Vote went to Arenanet,they have been dissapointing as of late with giving out info but all around they sure went above and beyond the last year in most respects.
Originally posted by sungodra
Originally posted by grimm6th
I think people are more upset about the way the article that said we would be buying dungeons when, in fact ,Anet said that they aren't taking such options off the table. I say that…
Basically it depends what you mean with inheriting the WoW throne?
Which Game will keep making the most $?
World of warCraft.For quite a few more years.
Which game will qualitatively be better?
Guildwars 2.
Not SWtor,simply because it bar…
A piece taken from an article here on MMORPG explains it better then I could.It doesn't end like you think it does nor do the most dynamic events look like that at all.But read below to understand better:
"Colin goes on to describe how quests …
Awesome video,too much info?
For someone interested in Guildwars 2 there might even be too little(visual) info.
I would have imagined an updated article on this video,not merely linking to the same info and giving a summary.
Instead something …