Now that is a coincidence...two people from Saskatoon, SK. Me and "ursin".
You could imagine my disappointment at first when I wasn't drawn, but ursin (whomever he/she may be) was. Then I get the confirmation e-mail this morning.
We shall rule o…
This happened to me only once, and it was just the other day. Fortunately it didn't cause any trouble. It's funny, I hear so much about people having troubles like this and it never seems to happen to me.
All three of my toons are on Champion:
Pyncushinn - Mutant Spine/Regen Scrapper
PECA-PEC - Technology Elc/Elc Blaster
Mad Woodsman - Magic Axe/Ice Tanker
I was originally into Final Fantasy XI. Then I got my hands on City of Heroes. Uff da great grandpa, what a difference! I'm almost (but not quite) ashamed at the fact that I've cancelled my FFXI subscription.
Of course, I managed (out of sheer luc…