Don't you know your not playing a game to enjoy your self, your playing in our world we built so we could tell you a story, and make sure you do the things we want you to do when we want you to.
Sure we blow smoke up your asses telling you it's abo…
I thin kit was in the 70's DC wanted to do something with Wonder Woman, change her costume, or cancel the book, btu hte ladies orgs got upset cuase they saw her as the only positive female in the comics at the time. Think cuase she was a professiona…
Yeah, I'm all for a class system that allwos for on the fly changeups, but to force people to change their chosen path like this... Thats down right mean.
In the game in my head... we all have one if we really love MMO's, you got that one game inyour head you mean when you say "I could design one better than that peice of crap..." anyways, in my classless game, theres 2 armor types. Theres cloth, and…
I too keep getting these Phishing emails claiming to be from he wow accounts department saying someoene is trying to alter my eail address, and to follow this link to confirm, or so forth. I went to show original and hte source is not whom they cla…
I'm liking a few of the things I've seen so far about the game.
I'd have prefered not to have to choose a Base Class, and it be a free form choose your skill set style system with classes until the later levels where your really falling into a…