On the RNG usingg bows over guns, it's just a RNG's preference, some use bow, some use xbow, and some use guns...different situations fit better for different weapons.
On the characters thing...I could be wrong, but I think SE released information…
Back to the economy... it is infalting at an incredible rate to help the supply and demand of gilsellers(ugh), but it is not impossible to play at low levels. Many low level equipment and weapons can be found in armor shops(sold by NPC's) and those…
Are you using the same play online id as you were before? If you are then you dont need to put in the codes if not then you need the codes.
About the WOW vs. FFXI, that depends on how you like to play, if you want something easy to level to the c…
Books: Either Tom Bombadil or Galadriel....both are such powerful characters that help save Frodo on his quest
Movies: Haldir and Sam...Haldir cause he's just the man no specific reason realy and Sam because Peter Jackson immortalized him with all…
he's asking if he can play on PS2 and comp with the same account.
Yes you can, but you cannont play on the same Play Online account at the same time, so you can really only use one at a time.
Actually at lower levels 1-25 I'ld have to say MNK or BLM do the most damage but black mage doesn't do it physically. From 25-75 RNG and BLM ba far do the most damage with DRK also doing a heck of a lot of damage.
in the back of your intall book it should have your PO account name... from there you need your password...you can either guess at it or you can contact Square Enix who will send you an e-mail or something...other than that i got nothing
well they changed Leaping Boots, those are now dropped off a BCNM and Leaping Lizzy now drops Bounding Boots which do the same thing. Same thing with Valkrum Emporer.
A couple things have been added for lower levels but they are pretty much so hi…
well the new content really was a couple quests that take new zones to do it in....in my opinion i think the game is still the same as it was before its just now you have more quests to do to keep the higher level people happy
um are you reinstalling the game or your Playonline account?
if you have a problem installing your playonline account then you need to make sure you are using the same one as before. if that still does not work you may need to visit the square en…
2 things: If he has a PS2 slim version, he will not be able to play FFXI on his PS2. It requires a PS2 HDD which can only be put in the big fat ones.
Also if you all want to play together it's probally best to get a world pass you can use. Use …
I've found in my time on FFXI that the ls's with websites seem to be the most organized. If your ls does not have a website, then by no means are they slack or lame. But if you have a leader and few other members who are willing to make a website …
yeah like he stated you can use your 360, but you can't be logged on to both at the same time...other than that all it would take would to install in on the 360 and put all your info into the play online account screens
while this game is fun and all i do admit it moves slow in the higher levels....
i bought this game over christmas break from school and played it non-stop cause i had nothing better to do and it was fun getting a level ever hour or two but now it…