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  • I agree, GlitterMage.  I understand the concerns everyone has with PvP... but I still think some form of it should be in the game...
  • I've never beta'd a game before.  It would be interesting, to say the least.  I do have a question about it, though... IF you were to beta the game, would the character you created in beta be able to be carried over into the final commercial release…
    in Beta Comment by Killdare November 2004
  • i wish they would implement crafting as soon as possible after the release of the game.  simply because if they ARE gonna give us crafting, i don't want to spend the three months prior working my ass off to get a +1 sword only to have it become obso…
  • I think someone posted this already but I feel the need to reiterate.  Charisma isn't how good you look in buckskins... by definition (at least... how we are gonna use it) it is "a special charm or appeal".  So by having high charisma, you are ab…
  • I hope that it will be a good game... I just have to remind myself that these guys are on the right track; so if it blows, MAYBE they will learn from the experience and have another go at it. Right now I'm in a state of cautious optimism...  
  • my responses... Q: Are you planning on including some sort of "epic" quests that possibly span multiple character levels or extended periods of time? A: [Yes], there will be a variety of different quests, some taking a very long time and/or requir…
  • Definitely gotta have... 1.  Girdle of Storm Giant Strength 2.  ummm... more than likely a bag of holding
  • all of those are cool... but once, during a campaign, my thief had a trained monkey!  at some point, the DM had some traveling dude with animals go by us and we all had the chance to buy semi-trained animals...  lemme tell ya, as a thief i had FUN w…
  • Originally posted by netman429 "You can never dream too big"   After arriving home with my newly purchased copy of DDO, I quickly install and fire it up. After getting through the obligatory intro material I am greeted with my first choice to be m…
  • I agree with most of what you two have said... although I still don't have a problem with some form of limited PvP... maybe have an arena or something where those who want to fight one another can go. I've been playing the table top version of D&a…