"now has about 1.7 million active subscribers playing the online multiplayer title, which Brown said represents a mix of users who already have signed up for a paid subscription and users who have given their credit cards over, but have not yet had their paid plans kick in."
There you have it.
The actual current subscribers who have actually paid and not just entered their credit card information must be absolutely awful if they won't state the number in public.
Any one mind doing another thread
probably should since people seem to be ignoring this link...
I know it's crazy right at first people ignored generated,had, and/or active now people are ignoring the red. Crazy indeed.
and it's still going maybe someone should make a thread with this link heh
Or atleast the OP updates his post, something lol.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
"BioWare has delivered a game that millions will play for a long time"
My paraphrasing of what was said about SWTOR's launch on the conference call:
Sold-through 2 million units since December.
1.7 million active subs. Rest have not started yet or have opted out.
Metrics suggest players are loving game.
Unique logins 1 million per day, average playtime 4 hours per day.
Server performance allowed introduction of players faster than expected in pre-order.
Server stability has been excellent.
Lack of congestion was not sign of slow participtaion. Shortly after launch, server efficiency was doubled, allowing servers to handle far more players and lifting the limits previously experienced.
Next phase- new content, frequent releases and aggressively courting new subs.
Another major update in March, larger than most recent one.
Adopting rates are trending favorably.
Ambitious plan to reach broader market with new marketing buys, will be seeing that soon.
I can also predict: that MY new MMO will be played by millions for a long time!
See how this works?
Those notes from someone who participated and listened in on EA's conference call with respect to EA's performance this past quarter.
The information above was provided by EA directly.
Those number were accurate as of 31 December. What it is telling you is that over 300,000 people canceled their ACTIVE subscription between the 20th of December and the 31 st December. So in effect SWTOR lost 300,000+ subs over an 11 day period.
Some of you seem to have problems with the difference between having a subscription and having an active supscription. Having a subscription means you can log in and play but does not actually mean you have a credit card on file with authorization for billing. Having an ACTIVE subscription means you have a credit card on file and have authorized future billing.
Say what?
In the entire history of accounts you have to pay to use (not just MMO's).
Active = you can log in
Inactive = you cannot log in.
Active subscription = you are actively paying a subscription fee.
Being a Pending subscriber or potential subscriber has absolutely nothing to do with being an active subscriber. The only number that should have been protrayed as "active subscribers" was the number of people who had paid in one form or another.. for a subscription at the time of the call. Not those who might pay but could cancel before they can be billed.
I don't like the game but I accepted the numbers and in my first post .. said good for EA. I didn't expect that number was made up of any group of people who hadn't actually paid a subscription fee... that's just a tad odd in my opinion.
Why do you think EA made it so you need to give your payment details even if you wanted to only use your free 30 days?
1. People might forget to unsubscribe even if dissatisfied.
2. If you don't have a CC(which is not uncommon in EU or among minors in US), you need to buy a GTC along the game just to be able to play.
3. It pretties up statistics like these, because if you gave EA your CC details and allow them to place charges to it they can legitimately claim your an active subscriber. Its the act of giving them permission to bill you that makes you a active subscriber, not the actual transfer of funds that may occur at a later date.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
Why do you think EA made it so you need to give your payment details even if you wanted to only use your free 30 days?
1. People might forget to unsubscribe even if dissatisfied.
2. If you don't have a CC(which is not uncommon in EU or among minors in US), you need to buy a GTC along the game just to be able to play.
3. It pretties up statistics like these, because if you gave EA your CC details and allow them to place charges to it they can legitimately claim your an active subscriber. Its the act of giving them permission to bill you that makes you a active subscriber, not the actual transfer of funds that may occur at a later date.
glad to see all common sense has not been lost here:)
EA investor relations? That's like going to the fed.gov website to get economic data.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
"BioWare has delivered a game that millions will play for a long time"
My paraphrasing of what was said about SWTOR's launch on the conference call:
Sold-through 2 million units since December.
1.7 million active subs. Rest have not started yet or have opted out.
Metrics suggest players are loving game.
Unique logins 1 million per day, average playtime 4 hours per day.
Server performance allowed introduction of players faster than expected in pre-order.
Server stability has been excellent.
Lack of congestion was not sign of slow participtaion. Shortly after launch, server efficiency was doubled, allowing servers to handle far more players and lifting the limits previously experienced.
Next phase- new content, frequent releases and aggressively courting new subs.
Another major update in March, larger than most recent one.
Adopting rates are trending favorably.
Ambitious plan to reach broader market with new marketing buys, will be seeing that soon.
I can also predict: that MY new MMO will be played by millions for a long time!
See how this works?
Those notes from someone who participated and listened in on EA's conference call with respect to EA's performance this past quarter.
The information above was provided by EA directly.
SWOOOSH, there goes the point. Flying high above your head.
I still predict that my coming mmo wil be played by millions!
"BioWare has delivered a game that millions will play for a long time"
What i can't figure is why some people have to continue to bash this game at every turn. I find TOR no more or less enjoyable with this news. The game is doing better than some had thought. Some people have stuck their necks out to bash and trash this game and are now sitting at the table eating a whopping bowl of crow. The game is not perfect by any means, but as long as Bioware keeps patching and adding in things that the playerbase asks for in a timely fashion, this game will continue to grow.
My server, like Wicked Jelly, has seen a decline. There are far fewer people playing now. There could be many reasons for this....the excitement has died down, people have went back to their game of choice, people are playing less....
My husband and I are still enjoying the game and both have just bought 60 day time cards. Whether we are still playing in 60 days remains to be seen. As long as I'm having fun, I'll stay.
Grats Bioware on the 1.7 subs, where ever they are....cause they sure aren't on my server.
What i can't figure is why some people have to continue to bash this game at every turn. I find TOR no more or less enjoyable with this news. The game is doing better than some had thought. Some people have stuck their necks out to bash and trash this game and are now sitting at the table eating a whopping bowl of crow. The game is not perfect by any means, but as long as Bioware keeps patching and adding in things that the playerbase asks for in a timely fashion, this game will continue to grow.
You mean start right? I'm not bashing or anything but jus like MMOs in the past I think only 1 actually started to grow and continue to grow
But how ever I'll back you up with it'll continue to improve in health and maintain that healthy playerbase which is possible.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
They can sell as many boxes and subs as they want, but I played their game one month and what I saw was a nice single-player game packed with a mediocre mmo. They made a lot of initial sales thanks to their single-game reputation and the Star Wars IP but LOTRO, WOW, RIFT are authentic good mmo's and they were that at launch already, SWTOR in its present state isn't a complete mmo and is unpolished so imo they should actually work on... core mmo functionalities and fix a lot of things before bragging of financial success, oh and maybe add serious space combat not the space invaders smartphone game they put in.
Good for them if they make money, I'll let them drink champagne with their shareholders and EA while I support and enjoy true mmo's :-)
Official market watch and financial reports by EA are lies.... This game is dying and everyone knows it. All you need to read is the xfire numbers. I get my info from xfire.. not these "official" market reports.
The writer of the article is obviously on the take.....and if anyong doesn't think so, you're naive to say the least.
lol I assume you're being sarcastic, but around here you never know.....
wasnt everyone forced to set up there subscription on Dec 20th i think it was in order to continue playing.. I remeber a thread about it cause all there servers,there Acct mana server couldnt handle it...
"Star Wars(R): The Old Republic(TM) has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month."
Over 2M boxes sold and, of those 2M boxes, 1.7M players set up an actual subscription to be be to enjoy the first free month past the grace period. No real surpises there.
"Star Wars: The Old Republic is developing a committed community of players with more than 1.7 million active subscribers and growing."
This could be somewhat surprising to many. That could be interpreted as that they lost almost no subscribers past the first free month, or that the number of subscribers was offset by new players coming into the game. Unless of course he's talking about subscribers to the community, but that would seem rather far fetched.
"--Star Wars: The Old Republic Has More Than 1.7 Million Active Subscribers". I wasn't sure if this is part of the actual report or if it's a summary interpretation. But then I read in another article (http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/339817/page/1) that SWTOR has 1.7 million active subscribers. "The majority of these subscribers are paying customers already." Eric Brown (EA CFO)
So the majority of the 1.7M "active subscribers" are paying customers. Part (less than half) of those active subscribers are still in their first free month.
"Star Wars(R): The Old Republic(TM) has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month."
Over 2M boxes sold and, of those 2M boxes, 1.7M players set up an actual subscription to be be to enjoy the first free month past the grace period. No real surpises there.
"Star Wars: The Old Republic is developing a committed community of players with more than 1.7 million active subscribers and growing."
This could be somewhat surprising to many. That could be interpreted as that they lost almost no subscribers past the first free month, or that the number of subscribers was offset by new players coming into the game. Unless of course he's talking about subscribers to the community, but that would seem rather far fetched.
"--Star Wars: The Old Republic Has More Than 1.7 Million Active Subscribers". I wasn't sure if this is part of the actual report or if it's a summary interpretation. But then I read in another article (http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/339817/page/1) that SWTOR has 1.7 million active subscribers. "The majority of these subscribers are paying customers already." Eric Brown (EA CFO)
So the majority of the 1.7M "active subscribers" are paying customers. Part (less than half) of those active subscribers are still in their first free month.
Yes, far less than half as TOR sold over 1.5 mil before and during early access.
Good for them maybe. I can't help but feel it's cleaverly worded and over all abiguous. I wish these types of reports were required to spell out the numbers and facts more clearly. The amount of debate as to how to interpete all of this is quite comical. I'm really suprised these reports don't have to be crystal clear. As an investor that spin factor would annoy me.
So the majority of the 1.7M "active subscribers" are paying customers. Part (less than half) of those active subscribers are still in their first free month.
Yes, far less than half as TOR sold over 1.5 mil before and during early access.
Well, I don't think it's the selling of the boxes that counts for when somebody started playing. It's when they created the account and put in the game code. I seem to remember BW/EA annoucing over 1M accounts somewhere around december 26th. That's not exactly 1.5M during early access, but still it doesn't sound bad at all.
The Haters heads are spinning right now trying tofund a way to spin this in a bad light.
Sorry guys, 1.7 million active players right now.
Deal with it.
That's the key dub, you found it.
Active players not subscribers, so we can all agree the arguments between many of the posters were a waste am I right?
We don't know how many are actively logging on, sources aren't pointing a good direction but active players indeed.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
Or atleast the OP updates his post, something lol.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
Those notes from someone who participated and listened in on EA's conference call with respect to EA's performance this past quarter.
The information above was provided by EA directly.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
You can get the reports, slide decks and I think even the audio of the conference calls here:
(info from same source on th SWTOR forums)
glad to see all common sense has not been lost here:)
EA investor relations? That's like going to the fed.gov website to get economic data.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
SWOOOSH, there goes the point. Flying high above your head.
I still predict that my coming mmo wil be played by millions!
"BioWare has delivered a game that millions will play for a long time"
What i can't figure is why some people have to continue to bash this game at every turn. I find TOR no more or less enjoyable with this news. The game is doing better than some had thought. Some people have stuck their necks out to bash and trash this game and are now sitting at the table eating a whopping bowl of crow. The game is not perfect by any means, but as long as Bioware keeps patching and adding in things that the playerbase asks for in a timely fashion, this game will continue to grow.
My server, like Wicked Jelly, has seen a decline. There are far fewer people playing now. There could be many reasons for this....the excitement has died down, people have went back to their game of choice, people are playing less....
My husband and I are still enjoying the game and both have just bought 60 day time cards. Whether we are still playing in 60 days remains to be seen. As long as I'm having fun, I'll stay.
Grats Bioware on the 1.7 subs, where ever they are....cause they sure aren't on my server.
You mean start right? I'm not bashing or anything but jus like MMOs in the past I think only 1 actually started to grow and continue to grow
But how ever I'll back you up with it'll continue to improve in health and maintain that healthy playerbase which is possible.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
They can sell as many boxes and subs as they want, but I played their game one month and what I saw was a nice single-player game packed with a mediocre mmo. They made a lot of initial sales thanks to their single-game reputation and the Star Wars IP but LOTRO, WOW, RIFT are authentic good mmo's and they were that at launch already, SWTOR in its present state isn't a complete mmo and is unpolished so imo they should actually work on... core mmo functionalities and fix a lot of things before bragging of financial success, oh and maybe add serious space combat not the space invaders smartphone game they put in.
Good for them if they make money, I'll let them drink champagne with their shareholders and EA while I support and enjoy true mmo's :-)
stopped after this.. its ANYTHING but.............. sorry
free to play in a month confirmed
lets now read the thread to see how the haters are spining this ^^
lol I assume you're being sarcastic, but around here you never know.....
Well the first month was free to play if you bought the box so it is f2p :P
spinned good enough?
It looks like he just made his account to post that too...ah, only on the internet!
wasnt everyone forced to set up there subscription on Dec 20th i think it was in order to continue playing.. I remeber a thread about it cause all there servers,there Acct mana server couldnt handle it...
"Star Wars(R): The Old Republic(TM) has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month."
Over 2M boxes sold and, of those 2M boxes, 1.7M players set up an actual subscription to be be to enjoy the first free month past the grace period. No real surpises there.
"Star Wars: The Old Republic is developing a committed community of players with more than 1.7 million active subscribers and growing."
This could be somewhat surprising to many. That could be interpreted as that they lost almost no subscribers past the first free month, or that the number of subscribers was offset by new players coming into the game. Unless of course he's talking about subscribers to the community, but that would seem rather far fetched.
"--Star Wars: The Old Republic Has More Than 1.7 Million Active Subscribers". I wasn't sure if this is part of the actual report or if it's a summary interpretation. But then I read in another article (http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/339817/page/1) that SWTOR has 1.7 million active subscribers. "The majority of these subscribers are paying customers already." Eric Brown (EA CFO)
So the majority of the 1.7M "active subscribers" are paying customers. Part (less than half) of those active subscribers are still in their first free month.
Yes, far less than half as TOR sold over 1.5 mil before and during early access.
Good for them maybe. I can't help but feel it's cleaverly worded and over all abiguous. I wish these types of reports were required to spell out the numbers and facts more clearly. The amount of debate as to how to interpete all of this is quite comical. I'm really suprised these reports don't have to be crystal clear. As an investor that spin factor would annoy me.
Sorry guys, 1.7 million active players right now.
Deal with it.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
you obviously didn't read most of this thread.. but ill fill you in.. not even close sorry.
it's not free to play if you have to pay for it :P
Well, I don't think it's the selling of the boxes that counts for when somebody started playing. It's when they created the account and put in the game code. I seem to remember BW/EA annoucing over 1M accounts somewhere around december 26th. That's not exactly 1.5M during early access, but still it doesn't sound bad at all.
That's the key dub, you found it.
Active players not subscribers, so we can all agree the arguments between many of the posters were a waste am I right?
We don't know how many are actively logging on, sources aren't pointing a good direction but active players indeed.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.