Originally posted by expresso Originally posted by doodphace Originally posted by expresso
I just started D3 up again, playing a monk on Monster Power 10 leveling from 1-60, I am towards the end of act2 at the moment only 1 ledgendary so far…
Originally posted by Exittium Originally posted by emperorwings
I prefer slotted inventory. That's my only complaint.
On the website and those who have backing it can tell you in his dev hangout's they've already confirmed they'll make it swit…
Worst review ever. I played it and could actually review the gameplay rather than going on and on about the character models. We get it, the game has boobs. You knew this coming in, everyone knew this before reading this article. Still, you go on li…
Originally posted by Coolit
I lasted less than an hour playing this after getting it free with my WoW sub and found it nothing like its name sakes which I sunk many hours into. This makes me wonder if Bliz are still able to make high quality games…