First off - I am a bit biased as to this "review". This is the first time I have ever heard of this Angry Joey guy, but just looking how his hands go around like Dutch windmills non-stop while he is talking + the choice of words like "f*ck" and "du…
Yeah, frankly I am not sure even if I bother to ask for a refund. Its only 25€, and I wanna try the game out eventually. What I am sure however is, that this company aint getting no money from me in the future, so they just lost some of their future…
Are people for real here? Really ....
Its like if I buy a new Audi in 2013 and find out the clutch doesnt work and report it back and then get a reply, that its no big deal, the 2004 BMW had the same problem....
I understand many here are infatuat…
They are telling about falling percentages in different market segments. If shares of Korea, NA and Europe fell, then wonder what market segment gained as the total would have to be 100%. That said, these three markets are the core ones, so the game…
This issue has always perplexed me. If I testdrive a Toyota and don't like the feel, I go and testdrive a Honda and if I like it I buy it (switch the brands to whatever). I won't go to the local Toyota fan club forum to bash the car.
Gamer psycholo…
I think the single most ridiculous thing in MMOs is the ability to loot Plate Armor from turtles, swords from evil birds and so forth. Talk about immersion breakers ...
F2P is a half-truth, at least in the case of LoTRO. Hell, you have to pay to be able to quest (except for starting areas and couple of zones which come free).
Quests are fetch this and kill that. In addition most of them are chained, but not in a good sense of way meaning to unlock another "fetch 20 barrels" you have to complete "fetch 10 barrels" first. Have played all the betas and quests are the weakes…