You use Windows? I'm sorry.
Seriously though, to access a partition you need to get a partition manager like Partition magic or Paragon Partitioner (My personal Favorite). That way, you can delete the partition your bad version of Windows is on.…
I don't say whatever I want about the old scriptures of the Bible. I say what they really said
Eh, thats not exactly what I meant to say, like I said, I have a hard time putting thoughts into words. I meant it more like 'You can chose to believ…
OK, I usually never replay to political threads, mostly because I have a very difficult time putting my thoughts into words. But I'm going to go out on a limb here. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />…
(sorry for double post)
I checked there website&support site, and even looked around with google for the answer to this question. Since I have nowhere else to turn I would like to see if mabey somone on here can help me.
I'v downl…
Alright, thanks that helps a lot. The only problem would be convincing my paranoid parents that Mythic Entertainment isn't going to misuse our credit card number or isn't going to find out where we live and rob us or something.
So do you have to buy a subscription to the game in order to use the free trail or what? I'm confused here. I don't want to end up paying for a game I found out I don't even like.
My favorite free MMO is still FlyFF. I havn't tried SilkOnline yet, is it any good? I was thinking about downloading it, but it didn't look like it had many choices in classes...I really like to play magic users. =/
That's odd, I'v never had any technical problems with GTH. The only problem I have is the fact that you have to be a girl if you are going to be a 'Windy Explorer' or a 'Water Spirator' and you have to be a man if your going to be a 'Occult Knight'…