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  • alright man how much you looking to pay around?? This is a good site: www.ibuypower.com This is good site: www.hypersonic.com This is good site: www.alienware.com Let me know how much u looking to pay and i give ua link to a good computer fo…
  • i dont bother reading reviews from Ignorant WoW fanboys like Lugnard, just because i can tell he is in that genre of kids who Blizzard are aiming for as their Target market. As far as i know and i play EQ2 beta, Gripphon rides are something u need t…
  • Dmitri the answer to ur question is yes There is always a system message from a player that says that they will be gathering for a raid on a town for discovery. In other words all the players that are in the level mentioned can come and raid. E…
  • I have been in the beta for 2 months now and i can tell u that every class can solo to level 29 with ease so far. Since level 29 is the cap on my server right now, thats as far as i know but i have heard from people from other servers taht u can sol…
  • Any real gamer knows that EQ1 is the game that just made waht MMORPGs are today. UO was too but lets think less closeminded and admit that EQ1 is the best game ever made PERIOD.   Eq has so much content that keeps you hooked forever. I am in the…
  • Oh sorry, I dont really know any ones like that but im sure somone here will know.
  • Try Runescape.com its a great free game. I played it long time ago when i didnt work. Its a great game.