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  • Originally posted by Cik_Asalin OP, firstly I agree.  Many were victims of an injustice.    Secondly, paragraphs please!    Thirdly, Vindictus isn't worth playing anyway, so your better off. Firstly, thanks!   Secondly, pretty sure …
  • It has been 5 days now. No response from support ticket. Others have been reporting other odd errors here and there and have not been answered along with others bringing up that their tickets as far back as November of last year (2010) have still go…
  • Originally posted by Kaledus This is some sad shit to hear. I was really starting to get into the game and was like halfway through leveling. I am surprised that I hadn't become subject to getting banned yet. If it is one thing I do know from what i…
  • Today was the massive update. And guess what? Not a single person banned for absolutely no reason was unbanned nor has "support" responded to any of their tickets. Who saw that coming. Nexon has really outdone themselves on the severity of ignorance…
  • Finally a thread regarding "community concerns". If you will note, there is NOTHING mentioned about the large quantity of innocently banned player base...   http://forum.nexon.net/Vindictus/forums/thread/6792781.aspx
  • As seen by these 2 threads:   http://forum.nexon.net/Vindictus/forums/thread/6790701.aspx http://forum.nexon.net/Vindictus/forums/thread/6789817.aspx   Not only are the console hack users/exploiters still running around rampant, but peopl…
  • Originally posted by Hellfyre420 Sad to say but it seems like most f2p games end like this.. I love playing f2p games at launch because they are so player friend and not cash shop dependant.. Only shitty thing is YOU HAVE TO KNOW in about 4-5 months…
  • Originally posted by Sindri44 i was in the middle of downloading this game it looked great but as i read the above posts i think ill cancel that download   i hope you guys get your accounts back well the ones who was wrongly banned but then ag…
  • Lovely isn't it. Almost Valentines day, 14 days since the unjustful bannings, and not one bit of information posted about it to let those who were wrongfully banned smile even a little.   Not only that but now the cash system is beginning to bac…
  • 8 Days in counting now, no response from Nexon support for any players. No new stickie since the new one was now locked and forced to be shoved down. All "support tickets" have been in static since day 1 aside from the few who were moved to "work in…
  • 5 days and counting and over half of the player base on east + west server still without access back to their accounts. No word from ANY GM's whatsoever, and only a VERY few people out of the many who submitted support tickets have had them moved to…
  • I wouldn't mind it being F2P, I don't think anyone would for that matter. Pretty sure it will be P2P at the very least due to it's competetion with TERA and it's CBT being released around the time that TERAS 3 month subscription ends from informatio…
    in F2P or P2P Comment by TPPK February 2011
  • Most liklely, but don't hold your breath just yet. The CBT is set to release sometime around the end of April for Korea and then the OBT for the around August-October. So ~IF~ it does come to NA (which I wouldn't see why not since it already has acc…
  • Also just to give you an idea of the little amount of support, not only has the thread been unstickied and allowing to fall, one particular user who claims to be one of the more heavier exploiters has posted in the thread saying this:   "HellDem…
  • http://vindictus.nexoneu.com/   There is the link for you. Although Nexon moves at a snails pace to do anything for the player base expansion, it will eventually come. You just have to be pretty patient, which it seems you have been and now that…