i dont mind fps with progression, i loved call of duty modern warfare, or cod4 as i call it. there was no buy your way to the best guns. you had to play the game to unlock the guns and even then the starter guns were still competitively designed. Id…
Rhoklaw said:
So quick question... are these mounts usable everywhere? Also, does this mean no more dying from jumping puzzles?
Certain puzzles dont let you use mounts,glider. also you cant use them in wvw( other than mayb inside your te…
Im just going to leave these here, Sure the vanilla zones are a bit dated but to say they are horrible is definately trolling, keep in mind these aren't ultra graphics more middle to high( the first pic is my 2 irl friends enjoying the night sky in …
This expac has reinvigorated my love for this game, definitely a 7-8/10 from where i'm looking, new zones are great(huge/lots of completion stuff/secrets) the mounts are great. story is about a 6/10 in my opinion(started great then seemed to be a bi…
For the people saying epic is in the wrong, and that they carbon copied pubg, theres this game called h1z1 king of the king....and oddly enough its got the same opening sequence as pubg. funny huh?
RexKushman said:
Performance on pc is terrible, I shudder to think what it will be like on consoles.
Yea im very curious how this will turn out on consoles, looking at the new xbox specs it seems doable but man....mayb at 720p? lol
BeansnBread said:
I'll just leave this here.
Please change the difficulty system. It encourages playing the minimal difficulty to get the most which translates into incredible easy for the best rate of gear drops.
last i played d3 you g…
I found the mounts to be pretty fun to mess with so far(only have 2 of them) the zones are pretty nice visually and a decent size. Enjoying it quite a bit so far. As for mob difficulty i do think certain mobs are a bit too tough/hp sponge. Overall i…
"but it was Epic Games that made this game that is similar to us that has similar elements, and that's the concern"? So because they pay them money to use that engine..They dont like the idea of them becoming a competitor? or am i misunderstanding?
How Can they sue them? They don't own the idea for drop in and out 1st/3rd person battle royal, You'd think they would focus on fixing the game up a bit instead of dumb drama shit. Reminds me of when bethesda/zenimax tried to sue over the term Scrol…
I think the reason ppl hate this game, has to do with the haters and the fans, way too emotionally invested in a game in alpha, which leads to people trolling/hating the game lol
id say get d3 and download poe for free when u finish gearing your toon in d3/get bored. Switch to POE, but i must say with poe choose your talents wisely because respec points are limited and you can end up ruining your character. My brother made a…
i put about 30-35 hours into this game on release and i still enjoyed it, most ppl just lost it due to Hello games lies/no multiplayer fiasco. im tempted to jump in again...but how much actual content has been added? i beat the story prior to base b…
Fortnite is the best open world sandbox zombie shooter space sim flight sim tower defense building crafting scifi racing mining swimming jumping puzzle simulator ever created, get over it seanmcad. its so much better than your favorite game. Do you …