I can't express how much I'm looking forward to TSW ( The Secret World ). It seems so deep and well thought out. I've seen what Funcom are capable of both ways. The most fantastic games of all tim ( The Longest Journey and Dreamfall ) and of course …
Funcom, I know you've had you fair share of bad luck.
At least now you seem to say" I'm sorry", and want to include us players more. And for that, I'm might greatful! I forgive you, and I can now finally say I'm looking forward to your amazing ne…
I get it, the cash shop + sub is a little over the top for some. But for me? No. It just adds another dimension to the game and it is not like we are forced to use the cash shop is it..
The facebook game is going to be fun to follow
The Secret …
But to participate in The Secret War you would need a facebook, simply because it is a facebook game.
I am not trolling, I'm all open ears. Learning, from people superior to me on this subject.
Quizz, I would like to thank you this far. I have a hard time believing AMD will have something better to offer compared to intel, at least for a while mo…
Much appreciated, I will take some time and look into all the wonderful ideas you gave me.
My experience with hardware, is most likely a lot better than what you guys might have thought coming of from my first post I wanted some insightes and f…