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I am furious. I was lied to. Simple as that. I paid $59 for my pioneer key. I was told i would be able to download before everyone else. I was told i would be able to download and play on the 8th.
Not to mention that the game is not even ready for release. /downloads.html doesnt work and reroutes to
After all these years in production they are still in alpha from the looks of the screenshots and they have 3 year olds coming up with the skill names. The UI is freakishly horrible.
They said no refunds. I wonder why? But you better believe this guy here is getting a refund, even if i have to do a chargeback. For me this is fraud. I have such fury in my eyes right now i could strangle these guys. They stole my money, lied, deceived. They are no better than SOE.
I said it before, if i get treated like SOE treated me in SWG, there will be hell to pay. I dont care about 5 days more, i care about integrity, about promises, about ethics. This simply shows they have none of these. I am fed up with companies assuming that gamers are kids with no intelligence and dont have the capability to fight back or react when they fail to keep their word. Not even a notice of delay since the website is down.
Dec 8th is here and soon will be over. They broke their word, now im going to break something.
Yeah it is a little disturbing. I forgot about being a "pioneer" then when EQ2 test went down for an update it hit me, isn't today the 8th, best get over and get the key and download. Well needless to say twas nothing available. Will see what their CSR response is to my "just curious as to why I can't get a key" request is before I get real perturbed.
lol-have you refilled your Prozac prescription?
But seriously-
Why did you spend 60 bucks when you very obviously aren't stable enough to take risks like that? Even the most basic, simplest research would have showed you the delays, screenshots, etc. that you complain about have been known for months and years. I bought it, but I'm either patient enough or rich enough not to worry so much. Or dumb, according to a lot of people here. It's hysterical seeing you guys bluster like this about 60 bucks for a game that you were told wouldn't be available until April.
lol-have you refilled your Prozac prescription?
But seriously-
Why did you spend 60 bucks when you very obviously aren't stable enough to take risks like that? Even the most basic, simplest research would have showed you the delays, screenshots, etc. that you complain about have been known for months and years. I bought it, but I'm either patient enough or rich enough not to worry so much. Or dumb, according to a lot of people here. It's hysterical seeing you guys bluster like this about 60 bucks for a game that you were told wouldn't be available until April.
you sir are sheep. If getting upset because i was lied to and deceived, with no warning, no email, no notice, nothing. They game i paid for also includes SoG, which .. unless you have never heard of SoG, was starting today, not april. I would not be upset in the least if they disclosed that there would be a delay. Shit happens. But as a customer who just forked over funds, i have every right to expect a company to communicate if their are problems.
As customers we can either be on their side, understand their frustrations and problems they are running into, we can but only if they communicate so that we can be understanding.
Imagine if you will a hypothetical scenario:
I own a drycleaning business (no i dont just an example) and i take 100 customers clothing. I give them a receipt that says it will be ready the next day and 8am. The next day i take off for Mexico on a 1 week vacation. I leave no notice on my storefront, i dont tell my customers that came in the day before to expect a delay, i say nothing. But when i return a week later, should i expect my customers to :
a) be understanding that i went on vacation for a week while i held onto their clothing with no notice even though i knew i would be leaving the next day but did not disclose to my customers that i left.
b) be ready to slit my throat since they had no clothes to wear and had to buy a new wardrobe so they could go to work.
now.. if you are a complete freakin idiot, you would be a fanboi moron and say 'a'
If you are a rational normal human being, you would say b) because you know a lynch mob would be waiting when you came back from vacation. You little troll fanbois are amazing because you have no concept of ethics whatsoever. You cannot see that it simple doesnt matter whether the delay is a day or a week, it is that there was no communication, no notice. It is called deception.
Actually, I'm too sheepish to read all that. Too many colors. Have you got any hay?
When the site comes back up you need to reread the dates again...I know I remember it said the free SoG account go on sale and the game is downloadable today but it also said you cannot play it till the 13th. So far the only thing I havent seen is the download but then again...who cares? You wont be able to play it for another 5 days anyways. Dont get yer panties in a bunch.
EDIT: And I bought not one, but 2 pioneer accounts BTW, one for me, and one for my GF
I'm probably gonna get banned for being such a smart ass tonight. I'm bored out of my skull. Like you, I thought (well, hoped anyway) that I would be playing SoG. Sigh......
Drokar, you're mistaken. I'm also a Pioneer, and you were NEVER promised to get into SoG early, and you were NEVER promised to get to download SoG before everyone else. The only mention of SoG in the Pioneer offer was that you automatically receive access to the game without having to register for one of the free keys, and a reminder to download the client before the server launches so that you are prepared for the start of the game.
What you WERE promised was 48 hours advance access to DnL, which is what you pre-ordered. As a Pioneer, you will have early access to THAT game, not SoG. Read your offer again, know what you buy, and STFU.
How can you be so utterly guillable to buy a 60 dollar pioneer key on a game that is completely barren of any content?
Wanna buy a bridge or two?
Pioneer is synonym for desperate.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
there are refunds so to speak.
put your account up for 60 bucks on ebay and i gaurentee you will sell it fact ill buy it from you tonight if you want .
honestly....if you knew all this why oh why did you buy the preorder in the first place?
BTW as it has been previously stated the preorder is for Dnl not sog, pioneer's get to log into Dnl 48 hours prior to launch not sog (so they say)
don't get me wrong, i understand your frustration and that np3 has done alot of shady sh*t in the development of this game. but that is why i have the common sense not to pre order and get to exited over this game.
expect the worst and hope for the best is all i can really say to you and all the other fans of this game
read this then come back and talk to me about the vanguard/soe fiasco.....
Farlan is self destructing right in front of me and still the fan boys defend their precious POS vaporware...this is amazing, absolutely amazing LOL
Anyone who would buy a pioneer account on Ebay after this would buy stock in Enron absolutely amazing
In the sky ... is it a jet trail ? NO! is it a cumulus cloud? NO! IT'S...IT'S VAPORWAREMAN!!!!!
I miss DAoC
Awesome! You're already playing? Coooooolllll...where'd you get the game client? I wanna at least see the huge lack of content before I move on to another game.
So far, 18,881 people have snatched up keys. I'd love to self destruct like that with my next product.
I point out fact, easily verifiable, just so you can see that complaining is useless. You are angry because you read too much into what you thought you had. I, on the other hand, took everything AD and NP3 has sent to me regarding this game literally. The emails I have received about my signup with the Pioneer offer never said anything about downloading SoG early. Not one thing. The FaQ on the website said that the client download would be available on the 8th, but there was speculation in the forums for a week before, and confirmation from the devs in IRC that the download had been delayed a day. I can accept this, because I don't read too much into it. Why?
It's a FREE game. You are complaining that you can't download the client until a day later, and you can't log into the servers until the 13th FOR A FREE GAME. This is NOT the game you pre-ordered, this IS a bonus to the game you pre-ordered. This is a chance for you to get your feet wet and make your mark in their virtual space, and you're not even paying for that, YOU'RE PAYING FOR DNL.
Why does everyone have to make a federal case out of the delay of a free game? And you know what? If they do it with DnL, I'll be right there with you. I'll stand by your side, and scream at the top of my lungs, "We were wronged!" But I'm not about to do that over something that's not costing me anything but the little time it takes to check back on the website.
And I can guarantee, in a few days, you'll be logging into SoG with the rest of us. You've come this far, I highly doubt that anyone who gets this bent out of shape because his download and server launch was not at the time he expected will pass up the oppurtunity to play when it's ready. The reason why you're angry is, you really want to play. Admit it, and save your anger for when it's needed, at the DnL launch.
And, just for the record, I don't go telling people STFU on a regular basis. It just really bothers me that people can get so upset over a stupid free game. I could go toe to toe with you, but I'm also a big enough man to admit I was wrong, and for that I apologize. And I'm definitely NOT a fanboy of DnL, I found the site in early November and found the concept of the game intriguing. I also don't mind taking a little risk and pre-ordering a game that may turn out to be something special. If it doesn't, oh well, I'll find something else to do.
WHEW! I just received my answer from DnL support:
I thought I was the only one that felt this way. I signed up to be a beta tester years ago. And then I finally got the email a few months ago and decided to be a pioneer. Im not to upset that I couldnt play today. What I am upset about is no explanatioin. The site is basically shut down. And the only response I get is, We are sorry, but there are no more spaces left for the first wave of Settlers. Im not sure what this means. But maybe they are takeing bunches at a time. 1k a day maybe. I just want to be kept up to date. I already have my key. I just need the download. I can't even get that. I hope there are more answers tomorrow.
The (un)funny thing is ...
You know when we first heard that the servers would go live on the 13th? The confirmation page right after you signed up for SoG today, right (or did I miss an earlier announcement)?
Well that date of the 13th has since been removed from the page and not replaced ...
So last we heard was the 13th, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
what email address did you send your question to? I have a question related to my ISP's spamblocker, which I just discovered and turned off an hour ago, and which may have blocked my confirmation email; so, could you tell me what address you used to ask them your question?
Drokar, you have my support.
I sent my query to:
which I found on the FAQ. (one of the few pages still visible on the website.)
And.. it's Dec 9 by my clock, EST. No download yet.
Well it is like this..Yes I am mad that I can't play SoG yet....and it seems that they lied to us all.
When i got my Pioneer pre-order key they sent me a e-mail, and this is what it said at the end of the e-mail.
Remember to download Settlers of Ganareth in advance, in order to be ready at
server launch!
See you soon on Ganareth!
The Dark and Light team
In the e-mail it said that it would be on Dec 8th not the 13th not the 9th and not any other date in my life time. So that means that i should have been able to download before the 8th, but I guess that when you have grade 2's writing for this game.....oh wate I made a Boo Boo I mean 2 year olds that do the writing for this game.
I can see why it is so messed up. Turn the dam web site back on so you can tell us all how you messed up as bad as SOE did with SWG, I don't give a shit about the dam $60 bucks i put down for your game that i have never seen...I just want to play the dam game on the dam day that you promised us.
Thank you from a very pissed off fan of this messed up game.
Oh and Hello to all, don't mind me as you can see i am, But i have to say that I am feeling better now
P.S: what ever you do, don't hit your computer screen like I did...Dam did it hurt.