I can't wait for Age of Conan, it looks fantastic and it will finally let me do what I've always wanted to do in a game. To CRUSH MY ENEMIES, to SEE THEM DRIVEN BEFORE ME, AND HEAR THE LAMENTATIONS OF THERE WOMEN!!!! oh yeah have ya seen the pics of…
Well I can't wait for BattleStar Galactica. It's the highest rated show in Sci-Fi channel history and it has a fantastic story, and the writers for that show really know what there doing. One of the other reasons to watch Galactica is the hot ladies…
Deep Throat, yes please! Anyway I don't think he's a hero or badguy. I'm just wondering why he hid all he had to do was come out and say it and stuff, whistle blower's, I don't think can be fired in the FBI. Since they are seperate from the White Ho…
First of all war is hell, you do what you got to do in war. Also war is natural and so is violence everything oon earth attacks other people or animals we all attack each other in some way just look at this post instead of shooting someone the dude …
You never know you have "Real Love" until you lose it. I'm so jaded, but anyway I was with this one chick and we were friends at first then we just hooked up and I started to enjoy everything alot more, it's like drugs but free, anyway I would have…
First of all we have had contact with someone who's not human carrot top that dude is freaky looking, but to answer the question I just was recently watch a informative show on Science channel that Discovery does and they were serching the galaxy fo…
First of all that thing is fake. I've been to church, hard core right-wing pentacostal church. Most of that is "bs" whoever made it is an idiot. Cutting yourself to ease pain is an actual thing some people do and sometimes they do go to treatment f…
Another thing when I played the monthly fee I payed was the 3 months for $41.95 if you break the $41.95 down to monthly payments your paying less then the $14.99 a month. The Wookiees are a really good race and so are Humans,Zabraks,Twi-Leks and Sul…
I have been on the tarquinas server. It's pretty good, the price for ships there are some of the lowest in the game. Weapons are sometimes expensive but ships are a fair price I always liked the Tarquinas server. Now about enjoying the game, depend…
I also had quit ,but with some new things being added and fixes. I think I might go back to see if it really has got better. I just don't know. I'm torn between going back or moving on to another mmorpg. I just haven't heard enough stuff about the "…
First I would like to clear some stuff up, I keep seeing people saying him or her or goddess that would mean God would be male or female. I doubt God has a gendor, anyway I would have to say yes, I do believe in god, if god does not exist then what …
They have been mentioning E3 stuff on G4's AOTS (Attack of the show) like the next xbox console Xbox 360,PS3 (sony playstation 3), and G4 will be showing E3 stuff when E3 starts May 18th to the 20th. Other then that, there isn't alot of info I got …