No loot, no open PvP. They really messed the PvP system up but the games fun to play PVE over all. I helped a lot in beta so I know a lot about the game. I am same as you I want full loot open PvP.
LOL its actually CHEAPER to sub and play the game right now before the F2P. Epic fail? You can buy the game right now for 15 dollars and get two copies plus 30 days game time for each. If you plan on playing this F2P buy it before it goes F2P. I pre…
Being hit by invisible people will always be in the game until the server is moved to the locatipon it is supposed to be in and the prediction system is removed. All other MMO's understand these simple rules. Matter of fact they teach it in college …
Russians Youtube account was deleted, Im guessing forcefully. I have the video and only I. Russian released the stuff he had Ive never released anything. I dont think the game needs any help in dying so I stepped away a long time ago. I just notice …
This is simply one of about 25 different complaints myself and guildmates lodged against GM's mostly the same ones over and over all the while Henrik told me he looked into it. In the end I would learn that every single time he said he looked into i…
In a nutshell Henrik Nystrom is trying to sell Starvault thats why so many people were banned over night from the forums awhile back when the new PR manager took over. They need the website to look nice and neat and to inflate some numbers to get so…
Originally posted by Die_Scream
That's a fairly low end card. Anything Integrated=red flag for gamer.
If you provided a dxdiag maybe we cvould help
Wow you need some computer classes there buddy, stop giving people advice. This card is…
Originally posted by nathanpinard
Player slots for the server.
This is done with every single MMO actually. Even ones sold in stores. However many they print, is how many player slots are available.
Thats a blatant lie or you people are …
I warned people about this gaming company. Theres just to man fanbois though. This is only the tip of the iceberg in the saga of fail that is DF. Goodluck to all who go down that road, youre gonna need it.
Tryed but they only gave a few sites a few keys. MMORPG.COM's was gone right away. I tryed the other site but of course the other sites signup process was completely broken. Poorly staged key give away IMO. Dont plan on even testing it if thats the …