understand why we can't let Trion tryout their vision for the game first. Not everything that the communty suggests is a good thing. At best Trion job is to produce the content and my job is play the content. That is pretty much it. Trion makes the rules and we follow the rules not the other way around. With major part of the community coming from WoW and asking for wow feature, this will ruin the game before it gets off the ground. It's really sad that Trion can't stick with their vision of the game. I paid my 6 months but Trion keeps listening to the community bad ideas then this game will fail by the time my sub is up.(worst thing ever F2p. God I don't want that to happen) It will have nothing to do with other games coming out, than it has to do with Trion losing control of their game.
You are not against the idea entirely, and yet you hate it? I think hate is one of, if not the, strongest words to use when you are "against" something.
Your job is to play the content. It is not a job it is a game. Maybe Trion's rule is to listen to the community more? Where are your figures about where Rift's community is comming from? These WoW features you refer to are not WoW features they are features indicative of the MMO genre. I cannot stand it when people complain about features as if WoW or EQ or AoC have creative control over them. The features used in a MMO whether innovative or not become a feature that is used to describe MMO's as a genre. Its like complaining that Modern Warfare 2 copied Wolfenstein 3D because MW2 is a shooter using first-person perspective.
Have you stopped to think that maybe Trion's vision of the game is a game based off community ideas and suggestions? The answer, No. You have no inside information on what Trion is planning nor their design philosphy. You have this corrupt idea in your head of what Trion is doing and why. Your last sentence should read as follows: "It's really sad that Trion can't stick with what I think their vision of the game should be."
I am not even sure how we are supposed to reply to that rant but I think I can have fun saying this take those complaints to WoW you obviously were just angry at the wrong devs. Its like you wanted to fight Jean-Claude Van Damme and settled for Steven Seagal. Either wya if you go point by point you get your a** kicked. To quote the OP "This game is going to fail with the first 6 months because Trion takes too much stock in what the player base thinks."
So basically OP is just going on and on about how bad it is that Trion LISTENS to and responds quickly to their player base. It would seem that the OP would rather have a dev dictator in charge that would never give in to his paying subjects!
And here I thought Trion finally caved and they implemented a boobs slider. So disapponted OP ... my hopes are crashed.
(OOC: I've been trying really hard to create a decently looking female character in LOTRO. Is that even possible? I ended up making a dwarf, don't ask.)
ps: your title says its over before it starts, that sounds like a really cliche phase that absolutely contradicts itself, nothing can be OVER before it actually STARTS, its like saying a PC malfunctioned before it was manufactured.
The game already started, Just didn't launch officially.. Fail example is fail
But its not Open Beta yet, so some people are bound to have not played the game and wants to play :P therfore, NOT STARTED xD
ps: this isn't off topic right? I mean....we are talking about the validity of the title
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW? As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Game starts = Characters are not getting wiped after a week.
Some people have no idea of what beta is all about, especially an actual beta like this one.
Also for the record, whatever I saw in the beta I consider them just a taste. Either a taste of things that will not get any better than this or a taste of things far greater that I've seen so far. Only the full game release will tell me which is which.
One more thing, all changes happening in the beta are by definition adjustments. I would argue that even some months into the actual launch and we can still call them adjustments and not nerfs or whatever demeaning adjective you can find. With such an open system, I expect these adjustments to happen a lot. Now, who will get favored, the PvPers or the PvErs, that's another hot coal discussion entirely.
I honestly hope that Trion won't listen to players like this. His post makes no sense to me and not all changes are improvements. Even WoW suffered a lot from players that wanted it their way. It certainly does not have to be all the players way.
I have been playing in all the Rift beta events, this week to be included, "IT ROCKS" I have played in dozens of beta's and as a general rule they get better, if this game gets better then hold on to something. I am so ready for the full game release. I have already pre-ordered the collectors edition and I know it will cut into my wow and other mmo time severly... until Trion proves me wrong...........they rock and keep it up.......!
LFG tools are fine, in my opinion. Some form of board where you advertise your group, some small description of what you're after and so on.
The automated tool that spans through servers is not though. The difference between a random group by that automated tool and the GW1 henchmen, is that the henchment are less greedy.
A new game is about to be released. Someone call a whaaaaaaaaambulance.
Wouldn't it be easier to just quit now?. Get a refund?.
Save yourself the heartache and whine that will eventually follow.
All I will say is, yet another example of someone finding some reason to not like the game, then expecting that because they don't like it, the game sucks and is doomed for failure. Well, it seems he will play for six months before dumping the game, so even then I have to wonder what the rant was about in the first place?
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
first of all I like the game very much. my concern is the over reach by Trion to listen to community. As if they don't trust themselves. Not saying that feedback is not important but it should be always be taken with a grain of salt. Like with anything else. I got the pre-order and did 6 months so I'm commited for that long as least. Where as most will quit after 3 months.
Read my blog
I won't be one of them at this rate.
.. But in a good way.
I'm going to quit exactly after 3 months, make sure I have all my epics though and I'm level 50. Make sure that I raided all the best dungeons on the hardest difficulty and got all the phattest loot.
I'm going to quit after I get a very high rank in PvP and all the best loot from the PvP factions. I'm going to quit after I already spent $60.00 on the collectors edition because I need the cool turtle mount and spent about $30-$45 dollars on the three months it took to get all this stuff.
I'm going to quit when I have crafted all the best stuff that you can craft and made millions of plat on the auction house.
I'm going to quit after I accomplished all of this stuff because the game sucks.
Yeah, thats why...the game is sucxkzor and I'm definately going to quit!
After I have enough fun, in spite of myself, I am going to quit because this game is terrible.
But I will make sure as I am playing this game that I go to the forums and talk about how much I hate this game and that its the worst.
Yeah, yeah, thats it!
Soooo you're planning or playing for 6 months. Are you planning to post stuff like that during those 6 months too?
I thought this game had promise, but with the OPs fantastic post I now know the game is fail. Yep it sure convinced me. Guess I shouldn't play and forget everything I've seen in Beta. Yep.
ps: your title says its over before it starts, that sounds like a really cliche phase that absolutely contradicts itself, nothing can be OVER before it actually STARTS, its like saying a PC malfunctioned before it was manufactured.
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Well first, I wish I had your psychic powers of deduction as I would use them to win several lotteries and spend the rest of my days somewhere like the Charlisangels Resort. Now I'm not saying you can't make an educated guess as to the future of the game but please stop claiming to know as fact that which no one knows for sure.
And like another poster has mentioned, if Trion is really causing you to be this angry, why the hell would you press one penny into their hands? I just don't get it.
"Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, we were called by the Admin of the site . . . "
This has been a fun thread to read. Good stuff.
While indeed I found the female armour look silly, nothing the OP mentioned was of real concern to me. *shrug*
Strange, how different points of view can be... My critique goes more with the inside gameplay mechanics instead of these kind of surface issues.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
You are not against the idea entirely, and yet you hate it? I think hate is one of, if not the, strongest words to use when you are "against" something.
Your job is to play the content. It is not a job it is a game. Maybe Trion's rule is to listen to the community more? Where are your figures about where Rift's community is comming from? These WoW features you refer to are not WoW features they are features indicative of the MMO genre. I cannot stand it when people complain about features as if WoW or EQ or AoC have creative control over them. The features used in a MMO whether innovative or not become a feature that is used to describe MMO's as a genre. Its like complaining that Modern Warfare 2 copied Wolfenstein 3D because MW2 is a shooter using first-person perspective.
Have you stopped to think that maybe Trion's vision of the game is a game based off community ideas and suggestions? The answer, No. You have no inside information on what Trion is planning nor their design philosphy. You have this corrupt idea in your head of what Trion is doing and why. Your last sentence should read as follows: "It's really sad that Trion can't stick with what I think their vision of the game should be."
Edit: Forgot 3D at end of Wolfenstein.
I am not even sure how we are supposed to reply to that rant but I think I can have fun saying this take those complaints to WoW you obviously were just angry at the wrong devs. Its like you wanted to fight Jean-Claude Van Damme and settled for Steven Seagal. Either wya if you go point by point you get your a** kicked. To quote the OP "This game is going to fail with the first 6 months because Trion takes too much stock in what the player base thinks."
So basically OP is just going on and on about how bad it is that Trion LISTENS to and responds quickly to their player base. It would seem that the OP would rather have a dev dictator in charge that would never give in to his paying subjects!
As others have stated, this was a fun read!
Thanks, OP!
And here I thought Trion finally caved and they implemented a boobs slider. So disapponted OP ... my hopes are crashed.
(OOC: I've been trying really hard to create a decently looking female character in LOTRO. Is that even possible? I ended up making a dwarf, don't ask.)
But its not Open Beta yet, so some people are bound to have not played the game and wants to play :P therfore, NOT STARTED xD
ps: this isn't off topic right? I mean....we are talking about the validity of the title
How much WoW could a WoWhater hate, if a WoWhater could hate WoW?
As much WoW as a WoWhater would, if a WoWhater could hate WoW.
Game starts = Characters are not getting wiped after a week.
Some people have no idea of what beta is all about, especially an actual beta like this one.
Also for the record, whatever I saw in the beta I consider them just a taste. Either a taste of things that will not get any better than this or a taste of things far greater that I've seen so far. Only the full game release will tell me which is which.
One more thing, all changes happening in the beta are by definition adjustments. I would argue that even some months into the actual launch and we can still call them adjustments and not nerfs or whatever demeaning adjective you can find. With such an open system, I expect these adjustments to happen a lot. Now, who will get favored, the PvPers or the PvErs, that's another hot coal discussion entirely.
I honestly hope that Trion won't listen to players like this. His post makes no sense to me and not all changes are improvements. Even WoW suffered a lot from players that wanted it their way. It certainly does not have to be all the players way.
I have been playing in all the Rift beta events, this week to be included, "IT ROCKS" I have played in dozens of beta's and as a general rule they get better, if this game gets better then hold on to something. I am so ready for the full game release. I have already pre-ordered the collectors edition and I know it will cut into my wow and other mmo time severly... until Trion proves me wrong...........they rock and keep it up.......!
if a dungeon finder tool ends up in this game i wont touch it.
They are going to close their doors after Beta 7!
Ms. Cleo says so!
It is what it is, don't like it don't play.
LFG tools are fine, in my opinion. Some form of board where you advertise your group, some small description of what you're after and so on.
The automated tool that spans through servers is not though. The difference between a random group by that automated tool and the GW1 henchmen, is that the henchment are less greedy.