So we have arrived at the timestamp when the hardcores start to backpedal on their once overzealous rantings. Its ok, most fanboys come to a point where reality finally sets in.
I wonder if these people coming out, would have now taken a differe…
Originally posted by gordiflu
When I check what's on sale at the Turbine store I see:
Healing potions (with NO cooldown)
Mana potions (again with NO cooldown)
Damage boosts.
Any kind of resistance boosts.
Now please tell me how those…
Originally posted by bigsmiff Originally posted by The_Korrigan Originally posted by bigsmiff Originally posted by The_Korrigan
LOTRO comes to my mind (before Turbine ruined the lore with flashy classes and turned it into the most awfu…
Huge ugly numbers greater than 1000 popping up as damage in a "DnD" game?
Oh yeah...Perfect World. This is their chinaman's version of DnD. Damage rolls are probably off 10d100 spherical dice.
Originally posted by Linsesh
I believe it was Seb who wrote the old AI code (correct me if I am wrong), so... I don't know *sigh*
No, it was an intern who coded this for extra credits. This was made public years back but many have forgot…
Originally posted by deathshroud
dont see an issue personally with journalists being given free accounts for viewing the game. its coomon practise. although that free acconut should expire once their time spent reviewing is over.
That is…
Originally posted by spacebot
Troll harder...
Troll harder....
Troll harder.
So was your post just a knee jerk reaction to someone saying something bad about "YOUR" game or were you actually trying to troll others?
Even most of the…
Originally posted by Enigmatus
So...can someone fill me in on this game's history and why exactly this is such a big deal? I'm checking up wiki and other sources just in case, but I'd like a summary too.
Its not good manners talking ill about the …
Originally posted by camia
I'm pretty much done with people like you who attack anyone who tries to defend a game being unwarrantly attacked.
Oh the Irony!
Yea while there were some bad decisions taken while development, the game sure …
Originally posted by Draron Originally posted by Pelaaja ---
Again, your speaking for me. It's not hard to look at the actual gameplay and features of a game without taking the IP it's based on into consideration. There's really no point i…
Originally posted by Paddyspub
There is a reason SWTOR is going to F2P in less than 10 months with a $150-300 million budget but that is another topic.
So let me guess, the reason why GW2 is B2P (with a cash shop to boot) is because ANe…
Originally posted by Xzen Straw man
Dont think that term means what you think it means, junior.
In my middle paragraph, I was discussing about the OP's title and how the OP's title is garned towards one type of a response due to the virt…
Originally posted by The_Korrigan I didn't make the poll.
And if people like you did make the poll, they would also have kept only 2 options:
2)Hell Yea.
Some people think that whoever doesnt acknowledge their absolute POV and endorse i…
Originally posted by Omnifish
I do love how you and Korrigan seem to jump on that guy, over he's, '600 hour', statement, because really that's all the pair of you have to go on isn't?
And if he had said that he had got 600+ hou…
Originally posted by Nadia Originally posted by Wendetta Can anyone look back using hindsight and see how a Public Open "Free" beta would have helped?
didnt seem to help another company that did exactly that
Who gives 2 rats about some oth…
Originally posted by eGumball
The main problem with Guild Wars 2 was the load on the servers, that caused many issues, otherwise, the game was kinda great, and to be honest ...
Yes, i see it now! As clear as black water!
So GW2 servers, a…
Originally posted by username509
They wouldn't be giving people a free week if they thought the game was so buggy its unplayable.
They wouldn't be keeping the game alive if they thought the game was so buggy its unplayable.
But they still …
Originally posted by Aerowyn
why not just transfer?
This doesnt solve the original problem that some servers are becoming Ghost Towns, less than a month after launch.
Werent ANet closing the sales of online copies since they dint want to …
Bitching about SWTOR was what the 'kewl kids' did.
Talking anything bad about GW2 is what freaks do.
I thought some of the hardcore SWTOR fanboys were foul, but in comparism these guys are chickens.