Id have to agree
Found this nice little game some days ago and cant keep my hands from it ^^
What really suprised me is how smooth controls work (Galaxy S)
Btw id find the pricing model OK, you can get the 3rd dungeon with downloading (an…
Originally posted by stayontarget
You don't get exp by killing players but you do get Abyss Points, These points go towards player ranking (you get special skills for being one of the top pvp'ers and you can use your points to buy abyss gear.
Getting 300+mill per month is easy even with a 1 month old char. Easiest way is for sure trading, but theres quite a lot other stuff you can do it easily with lower skills.
Originally posted by r0guy
2. Collisions on everything.
3. Immersion; meaning real scales, dimensions and velocities. Planets are truely as large as real ones, and ships extremely small compared to them.
5. Solar system dynamics. Bodies…