It is an incredible game with a very deep combat system that is actually very rewarding. You just have to learn and train your individual skills up for awhile before you start to become powerful. At first, it may seem a bit simplistic, but just part…
Honsetly I've noticed that these guys are very on-par with Blizzard in terms of quickness of resposne and the attitude of their employees. VERY good in this day and age and I hope to see more companies with this attitude. Such a breath of fresh air …
Excellent. I'm glad they decided to answer this, as some companies are so up-tight about their server locations, it really pisses me off when I need to use a ping boosting program due to crappy ISP in my apartment complex (although I still experienc…
I think a lot of westerners just don't prefer this art style. It's something I've never really understood because I think games like this are so gorgeous. I don't see why anyone would prefer graphics and character models like Everquest/Swtor/Skyrim/…
Considering that this is a closed beta, and I had limited time to test everything, I'm sorry I wasn't able to provide you with all of the information your heart desired. This post was a "first impression" and my first impression was simply a…
Originally posted by AdamTM A. Vindictus
B. Monster Hunter
C. Dark Souls/Demons Souls
I can't say about Dark Souls/Demon Souls as I haven't played them yet. It has the same control scheme as Vindictus and Dragon Nest where you can't keyboar…
Originally posted by
Just sounds a little bit fishy. Do you work in journalism or something in real life?
Nope, I just love the genre and know a lot about game design and mechanics. In real life I'm a web developer, hoping to specialize …
Originally posted by Arawulf Lore, during his live stream, said that tab-targeting mmo combat is much more challenging and fun than TERA's action combat (he was level 3 :P). He basically ripped the game to shreads the entire time I watched actuall…