well ...
I heard some very good arguments for very different positions that really helped me to prioritize the games from the my "business" requirements and additional fun:
1. Entropia Universe
2. Eve Online
3. WoW
Any suggestion…
As I see Entropia Universe can be useful for generating some income ... And that makes this game very popular
are there any other games where you can generate real cash income?
and is this [money generation opportunity] a sufficient moti…
I see many EVE fans here ... and that is clear
But to consider EVE as a business game is not ok ...
Yes, there is an economy system inside the game, but that system lies in every MMORPG
I read a review of this game but ...
Are there any products to sell there? are there an opportunity to hire salesforce? to market products on the household markets consisting of several segments, corporate market and international market? are …