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I watched a video posted by Totalbiscuit a few weeks ago. He was playing with an ArenaNet dev who confirmed this fact. Was this true for GW1 as well? I honestly don't know as I never played the game. Basically, you have to wait until you're finished doing whatever it is you're doing before you can trade with a friend/guildmate/group member, etc. Doing a dungeon and want to trade something better suited for a fellow groupmate? Nope, sorry, have to wait until you're finished.
This isn't a game breaking issue, sure, and I realize the potential risks manual trading could cause in WvWvW battles. Should players be allowed to trade with players from other servers? Probably not, but I don't see why it would be so difficult to implement rules as far as who you can and cannot trade with. Are they just lazy? What's the deal? I can't think of another MMO that doesn't have this "feature", so the concept seems a bit foreign to me.
Last I heard there was to be a Marketplace. I'm not sure how trading/ item swapping between players will work.
Grim Dawn, the next great action rpg!
You can always buy the "Awesome Portable Mailbox With Dancing Chipmunk Miniature Pet" out of the cash shop for ten bucks!
My brand new bloggity blog.
The only reason I can think of for them doing this, is to try to control gold sellers, but its a pretty extreme measure! Haha yeah, and mounts too i expect
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
Man is there anything in this game you people wont bring here and complain about?
There are no mailboxes in GW2. You open up your mail interface, type in the person's name, attach the items, and hit send, and they receive the item immediately, which they can also access from their mail interface. You can see one of the Yogscast videos in which they send items to each other whilst standing next to one another. It's maybe a couple of clicks more than it would be to trade.
I'm not defending the absence of P2P trade here, just clearing up the misconception that you have to travel to mailboxes in any way. You don't. I'm also pretty sure you can't trade with someone mid-combat anyway in other games... am I mistaken?
There are no mailboxes in GW2. It is all done via the UI menu anywhere in the world that you are. There is evern a little carrier pigeon animation as well.
If you can't see how this is a valid point for complaining you must have been completely assimilated V_V
edit: apparently there is no issue because of cool carrier pigeoms ftw!
My brand new bloggity blog.
You can mail from anywhere in the game, there is no mailbox system. If you want to send your item to a buddy you can do so as long as you are out of combat, and they can access their mailbox as long as they are out of combat.
That's reassuring at least. And to the poster who mentioned gold selling/item trading, I agree trade via mail would definitely make tracking much easier. Especially in cases of fraud and theft.
Mounts would actually be the perfect cash shop item. Complete vanity fluff, and plenty of people would want to buy them. Just like skins in League of Legends, they would net a ton of money and would not impact the game in the slightest. Of course, like almost any item that makes the cash shop, some players will pobably complain that they don't just come with the standard game.
They didn't show it in any videos I watched, but I assume they have a "cash on delivery" system. I for one am excited about the lack of mailboxes in the game. mailboxes add no functionality and being able to simply click on a single UI element and handle multiple game concepts all in one seems like a major plus for the game to me.
while watching vids I noticed:
quest updates via mail (not a new concept, but nice to get it instantly instead of whenever you get to a mailbox)
ability to trade with a groupmate easily (without asking them to stand still and trying to click on them, and having them walk away mid trade and mess it up)
You mean i cant ride my mount to a mailbox?
This game wont last 6 weeks
To each their own but what is there really to complain about? The fact that it is too convenient to trade items now considering with their feature you can essentially trade with someone no matter where you or they are located at any time ouside of combat?
I don't see a problem here nor do I feel that means I am somehow assimilated. I think it is rather nice really outside of it being a little silly that you have to send it that way even if you're standing right next to the person.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
The fact that there is a carrier pigeon animation just made my day. That is super cool.
dunno, still seems kinda silly you cant just open a trade with someone standing right next to you, lol.
alot of times, especially during raiding, if someone needs something i have, i'll say .."open trade and i'll hook you up"
now i gotta do all the work!!...wait tho. that would make the game not as easy, which makes it better right?
As I said that part I agree with. Although it seems to be rather instant anyways but a bit weird to have to do it that way even if you're giving something to someone standing right in front of you.
1. For god's sake mmo gamers, enough with the analogies. They're unnecessary and your comparisons are terrible, dissimilar, and illogical.
2. To posters feeling the need to state how f2p really isn't f2p: Players understand the concept. You aren't privy to some secret the rest are missing. You're embarrassing yourself.
3. Yes, Cpt. Obvious, we're not industry experts. Now run along and let the big people use the forums for their purpose.
Sounds kind of stupid. I'm a pretty friendly party member. I usually click the trade button and give stuff to people in my party or my friends all the time. What if you were going to give something they already had? Time to mail it back. More time to type in their name instead of just clicking trade. What if you want to trade someone with a crazily long or hard to spell name?
Potions? What is this 1998?
Right click on a name. Select the "Send Mail" option. Open your inventory. Right click on the item you wish to attach. Send. Kill dragons.
Wait...they make you kill dragons too just to send mail??
Why would anyone think that face-to-face trading in an online game is harder to trace than using an in-game mail system? It has nothing to do with gold-selling and everything to do with removing redundant systems.
They said you can trade using the mail system. Why would you assume they would avoid making it convenient to do so? Right-click -> Send mail. Wow. That was difficult. You don't need face-to-face trading when you can trade from anywhere. In the beta videos they don't even charge for postage.
Also, I've seen no evidence of a carrier pigeon animation. I think that rumor comes from a dev's (probably joking) explanation of how you don't need a mailbox.
The only concern I have is how this affects muling. What's the point of inventory space if you can mail anything to an alt at any time? Even easier when all of your characters share bank space.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Dr. Seuss
Nupe, it was mentioned again in the Yogscast video of the Ascalon Dungeon run when one of them mentioned having lots of loot they didn't need and they'd need to mail things around to give it to the people who could make better use of it. I admit, this is a system I fail to see as convenient, but I'm not going to complain about it until I try it out. It's definitely on the radar though.
"Forums aren't for intelligent discussion; they're for blow-hards with unwavering opinions."
I expect that you can link items in chat. This way you don't need to mail it first for the recipient to check if he/she can actually use it.
At first I thought this system was ridiculous. But after some thinking about it I now like the idea. For example when it is about giving loot to a guildie or friend, you just have to link it in chat for them to check if they can use it and then can mail it to them, no matter where you or the recipient is. Compared to trading when you are close to the other, the recipient doesnt have to check for room in inv first and he can continue fighting. The mail is there for when he is ready to receive it. Sounds convenient to me.