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  • I agree complainers are the people who ruin games, and I agree if there are lvl 60 players good for them they probably have no life Araen lvl 18 rdm/ 9 war Asura Tydus Kuari Scout 1211
  • I hope there is a pvp server because thats whats gonna make me buy the game Araen lvl 18 rdm/ 9 war Asura Tydus Kuari Scout 1211
  • Are any of you behind a router because i am and im trying what u guys said but its not working at all. I normally get speeds pf 400k a second and im getting 10-40 now. Araen lvl 18 rdm/ 9 war Asura Tydus Kuari Scout 1211
  • i would try ebgames and gamestop and circuit city best buy k mart or walmart Araen lvl 18 rdm/ 9 war Asura Tydus Kuari Scout 1211
  • I think the idea is great but im sure whether community will be fun to play with will it be ruined like diablo II because of no monthly fee Araen lvl 18 rdm/ 9 war Asura Tydus Kuari Scout 1211
  • Final Fantasy Tactics would be great assuming you could have large scale battles such as 20 people vs 20 people each with 5-10 soldiers. I think the idea is good but its areally up to squaresoft if they want to make it good. Araen lvl 18 rdm/ 9 wa…
  • Ya i agree with everyone i think it will be released later october/early november. From what ive heard a big patch is being released which is supposed to be in conjunction with open beta Araen lvl 18 rdm/ 9 war Asura Tydus Kuari Scout 1211
  • I Really hope its soon cause im getting a new comp and i cant wait to play that and eq 2 Araen lvl 18 rdm/ 9 war Asura Tydus Kuari Scout 1211