simple becouse those people that have bought up the rights to make the butchered up robotech saga from the macross series are a bunch of greedy ****heads that start wave the lawsuit stick if someone publish ANY game that have robots that look simila…
KatyenkaXav your totaly off on point 5. EA canned ultima x odyssey and ultima worlds online origin long BEFORE EQ2 and WoW was launched so get your facts straight.
you forget one thing not everyone in swg is jedi/darkjedi. I am not a jedi and I do not plan on becoming one either.
Anyways back on L2 topic ive hear the new chapter renders my hint book over chapter 1 useless is this true?
I to would recomend UO i have tried FFXI and it sucked big time... After level 8 in FFXI it went from easy soloing to you-must-group-to-even-have-a-chance.
UO:Samurai Empire is to hyped up about if you aint a powerfull mage dont bother with tokuno islands.
Star wars galaxies & jump to light speed suffer from great deals of city lag.
And WoW IS fun so I would recomend that one.
a really good eq2 pc would be something like this...
AMD 64bit XP 3.0Ghz
1.5 G DDR Ram
GF FX 6800 256 DDR V-Ram
SB Audigy 2 ZS
the more memory you got the better it will be.
well hell im a paladin/fighter meself and i still get my arse whooped by those bloody overpowered monsters on the new islands. it has forced me to sink so low as to pick up archery just to survive!
what i miss the most in uo is the server abyss not sure how many of you remember it and the first and only good version of the colour wars... the colour wars existed on abyss WAY before this faction shait they run now.. I was one of the most unpredi…
EA Have NEVER kept a promise! Just look what happend to UO 2 aka ultima worlds online origin and ultima x odyssey... both got scraped before they even went to beta.
Originally posted by HebrewBomb
We need a revolution.
A revolution for the freedom; a revolution against Money-Changers that infest our Holy Temple of the land of Aden.
Let there be fury.
Watch what Rothschild will do to this Rock we call our home i…
i'm going to buy the new expansion since ive tried everyother class they have in uo... i want to be a ninja!!
its about time they let this stuff get into the game...
theyr kinda lazy EA
do people still have modems? i mean many of us got DSL+ nowadays.... anyways when they say those low spec's its probably barely playable on those but to get all the good stuff you need a monster 'puter...
according to the pc game store i checked its due to be released in us of a the 4th quarter of 2004... or at least thats what they say... but we ALL know what happens when they say a date for things....