I do think longetivity will be an issue once everyone has the skill wheel completed. However, I have heard some rumors though that the PvP will be suprisingly decent. Although I'm not sure that it's possible to satisfy MMO PvPers.
I think if you come into this game expecting 3 - 4 months of fun and not 3 years I think you will be pleasantly suprised.
God forbid any game designers make a game that has some lasting appeal, but I think those days are for the most part over and I have adjusted my expectations of MMOs.
SWTOR has zero impact on my consideration of TSW. I wouldn't have bought SWTOR without a free beta and the same goes for TSW. At this point TSW is off my radar because it's made by Failcom.
I swear the melodramatic post titles rival those of FOX News.
Because drama sells ....which is why FOX news does it, and here on forums, people do it to inspire people to read/reply to their posts.
Look, it worked, even got you to post here.
Working as designed.
But you know, if you don't enjoy posting in forums, there are other activities you could be doing.
It works when there is some sort of parallel, there is hardly a justification for a nonsense post other than it being a subjective and highly personal rant.
The point is there is no "shadow cast" and the rest of the OP's post is a collection of his personal subjective feelings and a half assed poll.
Your snide remarks are not lost on me, and I disagree with you on the "working as designed" meme you tossed out.
Forums are a place for discussion and debate of a variety of subjects, the place for for journal/diary entrys are in blogs and notebooks.
I love a good forum discussion as much as you, hence why I frequent this site, yet the OP never even proposed an objective question...
It's obvious that when you defend such behavior you actually encourage it.
Originally posted by ShakyMo No Both games have that story element (additionaly does gw2)
But the gameplay in tsw is less stale, its not a 2nd rate "world of cthulhucraft" like say swtor is a badly done "spacewow".
What it does better than swtor More exploration in pve Kingsmouth is small and developers state there are only 8 zones.i meant you could wander off in any direction Less instanced Less choice, all instances were due to choice paths.and to hide you from frame rate crashing other players Way way less corridory Did you make it to hoth? or Ilum or the penal colony belvis? hoth yeah, its pretty corridory, mountains blocking your way etc.. as for ilum, man i wouldnt bring ilum up Not hub based Yes it is, 90% of quest are from hubs and just like SWTOR 10% are from other areas. maybe 80/20 for both.no its not, unless of course you only played to the police station, which is the only real hub in the game, that place has 9 quests, probably to make it easier on people used to "wow norm", most "hubs" have like 2 quests, its nothing like SWTOR/rift/Wow type collecting a shopping list of quests then return gameplay, your supposed to do 1 quest, phone it in, then lok for a new quest near where you completed it. Most quests you phone in, and generally less time sink walking about in general Still have to run back to the hub to pick up another quest.no you dont, you pick up one where you are, again its not hub bassed, although in this case i was refering more to SWTORS fly halfway across the galaxy and spending halkf an hour jhust bloody travelling time sinks Personal preference but story us you're a " cog in the machine" rather than "the chosen one" SWTOR had 8 diffrent stories, and each had a choice with morality so good or evil while I guess no choice or control would make you feel like a cog in TSW. the choices were pointless, you had to go all good or all bad, just to get the best bonuses / gear. World is way more alive with ambient sounds and graphics and proper day / right cycle Both about the same, lots of zombies standing around in the middle of a field in both, LOL absoloutely frikin laughable, SWTOR is the most lifeless plastic artifiacal feeling MMO ever, you reallyt feel SWTOR world is more alive than TSW or even the same, really?? REALLY?? Freedom to build your own deck Freedom to change your deck anytime out of combat Better underlying combat system than your typical wow/swtor/rift although needs more impacting animation Funcom needs to outsource combat systems, there is no QA or semblance of balance in TSW skills. Easier grouping as anyone can switch decks to fill any role. WoW and SWTOR have tons of tank classes yet few tanks. yes because they have to PAY to respec Much better csrs Civil Service retirement? Customer service was aweful in age of conan and they will use same guys. yes it was awful in AOC, they seem to have improved as for SWTOR csrs - http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/352509/Chuckle-Bioware-really-is-their-own-worst-enemy-further-antics-on-their-part.html No kill stealing, everyone who hits a named mob gets the credit for quests. Who gets the loot? One thing I like about tera is can kill any KSer, one thing I hated about SWTOR is factions were kept seperate. both get the loot. your not stood there queueing because some git ran in and kiled the named mob for your quest and wouldnt group - unlike swtor - errr when there were people around to run in and steal. More involved crafting, and crafting as a needed thing to tailor your gear to different decks 3 sided pvp Much better thought out endgame pvp (although needs more of it) Nah SWTOR's endgame PvP was fine, it just had few rewards. PvPers won't play TSW much anyway due to no PvP server so anything they put in will be used less. In SWTOR I can find a warzone within a minute on my dead server. PvP players enjoy matches. LOL Ilum is the biggest bag of shite endgame PVP in a mmo ---- EVER. as for SWTOR PVP server - huh what world PVP. Also I guess PVPErs will prefer SWTORs wonderful world pvp over GW2 as gw2 doesnt have world PVP either - LOL Rock hard dungeons Doubt media playing random toons is any indication of difficulty. who mentioned media? also par for the course, look at aoc dungeons. Different quest types like investigations and sabotage missions. SWTOR had diffrent stuff but at the same time both have mostly the same fillers. lol SWTOR just has kill 10 whomprats, hack 5 computers and fly / walk for half an hour quests. It has less quest variety than the 8 year old wow it so badly copies. Less stilled / better writing imo Bioware's writters are top tier, it is why they have so many top hits. Story's were loved by most players in SWTOR, many people played to make alts to get another one or another faction. Imperial agentwas the best story imo because it gave the developers more freedom. storys WERE great - kotor 1, ME 1 & 2, DA:o (sorta), they aint so hot now. Equally great music with a nice way it intensifies when you're in danger Better graphics overall (bar some animations) SWTOR graphics were tight. swtor has nicer PC animations than TSW, everything else is lower quality and cartoony. Better performance with large groups of players This is impossible, same engine as age of conan uses, which doesn't work with large groups of players. Maybe the same, in Ilum I was 30 FPS with 100+ players in Ilum nut SWTOR's engine is just as bad. its a different engine to AOC - AOC was v2, tSW is version 3, they retro fitted some TSW stuff into AOC to make it 2.5. The main thing they work on with TSW version of engine was crowd handling. Regardless SWTOR was as bad as AOC on crowds, which i cant understand as WAR was considerably better than both crowd wise. Less cpu bound
no im not a EA PR guy, lol have you seen my various posts on EA.
IMO even though EA is publishing and should advertise and market as they get a huge cut. They are to focused on SWTOR to bother. The sales will be much lower for TSW than projected, if it released next week I would be suprised if 200,000 copies were sold. There is no hype for TSW, despite developers trying to hype it up. I have only heard TSW mentioned once in another game. As for longevity, TSW has nothing announced to keep players that SWTOR doesn't so both games seem to be in a long line of short-term MMOs or MMO-lites. SWTOR, Tera, warhammer, age of conan where you can do it all in 1-3 months and there isn't anything comming out to keep you.
SWTOR was a pretty good single player, I wish it was an RPG so I could play it off and on like I do vampire masquerade, Skyrim, fallout, titan quest, etc. If TSW doesn't have something much better than a story then future development will be lacking due to less revenue. The writing in SWTOR was much better than KOTOR 2, I still can't explain what the last 10 hours of hack and slash then ending was about.
If I get the business model right, the lead developer of TSW wanted to make dream fall and then release future DLC called chapters, instead he makes TSW a story driven MMO and will release 1 or 2 mission packs per year to add story content. The quality of future content hinges on profit of TSW.
Dude if you look that way there will be no more big games like wow. That time os over until Blizzard comes out with Titan. You will always find bunch of players in any game. That what you describe as ''SWTOR SYNDROM'' is present in almost every game'. 99% of the games have less population than SWTOR and have only few servers crowded, so it is nothing new.
Well TSW is about the best MMO that is going to come out this year. You should be afraid of Anet and their pre-purchase scam or Blizzard and their RMT Auction House. Developers today are only looking to suck more money off us and are doing nothing to create good unique MMOs. Just look at the last 10yrs and look at what direction they are going this year. This is a big year for MMOs but it is the death of MMOs since it will be all around getting us to pay to play IM transactions.
Well TSW is about the best MMO that is going to come out this year. You should be afraid of Anet and their pre-purchase scam or Blizzard and their RMT Auction House. Developers today are only looking to suck more money off us and are doing nothing to create good unique MMOs. Just look at the last 10yrs and look at what direction they are going this year. This is a big year for MMOs but it is the death of MMOs since it will be all around getting us to pay to play IM transactions.
TSW is $10 cheaper than any competitor in recent years to buy the game. They have a lifetime plan for those that think they will play the game more than 18 months (to make it worth the cost that is.) Cash Shop is cosmetic only. Funcom isn't dependent on Cash Shop revenue to keep the game going (for now.) GW2 most certainly will be relying on the microtransactions to keep it going. Different business models, but the end result is the same. To make money. It's up to the consumers to decide how much is too much by voting with their wallets.
SWTOR has zero impact on my consideration of TSW. I wouldn't have bought SWTOR without a free beta and the same goes for TSW. At this point TSW is off my radar because it's made by Failcom.
There was a free beta weekend where you could have tried it out, and if you look out for it, you should be able to get into the June 15th and June 22nd open beta weekends as well. To me it sounds like TSW is off your radar because you made up your mind before you looked at the game.
i dont see how anyone who likes pvp can say the pvp endgame is fine.the pvp in swtor is a unbalanced crapfest.it was obviously tacked on garbage just like how world of warcraft was
SWTOR has nothing to do with me being afraid to buy this game...Funcom is the one and only reason I will ever need to not buy a game within a year of its release...they dont know how to make decent games or update them in a decent amount of time. I will take another look at TSW in a year...then...maybe.
I hope we shall crush...in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." ~Thomes Jefferson
The only thing stopping me from buying this game is that it just isn't for me. It's not polished enough and with the developer behind it and the time they have left I don't see this getting to a state that I will purchase it. 6 months after launch I will revist it if I am not already engrossed in something else. I will make final judgement at that time.
The game was not fun for me at all, it was quite boring actually. The way they have the skill progression setup and gear, I mean talismans, was pretty lame. Not to metion the lack of combat, animations, crafting is horrible,weak story lines, worthless pvp, everything is gear (sorry talismans) dependent (which never changes your looks), boring repetative quests and one of the biggest reasons feeling like a single player game with other people running around for no reason other than to ask how to craft a rifle. Which is like this:
i dont see how anyone who likes pvp can say the pvp endgame is fine.the pvp in swtor is a unbalanced crapfest.it was obviously tacked on garbage just like how world of warcraft was
The reason EA/BW said PvP was such a big deal is because that was the entire game for most players, I PvPed for three months at cap which is more time that I put in any MMO PvP in maybe 5 years. It was balanced when two teams had similar gear. The best gear was so easy to get as PvP=PvE gear, the key problems were 1) can't Q as a full team 2) most players were alts so were out geared. Balance wasn't that bad because I have seen every class own. Huttball was a gimicky map and I hated it but I played republic so it wasn't played often.
The classes and mechanics and how smooth everything went would have worked well in arenas or team death match.
TSW won't keep so many players entertained in PvP for as long as SWTOR did. So yes it was Fine, which isn't great or awesome or the best ever but Fine as in average.
JDNYC - They are dependant on getting 30% of 400,000 subscription revenue from the cash shop, If they don't hit both targets the first year then dont expect the cash shop to continue to be cosmetic only. There are already weapons for sale in a package that probably beat anything in Kingsmouth so I don't get "cosmetic only".
The reason EA/BW said PvP was such a big deal is because that was the entire game for most players, I PvPed for three months at cap which is more time that I put in any MMO PvP in maybe 5 years. It was balanced when two teams had similar gear. The best gear was so easy to get as PvP=PvE gear, the key problems were 1) can't Q as a full team 2) most players were alts so were out geared. Balance wasn't that bad because I have seen every class own. Huttball was a gimicky map and I hated it but I played republic so it wasn't played often.
The classes and mechanics and how smooth everything went would have worked well in arenas or team death match.
TSW won't keep so many players entertained in PvP for as long as SWTOR did. So yes it was Fine, which isn't great or awesome or the best ever but Fine as in average.
JDNYC - They are dependant on getting 30% of 400,000 subscription revenue from the cash shop, If they don't hit both targets the first year then dont expect the cash shop to continue to be cosmetic only. There are already weapons for sale in a package that probably beat anything in Kingsmouth so I don't get "cosmetic only".
Seems you love to bash and trash TSW, since you spend more time and posts in this forum than any other forums on this site
What is it, you don't like the game, so nobody else can like it for things that hold no interest to you? Funny thing you say about SWTOR, try creating a thread on the SWTOR section here how great SWTOR's PvP was and better than most other MMO's, and see how many people will agree with you and how many will bash your post to bits. You'll not find many people agreeing with you here. Besides the fact that it's interesting how people always love to praise a game in threads that are about other games, they rarely seem to do that in the forum of the game itself that they praise.
As for the rest, it's all speculation: apparently you don't like TSW, despise it enough to spend most of your time on its forum trashing it. Doesn't mean that others feel the same about it, and it certainly doesn't mean that your predictions or wishful thinking will come true. We'll see how pvp will go after launch or the cash shop and cosmetic items. But I doubt it'll be perceived as horrible as Ilum or Huttball were by many. But we'll see.
i dont see how anyone who likes pvp can say the pvp endgame is fine.the pvp in swtor is a unbalanced crapfest.it was obviously tacked on garbage just like how world of warcraft was
TSW won't keep so many players entertained in PvP for as long as SWTOR did.
A pvpr made the ability wheel. PvP in TSW will be talked about for a long time to come. "From what I hear" it's that good.
It's a combination of AoC and SWTOR ... what could possibly go wrong? Anyone who pre-ordered this deserves what they get. I won't support a game by funcom or ea until it has not sucked for 6 months.
LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity. I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already
i dont see how anyone who likes pvp can say the pvp endgame is fine.the pvp in swtor is a unbalanced crapfest.it was obviously tacked on garbage just like how world of warcraft was
TSW won't keep so many players entertained in PvP for as long as SWTOR did.
A pvpr made the ability wheel. PvP in TSW will be talked about for a long time to come. "From what I hear" it's that good.
I think it has longevity if Funcom don't mess up at launch like they did in AO and AOC. Mainly due to the sandbox game play and that there are no levels or classes to get to max level.
The world is rich in missions both ARG and the investigations / killing x numbers. Something no other MMO has done yet. The game has a great potential, but how people will view it on release all depends on Funcom.
SW:TOR didn't fail because it was story oriented. The story thing is, honestly, the only reason anyone looked at it AT ALL considering what it turned out to be. It failed because:
- blatant cloning of WoW made the game feel very stale, weird, and illogical at times (i.e., a lot of WoW stuff didn't really fit well with the SW universe); the best part of the game was space combat, which is kinda ironic;
- game should have aimed at the leveling crowd but tried to half-aim at the raider crowd and in the end got confused as to what it was trying to achieve;
- completely ignored their own beta testers;
- uninspiring environments; bad quest hub design and generally bad zone design; for a game relying on story, i.e., leveling, this is fatal;
- little content. I don't mean endgame content, I couldn't give a shit about your stupid endgame raids and PvP. I mean specifically leveling content. Tiny planets, few planets, few race choices, limited options in terms of side activities. It was tiny to the point of ridiculous even for a new game;
- bad gear management in terms of rewards for dungeons, crafting, etc.;
- bad visual design (especially gear and general character looks, and forcing evreyone to look stupid. Zones could use work, too);
- locked in, claustrophobic zones;
- some really stupid decisions for no reason (instanced planets so people from different factions weren't actually on the same planet when they were on the same planet - so much for world PvP);
- mislead the public on issues of replayability making it sound like each class has its own story, while actually two classes share the starting area, even, and you can't really branch out anywhere. I.e., less replayable than WoW.
There were some other issues that are pretty significant but still not as major as these.
TOR tried to eat its cake and have it, too. TSW may be dangerously leaning in that direction. But don't tell me SW:TOR got killed by story. For the love of God, it was not...
Originally posted by tares
The reason EA/BW said PvP was such a big deal is because that was the entire game for most players
I still very much love my SWTOR . But I feel very sad for them who lost thier jobs.
I just hope the folks over at Funcom take that as a sign, and have a back up job plan, incase the subs don't hold up a few months in.
Either way , I wish them both the best of luck .
Don't be afraid.
The game will have at least 6 months of proper population, the setting is quite different and it will appeal to alot of people.
lol yeah... this.
I do think longetivity will be an issue once everyone has the skill wheel completed. However, I have heard some rumors though that the PvP will be suprisingly decent. Although I'm not sure that it's possible to satisfy MMO PvPers.
I think if you come into this game expecting 3 - 4 months of fun and not 3 years I think you will be pleasantly suprised.
God forbid any game designers make a game that has some lasting appeal, but I think those days are for the most part over and I have adjusted my expectations of MMOs.
SWTOR has zero impact on my consideration of TSW. I wouldn't have bought SWTOR without a free beta and the same goes for TSW. At this point TSW is off my radar because it's made by Failcom.
It works when there is some sort of parallel, there is hardly a justification for a nonsense post other than it being a subjective and highly personal rant.
The point is there is no "shadow cast" and the rest of the OP's post is a collection of his personal subjective feelings and a half assed poll.
Your snide remarks are not lost on me, and I disagree with you on the "working as designed" meme you tossed out.
Forums are a place for discussion and debate of a variety of subjects, the place for for journal/diary entrys are in blogs and notebooks.
I love a good forum discussion as much as you, hence why I frequent this site, yet the OP never even proposed an objective question...
It's obvious that when you defend such behavior you actually encourage it.
IMO even though EA is publishing and should advertise and market as they get a huge cut. They are to focused on SWTOR to bother. The sales will be much lower for TSW than projected, if it released next week I would be suprised if 200,000 copies were sold. There is no hype for TSW, despite developers trying to hype it up. I have only heard TSW mentioned once in another game. As for longevity, TSW has nothing announced to keep players that SWTOR doesn't so both games seem to be in a long line of short-term MMOs or MMO-lites. SWTOR, Tera, warhammer, age of conan where you can do it all in 1-3 months and there isn't anything comming out to keep you.
SWTOR was a pretty good single player, I wish it was an RPG so I could play it off and on like I do vampire masquerade, Skyrim, fallout, titan quest, etc. If TSW doesn't have something much better than a story then future development will be lacking due to less revenue. The writing in SWTOR was much better than KOTOR 2, I still can't explain what the last 10 hours of hack and slash then ending was about.
If I get the business model right, the lead developer of TSW wanted to make dream fall and then release future DLC called chapters, instead he makes TSW a story driven MMO and will release 1 or 2 mission packs per year to add story content. The quality of future content hinges on profit of TSW.
Dude if you look that way there will be no more big games like wow. That time os over until Blizzard comes out with Titan. You will always find bunch of players in any game. That what you describe as ''SWTOR SYNDROM'' is present in almost every game'. 99% of the games have less population than SWTOR and have only few servers crowded, so it is nothing new.
Well TSW is about the best MMO that is going to come out this year. You should be afraid of Anet and their pre-purchase scam or Blizzard and their RMT Auction House. Developers today are only looking to suck more money off us and are doing nothing to create good unique MMOs. Just look at the last 10yrs and look at what direction they are going this year. This is a big year for MMOs but it is the death of MMOs since it will be all around getting us to pay to play IM transactions.
Yet TSW is B2P, P2P and Cash Shop.
TSW is $10 cheaper than any competitor in recent years to buy the game. They have a lifetime plan for those that think they will play the game more than 18 months (to make it worth the cost that is.) Cash Shop is cosmetic only. Funcom isn't dependent on Cash Shop revenue to keep the game going (for now.) GW2 most certainly will be relying on the microtransactions to keep it going. Different business models, but the end result is the same. To make money. It's up to the consumers to decide how much is too much by voting with their wallets.
There was a free beta weekend where you could have tried it out, and if you look out for it, you should be able to get into the June 15th and June 22nd open beta weekends as well. To me it sounds like TSW is off your radar because you made up your mind before you looked at the game.
except 95 percent of the people who played swtor could care less about the cutscenes
i mean,they blew so much of there budget on voice acting.when 95 percent of people just smash there spacebars thru it anyway
regardless though,swtor can die in a fire for all i care.i actually have more fun trolling forums then i do playing star wars the old republic
"Nah SWTOR's endgame PvP was fine, "
i dont see how anyone who likes pvp can say the pvp endgame is fine.the pvp in swtor is a unbalanced crapfest.it was obviously tacked on garbage just like how world of warcraft was
SWTOR has nothing to do with me being afraid to buy this game...Funcom is the one and only reason I will ever need to not buy a game within a year of its release...they dont know how to make decent games or update them in a decent amount of time. I will take another look at TSW in a year...then...maybe.
I hope we shall crush...in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." ~Thomes Jefferson
The only thing stopping me from buying this game is that it just isn't for me. It's not polished enough and with the developer behind it and the time they have left I don't see this getting to a state that I will purchase it. 6 months after launch I will revist it if I am not already engrossed in something else. I will make final judgement at that time.
The game was not fun for me at all, it was quite boring actually. The way they have the skill progression setup and gear, I mean talismans, was pretty lame. Not to metion the lack of combat, animations, crafting is horrible,weak story lines, worthless pvp, everything is gear (sorry talismans) dependent (which never changes your looks), boring repetative quests and one of the biggest reasons feeling like a single player game with other people running around for no reason other than to ask how to craft a rifle. Which is like this:
The reason EA/BW said PvP was such a big deal is because that was the entire game for most players, I PvPed for three months at cap which is more time that I put in any MMO PvP in maybe 5 years. It was balanced when two teams had similar gear. The best gear was so easy to get as PvP=PvE gear, the key problems were 1) can't Q as a full team 2) most players were alts so were out geared. Balance wasn't that bad because I have seen every class own. Huttball was a gimicky map and I hated it but I played republic so it wasn't played often.
The classes and mechanics and how smooth everything went would have worked well in arenas or team death match.
TSW won't keep so many players entertained in PvP for as long as SWTOR did. So yes it was Fine, which isn't great or awesome or the best ever but Fine as in average.
JDNYC - They are dependant on getting 30% of 400,000 subscription revenue from the cash shop, If they don't hit both targets the first year then dont expect the cash shop to continue to be cosmetic only. There are already weapons for sale in a package that probably beat anything in Kingsmouth so I don't get "cosmetic only".
Seems you love to bash and trash TSW, since you spend more time and posts in this forum than any other forums on this site
What is it, you don't like the game, so nobody else can like it for things that hold no interest to you? Funny thing you say about SWTOR, try creating a thread on the SWTOR section here how great SWTOR's PvP was and better than most other MMO's, and see how many people will agree with you and how many will bash your post to bits. You'll not find many people agreeing with you here. Besides the fact that it's interesting how people always love to praise a game in threads that are about other games, they rarely seem to do that in the forum of the game itself that they praise.
As for the rest, it's all speculation: apparently you don't like TSW, despise it enough to spend most of your time on its forum trashing it. Doesn't mean that others feel the same about it, and it certainly doesn't mean that your predictions or wishful thinking will come true. We'll see how pvp will go after launch or the cash shop and cosmetic items. But I doubt it'll be perceived as horrible as Ilum or Huttball were by many. But we'll see.
A pvpr made the ability wheel. PvP in TSW will be talked about for a long time to come. "From what I hear" it's that good.
It's a combination of AoC and SWTOR ... what could possibly go wrong? Anyone who pre-ordered this deserves what they get. I won't support a game by funcom or ea until it has not sucked for 6 months.
LFD tools are great for cramming people into content, but quality > quantity.
I am, usually on the sandbox .. more "hardcore" side of things, but I also do just want to have fun. So lighten up already
SWTOR has bad PVP.
ability wheel PVP is beter then WOW.. but not D3
I think it has longevity if Funcom don't mess up at launch like they did in AO and AOC. Mainly due to the sandbox game play and that there are no levels or classes to get to max level.
The world is rich in missions both ARG and the investigations / killing x numbers. Something no other MMO has done yet. The game has a great potential, but how people will view it on release all depends on Funcom.
SW:TOR didn't fail because it was story oriented. The story thing is, honestly, the only reason anyone looked at it AT ALL considering what it turned out to be. It failed because:
- blatant cloning of WoW made the game feel very stale, weird, and illogical at times (i.e., a lot of WoW stuff didn't really fit well with the SW universe); the best part of the game was space combat, which is kinda ironic;
- game should have aimed at the leveling crowd but tried to half-aim at the raider crowd and in the end got confused as to what it was trying to achieve;
- completely ignored their own beta testers;
- uninspiring environments; bad quest hub design and generally bad zone design; for a game relying on story, i.e., leveling, this is fatal;
- little content. I don't mean endgame content, I couldn't give a shit about your stupid endgame raids and PvP. I mean specifically leveling content. Tiny planets, few planets, few race choices, limited options in terms of side activities. It was tiny to the point of ridiculous even for a new game;
- bad gear management in terms of rewards for dungeons, crafting, etc.;
- bad visual design (especially gear and general character looks, and forcing evreyone to look stupid. Zones could use work, too);
- locked in, claustrophobic zones;
- some really stupid decisions for no reason (instanced planets so people from different factions weren't actually on the same planet when they were on the same planet - so much for world PvP);
- mislead the public on issues of replayability making it sound like each class has its own story, while actually two classes share the starting area, even, and you can't really branch out anywhere. I.e., less replayable than WoW.
There were some other issues that are pretty significant but still not as major as these.
TOR tried to eat its cake and have it, too. TSW may be dangerously leaning in that direction. But don't tell me SW:TOR got killed by story. For the love of God, it was not...
I'd wager most players quit, actually.