More like it'll cost him a little more than a PS3...
I wouldn't upgrade anything in your system, I'd just build myself a new one. Your processor isn't too bad, but for about 500-600 bucks you could build yourself something way better. Right now …
That was amazing for 5 minutes holy crap. I killed one that dropped a chest piece and a helm, and as I was looting I got booted to desktop. I'll probably log in and be dead and lose my axes and shit
I got to play for a few hours last night, and rather than stand around the starting zones complaining about sync, I explored. I ran for about 2 and a half hours East of the Alfar starting area, and found some pretty amazing things. Huge ruined ca…
I just love how he says 'How quickly the world owes you something you didn't know existed until 10 minutes ago.' I bet half the people complaining here have only been following Darkfall for a month or less, jumped ship from their current MMO for so…