It's going to be mayhem. It will be like the AQ gates opening but like 10x worse. However in recent patches blizzard have fixed alot of bugs that annoyed players. We will just have to wait and findout.
Thanks for the info on GW its a game I will certainly consider. Just another question about RF Online, does the game's item system work like WoW? Where there are items of different quality? (Epic, Rare, uncommon?) I used to love this in WoW I was mo…
Oh right cool I heard it was quite good. Im looking forward to future releases such as Lord of the rings online and Warhammer online. Is guild wars worth trying?
Mine was Final Fantasy XI, I preorded with PC realease back in 2003 I was a big fan on the FF RPG series and as fan I was easily aware of the upcoming FFXI so I decided to give it a shot. I played it for about a year and really enjoyed it. Loved th…
FFXI is a real cool game espeicially for FF fans like myself, its not any old easy MMORPG like WoW it requires skill and most of all paitence since it take time to level and you have to rely on other players alot from level 10 on wards however the g…