Robokapp said:
learis1 said:
cloudacv said:
redcore said:
i fully agree with those people who "complain" about it. these classes should be available right away without crappy reputation grind etc. super l…
Torval said:
Aeander said:
SBFord said:
Scorchien said:
I know im the minority here... but i am sick of Geralt ..... go away
I'm with you, that's for sure. I'm tired of seeing Geralt everywhere and of seein…
Jean-Luc_Picard said:
- Flying mounts. When people fly, they rarely meet. The world is empty except at the latest content spots. Another side effect is that it kills world PvP. This can be experienced in WoW first hand since TBC.
Theocritus said:
Siveria said:
DjDriVer said:
Consider this if you example being WoW. You pat $19 for World of Warcraft, then spend $15/month say for 4 yrs. Let's not forget the expansion every 2 yrs, which usually …
Aeander said:
Kajidourden said:
I don't get the hype for Moonlight Blade. It looks like a lower quality version of Blade and Soul in every single way.
Funny, I'd say it's the other way around. Blade and Soul's only redeemi…
I'm doing Blade and Soul high level content right now and it's pretty punishing with its heavy twitch and coordination requirements. I don't think I've ever felt accomplished though because I've been so conditioned by "shinies", with which this game…
I like Warframe's way of doing it, get a chance to get a discount, sometimes a massive one, everyday you log in. That game's gotten more of my money than many other f2p games and even if I drop it a week later I don't experience a lot of regret from…
3dom said:
So far there is nothing impressive/interesting in PoE: no rare loot items (due to the mod-based equipment system w/o loot), no epic-scale open world battles like in Planetside, no combat vehicles, no alien weather effects and/or vol…
It feels a lot less fluid than I thought it would, do not like the netcode in this one, but if they can smooth out the input lag issues and do something about their EU infrastructure I'll gladly jump in again.
The major problem I have with these is that there are 1-3 minutes of gameplay punctuated by loading screens. Closers is not so bad because the load times aren't long, but Kritika is awful for it. I hate, HATE playing my character for a minute before…
Shadanwolf said:
This change got me to try the game. FOR all depends on how in game crafting works out.Since I'm a 99% solo player and bosses drop key crafting components....I'm concerned.
I wouldn't worry too much about i…